Why Does Michelle Obama’s Mother Live at the White House?

oh dear gawd spare us the dramatics.

Yea, you right wing turds love to talk about 'family values'. Just don't BE a family.

Please stop referring to her as right wing or conservative. She is neither and shames true conservatism.

You mean Stoopid Stuff?

Actually, she's practically the poster child for the hatred from the right.

Sorry, but the right is stuck with these losers.
I don't care HOW many family members our ghetto president wants to support. I just have a big problem with the taxpayers picking up the tab for him. And you disingenuous left wing jerks (like rw) with your diversions aren't fooling anyone. It isn't about family values, it's about his whole fucking family living a life of luxury on the backs of the taxpayers. American citizens are struggling to pay their bills, including soaring gas prices, and now Obamacare piling even more on them, and we're expected to foot the bill for grandma too? What's next, is his drunken uncle gonna move in and crash on the couch with his bottle of Ripple and brown paper bag next to him? You assholes would be shitting bricks if this was a Republican president and everyone knows it.
I would never send a parent or grandparent to a nursing home. I want to take care of them when the time comes just as they did me until I was old enough to take care of myself....I congradualte any president down to the most common citizen that has the same ideals.
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This is the left on this board when it comes to their Dear Leader and the wifey poo

but they can call Palins daughter a whore with no problem

I have NEVER attacked Sarah Palin on a personal or family level. You CAN'T say the same about YOUR attacks on the Obama family, now can you Stephanie?

Your word for the day:

You OWN it.
Yea, you right wing turds love to talk about 'family values'. Just don't BE a family.

Please stop referring to her as right wing or conservative. She is neither and shames true conservatism.

You mean Stoopid Stuff?

Actually, she's practically the poster child for the hatred from the right.

Sorry, but the right is stuck with these losers.

well that's that love and tolerance we've come to expect from you on the left...all over a question on the Dear Mommy
it's ugly but it's you
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Why Does Michelle Obama’s Mother Live at the White House?

Why not? And there is no evidence that mama is being mean to the staff.

Conservatives claim she "barks"

They don't realize how much they treasure dogs in China

How did you know that the hotel staffer is a conservative? LMAO

Mrs. Robinson has been 'barking at the staff since she arrived,' a hotel staffer said, adding that 'we can't wait for this to be over'

Read more: Beijing hotel workers already 'fed up' with Obama entourage in 3400-square-foot, $8,350-per-night suite inconveniencing 'pretty much everyone' -- and the first lady's mother is 'barking at the staff' | Mail Online
oh dear gawd spare us the dramatics.

Yea, you right wing turds love to talk about 'family values'. Just don't BE a family.

Please stop referring to her as right wing or conservative. She is neither and shames true conservatism.

Bullshit.....she cuts and pastes....or should we say....SNIP

From conservative sites. You think she comes up with this crap on her own?
Who is paying Granny's bill in China?

Just askin'.

The same one who paid the Kennedy e's nanny to travel with them? I doubt they changed the policy recently. I'm pretty fiscally conservative ... most call me a tightwad ... but this is just a nonissue fiscally. Emotionally, morally, really? They are children. OUR children. I hope we pay whatever it costs to make sure they get what they neec while their parents serve our country. What kind of presidents would we have if one of the requirements was to sacrifice your children? We have enough trouble with quality candidates.
Yea, you right wing turds love to talk about 'family values'. Just don't BE a family.

Please stop referring to her as right wing or conservative. She is neither and shames true conservatism.

You mean Stoopid Stuff?

Actually, she's practically the poster child for the hatred from the right.

Sorry, but the right is stuck with these losers.

It is regrettable you think that way. True conservatism has no hate, only ideals. I am sorry you can't look past these people with suspect ideals and lump them in with true conservatism. On the other hand, if you are one of those liberals who always points their fingers and cries hate and racism...I have little need for you either.
Why Does Michelle Obama’s Mother Live at the White House?

Why not? And there is no evidence that mama is being mean to the staff.

Conservatives claim she "barks"

They don't realize how much they treasure dogs in China

How did you know that the hotel staffer is a conservative? LMAO

Mrs. Robinson has been 'barking at the staff since she arrived,' a hotel staffer said, adding that 'we can't wait for this to be over'

Read more: Beijing hotel workers already 'fed up' with Obama entourage in 3400-square-foot, $8,350-per-night suite inconveniencing 'pretty much everyone' -- and the first lady's mother is 'barking at the staff' | Mail Online
Hotel staffer?

