Why does our President lie to us?

White House Resident Trump is a proven pathological and serial liar. If he does not tell at least three lies every day his hair falls out and his boner pills will not work.

^^^^^typical juvenile butthurt libtardian post. Grow up idiot.
You are the butthurt fool that takes a written in humor so seriously. You trumpbots just can not take the smallest amount of criticism about your lord and think he can never do wrong or even make mistakes.
You are backing a mentally afflicted pathological liar. Learn to deal with or go on mendication.

So when someone "humorously" called Obama "the Kenyan messiah" you just yukked it up and thought is was just humor? Sure.

You lefties keep claiming that Trump is lying, then give us a list of his lies. Put up or shut up.

The list of lies from obozo and the clintoons are well established and very long. I suggest that you don't want to go there.
Go ahead and back up your bullshit. I'm on stand by with a list of almost 500 lies the trumpster told just in his campaign, and it isn't even an American MSM source, it's a foreign source.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- silly examples , all speculation and OPINION masquerading as Proof RWinger !!

Why does Trump lie about 5 million illegals voting for Hillary? With ten million illegals in this country, and many being children, that would require almost every illegal in this country casting a vote....patently ridiculous

So is this a lie by Trump or just my opinion?

I look at two possibilities

1. Trump is just plain stupid and believes any conspiracy theory he encounters on the internet. This is consistent with his birther and Ted Cruz's father killed JFK claims

2. Trump is lying
---------------------------------------------------------------- [chuckle] --- simple advice !!! Do the investigation on deads and illegal aliens voting and then you will have some proof on illegal alien and deads voting in USA elections RWinger !!

Show me the numbers

How many illegals have been arrested over the last ten years for illegal voting?
How many dead people have been found to have voted?

Call me when you reach a thousand
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ and just ' ONE ' example found after investigation is one too many examples RWinger !!

Burden of proof is on you to extrapolate one into five million
------------------------------------and we Deplorables hope to prove that illegal aliens and deads are voting by doing an investigation RWinger !!
Why does Trump lie about 5 million illegals voting for Hillary? With ten million illegals in this country, and many being children, that would require almost every illegal in this country casting a vote....patently ridiculous

So is this a lie by Trump or just my opinion?

I look at two possibilities

1. Trump is just plain stupid and believes any conspiracy theory he encounters on the internet. This is consistent with his birther and Ted Cruz's father killed JFK claims

2. Trump is lying
---------------------------------------------------------------- [chuckle] --- simple advice !!! Do the investigation on deads and illegal aliens voting and then you will have some proof on illegal alien and deads voting in USA elections RWinger !!

Show me the numbers

How many illegals have been arrested over the last ten years for illegal voting?
How many dead people have been found to have voted?

Call me when you reach a thousand
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ and just ' ONE ' example found after investigation is one too many examples RWinger !!

Burden of proof is on you to extrapolate one into five million
------------------------------------and we Deplorables hope to prove that illegal aliens and deads are voting by doing and investigation RWinger !!

The election was three months ago

Most states have Republican governors, easy enough to investigate.......why haven't you found a single illegal voting yet?
Why does Trump lie about 5 million illegals voting for Hillary? With ten million illegals in this country, and many being children, that would require almost every illegal in this country casting a vote....patently ridiculous

So is this a lie by Trump or just my opinion?

I look at two possibilities

1. Trump is just plain stupid and believes any conspiracy theory he encounters on the internet. This is consistent with his birther and Ted Cruz's father killed JFK claims

2. Trump is lying
---------------------------------------------------------------- [chuckle] --- simple advice !!! Do the investigation on deads and illegal aliens voting and then you will have some proof on illegal alien and deads voting in USA elections RWinger !!

Show me the numbers

How many illegals have been arrested over the last ten years for illegal voting?
How many dead people have been found to have voted?

Call me when you reach a thousand
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ and just ' ONE ' example found after investigation is one too many examples RWinger !!

Burden of proof is on you to extrapolate one into five million
------------------------------------and we Deplorables hope to prove that illegal aliens and deads are voting by doing an investigation RWinger !!
The only people that will believe your silly investigation are yourselves. The rest of the world will mock it and call it not credible. Trump has blown his credibility.
gonna have a BIG ol Federal investigation headed by Jeff Session from the South if he gets okayed RWinger and Camp !!
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---------------------------------------------------------------- [chuckle] --- simple advice !!! Do the investigation on deads and illegal aliens voting and then you will have some proof on illegal alien and deads voting in USA elections RWinger !!

Show me the numbers

How many illegals have been arrested over the last ten years for illegal voting?
How many dead people have been found to have voted?

Call me when you reach a thousand
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ and just ' ONE ' example found after investigation is one too many examples RWinger !!

Burden of proof is on you to extrapolate one into five million
------------------------------------and we Deplorables hope to prove that illegal aliens and deads are voting by doing an investigation RWinger !!
The only people that will believe your silly investigation are yourselves. The rest of the world will mock it and call it not credible. Trump has blown his credibility.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- aw foreigners , who cares what foreigners think as we fix up or LEAVE he UN and run the lefties 'euro union' out using BREXIT like tactics Camp ??
gotta investigate First RWinger !!

