Why does the left continue to HUMILIATE themselves on the WMD issue?

I did, Prov 6:16. the link would be a bible. And by the way, anyone who reads the attributes and character of allah in the koran and compares them to the attributes and character of the God of the bible KNOWS they are diametrically opposed and therefore cannot be the same entity.
You're right there. I Google it and it definately say's, the "Lord hates".

Proverbs 6:16-19

16 There are six things the Lord hates,
seven that are detestable to him:
17 haughty eyes,
a lying tongue,
hands that shed innocent blood,
18 a heart that devises wicked schemes,
feet that are quick to rush into evil,
19 a false witness who pours out lies
and a person who stirs up conflict in the community.
Unfortunately for you, it doesn't say anything about muslims. However, when looking at the list (in light of your posts), you have shown to demonstrate all 7 at one time or another.
The more I read the bigotry, ignorance and xenophobic intolerance of folks like jtpr312, the more depressed and saddened I get realizing that constuctive positive dialog with the right has become impossible to achieve. Why even try? It's like trying to talk with a fish.

The truth is we have no desire to carry on a dialogue with the left. You guys are too far gone, it's like trying to talk to a zombie, a worthless waste of time.
But we keep winning the white house, so don't you think it would be wise to maintain lines of communication? ROFLMFAO!
But we keep winning the white house, so don't you think it would be wise to maintain lines of communication? ROFLMFAO!
We don't even have to go that far. We keep winning these debates against him and after getting his ass whipped enough times, that's how he options out, or as I like to say, "runs away!"

Takes his ball and goes home.
Self declared victories like the one loinboy makes are often just expressions of wishful thinking and delusion.

His most recent claim of how he and the other liberal goobers "keep winning these debates" is an example.

You can declare "victory," loinboy but that doesn't make your claim true. You have bought the propaganda and you now fervently believe it. You WANT to believe it, so you do.

But the fats keep undermining all the dopey shit you claim. Time after time.
Self declared victories like the one loinboy makes are often just expressions of wishful thinking and delusion.

His most recent claim of how he and the other liberal goobers "keep winning these debates" is an example.

You can declare "victory," loinboy but that doesn't make your claim true. You have bought the propaganda and you now fervently believe it. You WANT to believe it, so you do.

But the fats keep undermining all the dopey shit you claim. Time after time.
I've provided the citations to back up my claims and specifically refuted each of your points.

All you do, is talk shit and avoid some my posts (because you have no valid argument against them).

You can't win a debate if you don't provide evidence to refute the claim of the opposition.

BTW, I tore that prick a new asshole in post #598 and to date, he hasn't responded. So until he does, that's considered a win for me.
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Self declared victories like the one loinboy makes are often just expressions of wishful thinking and delusion.

His most recent claim of how he and the other liberal goobers "keep winning these debates" is an example.

You can declare "victory," loinboy but that doesn't make your claim true. You have bought the propaganda and you now fervently believe it. You WANT to believe it, so you do.

But the fats keep undermining all the dopey shit you claim. Time after time.

You have video of Bush saying there was no WMD. It's insane to claim there was.
What was written was God's hatred for people who worship false gods, people who are false witnesses who speak lies, and EVERY muslim on the planet does this when they procalim allah is God, He has no Son and mohammed is his prophet.
Pretty ironic isn't it? Using your logic, Jews can say the same thing about Christians.
No, it's you whose dumb as a rock. I never said they all had access to the NIE you refrenced because like I said it didn't come out until Oct 02, what I said, and I quote, "Most of these democrats had access to ALL the intelligence available'. You're the jackass that asked Did they have access to the NIE bush did? I showed some did some didnt't and the ones that didn't, because it wasn't yet available, DID have access to ALL the intelligence available when they made their remarks. You have loust reading comrehension skills son\
You dumbfuck. The intelligence gathered in the 2002 NIE is what fueled the war in Iraq. You're still an imbecile, but now ya know. What was said about Iraq during the Clinton era is meaningless in these terms since Operation Desert Fox removed most remaining abilities to create new WMD. Meaning that in 2002, Iraq was not a gathering threat. Bush was in a position to know that since he had access to the full 96 page NIE, which was full of uncertainty and ambiguity about the intelligence collected. 95% of Congress did not have the security clearance required to that review that document, so they were given the watered down, heavily retacted, 28 page version which removed the uncertainties and provided erroneous conclusions.

