Why does the left continue to HUMILIATE themselves on the WMD issue?

Do or do not muslims say, allah is God and mohammed is his prophet? Do they or do they not say God had no son? If the answer to these questions is yes, which we both know is the case, then yes, God, in His word, says He hates muslims. They are false wtinesses who lie period.
God and Allah, are the same guy.

In their religion, they call HIM Allah.

In the Christain religion, HE is called God.

And no, God does not hate.
The more I read the bigotry, ignorance and xenophobic intolerance of folks like jtpr312, the more depressed and saddened I get realizing that constuctive positive dialog with the right has become impossible to achieve. Why even try? It's like trying to talk with a fish.

The truth is we have no desire to carry on a dialogue with the left. You guys are too far gone, it's like trying to talk to a zombie, a worthless waste of time.
But we keep winning the white house, so don't you think it would be wise to maintain lines of communication? ROFLMFAO!

Keep winning the white house? What are you talking about? Since 1953 we've had 6 Republicans and 5 democrats in the white house and out of those 5 democrats, I would think only Carter and obama could be considered leftists, so you lefties have had the white house for only 9yrs out of the past 60yrs. Clinton, was just a bit left of center so no leftist there. As for maintaining lines of communication, to what purpose? Ideologically we are way too far apart to comfortably meet in the middle on almost every major issue. We, Conservatives, didn't vote for our representatives to work with obama and his gaggle of National Socialist Democrats, we elected them to fight them at every opportunity and to slow down their agenda and we don't need to maintain open lines of communication to do that. My greatest fear is that once the pendulumn, which has currently swung way, way, way to the left, swings the other way, and it will, you will get someone like me in the white house, and that my friend, would be bad, bad news.
What was written was God's hatred for people who worship false gods, people who are false witnesses who speak lies, and EVERY muslim on the planet does this when they procalim allah is God, He has no Son and mohammed is his prophet.
Pretty ironic isn't it? Using your logic, Jews can say the same thing about Christians.

and they do, so what's your point?
You dumbfuck. The intelligence gathered in the 2002 NIE is what fueled the war in Iraq. You're still an imbecile, but now ya know. What was said about Iraq during the Clinton era is meaningless in these terms since Operation Desert Fox removed most remaining abilities to create new WMD. Meaning that in 2002, Iraq was not a gathering threat. Bush was in a position to know that since he had access to the full 96 page NIE, which was full of uncertainty and ambiguity about the intelligence collected. 95% of Congress did not have the security clearance required to that review that document, so they were given the watered down, heavily retacted, 28 page version which removed the uncertainties and provided erroneous conclusions.

For example, the classified NIE stated:

Revelations after the Gulf war starkly demonstrate the extensive efforts undertaken by Iraq to deny information. We lack specific information on many key aspects of Iraq's WMD programs.

The White Paper that was provided for 95% of the Congress stated:

Revelations after the Gulf war starkly demonstrate the extensive efforts undertaken by Iraq to deny information.

Completely removed was the admission that we lacked specific information on many key aspects of Iraq's WMD. And there are many sush examples like this one when reviewing the two documents side by side.

Do you really think I give a fuck that someone as retarded as you thinks that AP, CNN, and Reuters are Communist news agencies? That doesn't reflect on how they report news -- it just reflects on how insane you really are. :cuckoo:

Too idiotic.

Al Gore in 2002 had no access to any U.S. intelligence reports. Kennedy, Byrd, Kerry, Waxman, and Clinton were not on intelligence committees. That leaves you with Graham, Levin, and Rockefeller. And Graham and Levin, despite their rhetoric, voted 'nay' to authorize Bush to use force; meaning their actions spoke louder than their rhetoric. That leaves you with just Rockefeller, who would later claim he was duped by the intelligence and regretted voted 'yea.'

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Now you prove you're too stupid to think for yourself, so instead, repeat back what is said to you.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Your continued use of profanity is a sure sign of your ignorance and your inability to express yourself as an adult. Piss off now son, I gave up talking like an ignorant and illiterate child back in HS. I would suggest you also try growing up some as no one is impressed with your use of the f word, it doesn't make you sound grown up or tough, just makes you sound illiterate and ignorant.
Don't think for a second think you're fooling anyone with that idiotic cop out to avoid responding to getting your shit shown for the moronic shit that it is.

