Why does our President lie to us?

That wasn't a lie. Here's why. In and of itself, passing the ACA did not require people to change doctors or plans. However, the way HC plans are chosen in the USA when it comes to employment, every year your employer can elect to change from which plans you can choose. Every year, you might have one of several choices. But that doesn't mean you'll have the same exact choices every year.

Red Herring. A great many people lost their health care plans and doctors when the Obama Admin caused the cancellations of their individual policies in order to force them into the exchanges.

In many cases it was Obamacare rules that didn't allow plans that people liked to be available any more. While the insurance companies may not have been able to offer them anymore, it wasn't because the companies didn't want to do so. Rather, it was because provisions of Obamacare didn't allow them to do so.

Absolutely correct.

In the end, while the left will say the insurance companies were at fault, if the insurance companies have no choice based on what Obama pushed through, it goes back to the original source.

Indeed it does and the Insurance had no choice at all. The mandated coverages made it necessary to cancel the existing plans per the law even prior to the ACA. Insurance cannot willy nilly raise rates or change the plans. ANY changes of either require new filings of new plans on new forms and all have to be approved by State Commissioners. When you change a plan in any it simply dies and a new one is born. Obama knew he was lying.
Liberals know he lied. They're simply too gutless to admit it.
My general sense is they are trying to pick a fight with the media and to discredit the media as much as they can by sowing doubt about anything and everything that the media report," Feldman said.

"You come in and undercut their trust in the established sources of information," Welch said.

"It tells them to go ahead and hate this person who is delivering bad news. Then you begin to substitute your own news, your own version of reality," Welch added.
Please. The media brought it down on themselves. Their major problem was listening to each other instead of the voters outside the cities they are ensconced in.

Grievously have they paid for it.
The media reports what Trump says.......he never fails to deliver

How dare you report what I say?
Fact check is for pussies

Yep. Every time trumpery or the RWNJs whine about what is reported, its really just his own words.

His answer to that is to silence the journalists. The RWNJs are in favor of this because they hate the US Constitution.
A free press is the biggest impediment to a Trump Presidency. He can't ban them, so he is attempting to delegitimize them.
America......You can't trust the press, you have to trust me

When the media has made themselves a mouthpiece for Liberal bullshit and do anything to cover for the Liberal agenda, they delegitimize themselves. They don't need any help doing what they've already done.
so, the right wing got their info. from Wikileaks?
Only a few days into the Trump Presidency and he is lying to us repeatedly

Let's start with the need to lie about millions of illegals voting without a single shred of evidence


We know that the system has been rigged to allow illegals to vote. We know that a great many do so. You have no problem "lying" to us.
we need to convince red illegals to vote blue, next election cycle.
Only a few days into the Trump Presidency and he is lying to us repeatedly

Let's start with the need to lie about millions of illegals voting without a single shred of evidence

It's a tradition. Politicians lie, get used to it, always been, always will be.
Politicians lie

But no politician has ever lied at the magnitude Trump does. He lies not just on serious policy matters but trivial matters

To top it off......he is not that good a liar

He got elected.

I can't tell if that made him a better liar than Hillary.....or that she just plain sucked to much.
Trump lies.....


A shock.....

He's been doing for nine months.

And now it's a shock.
Only a few days into the Trump Presidency and he is lying to us repeatedly

Let's start with the need to lie about millions of illegals voting without a single shred of evidence


/---- The DOJ is investigating Cupcake. Patience
Trump told us there were 3 million illegal votes. There is no need to investigate, he knows everything, but can't prove anything

Dude, you're on the side that has sought to legitimize illegals. Your on the side that is fine with them voting. Arguing the number is just your bull shit way of confusing the issue(s).

i am not confusing anything. We merely need to convince red illegals in red states to vote blue, next election.
Only a few days into the Trump Presidency and he is lying to us repeatedly

Let's start with the need to lie about millions of illegals voting without a single shred of evidence

It's a tradition. Politicians lie, get used to it, always been, always will be.
Politicians lie

But no politician has ever lied at the magnitude Trump does. He lies not just on serious policy matters but trivial matters

To top it off......he is not that good a liar

He got elected.

I can't tell if that made him a better liar than Hillary.....or that she just plain sucked to much.

Hillary and all her supporters constantly called Trump an idiot, a liar, and all sorts of other things where they indicated she was better than him. She lost. What does that say about her.
We know that the system has been rigged to allow illegals to vote. We know that a great many do so. You have no problem "lying" to us.
Just how is the system rigged to allow illegals to vote?
You know that a great many do, but you have no proof

Don't give me your prosecutory tone. Clearly, you have no interest in the truth. Do some research if you do, and then get back to me. I'm not here to argue with cheerleaders, though.
The truth is that Trump is a pathetic liar

And does your "truth" include the idea that Hillary was a viable candidate who was not corrupt?

His truth includes the idea that we all get to keep the health insurance plans that we like and our doctors whom we like.