You have had three months since the election
Local officials do not need Trumps permission to investigate voter records

Why is it that NO VOTER FRAUD has been found?

because its hard to find. takes a lot of digging and research to determine who on the voter rolls voted but was actually dead, which illegals had drivers licenses and voted.

But relax, voter fraud is real and the proof is forthcoming.

You are really scared shitless of what will be disclosed, aren't you?
White House Resident Trump is a proven pathological and serial liar. If he does not tell at least three lies every day his hair falls out and his boner pills will not work.

^^^^^typical juvenile butthurt libtardian post. Grow up idiot.
You are the butthurt fool that takes a written in humor so seriously. You trumpbots just can not take the smallest amount of criticism about your lord and think he can never do wrong or even make mistakes.
You are backing a mentally afflicted pathological liar. Learn to deal with or go on mendication.

So when someone "humorously" called Obama "the Kenyan messiah" you just yukked it up and thought is was just humor? Sure.

You lefties keep claiming that Trump is lying, then give us a list of his lies. Put up or shut up.

The list of lies from obozo and the clintoons are well established and very long. I suggest that you don't want to go there.
I have no problem going there if it is for comparative purposes and focuses on the regularity and quantity of the provable lies.

Seriously, the lists of trump lies have been posted at this site for months and regularly. Do you really need to see them again? Just google 'lists of trump lies".

claims of lies created by a biased media group vs actual lies in the public record. The Clinton and Obama lies are well documented. Claims of Trump lies are just that, claims.
gonna have a BIG ol Federal investigation headed by Jeff Session from the South if he gets okayed RWinger and Camp !!


Voter fraud can just as easily be investigated locally. Yet, nothing has been found at the district, county or state level
What makes you think something will be found at the federal level?
gotta investigate First RWinger !!

You have had three months since the election
Local officials do not need Trumps permission to investigate voter records

Why is it that NO VOTER FRAUD has been found?

because its hard to find. takes a lot of digging and research to determine who on the voter rolls voted but was actually dead, which illegals had drivers licenses and voted.

But relax, voter fraud is real and the proof is forthcoming.

You are really scared shitless of what will be disclosed, aren't you?

It is not hard at all....especially if fraud is of the magnitude Trump claims

Easy enough to open voter rolls, see who voted and verify if they are a citizen
Yet...Republicans have found nothing
gotta investigate First RWinger !!

You have had three months since the election
Local officials do not need Trumps permission to investigate voter records

Why is it that NO VOTER FRAUD has been found?

because its hard to find. takes a lot of digging and research to determine who on the voter rolls voted but was actually dead, which illegals had drivers licenses and voted.

But relax, voter fraud is real and the proof is forthcoming.

You are really scared shitless of what will be disclosed, aren't you?

It is not hard at all....especially if fraud is of the magnitude Trump claims

Easy enough to open voter rolls, see who voted and verify if they are a citizen
Yet...Republicans have found nothing

No one has really looked at it in detail yet. There is guessing being done by both sides. You are wrong about it being easy. Each voter has to be looked at in every precinct. Its a huge task. But its getting done. Don't you think we are entitled to know if there were illegal votes and how many?

If the investigation proves you right, fine. But lets get the truth out. Why do you object to knowing if there was or was not significant voter fraud? Are you scared of what might be turned up? You do remember Acorn and its voter fraud don't you? What makes you think similar operations weren't going on last November?
gotta investigate First RWinger !!

You have had three months since the election
Local officials do not need Trumps permission to investigate voter records

Why is it that NO VOTER FRAUD has been found?

because its hard to find. takes a lot of digging and research to determine who on the voter rolls voted but was actually dead, which illegals had drivers licenses and voted.

But relax, voter fraud is real and the proof is forthcoming.

You are really scared shitless of what will be disclosed, aren't you?

It is not hard at all....especially if fraud is of the magnitude Trump claims

Easy enough to open voter rolls, see who voted and verify if they are a citizen
Yet...Republicans have found nothing

No one has really looked at it in detail yet. There is guessing being done by both sides. You are wrong about it being easy. Each voter has to be looked at in every precinct. Its a huge task. But its getting done. Don't you think we are entitled to know if there were illegal votes and how many?

If the investigation proves you right, fine. But lets get the truth out. Why do you object to knowing if there was or was not significant voter fraud? Are you scared of what might be turned up? You do remember Acorn and its voter fraud don't you? What makes you think similar operations weren't going on last November?

Its not that difficult....especially if voter fraud is of the magnitude that Trump claims

Pick the districts you believe have the greatest risk of voter fraud (you know....The Mexican ones)
Look at who voted and verify they are citizens

If you are not finding anything....just admit that Trump is lying again
gotta investigate First RWinger !!

You have had three months since the election
Local officials do not need Trumps permission to investigate voter records

Why is it that NO VOTER FRAUD has been found?

because its hard to find. takes a lot of digging and research to determine who on the voter rolls voted but was actually dead, which illegals had drivers licenses and voted.

But relax, voter fraud is real and the proof is forthcoming.

You are really scared shitless of what will be disclosed, aren't you?

