Why does Obama allow this ?

And this what, just happened in the last 7 years?

Spare us you partisan blather, kiddo.

The international criminal cartels have been in American cities for a lot longer than Obama has been in office, lad.

And that is something you already knew.

Another "inherited" malady that our President ignores?


Do grow up.

Welcome to the United States Department of Justice

Ok then, another malady he pays lip service to.

Your hero is a pox on his own race. He tries to charm them with his lame addresses, but then he ignores their most dire problems, gang violence being number 1, black unemployment being 2, babies out of wedlock and no fathers around being another major problem. No black leadership in these communities or cities being another. No parental or mentors to give black youth something to follow or model their lives after, instead they have older thugs who will give them attention to emulate. The list is too long for this post, but president obama is a joke.
Or maybe everyone's self-deporting.
What's the appeal to come to the US anyway?
The place is packed with idiots with guns who are killing each other, there are no jobs, the government is about to imprison everyone in concentration camps and the politicians are totally corrupt.

That's if I understand what I read on this site correctly.

The place is not packed with idiots with guns killing each other. We have 300 million people. Some will be rogue.

There are jobs, just not the ones people want. I see help wanted signs in many stores.

No one will be locking anyone in concentration camps. A few far right nuts are paranoid.

Politicians are not corrupt. They are selfish individuals that would prefer to see the opposing party LOSE over the American people winning.

The lure to come to America?

We are the greatest nation in the world.

I beg to differ on the corrupt issue. In just the last week congress repealed the insider trading law that was designed to stop THEM from doing shit we can't do and now they want to exempt themselves and their aids from Obamacare.

And thats just one week

My post above was tongue-in-cheek.
But, in viewing the US political system from afar, I don't know how people in your great country don't fall into despair over the way that your representatives have been captured by lobbyists and self-interest.
I don't know why it's so difficult for the OMG! OBAMA brigade to get it: The border is more secure now than it's been in decades. DECADES!

Yet, y'all just go right on pretending it isn't so and using that lie to bash Obama.

Oh, wait....I DO get it! The truth and bare facts don't mean a damn thing when they get in the way of an anti-Obama rant.

I guess "The cartels have gained a foothold in every major city in the United States -- 1,286 cities to be exact" went right over your brain matter...:cuckoo::cuckoo:

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