Why Does Michelle Obama’s Mother Live at the White House?

I don't care HOW many family members our ghetto president wants to support. I just have a big problem with the taxpayers picking up the tab for him. And you disingenuous left wing jerks (like rw) with your diversions aren't fooling anyone. It isn't about family values, it's about his whole fucking family living a life of luxury on the backs of the taxpayers. American citizens are struggling to pay their bills, including soaring gas prices, and now Obamacare piling even more on them, and we're expected to foot the bill for grandma too? What's next, is his drunken uncle gonna move in and crash on the couch with his bottle of Ripple and brown paper bag next to him? You assholes would be shitting bricks if this was a Republican president and everyone knows it.

WHY didn't we hear a PEEP from turds like you when Bush was using Air Force One as a taxi cab to and from his ranch? Or when his wife ordered expensive China for the White House?

Can you people get any smaller?

Does your right wing propaganda machine ever report THIS stuff?

Obamas to renovate White House with own money, turn down $100K from Congress
BY Kenneth R. Bazinet
Monday, March 30, 2009, 5:42 PM

WASHINGTON - President Obama is finally taking his own advice when he says all Americans need to sacrifice during these tough times.

After repeated questioning from the White House press corps, the First Couple has decided to pass up the $100,000 that Congress has long allotted to every incoming President to renovate the White House to his taste.

Instead, the Obamas, who are worth millions, will pay to overhaul the White House residence from their own pockets, said Camille Johnston, First Lady Michelle Obama's communications director.

"The Obamas have determined now is not the time to use taxpayer funds and they will not be accepting any donations," Johnston said.

They also recently forked over a few thousand dollars of their own to pay for a South Lawn swing set for daughters Malia and Sasha.

NY Daily News
The President, his wife, and his kids, yes. Not the whole fucking tribe though. Any more diversions, butt breath?
Both our mothers live on the property with us. Family is important.

There are a ton of empty rooms in that place and added cost is minimal. It is cheaper and better than a nanny. I don't care for Obama much, but certainly don't begrudge the first children their grandmother. I'm sure it is difficult enough growing up so publicly and with half the country hating your family. Any comfort we can extend to them, we should, IMO. No matter what you feel for their parents, they are children, and as a patriot, they are your and my first children.

As for MIL's behavior, if you've ever had a parent live with you, you know you can't control them. You love them and hope they don't embarrass you too much, especially in front of your friends lol.

The kids are hardly infants requiring 24/7 care.

Their parents are very busy doing our work (whether you like their pefformance or not) and they are too young to be left alone. I'd rather it be Grammy than a nanny, house staff or secret service. They are children and will fare better being raised by people that love them. Nannies cost the taxpayer more anyway, would still live onsite and would still have to travel with the girls ... our first girls. It's not the Secret Service's job to raise our first children.

Mrs. obama is hardly too busy to care for her own children. Single mothers much busier, more stressed, and with none of her support and resources do it every day.
Its called bitter white people's syndrome. Very prevalent among the less educated in history and the lower IQ crowd

Now to educate the Ignorant

4 presidential in-laws who moved to White House - CNN.com :eusa_whistle:

ah yes, and here we get the typical uppity left condescending syndrome we are all accustomed to

makes me want to read his links he provides...not

in fact I've had enough of it...see ya

We're uppity now. Didn't see THAT one coming. :rofl:

Yep the Uppity phrase were used by confederates now neo Confederates as an insult and put down to people of color, Thankfully people like her Ilk are dying off

I would never send a parent or grandparent to a nursing home. I want to take care of them when the time comes just as they did me until I was old enough to take care of myself....I congradualte any president down to the most common citizen that has the same ideals.
EVERYONE should take care of their parents, that's not the point.

What is your point? Did you just want to call Obama a 'Ghetto President'? Did you just want to spew some venom devoid of fact?
My point is that the rest of us foot the bill for our OWN parents, or are you too stupid to grasp that simple concept?
This is the left on this board when it comes to their Dear Leader and the wifey poo

but they can call Palins daughter a whore with no problem

I have NEVER attacked Sarah Palin on a personal or family level. You CAN'T say the same about YOUR attacks on the Obama family, now can you Stephanie?

Your word for the day:

You OWN it.

yeah sure, like this an attack..go get a grip for crying out loud or a new pacifier
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I don't care HOW many family members our ghetto president wants to support. I just have a big problem with the taxpayers picking up the tab for him. And you disingenuous left wing jerks (like rw) with your diversions aren't fooling anyone. It isn't about family values, it's about his whole fucking family living a life of luxury on the backs of the taxpayers. American citizens are struggling to pay their bills, including soaring gas prices, and now Obamacare piling even more on them, and we're expected to foot the bill for grandma too? What's next, is his drunken uncle gonna move in and crash on the couch with his bottle of Ripple and brown paper bag next to him? You assholes would be shitting bricks if this was a Republican president and everyone knows it.

Yea, you right wing turds love to talk about 'family values'. Just don't BE a family.

Please stop referring to her as right wing or conservative. She is neither and shames true conservatism.

Sorry, but that is what 'conservatism' has metastasized into...a cancer on this nation.

And liberalism has done nothing more than molest the constitution and rape its people.

