Why does Obama support a group who's founder said they want to kill off blacks?

For an individual to say that she does not want to be seen as killing blacks is hardly evidence that she does want to kill blacks. In fact, the quote comes from a private letter in which she promotes actively engaging black communities and working with black doctors (Quotes « Margaret Sanger Papers Project Research Annex). Naturally, both then and now Planned Parenthood also practiced in non-black communities.

Sanger was certainly, by today's standards, quite racist. However, she worked well with black leaders of her day and received praise from subsequent black leaders, most notably MLK (Margaret Sanger - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia). In any event, the quote offered in the original post offers very little insight into her views on race, and seems chosen deliberately to mislead.

She wanted people dead, certain people. And My Arms are bigger than yours, and I don't cry like a girl ;)
For an individual to say that she does not want to be seen as killing blacks is hardly evidence that she does want to kill blacks. In fact, the quote comes from a private letter in which she promotes actively engaging black communities and working with black doctors (Quotes « Margaret Sanger Papers Project Research Annex). Naturally, both then and now Planned Parenthood also practiced in non-black communities.

Sanger was certainly, by today's standards, quite racist. However, she worked well with black leaders of her day and received praise from subsequent black leaders, most notably MLK (Margaret Sanger - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia). In any event, the quote offered in the original post offers very little insight into her views on race, and seems chosen deliberately to mislead.

She seriously believed in and promoted eugenics. And she was surrounded by individuals of like minds. It's the truth. I never could figure out why anyone would ever want to defend these positions.

On mandatory sterilization of the poor:
One of Sanger's greatest influences, sexologist/eugenicist Dr. Havelock Ellis (with whom she had an affair, leading to her divorce from her first husband), urged mandatory sterilization of the poor as a prerequisite to receiving any public aid.

The Problem of Race Regeneration, by Havelock Ellis, p. 65, in Margaret Sanger: Father of Modern Society, p. 18. Ellis believed that any sex was acceptable, as long as it hurt no one. The Sage of Sex, A Life of Havelock Ellis, by Arthur Calder-Marshall, p. 88

On eradicating 'bad stocks':
The goal of eugenicists is "to prevent the multiplication of bad stocks," wrote Dr. Ernst Rudin in the April 1933 Birth Control Review (of which Sanger was editor). Another article exhorted Americans to "restrict the propagation of those physically, mentally and socially inadequate."
Sanger didn't just have racist thoughts, she acted upon them with evil deeds.
What does what she believed have in 1939 have anything to do with planned parenthood today?
It still has relevance...colour isn't the issue.

Ok, I haven't played 50 questions in a while. How does what the founder of PP thought in 1939 have relevance today?

It never hurts to learn the origins of any organization.

"I accepted an invitation to talk to the women's branch of the Ku Klux Klan...I saw through the door dim figures parading with banners and illuminated crosses...I was escorted to the platform, was introduced, and began to speak..

.In the end, through simple illustrations I believed I had accomplished my purpose. A dozen invitations to speak to similar groups were proffered." (Margaret Sanger: An Autobiography, P.366)

It still has relevance...colour isn't the issue.

Ok, I haven't played 50 questions in a while. How does what the founder of PP thought in 1939 have relevance today?
LIFE, Liberty, Persuit of happiness. Cornerstones of this Republic.


Platitudes are not answers. Don't be ashamed to say "I don't know". It looks better than this silly song and dance you're doing right now.
Ok, I haven't played 50 questions in a while. How does what the founder of PP thought in 1939 have relevance today?
LIFE, Liberty, Persuit of happiness. Cornerstones of this Republic.


Platitudes are not answers. Don't be ashamed to say "I don't know". It looks better than this silly song and dance you're doing right now.
Not platitudes. READ the Federalists.

Look at the reasons why the Founders took the action they did.

You show your glaring ignorance.
This is one of my fave quotes. What a special kind of evil.

"Our failure to segregate morons who are increasing and multiplying ... demonstrates our foolhardy and extravagant sentimentalism ... [Philanthropists] encourage the healthier and more normal sections of the world to shoulder the burden of unthinking and indiscriminate fecundity of others; which brings with it, as I think the reader must agree, a dead weight of human waste.

Instead of decreasing and aiming to eliminate the stocks that are most detrimental to the future of the race and the world, it tends to render them to a menacing degree dominant ... We are paying for, and even submitting to, the dictates of an ever-increasing, unceasingly spawning class of human beings who never should have been born at all."

