Why does our President lie to us?

White House Resident Trump is a proven pathological and serial liar. If he does not tell at least three lies every day his hair falls out and his boner pills will not work.
-------------------------------------------------- more LEFTY Opinion , thanks Camp !! :afro:
So why is our President lying to us so much?

Lets look at the recent cases:

Claim: 3-5 million illegals voted for Hillary Clinton
Reason for lying: Trump cannot bear to admit that he lost the popular vote

Claim: Attendance at the Trump inauguration was at record levels
Reason for lying: Trump cannot accept that fewer people came to see him than the hated Barack Obama

Claim: These folders at my press conference contain reams of legal evidence supporting my business divestiture
Reason for lying: He was caught in a bluff

Claim: Trump wrote the inaugural address all by himself
Reason for lying: An attempt to look independent and smart
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- your examples are silly speculation and OPINION masquerading as Proof RWinger .

You are correct

I have no idea why Trump lies as prolifically as he does. As can be seen in my examples, it seems to be lying to protect a fragile ego or lying just for the hell of it
So why is our President lying to us so much?

Lets look at the recent cases:

Claim: 3-5 million illegals voted for Hillary Clinton
Reason for lying: Trump cannot bear to admit that he lost the popular vote

Claim: Attendance at the Trump inauguration was at record levels
Reason for lying: Trump cannot accept that fewer people came to see him than the hated Barack Obama

Claim: These folders at my press conference contain reams of legal evidence supporting my business divestiture
Reason for lying: He was caught in a bluff

Claim: Trump wrote the inaugural address all by himself
Reason for lying: An attempt to look independent and smart
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- your examples are silly speculation and OPINION masquerading as Proof RWinger .

You are correct

I have no idea why Trump lies as prolifically as he does. As can be seen in my examples, it seems to be lying to protect a fragile ego or lying just for the hell of it
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- silly examples , all speculation and OPINION masquerading as Proof RWinger !!
So why is our President lying to us so much?

Lets look at the recent cases:

Claim: 3-5 million illegals voted for Hillary Clinton
Reason for lying: Trump cannot bear to admit that he lost the popular vote

Claim: Attendance at the Trump inauguration was at record levels
Reason for lying: Trump cannot accept that fewer people came to see him than the hated Barack Obama

Claim: These folders at my press conference contain reams of legal evidence supporting my business divestiture
Reason for lying: He was caught in a bluff

Claim: Trump wrote the inaugural address all by himself
Reason for lying: An attempt to look independent and smart
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- your examples are silly speculation and OPINION masquerading as Proof RWinger .

You are correct

I have no idea why Trump lies as prolifically as he does. As can be seen in my examples, it seems to be lying to protect a fragile ego or lying just for the hell of it
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- silly examples , all speculation and OPINION masquerading as Proof RWinger !!
Do you genuinely disbelieve trump is not the biggest and most prolific liar in American Presidential history? That would be an amazing thing to admit.
So why is our President lying to us so much?

Lets look at the recent cases:

Claim: 3-5 million illegals voted for Hillary Clinton
Reason for lying: Trump cannot bear to admit that he lost the popular vote

Claim: Attendance at the Trump inauguration was at record levels
Reason for lying: Trump cannot accept that fewer people came to see him than the hated Barack Obama

Claim: These folders at my press conference contain reams of legal evidence supporting my business divestiture
Reason for lying: He was caught in a bluff

Claim: Trump wrote the inaugural address all by himself
Reason for lying: An attempt to look independent and smart
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- your examples are silly speculation and OPINION masquerading as Proof RWinger .

You are correct

I have no idea why Trump lies as prolifically as he does. As can be seen in my examples, it seems to be lying to protect a fragile ego or lying just for the hell of it
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- silly examples , all speculation and OPINION masquerading as Proof RWinger !!

Why does Trump lie about 5 million illegals voting for Hillary? With ten million illegals in this country, and many being children, that would require almost every illegal in this country casting a vote....patently ridiculous

So is this a lie by Trump or just my opinion?

I look at two possibilities

1. Trump is just plain stupid and believes any conspiracy theory he encounters on the internet. This is consistent with his birther and Ted Cruz's father killed JFK claims

2. Trump is lying
hey Camp , I believe that mrobama was the biggest liar in USA presidential history . And I think that RWingers examples of so called lying by Trump are Silly !! Do the investigation on illegal alien and deads voting as that's a single issue that can be proved or disproved by an INVESTIGATION Camp !!
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hey Camp , I believe that mrobama was the biggest liar in USA presidential history . And I think that RWingers examples of so called lying by Trump are Silly !! Do the investigation on illegal alien and dead voting as that's a single issue that can be proved or disproved by an INVESTIGATION Camp !!
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- same advice for RWinger !!
So why is our President lying to us so much?