For example, the classified NIE stated:

Revelations after the Gulf war starkly demonstrate the extensive efforts undertaken by Iraq to deny information. We lack specific information on many key aspects of Iraq's WMD programs.

The White Paper that was provided for 95% of the Congress stated:

Revelations after the Gulf war starkly demonstrate the extensive efforts undertaken by Iraq to deny information.

Completely removed was the admission that we lacked specific information on many key aspects of Iraq's WMD. And there are many sush examples like this one when reviewing the two documents side by side.

Do you really think I give a fuck that someone as retarded as you thinks that AP, CNN, and Reuters are Communist news agencies? That doesn't reflect on how they report news -- it just reflects on how insane you really are. :cuckoo:

Too idiotic.

Al Gore in 2002 had no access to any U.S. intelligence reports. Kennedy, Byrd, Kerry, Waxman, and Clinton were not on intelligence committees. That leaves you with Graham, Levin, and Rockefeller. And Graham and Levin, despite their rhetoric, voted 'nay' to authorize Bush to use force; meaning their actions spoke louder than their rhetoric. That leaves you with just Rockefeller, who would later claim he was duped by the intelligence and regretted voted 'yea.'

Strike 1. Strike 2. Strike 3.

Now run along son.
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Now you prove you're too stupid to think for yourself, so instead, repeat back what is said to you.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Your continued use of profanity is a sure sign of your ignorance and your inability to express yourself as an adult. Piss off now son, I gave up talking like an ignorant and illiterate child back in HS. I would suggest you also try growing up some as no one is impressed with your use of the f word, it doesn't make you sound grown up or tough, just makes you sound illiterate and ignorant.
Don't think for a second think you're fooling anyone with that idiotic cop out to avoid responding to getting your shit shown for the moronic shit that it is.

Oh, and nothing I've said is as profane as you calling for the death of 1.2 bllion people
Self declared victories like the one loinboy makes are often just expressions of wishful thinking and delusion.

His most recent claim of how he and the other liberal goobers "keep winning these debates" is an example.

You can declare "victory," loinboy but that doesn't make your claim true. You have bought the propaganda and you now fervently believe it. You WANT to believe it, so you do.

But the fats keep undermining all the dopey shit you claim. Time after time.

You have video of Bush saying there was no WMD. It's insane to claim there was.

You are not bound by his claim that there were WMDs. But I have to be bound by his subsequent (albeit mistaken) claim that there were none?

Interesting use of "logic" you have.

No. What is insane is your ridiculous belief that I am bound by what somebody else says of believes. What is absurd is ignoring facts, as you do, in favor of your predetermined beliefs.

We have defined WMDs. We have even dissected the misinterpretation of a definition offered by one of the liberals here who says silly stuff that you happen to generally prefer. We have discussed FACTS that are unrebutted and unrebuttable to the effect that lots of materiel were found in Iraq after the war. For example, Saddam buried 30 fucking JETS. Exhumating the Dead Iraqi Air Force We FOUND 500 munitions containing sarin and mustard gasses. Defense.gov News Article: Munitions Found in Iraq Meet WMD Criteria, Official Says

Thus, we KNOW that Saddam had the capacity and willingness to stash away stores of war materiel for possible use in the future. What we do NOT know is whether he succeeded with some of the other weapons or other WMDs.

Although we also know that biological weapons are subject to degradation, it is still a fact that the purity of the manufacturing can increase shelf life as can storing separate components in a "binary" fashion to drastically increase potential shelf life.

Add all of that together and you have not JUST evidence of his ability and willingness to stash such shit away for the future, but reason to be concerned that he may have successfully done so beyond what we ever found.

Hurry back with yet another one of your tired and baseless claims, though. They're always persuasive. :lol:
Self declared victories like the one loinboy makes are often just expressions of wishful thinking and delusion.

His most recent claim of how he and the other liberal goobers "keep winning these debates" is an example.

You can declare "victory," loinboy but that doesn't make your claim true. You have bought the propaganda and you now fervently believe it. You WANT to believe it, so you do.

