Why Does New York Continue To Die ?

They've have a long time to figure this out.

I've been posting their dismal numbers for some time.

What is wrong with them ?
1. Their leaders told them all was well and that they did not need to worry... SO they didnt..

2. Due to the compact nature of the area once this virus took hold there was nothing anyone could do to stop it. The 3-14 day incubation period that is A-Symptomatic allowed massive infections to take place as the carriers did not know they were ill.

3. Once the fire erupted in these close quarters it was impossible to put out and now it is smoldering and it will take very little to make it a raging bon fire again.

All they can now do is allow it to slowly smolder until it burns out. NY has a long road ahead of them. Its called Herd Immunity.
They've have a long time to figure this out.

I've been posting their dismal numbers for some time.

What is wrong with them ?
NY is, was and always will be a pigsty

Funny how cuomo never complains about the 1700 people that die of tobacco use every single day of the year
Cuomo was giddy today that only 500 New Yorkers died yesterday.
No death is some thing to be happy about but when you've been averaging near 800 deaths a day, that means 300 didn't die and that is a positive thing.
Cuomo was giddy today that only 500 New Yorkers died yesterday.
No death is some thing to be happy about but when you've been averaging near 800 deaths a day, that means 300 didn't die and that is a positive thing.
1700 die every day from tobacco
that number is World wide... That is like comparing apples to watermelons.
Nope kid 1700 die every day in the USA from the effects of tobacco, if you also count the coronary artery disease that tobacco causes. However the number drops to 1300 every day in the USA from tobacco alone.

You are cool with that obviously

Puff away dopey

Cigarette smoking is responsible for more than 480,000 deaths per year in the United States, including more than 41,000 deaths resulting from secondhand smoke exposure. This is about one in five deaths annually, or 1,300 deaths every day. On average, smokers die 10 years earlier than nonsmokers.

They've have a long time to figure this out.

I've been posting their dismal numbers for some time.

What is wrong with them ?
1. Their leaders told them all was well and that they did not need to worry... SO they didnt..

2. Due to the compact nature of the area once this virus took hold there was nothing anyone could do to stop it. The 3-14 day incubation period that is A-Symptomatic allowed massive infections to take place as the carriers did not know they were ill.

3. Once the fire erupted in these close quarters it was impossible to put out and now it is smoldering and it will take very little to make it a raging bon fire again.

All they can now do is allow it to slowly smolder until it burns out. NY has a long road ahead of them. Its called Herd Immunity.

There is no herd immunity if you can catch it at least a second time if not more...right?
They've have a long time to figure this out.

I've been posting their dismal numbers for some time.

What is wrong with them ?
1. Their leaders told them all was well and that they did not need to worry... SO they didnt..

2. Due to the compact nature of the area once this virus took hold there was nothing anyone could do to stop it. The 3-14 day incubation period that is A-Symptomatic allowed massive infections to take place as the carriers did not know they were ill.

3. Once the fire erupted in these close quarters it was impossible to put out and now it is smoldering and it will take very little to make it a raging bon fire again.

All they can now do is allow it to slowly smolder until it burns out. NY has a long road ahead of them. Its called Herd Immunity.

There is no herd immunity if you can catch it at least a second time if not more...right?
That is still unclear. Those who got it a second time contracted another strain. So at this point we are unsure if those infected can be reinfected with the same strain. South Korea just dealt with 40 individuals and they determined it was a different strain.
Many New Yorkers are anxious to die during "the virus" because the city will bury them for free. In normal times the costs of dying are so high people just quietly die in their overpriced apartments, rot for a while, then get cleaned up with the rest of their trash and hauled to the dump. At least this way they get a spot in a potters field somewhere. Someday. Maybe.

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