Why does the census need to know our race?

Why does the census need to know our race?
There are many reasons. The primary one is so money can be directed to where its needed. There are also political reasons. They can use stats to fool poor whites that vote Republican. They can use stats to fool poor Blacks that vote Democratic.

How would race determine where money needs to be directed?
Get your head out your ass, dumbfuck.

What a fuckin' question.
Why does the census need to know our race?
There are many reasons. The primary one is so money can be directed to where its needed. There are also political reasons. They can use stats to fool poor whites that vote Republican. They can use stats to fool poor Blacks that vote Democratic.

How would race determine where money needs to be directed?
Get your head out your ass, dumbfuck.

What a fuckin' question.

please do not comment with foul language :)
not all people of the same race are poor, rich, mid-class, so how would that determine where the money goes?
I tossed the Census forms into the trash.......
Me too.

Drives them fuckin' nuts.

I got the long one twice.

Told them that warning me I must answer under penalty of law was un-American.

They called, sent people here that left notes warning me I had to fill it out, and called again.

I refused to fill it out, they asked me if I would consent to a shortened phone version.

I told the girl yes, IF she said please.

She had to get a supervisor on the line, before she could even say please.


Two census takers came to our door about a half dozen times. (We never answer the door for anyone unless we know them) They left some propaganda about the census on the door (makes good kindling!) as if that would compel us to comply. :lol:

Anyway, after the fifth or sixth time I answered the door. They told me who they were and asked if I would fill out the form.

I told them "No Thank you". They then reminded that we were "legally obligated" to fill out the form.

I then politely informed them that they were "legally obligated" to get off my porch. Have a nice night!!

I shut the door and never heard from them again.


PS- I toss jury summonses into the trash too.....I'm a real outlaw!! :rofl:
I hope you never read about some guy wrongly sent to the pen by a jury you could have been on.

I won't lose a wink of sleep worrying about it!


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