Oh, and nothing I've said is as profane as you calling for the death of 1.2 bllion people

I responded, no cop out, I said you were full of crap and you've shown me nothing to change that opinion. Far as I'm concerned this conversation is over. As for calling for the death of 1.2 billion people being profane, no son, calling for the death of those who wish to murder or enslave you and your children and destroy your nation and it's way of life, is self preservation, not profanity.
I responded, no cop out, I said you were full of crap and you've shown me nothing to change that opinion. Far as I'm concerned this conversation is over. As for calling for the death of 1.2 billion people being profane, no son, calling for the death of those who wish to murder or enslave you and your children and destroy your nation and it's way of life, is self preservation, not profanity.
You really like violating the 9th commandment, don't you?
Do or do not muslims say, allah is God and mohammed is his prophet? Do they or do they not say God had no son? If the answer to these questions is yes, which we both know is the case, then yes, God, in His word, says He hates muslims. They are false wtinesses who lie period.
God and Allah, are the same guy.

In their religion, they call HIM Allah.

In the Christain religion, HE is called God.

And no, God does not hate.

Wrong. The God of the bible, is described in Titus 1:2, among other places, as being unable to lie. The false god allah on the other hand is described in sura 8:30 as a deciever. In the bible we have one deciever and that is satan. We won't even get into the whole allah has no son thing as just this verse alone proves them to be different entities.

By the way, the Bible specifically lists 45 things and groups of people that God hates, this is a fact. As for the false god allah, the hadiths say; The clerk of Al-Mughira bin Shu'ba narrated, "Muawiya wrote to Al-Mughira bin Shu'ba: Write to me something which you have heard from the Prophet (p.b.u.h) ." So Al-Mughira wrote: I heard the Prophet saying, "Allah has hated for you three things:
1. Vain talks, (useless talk) that you talk too much or about others.
2. Wasting of wealth (by extravagance)
3. And asking too many questions (in disputed religious matters) or asking others for something (except in great need). (See Hadith No. 591, Vol. Ill)

As for the koran, nearly one out of twelve verses in the Quran says that Allah hates non-Muslims to the extent that he will torment them for eternity in horrible ways.

Seems you know neither God, nor the false god allah very well.
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Wrong. The God of the bible, is described in Titus 1:2, among other places, as being unable to lie. The false god allah on the other hand is described in sura 8:30 as a deciever. In the bible we have one deciever and that is satan. We won't even get into the whole allah has no son thing as just this verse alone proves them to be different entities.

By the way, the Bible specifically lists 45 things and groups of people that God hates, this is a fact. As for the false god allah, the hadiths say; The clerk of Al-Mughira bin Shu'ba narrated, "Muawiya wrote to Al-Mughira bin Shu'ba: Write to me something which you have heard from the Prophet (p.b.u.h) ." So Al-Mughira wrote: I heard the Prophet saying, "Allah has hated for you three things:
1. Vain talks, (useless talk) that you talk too much or about others.
2. Wasting of wealth (by extravagance)
3. And asking too many questions (in disputed religious matters) or asking others for something (except in great need). (See Hadith No. 591, Vol. Ill)

As for the koran, nearly one out of twelve verses in the Quran says that Allah hates non-Muslims to the extent that he will torment them for eternity in horrible ways.

Seems you know neither God, nor the false god allah very well.
And you continuously demonstrate the rightous arrogance that got satan kicked out of Heaven.
I did, Prov 6:16. the link would be a bible. And by the way, anyone who reads the attributes and character of allah in the koran and compares them to the attributes and character of the God of the bible KNOWS they are diametrically opposed and therefore cannot be the same entity.
You're right there. I Google it and it definately say's, the "Lord hates".

Proverbs 6:16-19

16 There are six things the Lord hates,
seven that are detestable to him:
17 haughty eyes,
a lying tongue,
hands that shed innocent blood,
18 a heart that devises wicked schemes,
feet that are quick to rush into evil,
19 a false witness who pours out lies
and a person who stirs up conflict in the community.
Unfortunately for you, it doesn't say anything about muslims. However, when looking at the list (in light of your posts), you have shown to demonstrate all 7 at one time or another.