Interesting claim, but highly deceptive

Obama was responding to the bigger LIE that the government was taking over healthcare and everyone would have to get Obamacare. To ease Republican fearmongering. he came up with a bumper sticker phrase "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor"

The phrase should have been "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor unless your employer dumps your healthplan or your doctor no longer takes your insurance or if you have a really crappy health insurance plan" But that wouldn't fit on a bumper sticker
Just how is the system rigged to allow illegals to vote?
You know that a great many do, but you have no proof

Don't give me your prosecutory tone. Clearly, you have no interest in the truth. Do some research if you do, and then get back to me. I'm not here to argue with cheerleaders, though.
The truth is that Trump is a pathetic liar

And does your "truth" include the idea that Hillary was a viable candidate who was not corrupt?

His truth includes the idea that we all get to keep the health insurance plans that we like and our doctors whom we like.

Interesting claim, but highly deceptive

Obama was responding to the bigger LIE that the government was taking over healthcare and everyone would have to get Obamacare. To ease Republican fearmongering. he came up with a bumper sticker phrase "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor"

The phrase should have been "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor unless your employer dumps your healthplan or your doctor no longer takes your insurance or if you have a really crappy health insurance plan" But that wouldn't fit on a bumper sticker

That's not what he said.

He said....keep your doctor.....PERIOD.

There use to be a great YouTube video of John Stewart calling him out on that.

It's been taken down.

Stewart had it right on....there were not qualifications.

He essentially called Obama a liar.
Don't give me your prosecutory tone. Clearly, you have no interest in the truth. Do some research if you do, and then get back to me. I'm not here to argue with cheerleaders, though.
The truth is that Trump is a pathetic liar

And does your "truth" include the idea that Hillary was a viable candidate who was not corrupt?

His truth includes the idea that we all get to keep the health insurance plans that we like and our doctors whom we like.

Interesting claim, but highly deceptive

Obama was responding to the bigger LIE that the government was taking over healthcare and everyone would have to get Obamacare. To ease Republican fearmongering. he came up with a bumper sticker phrase "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor"

The phrase should have been "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor unless your employer dumps your healthplan or your doctor no longer takes your insurance or if you have a really crappy health insurance plan" But that wouldn't fit on a bumper sticker

That's not what he said.

He said....keep your doctor.....PERIOD.

There use to be a great YouTube video of John Stewart calling him out on that.

It's been taken down.

Stewart had it right on....there were not qualifications.

He essentially called Obama a liar.
trump has been lying every single day since he ran for office. Doesn't that concern you?
Only a few days into the Trump Presidency and he is lying to us repeatedly

Let's start with the need to lie about millions of illegals voting without a single shred of evidence

It's a tradition. Politicians lie, get used to it, always been, always will be.
Politicians lie

But no politician has ever lied at the magnitude Trump does. He lies not just on serious policy matters but trivial matters

To top it off......he is not that good a liar

/---- yet you have no fake outrage with all of the Clinton's lies nor for Obozo's I suppose.

No President in history has been as prolific as Trump
It is not even close

Trump lies out of the pure joy of it. He has reached the point where he does not even recognize he is lying and has his "yes men" vouch for him
Only a few days into the Trump Presidency and he is lying to us repeatedly

Let's start with the need to lie about millions of illegals voting without a single shred of evidence

I asked that for eight very long years. Still no answer. Other than he was a muslim lover and a US hater.
Only a few days into the Trump Presidency and he is lying to us repeatedly

Let's start with the need to lie about millions of illegals voting without a single shred of evidence

It's a tradition. Politicians lie, get used to it, always been, always will be.
Politicians lie

But no politician has ever lied at the magnitude Trump does. He lies not just on serious policy matters but trivial matters

To top it off......he is not that good a liar

/---- yet you have no fake outrage with all of the Clinton's lies nor for Obozo's I suppose.

No President in history has been as prolific as Trump
It is not even close

Trump lies out of the pure joy of it. He has reached the point where he does not even recognize he is lying and has his "yes men" vouch for him
there you go!!!! nuff said.
Only a few days into the Trump Presidency and he is lying to us repeatedly

Let's start with the need to lie about millions of illegals voting without a single shred of evidence


Why does the President lie to us?

That should be engraved on our currency.

A better question would be, why do they allow him or her to lie with impunity, especially when important things like our health care are involved?

Keep your doctor and health coverage and your taxes won't go up? Really, the hell you say.
to me its very reasonable to think that illegals vote , the problem should be investigated RWinger
Show us

Republicans control the government. It is simple enough to prove. Look at the voter records and follow up to see if they are legal. So far......Nothing
dude, as pointed out many times in this forum, one only has to go to the recount in Detroit. Illegal votes were found there in most all precincts. what else you need?
Only a few days into the Trump Presidency and he is lying to us repeatedly

Let's start with the need to lie about millions of illegals voting without a single shred of evidence


Why does the President lie to us?

That should be engraved on our currency.

A better question would be, why do they allow him or her to lie with impunity, especially when important things like our health care are involved?
but obummer is no longer president.

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