Why Does Michelle Obama’s Mother Live at the White House?

I've been unable to find the list of forbidden activities of negroes in the White House. Does it have some tricky secret name I am unaware of?
I've been unable to find the list of forbidden activities of negroes in the White House. Does it have some tricky secret name I am unaware of?

You're a little late. The race card has already been played on this issue (of course).
I've been unable to find the list of forbidden activities of negroes in the White House. Does it have some tricky secret name I am unaware of?

You're a little late. The race card has already been played on this issue (of course).

the last grasp of the desperate who has nothing else to offer
you think people are sick by now of having that thrown in their face?
I've been unable to find the list of forbidden activities of negroes in the White House. Does it have some tricky secret name I am unaware of?

You're a little late. The race card has already been played on this issue (of course).

So has the lame race card excuse to deny racism. Racist being racist are now reduced to defending their racism by whining about a race card being used. Very cowardly. If you are a racist but don't have the courage to be openly racist and stand up for your beliefs, but need to find excuses to deny your beliefs, that makes you the definition of a coward.
I've been unable to find the list of forbidden activities of negroes in the White House. Does it have some tricky secret name I am unaware of?

You're a little late. The race card has already been played on this issue (of course).

So has the lame race card excuse to deny racism. Racist being racist are now reduced to defending their racism by whining about a race card being used. Very cowardly. If you are a racist but don't have the courage to be openly racist and stand up for your beliefs, but need to find excuses to deny your beliefs, that makes you the definition of a coward.

Just an observation but the use of the word 'coward' is gaining much playing time

Carry on

Tell me how much it costs me personally to have the old lady living in the White House and I'll tell you how pissed off I am about it.

C'mon, ail you smart guys should be able to come up with a dollar amount.
the smelly ole skank is there to teach those kids how to be good little racists.

Tell me how much it costs me personally to have the old lady living in the White House and I'll tell you how pissed off I am about it.

C'mon, ail you smart guys should be able to come up with a dollar amount.

Why should it matter?

She is a member of the Obama family and is entitled to all family benefits afforded a President
Conservatives are all for family values. They don't even want people to be able to collect social security, they'd rather have the families be responsible for their own.

They want her mom to be close by, she's old, she needs her daughter to be near. It's not like there isn't enough room for her.

yeah yeah sure...I took care of my 86 old mother until she passed three years ago thank you very much

In your home or hers?

Good question.
Tell me how much it costs me personally to have the old lady living in the White House and I'll tell you how pissed off I am about it.

C'mon, ail you smart guys should be able to come up with a dollar amount.

Why should it matter?

She is a member of the Obama family and is entitled to all family benefits afforded a President

There are quite a few senior citizens here, they should know how little it actually takes for older Americans to live. They don't even eat much. :D
The Obama's have no shame in taking advantage of you taxpayers...this is something else I have never seen before
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March 21, 2014 - 3:32 pm
Here’s a question I’ll bet nobody ever asked Jay Carney at a White House press briefing: Why does Michelle Obama’s mother live at the White House at taxpayer expense? (If someone has asked, please send link for me to stand corrected.)

Now that Michelle Obama’s mother has caused a disruption on the latest exotic vacation for the first lady, perhaps it is time for some answers about why Marian Robinson is even on the trip to China. Worse, why is she appearing in official photographs with Chinese officials?

Drudge is reporting in big bold lead letters that Marian Robinson is barking orders at hotel staff and generally misbehaving.

How many Americans know that Michelle Obama’s mother is living at the White House at taxpayer expense? Not many, I’d guess.

all of it here

The PJ Tatler » Why Does Michelle Obama?s Mother Live at the White House?

Rather common for the mother-in-law to live with a couple. See it a lot in our present culture. So, what you asshole 'Conservatives' are objecting to is family.

The question is, why have conservatives suddenly turned on the idea of older people living with their children

Are they that petty?
Tell me how much it costs me personally to have the old lady living in the White House and I'll tell you how pissed off I am about it.

C'mon, ail you smart guys should be able to come up with a dollar amount.

Why should it matter?

She is a member of the Obama family and is entitled to all family benefits afforded a President

There are quite a few senior citizens here, they should know how little it actually takes for older Americans to live. They don't even eat much. :D

ok that was funny and I'm a senior citizen...
Conservatives are all for family values. They don't even want people to be able to collect social security, they'd rather have the families be responsible for their own.

They want her mom to be close by, she's old, she needs her daughter to be near. It's not like there isn't enough room for her.

yeah yeah sure...I took care of my 86 old mother until she passed three years ago thank you very much

Did you tell her that she was a freeloader?

How many threads did you start about her?
You're a little late. The race card has already been played on this issue (of course).

So has the lame race card excuse to deny racism. Racist being racist are now reduced to defending their racism by whining about a race card being used. Very cowardly. If you are a racist but don't have the courage to be openly racist and stand up for your beliefs, but need to find excuses to deny your beliefs, that makes you the definition of a coward.

Just an observation but the use of the word 'coward' is gaining much playing time

Carry on


Word science. Google Frank Luntz.
I've been unable to find the list of forbidden activities of negroes in the White House. Does it have some tricky secret name I am unaware of?

You're a little late. The race card has already been played on this issue (of course).

So has the lame race card excuse to deny racism. Racist being racist are now reduced to defending their racism by whining about a race card being used. Very cowardly. If you are a racist but don't have the courage to be openly racist and stand up for your beliefs, but need to find excuses to deny your beliefs, that makes you the definition of a coward.

It's true that most libs/progressives are way more racist than we conservatives. The libs can't rely on facts, so they use fear and innuendo! :eusa_whistle:
It's disgusting how the Clintons treated the WH staff, and I doubt the scummy Obamas have improved on that! The WH will have to be completely fumigated when the vermin Obamas leave.
Why Does Michelle Obama’s Mother Live at the White House?
Stephanie just can't stand it, that Social Security and Medicare has been destroyed, so that ALL the grandma's aren't thrown out in the street. You are one ugly heartless evil person. Your time is short, before you have to answer for it. You must really believe the devil is going to give you a cooler place in hell for doing his bidding. BWHA HA HA HA HA!

It's disgusting how the Clintons treated the WH staff, and I doubt the scummy Obamas have improved on that! The WH will have to be completely fumigated when the vermin Obamas leave.
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I've been unable to find the list of forbidden activities of negroes in the White House. Does it have some tricky secret name I am unaware of?

You're a little late. The race card has already been played on this issue (of course).

So has the lame race card excuse to deny racism. Racist being racist are now reduced to defending their racism by whining about a race card being used. Very cowardly. If you are a racist but don't have the courage to be openly racist and stand up for your beliefs, but need to find excuses to deny your beliefs, that makes you the definition of a coward.

Do you even realize how and why that statement is illogical?

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