Lets look at the recent cases:

Claim: 3-5 million illegals voted for Hillary Clinton
Reason for lying: Trump cannot bear to admit that he lost the popular vote

Claim: Attendance at the Trump inauguration was at record levels
Reason for lying: Trump cannot accept that fewer people came to see him than the hated Barack Obama

Claim: These folders at my press conference contain reams of legal evidence supporting my business divestiture
Reason for lying: He was caught in a bluff

Claim: Trump wrote the inaugural address all by himself
Reason for lying: An attempt to look independent and smart
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- your examples are silly speculation and OPINION masquerading as Proof RWinger .

You are correct

I have no idea why Trump lies as prolifically as he does. As can be seen in my examples, it seems to be lying to protect a fragile ego or lying just for the hell of it
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- silly examples , all speculation and OPINION masquerading as Proof RWinger !!

Why does Trump lie about 5 million illegals voting for Hillary? With ten million illegals in this country, and many being children, that would require almost every illegal in this country casting a vote....patently ridiculous

So is this a lie by Trump or just my opinion?

I look at two possibilities

1. Trump is just plain stupid and believes any conspiracy theory he encounters on the internet. This is consistent with his birther and Ted Cruz's father killed JFK claims

2. Trump is lying
---------------------------------------------------------------- [chuckle] --- simple advice !!! Do the investigation on deads and illegal aliens voting and then you will have some proof on illegal alien and deads voting in USA elections RWinger !!
So why is our President lying to us so much?

Lets look at the recent cases:

Claim: 3-5 million illegals voted for Hillary Clinton
Reason for lying: Trump cannot bear to admit that he lost the popular vote

Claim: Attendance at the Trump inauguration was at record levels
Reason for lying: Trump cannot accept that fewer people came to see him than the hated Barack Obama

Claim: These folders at my press conference contain reams of legal evidence supporting my business divestiture
Reason for lying: He was caught in a bluff

Claim: Trump wrote the inaugural address all by himself
Reason for lying: An attempt to look independent and smart
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- your examples are silly speculation and OPINION masquerading as Proof RWinger .

You are correct

I have no idea why Trump lies as prolifically as he does. As can be seen in my examples, it seems to be lying to protect a fragile ego or lying just for the hell of it
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- silly examples , all speculation and OPINION masquerading as Proof RWinger !!

Why does Trump lie about 5 million illegals voting for Hillary? With ten million illegals in this country, and many being children, that would require almost every illegal in this country casting a vote....patently ridiculous

So is this a lie by Trump or just my opinion?

I look at two possibilities

1. Trump is just plain stupid and believes any conspiracy theory he encounters on the internet. This is consistent with his birther and Ted Cruz's father killed JFK claims

2. Trump is lying
---------------------------------------------------------------- [chuckle] --- simple advice !!! Do the investigation on deads and illegal aliens voting and then you will have some proof on illegal alien and deads voting in USA elections RWinger !!

Show me the numbers

How many illegals have been arrested over the last ten years for illegal voting?
How many dead people have been found to have voted?

Call me when you reach a thousand
White House Resident Trump is a proven pathological and serial liar. If he does not tell at least three lies every day his hair falls out and his boner pills will not work.

^^^^^typical juvenile butthurt libtardian post. Grow up idiot.
hey Camp , I believe that mrobama was the biggest liar in USA presidential history . And I think that RWingers examples of so called lying by Trump are Silly !! Do the investigation on illegal alien and deads voting as that's a single issue that can be proved or disproved by an INVESTIGATION Camp !!
You do not comprehend the meaning of a serial liar or pathological liar. These discussions that compare the lies of Obama and or Clinton always come down to a handful credited to them during a long history and well over one hundred for trump over a small period of time.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- your examples are silly speculation and OPINION masquerading as Proof RWinger .

You are correct

I have no idea why Trump lies as prolifically as he does. As can be seen in my examples, it seems to be lying to protect a fragile ego or lying just for the hell of it
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- silly examples , all speculation and OPINION masquerading as Proof RWinger !!

Why does Trump lie about 5 million illegals voting for Hillary? With ten million illegals in this country, and many being children, that would require almost every illegal in this country casting a vote....patently ridiculous

So is this a lie by Trump or just my opinion?

I look at two possibilities

1. Trump is just plain stupid and believes any conspiracy theory he encounters on the internet. This is consistent with his birther and Ted Cruz's father killed JFK claims

2. Trump is lying
---------------------------------------------------------------- [chuckle] --- simple advice !!! Do the investigation on deads and illegal aliens voting and then you will have some proof on illegal alien and deads voting in USA elections RWinger !!

