Why Does Michelle Obama’s Mother Live at the White House?

Hard to believe, but in China, hey actually honor their elderly people

Steph wants them thrown into the street

Nah, Steph just wants send the widower back to Illinois to live by herself and have taxpayers pay for 24/7 Secret Service protection and pay for a nanny for the girls.

the widower...we could all be widows/widowers sometime in our lives eh? Doesn't mean I'd go live off my children or taxpayers...but hey that's just me
but your dramatics is touching

Your lack of ANY traits that could be mistaken for 'human' is sickening.
Nah, Steph just wants send the widower back to Illinois to live by herself and have taxpayers pay for 24/7 Secret Service protection and pay for a nanny for the girls.

the widower...we could all be widows/widowers sometime in our lives eh? Doesn't mean I'd go live off my children or taxpayers...but hey that's just me
but your dramatics is touching

Your lack of ANY traits that could be mistaken for 'human' is sickening.

whatever you say:lol:
but I do live in REALITY...something you uppity snobs who live in ivory towers don't know about and if you don't like the question you come up with something such as your post...that's what sickening
I'm done with you, you're dismissed
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And again more proof of the conservative lie....

The eviction notice came April 30 when the first lady told fellow Democrats at a fundraiser that she shared their values. “My family, we lived in a little bitty apartment on the South Side of Chicago over my aunt’s house [and] my mom still lives in that house to this day.”

Read more: The Daily Caller2012/05/01/in-stump-speech-michelle-obama-evicts-mother-from-white-house/#ixzz2wmotX4AR
And again more proof of the conservative lie....

The eviction notice came April 30 when the first lady told fellow Democrats at a fundraiser that she shared their values. “My family, we lived in a little bitty apartment on the South Side of Chicago over my aunt’s house [and] my mom still lives in that house to this day.”

Read more: The Daily Caller2012/05/01/in-stump-speech-michelle-obama-evicts-mother-from-white-house/#ixzz2wmotX4AR

But there not POTUS now are they, these lies are mo beda..:lol:


Picking on grandmothers is 'honorable'...

You shall rise up before the gray-headed and honor the aged, and you shall revere your God; I am the Lord.
Leviticus 19:32

I happen to be a grandmother and a GREAT grandmother...it hasn't stopped snobs like you on this board from "picking" on me, now has it

you people are so full of it...I think you ALL should pay for the Obama's whole clan to live in the white house...now does that help?
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Mamie Eisenhower's mother lived in the White House as did Bess Truman's..

The First Family reimburses the govt. for any cost of her Mom and daughters going overseas...

Just like when Michele went to Spain, the Obama's reimbursed the treasury for any expenses for her friends.....
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the widower...we could all be widows/widowers sometime in our lives eh? Doesn't mean I'd go live off my children or taxpayers...but hey that's just me
but your dramatics is touching

Your lack of ANY traits that could be mistaken for 'human' is sickening.

whatever you say:lol:
but I do live in REALITY...something you uppity snobs who live in ivory towers don't know about and if you don't like the question you come up with something such as your post...that's what sickening
I'm done with you, you're dismissed

The REALITY is you are attacking a grandmother and a widower. What NEXT? The kids?

How small can you get Steph?
Your lack of ANY traits that could be mistaken for 'human' is sickening.

whatever you say:lol:
but I do live in REALITY...something you uppity snobs who live in ivory towers don't know about and if you don't like the question you come up with something such as your post...that's what sickening
I'm done with you, you're dismissed

The REALITY is you are attacking a grandmother and a widower. What NEXT? The kids?

How small can you get Steph?

naaa...attacking children is you left/liberals thing...go through any Palin thread
no on was "attacking" anyone is was a SIMPLE QUESTION...Gawd you people pathetic
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Picking on grandmothers is 'honorable'...

You shall rise up before the gray-headed and honor the aged, and you shall revere your God; I am the Lord.
Leviticus 19:32

I happen to be a grandmother and a GREAT grandmother...it hasn't stopped snobs like you on this board from "picking" on me, now has it

you people are so full of it...I think you ALL should pay for the Obama's whole clan to live in the white house...now does that help?

EVERYTHING that you call 'picking on' has been brought on by Y-O-U.

THAT is the reality.
Now that you know, you can go to church and pray that God smites those evil Obama family members.
whatever you say:lol:
but I do live in REALITY...something you uppity snobs who live in ivory towers don't know about and if you don't like the question you come up with something such as your post...that's what sickening
I'm done with you, you're dismissed

The REALITY is you are attacking a grandmother and a widower. What NEXT? The kids?

