Why does our President lie to us?

Don't give me your prosecutory tone. Clearly, you have no interest in the truth. Do some research if you do, and then get back to me. I'm not here to argue with cheerleaders, though.
The truth is that Trump is a pathetic liar

And does your "truth" include the idea that Hillary was a viable candidate who was not corrupt?

His truth includes the idea that we all get to keep the health insurance plans that we like and our doctors whom we like.

Interesting claim, but highly deceptive

Obama was responding to the bigger LIE that the government was taking over healthcare and everyone would have to get Obamacare. To ease Republican fearmongering. he came up with a bumper sticker phrase "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor"

The phrase should have been "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor unless your employer dumps your healthplan or your doctor no longer takes your insurance or if you have a really crappy health insurance plan" But that wouldn't fit on a bumper sticker

That's not what he said.

He said....keep your doctor.....PERIOD.

There use to be a great YouTube video of John Stewart calling him out on that.

It's been taken down.

Stewart had it right on....there were not qualifications.

He essentially called Obama a liar.

Well...If we want to get literal, then Obama was correct

You could ALWAYS keep your doctor if you wanted to pay for it
to me its very reasonable to think that illegals vote , the problem should be investigated RWinger
Show us

Republicans control the government. It is simple enough to prove. Look at the voter records and follow up to see if they are legal. So far......Nothing
dude, as pointed out many times in this forum, one only has to go to the recount in Detroit. Illegal votes were found there in most all precincts. what else you need?

Show us where an illegal was found voting
to me its very reasonable to think that illegals vote , the problem should be investigated RWinger
Show us

Republicans control the government. It is simple enough to prove. Look at the voter records and follow up to see if they are legal. So far......Nothing
dude, as pointed out many times in this forum, one only has to go to the recount in Detroit. Illegal votes were found there in most all precincts. what else you need?

Show us where an illegal was found voting
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- President Trump and ' I ' are just suspicious at this time so I can't show you an illegal alien voting with concrete proof of illegal alien voting yet because an investigation hasn't been done yet RWinger . But thats why an INVESTIGATION is needed . After the investigation , if it happens I will share the info with you RWinger .
to me its very reasonable to think that illegals vote , the problem should be investigated RWinger
Show us

Republicans control the government. It is simple enough to prove. Look at the voter records and follow up to see if they are legal. So far......Nothing
dude, as pointed out many times in this forum, one only has to go to the recount in Detroit. Illegal votes were found there in most all precincts. what else you need?

Show us where an illegal was found voting
illegal votes were counted in Detroit. It's on the internet, look up recount detroit. it's very simple. I've posted that enough in here. You can also use the search engine in here and look up my posts with detroit.
to me its very reasonable to think that illegals vote , the problem should be investigated RWinger
Show us

Republicans control the government. It is simple enough to prove. Look at the voter records and follow up to see if they are legal. So far......Nothing
dude, as pointed out many times in this forum, one only has to go to the recount in Detroit. Illegal votes were found there in most all precincts. what else you need?

Show us where an illegal was found voting
illegal votes were counted in Detroit. It's on the internet, look up recount detroit. it's very simple. I've posted that enough in here. You can also use the search engine in here and look up my posts with detroit.
-------------------------------------------------------- thanks for the info JC456 , but I really don't care as I want the President to do a real investigation so ' I ' can shove it in the faces of the lefty dems that love illegal alien and dead voters voting in USA elections . Trump is President , he won and I think that the real investigation may be coming as President Trump get ready for his reelection in a few years JC .
Only a few days into the Trump Presidency and he is lying to us repeatedly

Let's start with the need to lie about millions of illegals voting without a single shred of evidence

Are you really this poorly informed or just trolling?
The truth is that Trump is a pathetic liar

And does your "truth" include the idea that Hillary was a viable candidate who was not corrupt?

His truth includes the idea that we all get to keep the health insurance plans that we like and our doctors whom we like.