But the fats keep undermining all the dopey shit you claim. Time after time.

You have video of Bush saying there was no WMD. It's insane to claim there was.

You are not bound by his claim that there were WMDs. But I have to be bound by his subsequent (albeit mistaken) claim that there were none?

Interesting use of "logic" you have.

No. What is insane is your ridiculous belief that I am bound by what somebody else says of believes. What is absurd is ignoring facts, as you do, in favor of your predetermined beliefs.

We have defined WMDs. We have even dissected the misinterpretation of a definition offered by one of the liberals here who says silly stuff that you happen to generally prefer. We have discussed FACTS that are unrebutted and unrebuttable to the effect that lots of materiel were found in Iraq after the war. For example, Saddam buried 30 fucking JETS. Exhumating the Dead Iraqi Air Force We FOUND 500 munitions containing sarin and mustard gasses. Defense.gov News Article: Munitions Found in Iraq Meet WMD Criteria, Official Says

Thus, we KNOW that Saddam had the capacity and willingness to stash away stores of war materiel for possible use in the future. What we do NOT know is whether he succeeded with some of the other weapons or other WMDs.

Although we also know that biological weapons are subject to degradation, it is still a fact that the purity of the manufacturing can increase shelf life as can storing separate components in a "binary" fashion to drastically increase potential shelf life.

Add all of that together and you have not JUST evidence of his ability and willingness to stash such shit away for the future, but reason to be concerned that he may have successfully done so beyond what we ever found.

Hurry back with yet another one of your tired and baseless claims, though. They're always persuasive. :lol:
You remain a complete idiot. :cuckoo:

  • "The Iraqi regime . . . possesses and produces chemical and biological weapons. It is seeking nuclear weapons." ~ George Bush, 10.5.2002

  • "Right now, Iraq is expanding and improving facilities that were used for the production of biological weapons." ~ George Bush, 9.12.2002

  • "The Iraqi regime was required to destroy its weapons of mass destruction, to cease all development of such weapons, and to stop all support for terrorist groups. The Iraqi regime has violated all of those obligations. It possesses and produces chemical and biological weapons. It is seeking nuclear weapons." ~ George Bush, 3.16.2003

  • "We know he has been absolutely trying to acquire nuclear weapons and we believe he has, in fact, reconstituted nuclear weapons" ~ Dick Cheney, 3.16.2003
The Bush administration wasn't just talking about the decades old WMD that were found, they clearly portrayed Saddam Hussein as a "gathering threat" who was continuing to build and stockpile WMD, including nuclear weapons..

That's why Bush said ...

"Now, look, I -- part of the reason we went into Iraq -- was -- the main reason we went into Iraq -- at the time was we thought he had weapons of mass destruction. It turns out he didn't, but he had the capacity to make weapons of mass destruction. ~ George Bush, 8.21.2006

... which he said after it was it was discovered that WMD from the 1980's was found. Even Bush knew those weren't the WMD he went into Iraq for, even though you're too stupid to know any better.
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You have video of Bush saying there was no WMD. It's insane to claim there was.

You are not bound by his claim that there were WMDs. But I have to be bound by his subsequent (albeit mistaken) claim that there were none?

Interesting use of "logic" you have.

No. What is insane is your ridiculous belief that I am bound by what somebody else says of believes. What is absurd is ignoring facts, as you do, in favor of your predetermined beliefs.

We have defined WMDs. We have even dissected the misinterpretation of a definition offered by one of the liberals here who says silly stuff that you happen to generally prefer. We have discussed FACTS that are unrebutted and unrebuttable to the effect that lots of materiel were found in Iraq after the war. For example, Saddam buried 30 fucking JETS. Exhumating the Dead Iraqi Air Force We FOUND 500 munitions containing sarin and mustard gasses. Defense.gov News Article: Munitions Found in Iraq Meet WMD Criteria, Official Says

Thus, we KNOW that Saddam had the capacity and willingness to stash away stores of war materiel for possible use in the future. What we do NOT know is whether he succeeded with some of the other weapons or other WMDs.