How small can you get Steph?

naaa...attacking children is you left/liberals thing...go through any Palin thread

AGAIN...I have NEVER attacked Sarah Palin on a personal level, family level, or ever said a disparaging word about her kids.

I was brought up properly.
Picking on grandmothers is 'honorable'...

You shall rise up before the gray-headed and honor the aged, and you shall revere your God; I am the Lord.
Leviticus 19:32

I happen to be a grandmother and a GREAT grandmother...it hasn't stopped snobs like you on this board from "picking" on me, now has it

you people are so full of it...I think you ALL should pay for the Obama's whole clan to live in the white house...now does that help?

EVERYTHING that you call 'picking on' has been brought on by Y-O-U.

THAT is the reality.

I know, some force just came over you and you couldn't stop yourself..:lol:
If you think I care, think again...I'm old enough not to put with up your all silliness and nonsense over a simple frikken question asked about your dear leader's mother living there..and I figured it would draw out people like you to show their asses, and boy was I right...damn funny and Pathetic all rolled into one
now try and have a good day...
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The REALITY is you are attacking a grandmother and a widower. What NEXT? The kids?

How small can you get Steph?

naaa...attacking children is you left/liberals thing...go through any Palin thread

AGAIN...I have NEVER attacked Sarah Palin on a personal level, family level, or ever said a disparaging word about her kids.

I was brought up properly.

I attacked Palin for not showing us her boobs....
The Obama's have no shame in taking advantage of you taxpayers...this is something else I have never seen before
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March 21, 2014 - 3:32 pm
Here’s a question I’ll bet nobody ever asked Jay Carney at a White House press briefing: Why does Michelle Obama’s mother live at the White House at taxpayer expense? (If someone has asked, please send link for me to stand corrected.)

Now that Michelle Obama’s mother has caused a disruption on the latest exotic vacation for the first lady, perhaps it is time for some answers about why Marian Robinson is even on the trip to China. Worse, why is she appearing in official photographs with Chinese officials?

Drudge is reporting in big bold lead letters that Marian Robinson is barking orders at hotel staff and generally misbehaving.

How many Americans know that Michelle Obama’s mother is living at the White House at taxpayer expense? Not many, I’d guess.

all of it here

The PJ Tatler » Why Does Michelle Obama?s Mother Live at the White House?

Rather common for the mother-in-law to live with a couple. See it a lot in our present culture. So, what you asshole 'Conservatives' are objecting to is family.
The Obama's have no shame in taking advantage of you taxpayers...this is something else I have never seen before
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March 21, 2014 - 3:32 pm
Here’s a question I’ll bet nobody ever asked Jay Carney at a White House press briefing: Why does Michelle Obama’s mother live at the White House at taxpayer expense? (If someone has asked, please send link for me to stand corrected.)

Now that Michelle Obama’s mother has caused a disruption on the latest exotic vacation for the first lady, perhaps it is time for some answers about why Marian Robinson is even on the trip to China. Worse, why is she appearing in official photographs with Chinese officials?

Drudge is reporting in big bold lead letters that Marian Robinson is barking orders at hotel staff and generally misbehaving.

How many Americans know that Michelle Obama’s mother is living at the White House at taxpayer expense? Not many, I’d guess.

all of it here

The PJ Tatler » Why Does Michelle Obama?s Mother Live at the White House?

Rather common for the mother-in-law to live with a couple. See it a lot in our present culture. So, what you asshole 'Conservatives' are objecting to is family.

No, the abuse of government property

The Obama's have no shame in taking advantage of you taxpayers...this is something else I have never seen before
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March 21, 2014 - 3:32 pm
Here’s a question I’ll bet nobody ever asked Jay Carney at a White House press briefing: Why does Michelle Obama’s mother live at the White House at taxpayer expense? (If someone has asked, please send link for me to stand corrected.)

Now that Michelle Obama’s mother has caused a disruption on the latest exotic vacation for the first lady, perhaps it is time for some answers about why Marian Robinson is even on the trip to China. Worse, why is she appearing in official photographs with Chinese officials?

Drudge is reporting in big bold lead letters that Marian Robinson is barking orders at hotel staff and generally misbehaving.

How many Americans know that Michelle Obama’s mother is living at the White House at taxpayer expense? Not many, I’d guess.

all of it here

The PJ Tatler » Why Does Michelle Obama?s Mother Live at the White House?

Rather common for the mother-in-law to live with a couple. See it a lot in our present culture. So, what you asshole 'Conservatives' are objecting to is family.

No, the abuse of government property


No abuse, it's been done before and it is not unusual...

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