Why does our President lie to us?

Only a few days into the Trump Presidency and he is lying to us repeatedly

Let's start with the need to lie about millions of illegals voting without a single shred of evidence

You can keep your doctor and your current insurance, in all 57 states even under sniper fire…
RW, and others fail to realize, that you cannot track illegals whom vote, since the current operating system is not set up to be able to track it!
Or they do realize this, and are just being their undermining, obstructing selves...........
Easy enough to follow up

Chico Escuela from 2 Main Street voted in the last election. Easy to check and see if he is a legal voter. Especially when you claim there are five million Chico Escuelas out there

You live in the sewers under NYC. I'm on the ground here in the southwest and see mucho voter registration going on for years with no ID, utility bill, etc.., ever asked for.
Like I said...easy enough to prove

Follow up on people who actually voted and show they are not citizens....you can't

Hell, since the FBI is unable to follow up on gun background checks stupid liberal Nevadans' voted in (making the law basically useless!), how the hell do you expect states to be able to have the resources and the time to do that?
You really are a special kind of stoopid...........

Not that I'm stoopid or anything, but your rant has nothing to do with what I posted

It is not impossible to show that illegals voted during an election. In fact, it is quite easy
Just go through voter roles and start checking to see if those who voted are citizens
With a claim of up to five million non-citizens voting, it should be easy to find thousands of illegal votes....yet the Conspiracy Theorists (and yes, Trump is a Conspiracy Theorist) can't even identify a dozen
Amazing how many people have suddenly realized politicians lie.

It seems Trump has taken it to a new level. Since all politicians lie....I get to lie at every opportunity

The magnitude of Trumps lies, not to mention the pettiness, set a standard no politician has ever approached
Only a few days into the Trump Presidency and he is lying to us repeatedly

Let's start with the need to lie about millions of illegals voting without a single shred of evidence


That's what pathological liars do. They can't help themselves. The reason I believe he's pathological is because he lies about shit that matters to no one and can be easily verified.

Trump Claims Dress Shops Sold Out Ahead of Inauguration. This is Not True.

I am no psychologist, but the way he lies and the way he chooses to tell a lie when the truth is perfectly acceptable is disturbing.

Maybe that is why he so readily accepts conspiracy theories as the truth. He is incapable of telling the difference
I wouldn't take it personally.

As far a I know, he has always communicated almost exclusively in a cartoonish hyperbole. To everyone. Always. In every situation.

There is absolutely no way of knowing what he's actually thinking, so trying to figure it out is an exercise in futility.

So, we must ignore his words and instead concentrate on his actions.
Again...all we know is what we see

Trump posts a picture that supposedly shows him "hard at work" writing a speech all by himself.
On a fresh pad. No pages folded over the top to show a work in progress
Using a Sharpie to write a speech
Trump has his whole estate to work from, but chooses to work from a tiny receptionists desk

When are you going to stop making excuses for the guy?

So, no proof then.

You said Trump is lying when he says something he believes but can't prove...then you post a bunch of stuff you may well believe but can't prove.

You can't have it both ways...either you're both liars or neither of you are.

Are you a liar?

A simple yes or no will suffice.

This is the new norm

After every Trump lie and mistruth, his minions will flock to his defense redefining the English language and explaining "you did not see what you think you see"

It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.
Only a few days into the Trump Presidency and he is lying to us repeatedly

Let's start with the need to lie about millions of illegals voting without a single shred of evidence


Disagreement is not the same as lying.

A lie would be more like "If you like your plan, you can keep your plan."

Or "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor."

Or "The attack in Benghazi was incited by a spontaneous demonstration over a YouTube video."

See the difference? When a president says something that he knows for a fact is not true like the examples above...that is a lie.

When a president says something he believes is true, like Trump did...that is not a lie.

Glad I was here to clear that up for you.

Bingo. Its not a lie if you believe what you are saying.

Of course it is keeping RW and those like RW occupied with bullshit.

Way to go Trump. LOL
Only a few days into the Trump Presidency and he is lying to us repeatedly

Let's start with the need to lie about millions of illegals voting without a single shred of evidence


0bama, Pelosi, Reid, Kerry, Clinton, liars the likes of which Trump could only wish to rise to. You lefties have no moral ground to say anything to anyone about liars.
I wouldn't take it personally.