Although we also know that biological weapons are subject to degradation, it is still a fact that the purity of the manufacturing can increase shelf life as can storing separate components in a "binary" fashion to drastically increase potential shelf life.

Add all of that together and you have not JUST evidence of his ability and willingness to stash such shit away for the future, but reason to be concerned that he may have successfully done so beyond what we ever found.

Hurry back with yet another one of your tired and baseless claims, though. They're always persuasive. :lol:
You remain a complete idiot. :cuckoo:

  • "The Iraqi regime . . . possesses and produces chemical and biological weapons. It is seeking nuclear weapons." ~ George Bush, 10.5.2002

  • "Right now, Iraq is expanding and improving facilities that were used for the production of biological weapons." ~ George Bush, 9.12.2002

  • "The Iraqi regime was required to destroy its weapons of mass destruction, to cease all development of such weapons, and to stop all support for terrorist groups. The Iraqi regime has violated all of those obligations. It possesses and produces chemical and biological weapons. It is seeking nuclear weapons." ~ George Bush, 3.16.2003

  • "We know he has been absolutely trying to acquire nuclear weapons and we believe he has, in fact, reconstituted nuclear weapons" ~ Dick Cheney, 3.16.2003
The Bush administration wasn't just talking about the decades old WMD that were found, they clearly portrayed Saddam Hussein as a "gathering threat" who was continuing to build and stockpile WMD, including nuclear weapons..

That's why Bush said ...

"Now, look, I -- part of the reason we went into Iraq -- was -- the main reason we went into Iraq -- at the time was we thought he had weapons of mass destruction. It turns out he didn't, but he had the capacity to make weapons of mass destruction. ~ Shìthead, 8.21.2006

You remain an abject liar AND a total buffoon.

There is no "lie" inherent in saying that Iraq had and produces WMD and later finding that he did not have as much as we thought. Once again, since you are dishonest and quite stupid, even IF President Bush had been incorrect, that does not necessarily equal a lie.

Now, go spin like a top and then come back with more of your dizzy bullshit.

That's a good bitch.
You are not bound by his claim that there were WMDs. But I have to be bound by his subsequent (albeit mistaken) claim that there were none?

Interesting use of "logic" you have.

No. What is insane is your ridiculous belief that I am bound by what somebody else says of believes. What is absurd is ignoring facts, as you do, in favor of your predetermined beliefs.

We have defined WMDs. We have even dissected the misinterpretation of a definition offered by one of the liberals here who says silly stuff that you happen to generally prefer. We have discussed FACTS that are unrebutted and unrebuttable to the effect that lots of materiel were found in Iraq after the war. For example, Saddam buried 30 fucking JETS. Exhumating the Dead Iraqi Air Force We FOUND 500 munitions containing sarin and mustard gasses. Defense.gov News Article: Munitions Found in Iraq Meet WMD Criteria, Official Says

Thus, we KNOW that Saddam had the capacity and willingness to stash away stores of war materiel for possible use in the future. What we do NOT know is whether he succeeded with some of the other weapons or other WMDs.

Although we also know that biological weapons are subject to degradation, it is still a fact that the purity of the manufacturing can increase shelf life as can storing separate components in a "binary" fashion to drastically increase potential shelf life.

Add all of that together and you have not JUST evidence of his ability and willingness to stash such shit away for the future, but reason to be concerned that he may have successfully done so beyond what we ever found.

Hurry back with yet another one of your tired and baseless claims, though. They're always persuasive. :lol:
You remain a complete idiot. :cuckoo:

  • "The Iraqi regime . . . possesses and produces chemical and biological weapons. It is seeking nuclear weapons." ~ George Bush, 10.5.2002

  • "Right now, Iraq is expanding and improving facilities that were used for the production of biological weapons." ~ George Bush, 9.12.2002

  • "The Iraqi regime was required to destroy its weapons of mass destruction, to cease all development of such weapons, and to stop all support for terrorist groups. The Iraqi regime has violated all of those obligations. It possesses and produces chemical and biological weapons. It is seeking nuclear weapons." ~ George Bush, 3.16.2003

  • "We know he has been absolutely trying to acquire nuclear weapons and we believe he has, in fact, reconstituted nuclear weapons" ~ Dick Cheney, 3.16.2003
The Bush administration wasn't just talking about the decades old WMD that were found, they clearly portrayed Saddam Hussein as a "gathering threat" who was continuing to build and stockpile WMD, including nuclear weapons..

