Why Does Michelle Obama’s Mother Live at the White House?

Ill bet they invite all their black cousins over and have big sunday dinner all on.sjs dime too.....meanwhile hes only allowed there on a guided tour :lol:
Yep, proof that you have run out of arguments.

Where is there an.argument taking place? You spiteful geezers cant learn....youre there for mocking.
Do you have an actual point you're able to make or are juvenile comments all you have?
I made my point. There is virtually no cost to Grandma living in the WH. I asked you to disprove it and you couldn't. You are a racist moron without original thought...go have a circle jerk with your racist friends...I will wait for your answer, but doubt you have one.
Prove it.
I have. Just read through the posts. You still haven't answered my question...quantify Grandma's costs at the WH.
Ill bet they invite all their black cousins over and have big sunday dinner all on.sjs dime too.....meanwhile hes only allowed there on a guided tour :lol:
Yep, proof that you have run out of arguments.

he's never had any, he's just another loony leftie troll
as we see we have acquired quite a few and they're ugly little people

This thread is a textbook "small person" creation. Definition of troll thread.

Who made this again?

:lol: poor baby is mrs. Robinson keeping you up at night honey awwwww
I hope sjs LITERAL portion of.tax money buys the ladys DEPENDS so she literally wipes her black ass with his money. good. Do.somthing about it pussy.

That is one of the strangest attempts at playing tough I've seen in a while...

Its an attempt to play on sjs anti black rage that he posits here daily. And.nah, hes not.one of.the ones the knee jerk left just accuses of racism.....he is a proud one.

This is off the topic, but is there some reason for your lack of sentence structure, and random use of periods? Does your keyboard have palsy?
I made my point. There is virtually no cost to Grandma living in the WH. I asked you to disprove it and you couldn't. You are a racist moron without original thought...go have a circle jerk with your racist friends...I will wait for your answer, but doubt you have one.
Prove it.
I have. Just read through the posts. You still haven't answered my question...quantify Grandma's costs at the WH.
I guess she doesn't eat or drink anything, buys her own food, cooks it herself, pays utilities, doesn't have bodyguards, pays for her own gas, pays her way when they go on vacations. You really do suck at this.
That is one of the strangest attempts at playing tough I've seen in a while...

Its an attempt to play on sjs anti black rage that he posits here daily. And.nah, hes not.one of.the ones the knee jerk left just accuses of racism.....he is a proud one.

This is off the topic, but is there some reason for your lack of sentence structure, and random use of periods? Does your keyboard have palsy?

Actually it does bro lol....my phone did an update and the new keyboard is a way smaller spacebar and it has me hitting period a lot ahah
Prove it.
I have. Just read through the posts. You still haven't answered my question...quantify Grandma's costs at the WH.
I guess she doesn't eat or drink anything, buys her own food, cooks it herself, pays utilities, doesn't have bodyguards, pays for her own gas, pays her way when they go on vacations. You really do suck at this.

US presidents must pay for food in the White House! - OMG Facts

Yeah, I already posted an article about that...Obama pays for his own food...ALL PRESIDENTS DO. Toiletries too. Secret service, all first family members get a detail. Vacation costs, are supposed to be repaid. Utilities, perk of the President being a place to live while he is President...all utilities that would have been paid anyway...and if she is using a little extra electricity and water...I'm ok with that...

All you had to do was look in the posts before your racist remarks to see this.

You sure do suck. (Note: not at this. You are a racist and you simply suck.)
It's all good....
In a few years we might have Jeb and big Daddy Bush with Barbara and W living there again...
One big happy Bush family...
I don't care HOW many family members our ghetto president wants to support. I just have a big problem with the taxpayers picking up the tab for him. And you disingenuous left wing jerks (like rw) with your diversions aren't fooling anyone. It isn't about family values, it's about his whole fucking family living a life of luxury on the backs of the taxpayers. American citizens are struggling to pay their bills, including soaring gas prices, and now Obamacare piling even more on them, and we're expected to foot the bill for grandma too? What's next, is his drunken uncle gonna move in and crash on the couch with his bottle of Ripple and brown paper bag next to him? You assholes would be shitting bricks if this was a Republican president and everyone knows it.

WHY didn't we hear a PEEP from turds like you when Bush was using Air Force One as a taxi cab to and from his ranch? Or when his wife ordered expensive China for the White House?

Can you people get any smaller?

Does your right wing propaganda machine ever report THIS stuff?

Obamas to renovate White House with own money, turn down $100K from Congress
BY Kenneth R. Bazinet
Monday, March 30, 2009, 5:42 PM

WASHINGTON - President Obama is finally taking his own advice when he says all Americans need to sacrifice during these tough times.

After repeated questioning from the White House press corps, the First Couple has decided to pass up the $100,000 that Congress has long allotted to every incoming President to renovate the White House to his taste.

