Why does the 2nd amendment exist?

LIBs are afraid of guns.
Guns make a loud noise. Guns will 'hurt' your skinny shoulder. Guns are heavy.
Guns are masculine.
LIB pussy man-boys are afraid of guns.
I saw a fucking LIB pussy actually pick up a rifle by the barrel once.
Sacrifice Your Son to the Rich You Love

Sissyboy richkids got out of having to fight the Communists, their worst class enemy.
"Folks on your side" which "side" would that be? Do you perchance mean the side of the individual and his/her inherent rights? 'cause that's the "side" I'm on, which "side" are you on?

"knives, fists and feet" aren't very efficient at defending oneself from aggressors that have guns and the fact that SOME people utilize guns to commit aggression against others makes it more than reasonable to argue that gun ownership is a necessity to fully exercise ones right to self defense.

Personally I wish firearms didn't exist at all but they do, so in order to defend oneself, gun ownership becomes both a reasonable and justifiable means, because they're are irrational and aggressive individuals (not to mention governments) that will happily use them against you.
The less guns that are in legal circulation, the less will be in circulation illegally as well. Nothing is 100%, but I believe the only solution that will have any teeth whatsoever is to severely restrict gun ownership. I have never owned a gun and have never, even at my most vulnerable and about to get gang raped moment, did it ever occur to me to want one. I have certainly never defended myself with one or had one pointed at me. The vast majority of the time that "good guys" are confronted with irrational and aggressive individuals, having a gun does not help or it happens too fast to use it, or something.
No, I don't go along with the stance that the only answer to gun violence is more guns.
Trying to rationalize our freedoms away. Awesome.
Oh shut up, you brat.
Being free to own and operate a tool designed solely to kill is beyond the pale, imo.
yes, i love freedom so i am a brat.
No, you're a brat because you're bratty however, one chooses to refrain from focusing on said brattiness because you happen to be a freedom loving brat. :D

"Tell me something I don't know." -- Foxy Cleopatra, Austin Powers In Goldmember
How sweet fox! I love you too!
The 2nd Amendment exists to give everyone a sense of freedom, when actually, there are all kinds of weapons the government won't allow you to own, like bazookas, grenades, rocket launchers, F-16s... so if anyone is attempting to argue that their guns are to protect them against tyranny, well, here's a news flash: IT DIDN'T WORK!

You can keep and bear arms and ammunition for those arms, but not ordinance like bazookas, grenades, rocket launchers etc.
The Democrats know that gun control is a losing strategy for them to win elections but they use it to trigger the dumbass Libtards to give them money.

The filthy Democrats have lost 1,000 national seats and Congress and the Presidency with stupid ideas like taking away our Constitutional rights. A great example of the insanity of the Democrat Party. They keep doing the same stupid things over and over again and expecting to get different results.

Question for you stupid Moon Bats. How did it work out for Crooked Hillary to run on a platform to demonize the NRA and advocate taking away the right to keep and bear arms in 2016?

it's called having principles and conviction... your entire premise is FAKE NEWS. :eusa_liar:

Principles and convictions to take away Constitutional rights (that clearly say they should not be infringed) are despicable. The Nazis and the Communist that slaughtered so many people and took away so much freedom in the last century had principles and convictions, didn't they?

The fake news is that gun control magically stops crime. Just take a walk down some side street in South Chicago after dark tonight if you don't believe me.
It should be obvious, primarily to protect (NOT grant) the inherent right of the individual to self defense which is meaningless without the ability to acquire the means to exercise it.

Of course the gub'mint worshipers don't care about individual rights and never have, they're just interested in using gun control as a means to further empower the state using ludicrous arguments. Blaming gun ownership for the acts of mass murders is like blaming forks and spoons for the obesity epidemic and suggesting that we further empower the central government to trample all over the rights of individuals while operating under a presumption of guilty until proven innocent is even more ridiculous.

