why does the left call GOPers Nazis when they are the ones importing the Muslims that kill Jews?

Here's the thing...when kids see Trump called a Nazi, and they like him...the only logical conclusion will be "Nazis must not be so bad".
Liberalism is a mental disorder. Watch: none of their replies will have a thing to do with the question!
Just remember this...whether they are called Nazis, racists, homophobes, sexists, bigots, extreme right wing, alt-right...if the media elites target them they are probably your friend. There are some scuz buckets they will highlight in order to tar everyone else but you can generally ignore them.
The new right has learned this finally it seems with Vox Day's 16 points.
Remember...if you have a problem with someone on the right..shut your damn mouth and keep pounding the Marxists on the left.
Make no mistake, the goal of the left is to destroy America by any means necessary.
It's rhetoric that exists because Fascism is a right wing government type. It's an exaggerated comparison meant to be annoying.

You paint all of us who support Trump as racist Nazi pigs, but the truth is you're the most hate filled people I've ever seen.
The left are control freaks and silencing opposing views is priority 1. They use their many intolerance cards, the race card, the Nazi card, (fill in the blank)-aphobic card.
Liberals and the media (i repeat myself) incite these violence and when they do occur they conveniently blame it on "White people" and republicans.
The alt-Right is scum. Neo Nazis are scum. Antifa is scum. White supremacists are scum.
It's rhetoric that exists because Fascism is a right wing government type. It's an exaggerated comparison meant to be annoying.

View attachment 143483

"Fascism /ˈfæʃɪzəm/ is a form of radical authoritarian nationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and control of industry and commerce that came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe. The first fascist movements emerged in Italy during World War I, before it spread to other European countries. Opposed to liberalism, Marxism, and anarchism, fascism is usually placed on the far-right within the traditional left–right spectrum."
The alt-Right is scum. Neo Nazis are scum. Antifa is scum. White supremacists are scum.

Antifa are scum?


All Americans are against fascism--which in the current context also include racism and hate.

Aren't you against that?
It's rhetoric that exists because Fascism is a right wing government type. It's an exaggerated comparison meant to be annoying.

View attachment 143483

"Fascism /ˈfæʃɪzəm/ is a form of radical authoritarian nationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and control of industry and commerce that came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe. The first fascist movements emerged in Italy during World War I, before it spread to other European countries. Opposed to liberalism, Marxism, and anarchism, fascism is usually placed on the far-right within the traditional left–right spectrum."

I don't give a crap what some stupid dictionary tells you! They are just repeating and regurgitating oft-repeated misconceptions. Fascism is TOTAL GOVERNMENT CONTROL, that is a hard Left thing. The Right and the Hard Right believe in small, limited government or even no government at all (anarchism). It is the Hard Left that believes in dictators, forced suppression (Obama!), and control of commerce and industry (Obama!).

Try watching this for a better understanding (until 10:30 where is goes into a different and unnecessary political add-on):


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