As far a I know, he has always communicated almost exclusively in a cartoonish hyperbole. To everyone. Always. In every situation.

There is absolutely no way of knowing what he's actually thinking, so trying to figure it out is an exercise in futility.

So, we must ignore his words and instead concentrate on his actions.

I basically agree

We can't believe anything that Trump or his administration says. It seems they have been instructed to back up his pronouncements. Trump has always relied on hyperbole....I am the best, this is the biggest, I am the smartest

But beyond hyperbole, he also has a tendency to twist facts and double down when actual data is provided

Alternative facts will become the cornerstone of his administration
'Why does our President lie to us?'

'If you like your plan you can keep it.' 'It was all over a video.' I can't speak for them all, but based off these examples it is to sell their bullshit to the American people while trying to 'CYA'.
Only a few days into the Trump Presidency and he is lying to us repeatedly

Let's start with the need to lie about millions of illegals voting without a single shred of evidence


Disagreement is not the same as lying.

A lie would be more like "If you like your plan, you can keep your plan."

Or "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor."

Or "The attack in Benghazi was incited by a spontaneous demonstration over a YouTube video."

See the difference? When a president says something that he knows for a fact is not true like the examples above...that is a lie.

When a president says something he believes is true, like Trump did...that is not a lie.

Glad I was here to clear that up for you.

Bingo. Its not a lie if you believe what you are saying.

Of course it is keeping RW and those like RW occupied with bullshit.

Way to go Trump. LOL

It's not a lie if you believe what you are saying....The George Costanza school of truthiness

Only a few days into the Trump Presidency and he is lying to us repeatedly

Let's start with the need to lie about millions of illegals voting without a single shred of evidence

It's a tradition. Politicians lie, get used to it, always been, always will be.
Politicians lie

But no politician has ever lied at the magnitude Trump does. He lies not just on serious policy matters but trivial matters

To top it off......he is not that good a liar
Obama did, everyday, even got awarded lie of the year.
Only a few days into the Trump Presidency and he is lying to us repeatedly

Let's start with the need to lie about millions of illegals voting without a single shred of evidence


Liberals are like little toddlers throwing a temper tantrum. Except I'm enjoying watching this. :biggrin:
Next lie..

Trump is supposedly writing his inaugural address "all by himself"
He posts a picture showing him hard at work with a paper pad

Close examination shows he is working with a fresh pad and writing with a Sharpie. He is also sitting at a receptionists desk at Mira Largo

Why lie? We already know you have speech writers working on your speech. Show yourself editing the speech

Link to PROOF he did not write his own speech?

Just holding you to the standard you laid out in the OP.

Again...all we know is what we see

Trump posts a picture that supposedly shows him "hard at work" writing a speech all by himself.
On a fresh pad. No pages folded over the top to show a work in progress
Using a Sharpie to write a speech
Trump has his whole estate to work from, but chooses to work from a tiny receptionists desk

When are you going to stop making excuses for the guy?
My gosh, why don't you get a life? What do you do all day try to bust Trump on anything. Gruber described you perfectly.
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What some maintain, then, is that Trump lying is normal and not reprehensible?
Only a few days into the Trump Presidency and he is lying to us repeatedly

Let's start with the need to lie about millions of illegals voting without a single shred of evidence


Disagreement is not the same as lying.

A lie would be more like "If you like your plan, you can keep your plan."

Or "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor."

Or "The attack in Benghazi was incited by a spontaneous demonstration over a YouTube video."

See the difference? When a president says something that he knows for a fact is not true like the examples above...that is a lie.

When a president says something he believes is true, like Trump did...that is not a lie.

Glad I was here to clear that up for you.

Bingo. Its not a lie if you believe what you are saying.

Of course it is keeping RW and those like RW occupied with bullshit.

Way to go Trump. LOL

It's not a lie if you believe what you are saying....The George Costanza school of truthiness


Its not a lie if you believe what you are saying.

Hell. That even applies to you.

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