Instead, the Obamas, who are worth millions, will pay to overhaul the White House residence from their own pockets, said Camille Johnston, First Lady Michelle Obama's communications director.

"The Obamas have determined now is not the time to use taxpayer funds and they will not be accepting any donations," Johnston said.

They also recently forked over a few thousand dollars of their own to pay for a South Lawn swing set for daughters Malia and Sasha.

NY Daily News
The President, his wife, and his kids, yes. Not the whole fucking tribe though. Any more diversions, butt breath?

'Tribe" you piece of excrement? The first Lady's mother is not a 'tribe', she is a widower, and a great influence of her granddaughters. She is a CHEAP alternative to a live in nanny.
It's all good....
In a few years we might have Jeb and big Daddy Bush with Barbara and W living there again...
One big happy Bush family...

If it weren't for having 2 other Bush Presidents...I would back Jeb more so than any other GOP frontrunner, right now.
I have no problem with Grandma living with the Obama's. Taking care of elderly family members is the right thing to do. It's not like there aren't plenty of bedrooms at the White House.

I guess for some, family is not so important, unless they are targets of the opposing view. :doubt:

We are talking about conservatives here

They consider the elderly to be a burden

Not like Kathleen Sebelius.

She is of the belief that the elderly should just take a pain pill till they die. No more surgeries for people who the left feels are beyond their useful age to society. Besides.......all of those old folks are too set in their ways change with the times.
Please stop referring to her as right wing or conservative. She is neither and shames true conservatism.

Sorry, but that is what 'conservatism' has metastasized into...a cancer on this nation.

And liberalism has done nothing more than molest the constitution and rape its people.

That's what I would say if I allowed the left wing nuts to influence my opinion of all liberals.

Like Bush and Cheney raped the Constitution or how Republicans ALWAYS enable the wealthy and corporations step on and rape the common man and woman??
Last edited:
Sorry, but that is what 'conservatism' has metastasized into...a cancer on this nation.

And liberalism has done nothing more than molest the constitution and rape its people.

That's what I would say if I allowed the left wing nuts to influence my opinion of all liberals.

Like Bush and Cheney raped the Constitution or how Republicans ALWAYS enable the wealthy and corporations step on the common man and woman??

Obama still puts corporate interests over all else en policy. Stop dreaming.
I have. Just read through the posts. You still haven't answered my question...quantify Grandma's costs at the WH.
I guess she doesn't eat or drink anything, buys her own food, cooks it herself, pays utilities, doesn't have bodyguards, pays for her own gas, pays her way when they go on vacations. You really do suck at this.

US presidents must pay for food in the White House! - OMG Facts

Yeah, I already posted an article about that...Obama pays for his own food...ALL PRESIDENTS DO. Toiletries too. Secret service, all first family members get a detail. Vacation costs, are supposed to be repaid. Utilities, perk of the President being a place to live while he is President...all utilities that would have been paid anyway...and if she is using a little extra electricity and water...I'm ok with that...

All you had to do was look in the posts before your racist remarks to see this.

You sure do suck. (Note: not at this. You are a racist and you simply suck.)
I don't give a dam WHAT you're ok with, the bitch shouldn't be getting a free ride on the backs of the taxpayers. And let's see your proof that anything has been repaid.
Prove it.
I have. Just read through the posts. You still haven't answered my question...quantify Grandma's costs at the WH.
I guess she doesn't eat or drink anything, buys her own food, cooks it herself, pays utilities, doesn't have bodyguards, pays for her own gas, pays her way when they go on vacations. You really do suck at this.

oh boy, they're going insane over this...too funny
WHY didn't we hear a PEEP from turds like you when Bush was using Air Force One as a taxi cab to and from his ranch? Or when his wife ordered expensive China for the White House?

Can you people get any smaller?

Does your right wing propaganda machine ever report THIS stuff?

Obamas to renovate White House with own money, turn down $100K from Congress
BY Kenneth R. Bazinet
Monday, March 30, 2009, 5:42 PM

WASHINGTON - President Obama is finally taking his own advice when he says all Americans need to sacrifice during these tough times.

After repeated questioning from the White House press corps, the First Couple has decided to pass up the $100,000 that Congress has long allotted to every incoming President to renovate the White House to his taste.

Instead, the Obamas, who are worth millions, will pay to overhaul the White House residence from their own pockets, said Camille Johnston, First Lady Michelle Obama's communications director.

"The Obamas have determined now is not the time to use taxpayer funds and they will not be accepting any donations," Johnston said.

They also recently forked over a few thousand dollars of their own to pay for a South Lawn swing set for daughters Malia and Sasha.

NY Daily News
The President, his wife, and his kids, yes. Not the whole fucking tribe though. Any more diversions, butt breath?

'Tribe" you piece of excrement? The first Lady's mother is not a 'tribe', she is a widower, and a great influence of her granddaughters. She is a CHEAP alternative to a live in nanny.
Boo Hoo, want a tissue?

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