It is not hard at all....especially if fraud is of the magnitude Trump claims

Easy enough to open voter rolls, see who voted and verify if they are a citizen
Yet...Republicans have found nothing

No one has really looked at it in detail yet. There is guessing being done by both sides. You are wrong about it being easy. Each voter has to be looked at in every precinct. Its a huge task. But its getting done. Don't you think we are entitled to know if there were illegal votes and how many?

If the investigation proves you right, fine. But lets get the truth out. Why do you object to knowing if there was or was not significant voter fraud? Are you scared of what might be turned up? You do remember Acorn and its voter fraud don't you? What makes you think similar operations weren't going on last November?

Its not that difficult....especially if voter fraud is of the magnitude that Trump claims

Pick the districts you believe have the greatest risk of voter fraud (you know....The Mexican ones)
Look at who voted and verify they are citizens

If you are not finding anything....just admit that Trump is lying again

Are you really that naïve? Ok, lets go into Los Angeles. Do you look at all Spanish names? Do you compare those who voted with the death certificate records? Cal gives drivers licenses to illegals and many use those licenses to register to vote. Each voter has to be looked at to determine legal status. Its a huge undertaking.

Many experts who have looked at it believe that there was voter fraud by illegals. There are 11-30 million illegals in this country. If 10% voted illegally how many fraudulent votes would that be, winger? How about if 20% voted? can you do the math?

Whether the number of fraudulent votes was enough to change the PV winner, no one yet knows. But we the American voters are entitled to a fair, legal election and we are entitled to know if there was voter fraud.

Why do you oppose finding out? Afraid of what the result might be?
You have had three months since the election
Local officials do not need Trumps permission to investigate voter records

Why is it that NO VOTER FRAUD has been found?

because its hard to find. takes a lot of digging and research to determine who on the voter rolls voted but was actually dead, which illegals had drivers licenses and voted.

But relax, voter fraud is real and the proof is forthcoming.

You are really scared shitless of what will be disclosed, aren't you?

It is not hard at all....especially if fraud is of the magnitude Trump claims

Easy enough to open voter rolls, see who voted and verify if they are a citizen
Yet...Republicans have found nothing

No one has really looked at it in detail yet. There is guessing being done by both sides. You are wrong about it being easy. Each voter has to be looked at in every precinct. Its a huge task. But its getting done. Don't you think we are entitled to know if there were illegal votes and how many?

If the investigation proves you right, fine. But lets get the truth out. Why do you object to knowing if there was or was not significant voter fraud? Are you scared of what might be turned up? You do remember Acorn and its voter fraud don't you? What makes you think similar operations weren't going on last November?

Its not that difficult....especially if voter fraud is of the magnitude that Trump claims

Pick the districts you believe have the greatest risk of voter fraud (you know....The Mexican ones)
Look at who voted and verify they are citizens

If you are not finding anything....just admit that Trump is lying again

Are you really that naïve? Ok, lets go into Los Angeles. Do you look at all Spanish names? Do you compare those who voted with the death certificate records? Cal gives drivers licenses to illegals and many use those licenses to register to vote. Each voter has to be looked at to determine legal status. Its a huge undertaking.

Many experts who have looked at it believe that there was voter fraud by illegals. There are 11-30 million illegals in this country. If 10% voted illegally how many fraudulent votes would that be, winger? How about if 20% voted? can you do the math?

Whether the number of fraudulent votes was enough to change the PV winner, no one yet knows. But we the American voters are entitled to a fair, legal election and we are entitled to know if there was voter fraud.

Why do you oppose finding out? Afraid of what the result might be?

Again...not a difficult task if the fraud is at the level Trump claims

Trump is claiming 5% of the vote is illegal.....not hard to prove

Chico Escuela of 69 Taco Ave voted in the last election
Go to 69 Taco Ave and verify if he is legal
gonna have a BIG ol Federal investigation headed by Jeff Session from the South if he gets okayed RWinger and Camp !!


Voter fraud can just as easily be investigated locally. Yet, nothing has been found at the district, county or state level
What makes you think something will be found at the federal level?
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ just do the Federal investigation if the President likes , lets get Jeff Session working RWinger
course you and others can call the President and urge NO Investigation if you wanna RWinger .
course you and others can call the President and urge NO Investigation if you wanna RWinger .

I don't mind as long as Mexico pays for it
------------------------------------------------------------ YOUR money collected in TAXES is as good as 'Mexican ' money RWinger !!

Why should I have to pay for fruitless investigations of Trump conspiracy theories?

How about a compromise?

If we find over 1 million illegal votes.....taxpayer foots the bill
If it turns into another Trump fantasy.....Trump pays
course you and others can call the President and urge NO Investigation if you wanna RWinger .

I don't mind as long as Mexico pays for it
------------------------------------------------------------ YOUR money collected in TAXES is as good as 'Mexican ' money RWinger !!

Why should I have to pay for fruitless investigations of Trump conspiracy theories?

How about a compromise?

If we find over 1 million illegal votes.....taxpayer foots the bill
If it turns into another Trump fantasy.....Trump pays
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- naw , no negotiation as I want to see taxpayers foot the bill RWinger !!

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