Interesting claim, but highly deceptive

Obama was responding to the bigger LIE that the government was taking over healthcare and everyone would have to get Obamacare. To ease Republican fearmongering. he came up with a bumper sticker phrase "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor"

The phrase should have been "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor unless your employer dumps your healthplan or your doctor no longer takes your insurance or if you have a really crappy health insurance plan" But that wouldn't fit on a bumper sticker

That's not what he said.

He said....keep your doctor.....PERIOD.

There use to be a great YouTube video of John Stewart calling him out on that.

It's been taken down.

Stewart had it right on....there were not qualifications.

He essentially called Obama a liar.

Well...If we want to get literal, then Obama was correct

You could ALWAYS keep your doctor if you wanted to pay for it

Your indifference to obvious hypocrisy is duly noted.

Now please reinsert head up rear.
to me its very reasonable to think that illegals vote , the problem should be investigated RWinger
Show us

Republicans control the government. It is simple enough to prove. Look at the voter records and follow up to see if they are legal. So far......Nothing
dude, as pointed out many times in this forum, one only has to go to the recount in Detroit. Illegal votes were found there in most all precincts. what else you need?

Show us where an illegal was found voting
illegal votes were counted in Detroit. It's on the internet, look up recount detroit. it's very simple. I've posted that enough in here. You can also use the search engine in here and look up my posts with detroit.
-------------------------------------------------------- thanks for the info JC456 , but I really don't care as I want the President to do a real investigation so ' I ' can shove it in the faces of the lefty dems that love illegal alien and dead voters voting in USA elections . Trump is President , he won and I think that the real investigation may be coming as President Trump get ready for his reelection in a few years JC .
I completely agree with you^^^^^^^^^^
The truth is that Trump is a pathetic liar

And does your "truth" include the idea that Hillary was a viable candidate who was not corrupt?

His truth includes the idea that we all get to keep the health insurance plans that we like and our doctors whom we like.

Interesting claim, but highly deceptive

Obama was responding to the bigger LIE that the government was taking over healthcare and everyone would have to get Obamacare. To ease Republican fearmongering. he came up with a bumper sticker phrase "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor"

The phrase should have been "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor unless your employer dumps your healthplan or your doctor no longer takes your insurance or if you have a really crappy health insurance plan" But that wouldn't fit on a bumper sticker

That's not what he said.

He said....keep your doctor.....PERIOD.

There use to be a great YouTube video of John Stewart calling him out on that.

It's been taken down.

Stewart had it right on....there were not qualifications.

He essentially called Obama a liar.

Well...If we want to get literal, then Obama was correct

You could ALWAYS keep your doctor if you wanted to pay for it

Yeah, that makes a lot of sense.
The truth is that Trump is a pathetic liar

And does your "truth" include the idea that Hillary was a viable candidate who was not corrupt?

His truth includes the idea that we all get to keep the health insurance plans that we like and our doctors whom we like.

Interesting claim, but highly deceptive

Obama was responding to the bigger LIE that the government was taking over healthcare and everyone would have to get Obamacare. To ease Republican fearmongering. he came up with a bumper sticker phrase "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor"

The phrase should have been "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor unless your employer dumps your healthplan or your doctor no longer takes your insurance or if you have a really crappy health insurance plan" But that wouldn't fit on a bumper sticker

That's not what he said.

He said....keep your doctor.....PERIOD.

There use to be a great YouTube video of John Stewart calling him out on that.

It's been taken down.

Stewart had it right on....there were not qualifications.

He essentially called Obama a liar.
trump has been lying every single day since he ran for office. Doesn't that concern you?


I'm used to it and I expect it.
Only a few days into the Trump Presidency and he is lying to us repeatedly

Let's start with the need to lie about millions of illegals voting without a single shred of evidence


Why does the President lie to us?

That should be engraved on our currency.

A better question would be, why do they allow him or her to lie with impunity, especially when important things like our health care are involved?

Keep your doctor and health coverage and your taxes won't go up? Really, the hell you say.

Nope....you'll save 2,500 per year.
A lie would be more like "If you like your plan, you can keep your plan."