Margaret Sanger. The Pivot of Civilization, 1922. Chapter on "The Cruelty of Charity," pages 116, 122, and 189. Swarthmore College Library edition.
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LIFE, Liberty, Persuit of happiness. Cornerstones of this Republic.


Platitudes are not answers. Don't be ashamed to say "I don't know". It looks better than this silly song and dance you're doing right now.
Not platitudes. READ the Federalists.

Look at the reasons why the Founders took the action they did.

You show your glaring ignorance.

Holy shit, I never even mentioned the founders of America This is about the founder of PP.

Knowing about their orgins is fine but doesn't explain why Obama shouldn't support PP because of thoughts from the founder.

I see now after numerous deflections and ad hominem attacks that this is just a troll thread.
Platitudes are not answers. Don't be ashamed to say "I don't know". It looks better than this silly song and dance you're doing right now.
Not platitudes. READ the Federalists.

Look at the reasons why the Founders took the action they did.

You show your glaring ignorance.

Holy shit, I never even mentioned the founders of America This is about the founder of PP.

Knowing about their orgins is fine but doesn't explain why Obama shouldn't support PP because of thoughts from the founder.

I see now after numerous deflections and ad hominem attacks that this is just a troll thread.
As a matter of course you didn't and by my reckoning never have. YOU are one of these sniveling creeps that thinks history began the day YOU were hatched.

Educate yourself.
Not platitudes. READ the Federalists.

Look at the reasons why the Founders took the action they did.

You show your glaring ignorance.

Holy shit, I never even mentioned the founders of America This is about the founder of PP.

Knowing about their orgins is fine but doesn't explain why Obama shouldn't support PP because of thoughts from the founder.

I see now after numerous deflections and ad hominem attacks that this is just a troll thread.
As a matter of course you didn't and by my reckoning never have. YOU are one of these sniveling creeps that thinks history began the day YOU were hatched.

Educate yourself.

I don't think most people realize that these abortion factories are overwhelmingly located in minority neighborhoods. Something waaaaaaaaaaaay up there like 80 percent.
Not platitudes. READ the Federalists.
Look at the reasons why the Founders took the action they did.

You show your glaring ignorance.
Holy shit, I never even mentioned the founders of America This is about the founder of PP
Knowing about their orgins is fine but doesn't explain why Obama shouldn't support PP because of thoughts from the founder.
I see now after numerous deflections and ad hominem attacks that this is just a troll thread.
As a matter of course you didn't and by my reckoning never have. YOU are one of these sniveling creeps that thinks history began the day YOU were hatched.

Educate yourself.

One trick pony does one trick. Can any of you nut bags explain why Obama shouldn't support today's PP because of the thoughts of the founder? Not you T, you've proven to have no explanation, thanks.
Holy shit, I never even mentioned the founders of America This is about the founder of PP
Knowing about their orgins is fine but doesn't explain why Obama shouldn't support PP because of thoughts from the founder.
I see now after numerous deflections and ad hominem attacks that this is just a troll thread.
As a matter of course you didn't and by my reckoning never have. YOU are one of these sniveling creeps that thinks history began the day YOU were hatched.

Educate yourself.

One trick pony does one trick. Can any of you nut bags explain why Obama shouldn't support today's PP because of the thoughts of the founder? Not you T, you've proven to have no explanation, thanks.

If this is still hard for you to grasp at this point.....maybe?
Planned Parenthood has prevented more abortions than every piece of Republican antiabortion legislation
As a matter of course you didn't and by my reckoning never have. YOU are one of these sniveling creeps that thinks history began the day YOU were hatched.

Educate yourself.

One trick pony does one trick. Can any of you nut bags explain why Obama shouldn't support today's PP because of the thoughts of the founder? Not you T, you've proven to have no explanation, thanks.

If this is still hard for you to grasp at this point.....maybe?

big font and sarcasm is not an answer skippy
Platitudes are not answers. Don't be ashamed to say "I don't know". It looks better than this silly song and dance you're doing right now.
Not platitudes. READ the Federalists.

Look at the reasons why the Founders took the action they did.

You show your glaring ignorance.

Holy shit, I never even mentioned the founders of America This is about the founder of PP.

Knowing about their orgins is fine but doesn't explain why Obama shouldn't support PP because of thoughts from the founder.

I see now after numerous deflections and ad hominem attacks that this is just a troll thread.

You don't know why a black man shouldn't support an organization that was created by it's founder to cull black men and women out of the gene pool?

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