Why does our President lie to us?

Except those weren't lies. The ACA allowed insurance companies to grandfather their already existing plans, only NEW plans had to meet ACA minimum standards. It was the insurance companies or the employers who canceled the plans, not the ACA.

Politifact Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it'

Interesting claim, but highly deceptive

Obama was responding to the bigger LIE that the government was taking over healthcare and everyone would have to get Obamacare. To ease Republican fearmongering. he came up with a bumper sticker phrase "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor"

The phrase should have been "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor unless your employer dumps your healthplan or your doctor no longer takes your insurance or if you have a really crappy health insurance plan" But that wouldn't fit on a bumper sticker
Except those weren't lies. The ACA allowed insurance companies to grandfather their already existing plans, only NEW plans had to meet ACA minimum standards. It was the insurance companies or the employers who canceled the plans, not the ACA.

Politifact Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it'

Interesting claim, but highly deceptive

Obama was responding to the bigger LIE that the government was taking over healthcare and everyone would have to get Obamacare. To ease Republican fearmongering. he came up with a bumper sticker phrase "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor"

The phrase should have been "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor unless your employer dumps your healthplan or your doctor no longer takes your insurance or if you have a really crappy health insurance plan" But that wouldn't fit on a bumper sticker
or he would have just done a ...'wink wink' 'nudge nudge', 'no what I mean' 'say no more'. Then I would have gotten what he meant.
A lie would be more like "If you like your plan, you can keep your plan."

Or "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor."
Except those weren't lies. The ACA allowed insurance companies to grandfather their already existing plans, only NEW plans had to meet ACA minimum standards. It was the insurance companies or the employers who canceled the plans, not the ACA.

Oh great, lies upon more lies.

My rates went up significantly as my coverage decreased.

Get bent.

That is not all the lies, of course. Obama sold his health care plan as anything but a tax. In fact, he promised never to raise taxes on the Middle Class. However, once SCOTUS said that it had to be a tax to be Constitutional, then all of a sudden it becomes a tax that is the highest tax on the Middle Class in US history.

It's so bad, even Bill Clinton came out and admitted it was a crazy scheme that was destroying the Middle Class. Even Hillary saw that it was a complete failure.
My friend in Oregon, a doctor, who really wanted Obamacare now says it is a bust.

His wifes premiums just went from 250/month to 900/month. Don't know any more details.
to me its very reasonable to think that illegals vote , the problem should be investigated RWinger
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Republicans control the government. It is simple enough to prove. Look at the voter records and follow up to see if they are legal. So far......Nothing
dude, as pointed out many times in this forum, one only has to go to the recount in Detroit. Illegal votes were found there in most all precincts. what else you need?

Show us where an illegal was found voting
illegal votes were counted in Detroit. It's on the internet, look up recount detroit. it's very simple. I've posted that enough in here. You can also use the search engine in here and look up my posts with detroit.
Your claim...burden of proof is on you
--------------------------------------------------------------- borden of proof is on me , Trump and JC456 . I think that that is why we all want an investigation RWinger !!
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Republicans control the government. It is simple enough to prove. Look at the voter records and follow up to see if they are legal. So far......Nothing
dude, as pointed out many times in this forum, one only has to go to the recount in Detroit. Illegal votes were found there in most all precincts. what else you need?

Show us where an illegal was found voting
illegal votes were counted in Detroit. It's on the internet, look up recount detroit. it's very simple. I've posted that enough in here. You can also use the search engine in here and look up my posts with detroit.
Your claim...burden of proof is on you
I did already. search for it.
Just right wing special pleading?

Once they started the Michigan recount in earnest, and knowing he would be exposed, the Detroit City Clerk Daniel Baxter all of a sudden started claiming that the optical scanners which read the paper ballots did not work the day of the election. Baxter blamed the discrepancies on decade-old voting machines. That is his cover story. Nothing like this was mentioned until he realized their voting fraud scheme would be detected.--http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2016/12/revealed-michigan-recount-uncovers-massive-voter-fraud-detroit-precincts/
Only a few days into the Trump Presidency and he is lying to us repeatedly

Let's start with the need to lie about millions of illegals voting without a single shred of evidence

You have been so discombobulated of the last 8 years of liberal "doublespeak "that you cannot tell the truth when you hear it.
Only a few days into the Trump Presidency and he is lying to us repeatedly

Let's start with the need to lie about millions of illegals voting without a single shred of evidence

You have been so discombobulated of the last 8 years of liberal "doublespeak "that you cannot tell the truth when you hear it.