Or "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor."
Except those weren't lies. The ACA allowed insurance companies to grandfather their already existing plans, only NEW plans had to meet ACA minimum standards. It was the insurance companies or the employers who canceled the plans, not the ACA.
The truth is that Trump is a pathetic liar

And does your "truth" include the idea that Hillary was a viable candidate who was not corrupt?

His truth includes the idea that we all get to keep the health insurance plans that we like and our doctors whom we like.

Interesting claim, but highly deceptive

Obama was responding to the bigger LIE that the government was taking over healthcare and everyone would have to get Obamacare. To ease Republican fearmongering. he came up with a bumper sticker phrase "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor"

The phrase should have been "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor unless your employer dumps your healthplan or your doctor no longer takes your insurance or if you have a really crappy health insurance plan" But that wouldn't fit on a bumper sticker

That's not what he said.

He said....keep your doctor.....PERIOD.

There use to be a great YouTube video of John Stewart calling him out on that.

It's been taken down.

Stewart had it right on....there were not qualifications.

He essentially called Obama a liar.

Well...If we want to get literal, then Obama was correct

You could ALWAYS keep your doctor if you wanted to pay for it

But that is inconsistent with being able to keep the plan that one liked that enabled one to afford to see the doctor one liked.
Donald Trump is an extreme narcissist. Consistent lying is one of the symptoms. He can't help it.

That's why he obsesses over the popular vote and the number of people at his inauguration.
Only a few days into the Trump Presidency and he is lying to us repeatedly

Let's start with the need to lie about millions of illegals voting without a single shred of evidence


No illegal is going to risk getting caught and deported so they can just cast a vote. That's the ultimate, "here I am, come and get me" moment. Comrade Trump is just trying to deflect attention away from Putin helping him win the election. And, let's face it, he just can't stand the thought of not being as popular as he thinks he is, and or that he got his ass kicked by 3 million popular votes. So this useless executive order is to re inflate his narcissistic personality disorder. But it ain't going to happen anyway. These states have election laws that state if there is no evidence of voter fraud they won't do it. So the taxpayers of this country would have to pay for it, and since the Congress holds the purse strings they won't agree to it.

He's a textbook example of a Narcissist. One who requires constant attention, BUT that attention needs to come in the form of PRAISE and adoration. A narcissist cannot handle any form of criticism, this is why he resort to his tweeter account, to go out on attack, even attack on private citizens. Right now he is listening to what every media outlet in this country is saying about him. He's all about numbers and ratings. It's very common in the entertainment industry where he comes from.
A neuroscientist explains: Trump has a mental disorder that makes him a dangerous world leader


But as far as his lies--Oh Yeah and they're WHOPPERS. I have to agree with Ted Cruz. Comrade Trump is a pathological liar. This is someone who lies so much, they forget they're lying, and even come to believe their own lies. This is a person that could take a lie detector test, lie all the way through it and not even an eyelash would shutter. Donald Trump.

Here's a list of the biggest lies he has told.
Trump’s Yuuge Lies
to me its very reasonable to think that illegals vote , the problem should be investigated RWinger
Show us

Republicans control the government. It is simple enough to prove. Look at the voter records and follow up to see if they are legal. So far......Nothing
dude, as pointed out many times in this forum, one only has to go to the recount in Detroit. Illegal votes were found there in most all precincts. what else you need?

Show us where an illegal was found voting
illegal votes were counted in Detroit. It's on the internet, look up recount detroit. it's very simple. I've posted that enough in here. You can also use the search engine in here and look up my posts with detroit.
Your claim...burden of proof is on you
to me its very reasonable to think that illegals vote , the problem should be investigated RWinger
Show us

Republicans control the government. It is simple enough to prove. Look at the voter records and follow up to see if they are legal. So far......Nothing
dude, as pointed out many times in this forum, one only has to go to the recount in Detroit. Illegal votes were found there in most all precincts. what else you need?

Show us where an illegal was found voting
illegal votes were counted in Detroit. It's on the internet, look up recount detroit. it's very simple. I've posted that enough in here. You can also use the search engine in here and look up my posts with detroit.
Your claim...burden of proof is on you
I did already. search for it.

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