"This may be considered as the true palladium of liberty, The right of self-defense is the first law of nature; in most governments it has been the study of rulers to confine this right within the narrowest limits possible. Whenever standing armies are kept up, and the right of the people to keep and bear arms is, under any color or pretext whatsoever, prohibited, liberty, if not already annihilated, is on the brink of destruction. In England, the people have been disarmed, generally, under the specious pretext of preserving the game: a never failing lure to bring over the landed aristocracy to support any measure, under that mask, though calculated for very different purposes. True it is, their bill of rights seems at first view to counteract this policy: but the right of bearing arms is confined to protestants, and the words suitable to their condition and degree, have been interpreted to authorise the prohibition of keeping a gun or other engine for the destruction of game, to any farmer, or inferior tradesman, or other person not qualified to kill game. So that not one man in five hundred can keep a gun in his house without being subject to a penalty." -- Tucker Blackstone
It should be obvious, primarily to protect (NOT grant) the inherent right of the individual to self defense which is meaningless without the ability to acquire the means to exercise it.
Help me out here. Every time I get into a gun argument, folks on your side are pointing out that knives, fists and feet kill more people than guns. Then there are vehicles, shovels, baseball bats.
"Folks on your side" which "side" would that be? Do you perchance mean the side of the individual and his/her inherent rights? 'cause that's the "side" I'm on, which "side" are you on?

How about using them to defend yourself instead, if they're so damned efficient?
"knives, fists and feet" aren't very efficient at defending oneself from aggressors that have guns and the fact that SOME people utilize guns to commit aggression against others makes it more than reasonable to argue that gun ownership is a necessity to fully exercise ones right to self defense.

Personally I wish firearms didn't exist at all but they do, so in order to defend oneself, gun ownership becomes both a reasonable and justifiable means, because they're are irrational and aggressive individuals (not to mention governments) that will happily use them against you.
The less guns that are in legal circulation, the less will be in circulation illegally as well.
LOL, where the hell did you come up with that hair brained logic? You want to disarm the law abiding citizens with the hope & a prayer that the non law abiding citizens won't be able to arm themselves through the black market? when did anything like that ever happen in the history of mankind? and while you're at it are you going to disarm the greatest purveyor of violence in the history of mankind (aka government) too?

How many times do you have to see government prohibitions in action before you realize they don't automagically change criminals into law abiding, peaceful people, they only make being a criminal more lucrative.

Nothing is 100%, but I believe the only solution that will have any teeth whatsoever is to severely restrict gun ownership.
Well that answers the question as to which "side" you're on, did you receive your "Screw the individual, I'm a statist!" coffee mug, tote bag and badge in the mail yet?

No, I don't go along with the stance that the only answer to gun violence is more guns.
The only answer to violence is to deal with the root cause, violent individuals and the best place to start reducing that count is with the locale were most of the violent individuals reside, in government, NOT by trampling all over the individual liberty of law abiding, peaceful citizens that are only seeking to protect themselves.
LOL, where the hell did you come up with that hair brained logic?
I'd love to take credit for creative thinking here, but I don't believe I'm the sole holder of that belief.
You're right you're not the "sole holder of that belief" and you along with all the other sheeple that believe the same thing can't take credit for the "creative thinking" since you are all letting partisan politicians, assorted varieties of apparatchiks and pundits DO YOUR THINKING FOR YOU.

And it works in Europe and every place else where guns are not a God Given Right.
Huh? you mean to tell me inherent individual rights (aka God Given Rights) don't apply to Europeans? are Europeans some sort of non-human species in your book or something? Or do you just not understand what the term "God Given Rights" means?

Nothing's perfect but we in this country have an obscene amount of gun murder and at least a huge reason for that is how many guns are lying around.
Hate to break this to you but guns have nothing to do with it, they're just tools, the root cause is the people that are using them to commit murder and one suspects that the culture, the warhawks we tend to put in charge of government and the fact that we haven't completely surrendered every last ounce of our inherent individual liberty to the state (contrary to the wishes of people like yourself) have a great deal to do with the violence.