That settles it I guess. :lol:
I would never send a parent or grandparent to a nursing home. I want to take care of them when the time comes just as they did me until I was old enough to take care of myself....I congradualte any president down to the most common citizen that has the same ideals.

That is because you are not conservative
I don't care HOW many family members our ghetto president wants to support. I just have a big problem with the taxpayers picking up the tab for him. And you disingenuous left wing jerks (like rw) with your diversions aren't fooling anyone. It isn't about family values, it's about his whole fucking family living a life of luxury on the backs of the taxpayers. American citizens are struggling to pay their bills, including soaring gas prices, and now Obamacare piling even more on them, and we're expected to foot the bill for grandma too? What's next, is his drunken uncle gonna move in and crash on the couch with his bottle of Ripple and brown paper bag next to him? You assholes would be shitting bricks if this was a Republican president and everyone knows it.

WHY didn't we hear a PEEP from turds like you when Bush was using Air Force One as a taxi cab to and from his ranch? Or when his wife ordered expensive China for the White House?

Can you people get any smaller?

Does your right wing propaganda machine ever report THIS stuff?

Obamas to renovate White House with own money, turn down $100K from Congress
BY Kenneth R. Bazinet
Monday, March 30, 2009, 5:42 PM

WASHINGTON - President Obama is finally taking his own advice when he says all Americans need to sacrifice during these tough times.

After repeated questioning from the White House press corps, the First Couple has decided to pass up the $100,000 that Congress has long allotted to every incoming President to renovate the White House to his taste.

Instead, the Obamas, who are worth millions, will pay to overhaul the White House residence from their own pockets, said Camille Johnston, First Lady Michelle Obama's communications director.

"The Obamas have determined now is not the time to use taxpayer funds and they will not be accepting any donations," Johnston said.

They also recently forked over a few thousand dollars of their own to pay for a South Lawn swing set for daughters Malia and Sasha.

NY Daily News
I'm sure the Presidident is as happy as Bill Clinton was when Bill was getting a Lewinsky now that the ladies are out of Obama's WH...
I would never send a parent or grandparent to a nursing home. I want to take care of them when the time comes just as they did me until I was old enough to take care of myself....I congradualte any president down to the most common citizen that has the same ideals.
EVERYONE should take care of their parents, that's not the point.
Conservatives claim she "barks"

How do you know the staff at their hotel in China are conservatives?
Who in the hotel claims she barks?

Only Conservatives are claiming it

"Mrs. Robinson has been 'barking at the staff since she arrived,' a hotel staffer said, adding that 'we can't wait for this to be over'"

Beijing hotel workers already 'fed up' with Obama entourage in 3400-square-foot, $8,350-per-night suite inconveniencing 'pretty much everyone' -- and the first lady's mother is 'barking at the staff' | Mail Online
I would never send a parent or grandparent to a nursing home. I want to take care of them when the time comes just as they did me until I was old enough to take care of myself....I congradualte any president down to the most common citizen that has the same ideals.
EVERYONE should take care of their parents, that's not the point.

What is your point? Did you just want to call Obama a 'Ghetto President'? Did you just want to spew some venom devoid of fact?
Conservatives claim she "barks"

They don't realize how much they treasure dogs in China

How did you know that the hotel staffer is a conservative? LMAO

Mrs. Robinson has been 'barking at the staff since she arrived,' a hotel staffer said, adding that 'we can't wait for this to be over'

Read more: Beijing hotel workers already 'fed up' with Obama entourage in 3400-square-foot, $8,350-per-night suite inconveniencing 'pretty much everyone' -- and the first lady's mother is 'barking at the staff' | Mail Online
Hotel staffer?

That settles it I guess. :lol:

It "settles" the fact that you have become nothing more than a mindless partisan douchebag.
How do you know the staff at their hotel in China are conservatives?
Who in the hotel claims she barks?

Only Conservatives are claiming it

"Mrs. Robinson has been 'barking at the staff since she arrived,' a hotel staffer said, adding that 'we can't wait for this to be over'"

Beijing hotel workers already 'fed up' with Obama entourage in 3400-square-foot, $8,350-per-night suite inconveniencing 'pretty much everyone' -- and the first lady's mother is 'barking at the staff' | Mail Online

Hotel staffer?

Some guy taking out the garbage? Ever hear about an unnamed source? "Bark" is the worst thing you can say about the woman after all you have tried to dig up?

Just saw it on the Drudge report...

President Obama is trying to arrange for Michelle and the gang to spend
a week in Russia under the guise of trying to smooth things over a bit
between our two great countries.... :D

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