That's what I would say if I allowed the left wing nuts to influence my opinion of all liberals.
I don't care HOW many family members our ghetto president wants to support. I just have a big problem with the taxpayers picking up the tab for him. And you disingenuous left wing jerks (like rw) with your diversions aren't fooling anyone. It isn't about family values, it's about his whole fucking family living a life of luxury on the backs of the taxpayers. American citizens are struggling to pay their bills, including soaring gas prices, and now Obamacare piling even more on them, and we're expected to foot the bill for grandma too? What's next, is his drunken uncle gonna move in and crash on the couch with his bottle of Ripple and brown paper bag next to him? You assholes would be shitting bricks if this was a Republican president and everyone knows it.

WHY didn't we hear a PEEP from turds like you when Bush was using Air Force One as a taxi cab to and from his ranch? Or when his wife ordered expensive China for the White House?

Can you people get any smaller?

Does your right wing propaganda machine ever report THIS stuff?

Obamas to renovate White House with own money, turn down $100K from Congress
BY Kenneth R. Bazinet
Monday, March 30, 2009, 5:42 PM

WASHINGTON - President Obama is finally taking his own advice when he says all Americans need to sacrifice during these tough times.

After repeated questioning from the White House press corps, the First Couple has decided to pass up the $100,000 that Congress has long allotted to every incoming President to renovate the White House to his taste.

Instead, the Obamas, who are worth millions, will pay to overhaul the White House residence from their own pockets, said Camille Johnston, First Lady Michelle Obama's communications director.

"The Obamas have determined now is not the time to use taxpayer funds and they will not be accepting any donations," Johnston said.

They also recently forked over a few thousand dollars of their own to pay for a South Lawn swing set for daughters Malia and Sasha.

NY Daily News

Awesome. I love it. As much as I dislike his politics, I admire his father skills and apparent husband skills. From what I see, he appears to be a genuine family man and an excellent role model in that regard. No complaints in that department. Right up there with GBSr.
EVERYONE should take care of their parents, that's not the point.

What is your point? Did you just want to call Obama a 'Ghetto President'? Did you just want to spew some venom devoid of fact?
My point is that the rest of us foot the bill for our OWN parents, or are you too stupid to grasp that simple concept?

How are tax payers footing the bill for his mother-in-law? Quantify it, if you can. To keep it simple, not including vacations...just everyday life of grandma living in the WH.

Awaiting the personal attack, probable racist remark and the waste of oxygen as he cusses and screams while he spews his nonsense.
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They are children. OUR children. .

Come again? Is this some "it takes a village" crap? Maybe "you didn't build that"? I think it very likely that the obamas think of them as their children (liberals in power only apply the full Marxist workbook to 'others').
What is your point? Did you just want to call Obama a 'Ghetto President'? Did you just want to spew some venom devoid of fact?
My point is that the rest of us foot the bill for our OWN parents, or are you too stupid to grasp that simple concept?

How are tax payers footing the bill for his mother-in-law? Quantify it, if you can. To keep it simple, not including vacations...just everyday life of grandma living in the WH.

Awaiting the personal attack, probable racist remark and the waste of oxygen as he cusses and screams while he spews his nonsense.
Why not the vacations?
EVERYONE should take care of their parents, that's not the point.

What is your point? Did you just want to call Obama a 'Ghetto President'? Did you just want to spew some venom devoid of fact?
My point is that the rest of us foot the bill for our OWN parents, or are you too stupid to grasp that simple concept?

How much are you paying for grandma Robinson to stay in the White House?

The point is that Grandma is part of the Obama family and Conservatives are swine to complain about it
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They are children. OUR children. .

Come again? Is this some "it takes a village" crap? Maybe "you didn't build that"? I think it very likely that the obamas think of them as their children (liberals in power only apply the full Marxist workbook to 'others').

I am a diehard conservative, small government, down home family values kina gal. They opted for Grandma instead of a nanny, which other presidents had and no one complained.

Our president, our first lady, our first kids, IMO. You disagree -shrug-
Her daughter is the first lady of United States of America. The greatest country on earth. And she is the nanny to.the first daughters, of course she deserves to be in the whitehouse just like all the other nannies of Presidents. Cry about somthing important for once pussies.
What is your point? Did you just want to call Obama a 'Ghetto President'? Did you just want to spew some venom devoid of fact?
My point is that the rest of us foot the bill for our OWN parents, or are you too stupid to grasp that simple concept?

How much are you paying for grandma Robinson to stay in the White House?
If I'm paying one fucking penny I'm paying too much. She's not my grandmother. If YOU want to support her, feel free to send a check.
My point is that the rest of us foot the bill for our OWN parents, or are you too stupid to grasp that simple concept?

How are tax payers footing the bill for his mother-in-law? Quantify it, if you can. To keep it simple, not including vacations...just everyday life of grandma living in the WH.

Awaiting the personal attack, probable racist remark and the waste of oxygen as he cusses and screams while he spews his nonsense.
Why not the vacations?

You are talking about footing the bill for the parent as living in the WH, not the vacations...which should be reimbursed by FLOTUS, especially this trip to China. That is an entirely different issue...and to be honest, I think it is too complex for you to grasp judging by your knee jerk, racist reaction to Grandma in the WH. Also, I have no desire to be in a snippet debate from junk media sources.
I hope sjs LITERAL portion of.tax money buys the ladys DEPENDS so she literally wipes her black ass with his money. good. Do.somthing about it pussy.

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