Freedom comes with trade-offs, you don't like the trade-offs I suggest you go sample one of the many flavors of authoritarian statism (North Korea perhaps?) that are available then we'll how see you feel about squandering your individual liberty along with everybody Else's.

BTW it's hare brained.
No it's hair brained, hares have enough common sense not to make idiotic proposals like surrendering their and their fellow citizens individual liberty by disarming law abiding citizens in the hope that it'll effectively disarm criminals as well and thus they don't deserve to be disparaged.
Death by stabbing or drowning is so much better than getting shot
I think im starting to understand
Oh shut up, you brat.
Being free to own and operate a tool designed solely to kill is beyond the pale, imo.
Yes, he is a brat and I have him on ignore, but he does have a point, IMO.
you have me on ignore because i called political chick a hack and a lot of republicans act like fascists.
You are such an idiot
Jim admires PoliticalChic? OMG. I thought he was smarter than that.
I guess. Poor tart monkey
Someone should tell him she doesn't really look like her avi. LOL.
I respect the amount of effort and the quality of PC's posts. It has nothing to do with her looking like her avatar.

But that would be kind of cool. :)
Jim admires PoliticalChic? OMG. I thought he was smarter than that.

No, I am quite the idiot; sorry to disappoint you, lol.

You can like posters who have some loony opinions you don't agree with, at least relatively sane and adult posters can; it's just that nobody on the left can do it, they're emotionally stunted dysfunctional deviants and just can't relate like normal humans, they have to rely on mob mentality and fashion to make their decisions for them. That's why there is a 'left' in the first place, it's a haven for violent alienated sociopathic vermin.
You can like posters who have some loony opinions you don't agree with, at least relatively sane and adult posters can; it's just nobody on the left can do it, they're emotionally stunted dysfunctional deviants and just can't relate like normal humans, they have to rely on mob mentality and fashion to make their decisions for them.

True, but some liberals like OldLady can.
No one cares what you think of firearms
That strikes me as a poor approach to defending gun rights in a Republic where most key offices are elected through a democratic process.

So I do care what they think, to neutralize it with third parties if not to change their minds.
Fucking washington post, I replied to a liberal rant comment on an article about this shooting and my reply was about guns making a pro-gun rant and within 3 minutes my reply was removed. But all the liberal anti-gun rants are allowed to stay. Fuck the WAPO.

You know who owns that tabloid rag, right? It's nothing but a Democratic Party donor's fake news outlet, and wasn't much better before he bought it. I make a point of not adding to such tripe's web site hit counts.
Carbon Monoxide poisoning kills about 2,000 people per year in America.

We need to ban the internal combustion engine!!
5000 people per year choke to death!



Doing so would certainly help with the obesity epidemic and would save America a ton of money in obesity related health care costs.

A win-win situation.
To answer the OP on why we have a 2nd Amendment:

"When the people fear the government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty."
—Thomas Jefferson

"Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny."
—Thomas Jefferson

"Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is force; like fire, a troublesome servant and a fearful master. Never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action."
—George Washington

"Overgrown military establishments are under any form of government inauspicious to liberty, and are to be regarded as particularly hostile to liberty."
—George Washington

"The means of defense against a foreign danger historically have become the instruments of tyranny at home."
—James Madison

"If tyranny and oppression come to this land, it will be under the guise of fighting a foreign enemy."
—James Madison

"I believe there are more instances of the abridgement of freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments by those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations. ... The means of defense against foreign danger historically have become the instruments of tyranny at home..If tyranny and oppression come to this land, it will be under the guise of fighting a foreign enemy."
--President James Madison

"When once a republic is corrupted, there is no possibility of remedying any of the growing evils but by removing the corruption and restoring its lost principles; every other correction is either useless or a new evil."
— Thomas Jefferson

"Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God"
—Benjamin Franklin

"It is the duty of the patriot to protect its country from its government."
—Thomas Paine

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