That's why Bush said ...

"Now, look, I -- part of the reason we went into Iraq -- was -- the main reason we went into Iraq -- at the time was we thought he had weapons of mass destruction. It turns out he didn't, but he had the capacity to make weapons of mass destruction. ~ Shìthead, 8.21.2006

You remain an abject liar AND a total buffoon.

There is no "lie" inherent in saying that Iraq had and produces WMD and later finding that he did not have as much as we thought. Once again, since you are dishonest and quite stupid, even IF President Bush had been incorrect, that does not necessarily equal a lie.

Now, go spin like a top and then come back with more of your dizzy bullshit.

That's a good bitch.
You're such a fucking rightard, Choadbreath. I didn't say he lied. What the fuck is wrong with you? Is English your second language?
If the news about all the supposed WMD is not being reported, then how do YOU know about it?

Sorry, but there's no rewriting history to prove that the GOP Iraq Mistake wasn't the biggest blunder in US history. Get over it.
If the news about all the supposed WMD is not being reported, then how do YOU know about it?

Sorry, but there's no rewriting history to prove that the GOP Iraq Mistake wasn't the biggest blunder in US history. Get over it.

It was reported.

You couldn't see it with your head stuck up your ass.

That's not a big deal.

We expect that from folks like you.
You remain a complete idiot. :cuckoo:

  • "The Iraqi regime . . . possesses and produces chemical and biological weapons. It is seeking nuclear weapons." ~ George Bush, 10.5.2002

  • "Right now, Iraq is expanding and improving facilities that were used for the production of biological weapons." ~ George Bush, 9.12.2002

  • "The Iraqi regime was required to destroy its weapons of mass destruction, to cease all development of such weapons, and to stop all support for terrorist groups. The Iraqi regime has violated all of those obligations. It possesses and produces chemical and biological weapons. It is seeking nuclear weapons." ~ George Bush, 3.16.2003

  • "We know he has been absolutely trying to acquire nuclear weapons and we believe he has, in fact, reconstituted nuclear weapons" ~ Dick Cheney, 3.16.2003
The Bush administration wasn't just talking about the decades old WMD that were found, they clearly portrayed Saddam Hussein as a "gathering threat" who was continuing to build and stockpile WMD, including nuclear weapons..

That's why Bush said ...

"Now, look, I -- part of the reason we went into Iraq -- was -- the main reason we went into Iraq -- at the time was we thought he had weapons of mass destruction. It turns out he didn't, but he had the capacity to make weapons of mass destruction. ~ Shìthead, 8.21.2006

You remain an abject liar AND a total buffoon.

There is no "lie" inherent in saying that Iraq had and produces WMD and later finding that he did not have as much as we thought. Once again, since you are dishonest and quite stupid, even IF President Bush had been incorrect, that does not necessarily equal a lie.

Now, go spin like a top and then come back with more of your dizzy bullshit.

That's a good bitch.
You're such a fucking rightard, Choadbreath. I didn't say he lied. What the fuck is wrong with you? Is English your second language?

You are wind between my cheeks, you Fauny.

If you are not saying he lied, then all you could be saying is that he was (in your estimation) wrong.

Of course, if he was wrong, so was the significant majority of Congress, including lots of Democrats. And the entire previous Administration was wrong, as were almost all the Democrats at that time.

Now, stop worrying about the size and shape of dicks, you cum guzzling ass-licking enema nozzle.

Try to focus. And when you bleat your little pointless propaganda, try to be accurate for an entirely refreshing change of pace. Take a deep breath. Speaking of breath: go brush. Cause like DAMN!
Let me say again, it WAS a lie whenever someone from Team Bush made any statement that expressed the fact that there was "no doubt" that Saddam had stockpiles of WMD's because there always existed varying degrees of uncertainty about the existence of those stockpiles. To state absolute certainty when that was simply not the case was clearly a LIE.
You remain an abject liar AND a total buffoon.