Show me the numbers

How many illegals have been arrested over the last ten years for illegal voting?
How many dead people have been found to have voted?

Call me when you reach a thousand

the numbers and data are coming, be patient------------------and be ready to admit that you were wrong once again.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- your examples are silly speculation and OPINION masquerading as Proof RWinger .

You are correct

I have no idea why Trump lies as prolifically as he does. As can be seen in my examples, it seems to be lying to protect a fragile ego or lying just for the hell of it
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- silly examples , all speculation and OPINION masquerading as Proof RWinger !!

Why does Trump lie about 5 million illegals voting for Hillary? With ten million illegals in this country, and many being children, that would require almost every illegal in this country casting a vote....patently ridiculous

So is this a lie by Trump or just my opinion?

I look at two possibilities

1. Trump is just plain stupid and believes any conspiracy theory he encounters on the internet. This is consistent with his birther and Ted Cruz's father killed JFK claims

2. Trump is lying
---------------------------------------------------------------- [chuckle] --- simple advice !!! Do the investigation on deads and illegal aliens voting and then you will have some proof on illegal alien and deads voting in USA elections RWinger !!

Show me the numbers

How many illegals have been arrested over the last ten years for illegal voting?
How many dead people have been found to have voted?

Call me when you reach a thousand
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ and just ' ONE ' example found after investigation is one too many examples RWinger !!
White House Resident Trump is a proven pathological and serial liar. If he does not tell at least three lies every day his hair falls out and his boner pills will not work.

^^^^^typical juvenile butthurt libtardian post. Grow up idiot.
You are the butthurt fool that takes a written in humor so seriously. You trumpbots just can not take the smallest amount of criticism about your lord and think he can never do wrong or even make mistakes.
You are backing a mentally afflicted pathological liar. Learn to deal with or go on mendication.
gotta investigate First RWinger !!

You have had three months since the election
Local officials do not need Trumps permission to investigate voter records

Why is it that NO VOTER FRAUD has been found?
You are correct

I have no idea why Trump lies as prolifically as he does. As can be seen in my examples, it seems to be lying to protect a fragile ego or lying just for the hell of it
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- silly examples , all speculation and OPINION masquerading as Proof RWinger !!

Why does Trump lie about 5 million illegals voting for Hillary? With ten million illegals in this country, and many being children, that would require almost every illegal in this country casting a vote....patently ridiculous

So is this a lie by Trump or just my opinion?

I look at two possibilities

1. Trump is just plain stupid and believes any conspiracy theory he encounters on the internet. This is consistent with his birther and Ted Cruz's father killed JFK claims

2. Trump is lying
---------------------------------------------------------------- [chuckle] --- simple advice !!! Do the investigation on deads and illegal aliens voting and then you will have some proof on illegal alien and deads voting in USA elections RWinger !!

Show me the numbers

How many illegals have been arrested over the last ten years for illegal voting?
How many dead people have been found to have voted?

Call me when you reach a thousand
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ and just ' ONE ' example found after investigation is one too many examples RWinger !!

Burden of proof is on you to extrapolate one into five million
White House Resident Trump is a proven pathological and serial liar. If he does not tell at least three lies every day his hair falls out and his boner pills will not work.

^^^^^typical juvenile butthurt libtardian post. Grow up idiot.
You are the butthurt fool that takes a written in humor so seriously. You trumpbots just can not take the smallest amount of criticism about your lord and think he can never do wrong or even make mistakes.
You are backing a mentally afflicted pathological liar. Learn to deal with or go on mendication.

So when someone "humorously" called Obama "the Kenyan messiah" you just yukked it up and thought is was just humor? Sure.

You lefties keep claiming that Trump is lying, then give us a list of his lies. Put up or shut up.

The list of lies from obozo and the clintoons are well established and very long. I suggest that you don't want to go there.
White House Resident Trump is a proven pathological and serial liar. If he does not tell at least three lies every day his hair falls out and his boner pills will not work.

^^^^^typical juvenile butthurt libtardian post. Grow up idiot.
You are the butthurt fool that takes a written in humor so seriously. You trumpbots just can not take the smallest amount of criticism about your lord and think he can never do wrong or even make mistakes.
You are backing a mentally afflicted pathological liar. Learn to deal with or go on mendication.

So when someone "humorously" called Obama "the Kenyan messiah" you just yukked it up and thought is was just humor? Sure.

You lefties keep claiming that Trump is lying, then give us a list of his lies. Put up or shut up.

The list of lies from obozo and the clintoons are well established and very long. I suggest that you don't want to go there.
I have no problem going there if it is for comparative purposes and focuses on the regularity and quantity of the provable lies.

Seriously, the lists of trump lies have been posted at this site for months and regularly. Do you really need to see them again? Just google 'lists of trump lies".

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