Why Does Michelle Obama’s Mother Live at the White House?

You're a little late. The race card has already been played on this issue (of course).

So has the lame race card excuse to deny racism. Racist being racist are now reduced to defending their racism by whining about a race card being used. Very cowardly. If you are a racist but don't have the courage to be openly racist and stand up for your beliefs, but need to find excuses to deny your beliefs, that makes you the definition of a coward.

It's true that most libs/progressives are way more racist than we conservatives. The libs can't rely on facts, so they use fear and innuendo! :eusa_whistle:

Yea, that's why on this thread alone there have been racist phrases used to describe the President and his family by right wing turds like you.
You're a little late. The race card has already been played on this issue (of course).

So has the lame race card excuse to deny racism. Racist being racist are now reduced to defending their racism by whining about a race card being used. Very cowardly. If you are a racist but don't have the courage to be openly racist and stand up for your beliefs, but need to find excuses to deny your beliefs, that makes you the definition of a coward.

Do you even realize how and why that statement is illogical?

I've been unable to find the list of forbidden activities of negroes in the White House. Does it have some tricky secret name I am unaware of?

You're a little late. The race card has already been played on this issue (of course).

the last grasp of the desperate who has nothing else to offer
you think people are sick by now of having that thrown in their face?

The Race Card Card? Yes.
It has become very clear that members like rightwinger will allow Obama and company to say, do, and be anything imaginable simply because some classless idiot in our history did it........regardless if laws, or taboos have changed to the point that this kind of conduct is highly frown upon.
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So has the lame race card excuse to deny racism. Racist being racist are now reduced to defending their racism by whining about a race card being used. Very cowardly. If you are a racist but don't have the courage to be openly racist and stand up for your beliefs, but need to find excuses to deny your beliefs, that makes you the definition of a coward.

It's true that most libs/progressives are way more racist than we conservatives. The libs can't rely on facts, so they use fear and innuendo! :eusa_whistle:

Yea, that's why on this thread alone there have been racist phrases used to describe the President and his family by right wing turds like you.

Yup, all it takes is one big-mouth to satisfy you. We're all racists by association.
And now the bitch is on another vacation in Beijing with the brats and the chimp pissing off the hired help and kicking customers out. I wonder how much tax payer money those 4 bitches are sucking out of the coffers as they cozy up to their commie friends?

I love it when conservatives post this stuff.

Shows their true nature

I'm glad you enjoyed it. Just proves what a punk you are for supporting the POTUS and his family's jet setting.
So has the lame race card excuse to deny racism. Racist being racist are now reduced to defending their racism by whining about a race card being used. Very cowardly. If you are a racist but don't have the courage to be openly racist and stand up for your beliefs, but need to find excuses to deny your beliefs, that makes you the definition of a coward.

It's true that most libs/progressives are way more racist than we conservatives. The libs can't rely on facts, so they use fear and innuendo! :eusa_whistle:

Yea, that's why on this thread alone there have been racist phrases used to describe the President and his family by right wing turds like you.

I can't speak for others including left wing turds like you, but an honest, objective person should see the veracity of what I said about the Clintons and Obamas. They are an embarrassment to our country!
It has become very clear that members like rightwinger will allow Obama and company to say, do, and be anything imaginable simply because some classless idiot in our history did it........regardless if laws, or taboos have changed to the point that this kind of conduct is highly frown upon.

Anything imaginable?

Like letting grandma live with you?

You guys are tough when it comes to Obama
It's true that most libs/progressives are way more racist than we conservatives. The libs can't rely on facts, so they use fear and innuendo! :eusa_whistle:

Yea, that's why on this thread alone there have been racist phrases used to describe the President and his family by right wing turds like you.

I can't speak for others including left wing turds like you, but an honest, objective person should see the veracity of what I said about the Clintons and Obamas. They are an embarrassment to our country!

To be honest, most honest, objective people would see you as a racist asshole
For that matter, why should any of the president's family I(the wife, the kids, the dog) be allowed to live free of charge in our WHITE House?
It's true that most libs/progressives are way more racist than we conservatives. The libs can't rely on facts, so they use fear and innuendo! :eusa_whistle:

Yea, that's why on this thread alone there have been racist phrases used to describe the President and his family by right wing turds like you.

I can't speak for others including left wing turds like you, but an honest, objective person should see the veracity of what I said about the Clintons and Obamas. They are an embarrassment to our country!

Your definition of an 'embarrassment' is based on the trivial. What is a REAL embarrassment to this nation is despots like Bush and Cheney who should stand trial for war crimes and crimes against humanity.

THOSE differences are why I call you right wingers scum, and a cancer on this nation.
seriously, the QUESTION was why is she living there?..and now she is posing in office white house pictures while meeting heads of states...if it chapped your asses, tough shit...taxpayers have a right to ask and know...now go change your diapers

Oh my God!!!! SHe's in a PICTURE!!!! This is horrible!!!!

Hard to believe, but in China, hey actually honor their elderly people

Steph wants them thrown into the street
Actually the Chinese throw their baby daughters into the street. On top of an ash pile.
Tell me how much it costs me personally to have the old lady living in the White House and I'll tell you how pissed off I am about it.

C'mon, ail you smart guys should be able to come up with a dollar amount.

Why should it matter?

She is a member of the Obama family and is entitled to all family benefits afforded a President

There are quite a few senior citizens here, they should know how little it actually takes for older Americans to live. They don't even eat much. :D
I'm a senior citizen and I eat like an orphan. Scratch that analogy.
She actually runs the country via Obama. SHE ordered the infamous "stand down" at Benghazi, the illegal assassination of Osama Bin Laden, the ensuing "fake death" when they goofed and government shut-down.

What a piece of work - this is not the country that I wish to raise my 17 cats in. :(
For that matter, why should any of the president's family I(the wife, the kids, the dog) be allowed to live free of charge in our WHITE House?

They don't. But it has me shaking my damn head that anybody would begrudge a family including the already included (Mrs. Robinson was living with them before the move).

THIS that they are doing is how we teach the next generation to honor their parents.

I can't believe y'all are finding fault. I really can't.
And speaking as one who knows - those girls are going to be seriously grief-stricken when she passes, because they were blessed enough to have this much access to her now. There is not a doubt in my mind that she is a serious blessing to that family.
She actually runs the country via Obama. SHE ordered the infamous "stand down" at Benghazi, the illegal assassination of Osama Bin Laden, the ensuing "fake death" when they goofed and government shut-down.

What a piece of work - this is not the country that I wish to raise my 17 cats in. :(

China would be better....
It has become very clear that members like rightwinger will allow Obama and company to say, do, and be anything imaginable simply because some classless idiot in our history did it........regardless if laws, or taboos have changed to the point that this kind of conduct is highly frown upon.

Anything imaginable?

Like letting grandma live with you?

You guys are tough when it comes to Obama

So you're saying they're so broke that they can't get her her own place? They can't take care of her in their mansion in Chicago? They have to sponge off of the government? They have to force her to live in Michelle's prison(The White House), at taxpayer's expense?
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