There is no "lie" inherent in saying that Iraq had and produces WMD and later finding that he did not have as much as we thought. Once again, since you are dishonest and quite stupid, even IF President Bush had been incorrect, that does not necessarily equal a lie.

Now, go spin like a top and then come back with more of your dizzy bullshit.

That's a good bitch.
You're such a fucking rightard, Choadbreath. I didn't say he lied. What the fuck is wrong with you? Is English your second language?

You are wind between my cheeks, you Fauny.

If you are not saying he lied, then all you could be saying is that he was (in your estimation) wrong.

Of course, if he was wrong, so was the significant majority of Congress, including lots of Democrats. And the entire previous Administration was wrong, as were almost all the Democrats at that time.

Now, stop worrying about the size and shape of dicks, you cum guzzling ass-licking enema nozzle.

Try to focus. And when you bleat your little pointless propaganda, try to be accurate for an entirely refreshing change of pace. Take a deep breath. Speaking of breath: go brush. Cause like DAMN!

I typed accurately, Choadbreath. I can't help that you can't understand English. As far as the Congress being wrong too, sure, you could say that. 43% of Democrats voted in favor of it; 97% of Republicans voted in favor of it. That's rather meaningless, however, in that some 95% of all of Congress did not have the clearance to view the same 96 page NIE that Bush had, so they were duped by the Bush administration and intellgence agency which painted the picture that Hussein was building WMD, when he wasn't. But in the end, Congress only voted to authorize Bush the ability to take the U.S. to war if he deemed it necessary. So you can wimp out all you want and try to blame Democrats, but it was 100% the fault of a Republican -- the Commander-in-Chief. He was the sole vote to going to war over WMD that weren't there.

"As president I am responsible for the decision to go into Iraq." ~ George Bush, 12.14.2005
If the news about all the supposed WMD is not being reported, then how do YOU know about it?

Sorry, but there's no rewriting history to prove that the GOP Iraq Mistake wasn't the biggest blunder in US history. Get over it.
Even most Republicans in Congress now admit it was a horrible mistake to have invaded Iraq. What you see here are the remaining few sycophants who refuse to accept reality.
We have defined WMDs. We have even dissected the misinterpretation of a definition offered by one of the liberals here who says silly stuff that you happen to generally prefer. We have discussed FACTS that are unrebutted and unrebuttable to the effect that lots of materiel were found in Iraq after the war. For example, Saddam buried 30 fucking JETS. Exhumating the Dead Iraqi Air Force We FOUND 500 munitions containing sarin and mustard gasses. Defense.gov News Article: Munitions Found in Iraq Meet WMD Criteria, Official Says

Thus, we KNOW that Saddam had the capacity and willingness to stash away stores of war materiel for possible use in the future. What we do NOT know is whether he succeeded with some of the other weapons or other WMDs.

Although we also know that biological weapons are subject to degradation, it is still a fact that the purity of the manufacturing can increase shelf life as can storing separate components in a "binary" fashion to drastically increase potential shelf life.
Except that your own link stated that is not the case.

The munitions addressed in the report were produced in the 1980s, Maples said. Badly corroded, they could not currently be used as originally intended, Chu added.
If they were a WMD when first made back in the 1980's and now cannot be used as originally intended, they no longer meet the definition of a WMD.

You are such a fuckin' liar!
I did, Prov 6:16. the link would be a bible. And by the way, anyone who reads the attributes and character of allah in the koran and compares them to the attributes and character of the God of the bible KNOWS they are diametrically opposed and therefore cannot be the same entity.
You're right there. I Google it and it definately say's, the "Lord hates".

Proverbs 6:16-19

16 There are six things the Lord hates,
seven that are detestable to him:
17 haughty eyes,
a lying tongue,
hands that shed innocent blood,
18 a heart that devises wicked schemes,
feet that are quick to rush into evil,
19 a false witness who pours out lies
and a person who stirs up conflict in the community.
Unfortunately for you, it doesn't say anything about muslims. However, when looking at the list (in light of your posts), you have shown to demonstrate all 7 at one time or another.

Do or do not muslims say, allah is God and mohammed is his prophet? Do they or do they not say God had no son? If the answer to these questions is yes, which we both know is the case, then yes, God, in His word, says He hates muslims. They are false wtinesses who lie period.

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