OK.....show me 3-5 million illegal votes
It should not be that hard
Only a few days into the Trump Presidency and he is lying to us repeatedly

Let's start with the need to lie about millions of illegals voting without a single shred of evidence

You have been so discombobulated of the last 8 years of liberal "doublespeak "that you cannot tell the truth when you hear it.

OK.....show me 3-5 million illegal votes
It should not be that hard
they can't do it; or they may show how red illegals in red States, voted red.
Only a few days into the Trump Presidency and he is lying to us repeatedly

Let's start with the need to lie about millions of illegals voting without a single shred of evidence

You have been so discombobulated of the last 8 years of liberal "doublespeak "that you cannot tell the truth when you hear it.

OK.....show me 3-5 million illegal votes
It should not be that hard
they can't do it; or they may show how red illegals in red States, voted red.

That is over five percent of the vote that they are claiming to be illegal

Some sampling should easily reveal the extent of the problem.....But they can't seem to point to a single vote by an illegal alien

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Only a few days into the Trump Presidency and he is lying to us repeatedly

Let's start with the need to lie about millions of illegals voting without a single shred of evidence

It's a tradition. Politicians lie, get used to it, always been, always will be.
Politicians lie

But no politician has ever lied at the magnitude Trump does. He lies not just on serious policy matters but trivial matters

To top it off......he is not that good a liar

Hmmm, really? how about these

"if you like your plan you can keep it"
"we landed under sniper fire"
"the average family will save $2500 annually"
"I never had sex with that woman..."
"There was no classified data on my server"
"I never sent or received classified e-mail on my personal server"
"My administration will be the most transparent in history"
"Raising the debt is a failure of leadership"
"It was caused by a video"

I could continue but you get the idea.
to me its very reasonable to think that illegals vote , the problem should be investigated RWinger
Show us

Republicans control the government. It is simple enough to prove. Look at the voter records and follow up to see if they are legal. So far......Nothing

the investigation is ongoing. be patient, you will be proven wrong.
to me its very reasonable to think that illegals vote , the problem should be investigated RWinger
Show us

Republicans control the government. It is simple enough to prove. Look at the voter records and follow up to see if they are legal. So far......Nothing

the investigation is ongoing. be patient, you will be proven wrong.

We both know that isn't going to happen

Election was three months ago....your side still has not come up with a single case of voter fraud
Meaning you only have three million to go
to me its very reasonable to think that illegals vote , the problem should be investigated RWinger
Show us

Republicans control the government. It is simple enough to prove. Look at the voter records and follow up to see if they are legal. So far......Nothing

the investigation is ongoing. be patient, you will be proven wrong.

We both know that isn't going to happen

We do? Why not wait and see what the investigation turns up? If it shows that no illegals voted, I will admit that I was wrong. If it shows that thousands or millions of illegals voted will you admit that you were wrong?

BTW, weren't you the one who had a sig line that said that the next republican president has not yet been born? Were you right about that? Duh, no.
just do the Thorough investigation , get it done and then the PROOF will exist because of results of the Investigation . Until an Investigation is done everything about illegal alien and deads voting is just SPECULATION and that's how lefties and dems , liberals want it RWinger .
So why is our President lying to us so much?

Lets look at the recent cases:

Claim: 3-5 million illegals voted for Hillary Clinton
Reason for lying: Trump cannot bear to admit that he lost the popular vote

Claim: Russia did not interfere with the election
Reason for lying: Trump can't admit he had outside help in winning the election

Claim: Attendance at the Trump inauguration was at record levels
Reason for lying: Trump cannot accept that fewer people came to see him than the hated Barack Obama

Claim: These folders at my press conference contain reams of legal evidence supporting my business divestiture
Reason for lying: He was caught in a bluff

Claim: Trump wrote the inaugural address all by himself
Reason for lying: An attempt to look independent and smart
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investigation , hopefully done by Jeff Sessions is the only acceptable solution RWinger !!
So why is our President lying to us so much?

Lets look at the recent cases:

Claim: 3-5 million illegals voted for Hillary Clinton
Reason for lying: Trump cannot bear to admit that he lost the popular vote

Claim: Attendance at the Trump inauguration was at record levels
Reason for lying: Trump cannot accept that fewer people came to see him than the hated Barack Obama

Claim: These folders at my press conference contain reams of legal evidence supporting my business divestiture
Reason for lying: He was caught in a bluff

Claim: Trump wrote the inaugural address all by himself
Reason for lying: An attempt to look independent and smart
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- your examples are silly speculation and OPINION masquerading as Proof RWinger .
White House Resident Trump is a proven pathological and serial liar. If he does not tell at least three lies every day his hair falls out and his boner pills will not work.

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