Do or do not muslims say, allah is God and mohammed is his prophet? Do they or do they not say God had no son? If the answer to these questions is yes, which we both know is the case, then yes, God, in His word, says He hates muslims. They are false wtinesses who lie period.
What about Hindus and Buddhists? They don't believe that Jesus is the son of God. Does God hate them too, in your opinion?
What was written was God's hatred for people who worship false gods, people who are false witnesses who speak lies, and EVERY muslim on the planet does this when they procalim allah is God, He has no Son and mohammed is his prophet.
Pretty ironic isn't it? Using your logic, Jews can say the same thing about Christians.

and they do, so what's your point?
Umm, no, they don't. Though there's no doubt some of the radicial rightwinger Jews who are as nutty as you, do.
Your continued use of profanity is a sure sign of your ignorance and your inability to express yourself as an adult. Piss off now son, I gave up talking like an ignorant and illiterate child back in HS. I would suggest you also try growing up some as no one is impressed with your use of the f word, it doesn't make you sound grown up or tough, just makes you sound illiterate and ignorant.
Don't think for a second think you're fooling anyone with that idiotic cop out to avoid responding to getting your shit shown for the moronic shit that it is.

Oh, and nothing I've said is as profane as you calling for the death of 1.2 bllion people

I responded, no cop out, I said you were full of crap and you've shown me nothing to change that opinion. Far as I'm concerned this conversation is over. As for calling for the death of 1.2 billion people being profane, no son, calling for the death of those who wish to murder or enslave you and your children and destroy your nation and it's way of life, is self preservation, not profanity.
Too bad you're too insane to understand that it's a very small percentaage of Muslim who feel the way you believe all 1.2 billion do. It's a pity, really. That percentage is probably not to far from the percentage of American rightwingers who think we need to kill 1.2 billion muslim. :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
Muslims are not the problem.

Their so-called "religion" is fucked up, though.
Don't think for a second think you're fooling anyone with that idiotic cop out to avoid responding to getting your shit shown for the moronic shit that it is.

Oh, and nothing I've said is as profane as you calling for the death of 1.2 bllion people

I responded, no cop out, I said you were full of crap and you've shown me nothing to change that opinion. Far as I'm concerned this conversation is over. As for calling for the death of 1.2 billion people being profane, no son, calling for the death of those who wish to murder or enslave you and your children and destroy your nation and it's way of life, is self preservation, not profanity.
Too bad you're too insane to understand that it's a very small percentaage of Muslim who feel the way you believe all 1.2 billion do. It's a pity, really. That percentage is probably not to far from the percentage of American rightwingers who think we need to kill 1.2 billion muslim. :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

I would wager that I am one of a handful of board members who have actually lived in a muslim country. I can tell you from my experience, that muslims are, by and large, some of the most kind and loving people I have ever known.
I responded, no cop out, I said you were full of crap and you've shown me nothing to change that opinion. Far as I'm concerned this conversation is over. As for calling for the death of 1.2 billion people being profane, no son, calling for the death of those who wish to murder or enslave you and your children and destroy your nation and it's way of life, is self preservation, not profanity.
Too bad you're too insane to understand that it's a very small percentaage of Muslim who feel the way you believe all 1.2 billion do. It's a pity, really. That percentage is probably not to far from the percentage of American rightwingers who think we need to kill 1.2 billion muslim. :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

I would wager that I am one of a handful of board members who have actually lived in a muslim country. I can tell you from my experience, that muslims are, by and large, some of the most kind and loving people I have ever known.
Amen, brother.
You're right there. I Google it and it definately say's, the "Lord hates".

Unfortunately for you, it doesn't say anything about muslims. However, when looking at the list (in light of your posts), you have shown to demonstrate all 7 at one time or another.

Do or do not muslims say, allah is God and mohammed is his prophet? Do they or do they not say God had no son? If the answer to these questions is yes, which we both know is the case, then yes, God, in His word, says He hates muslims. They are false wtinesses who lie period.
What about Hindus and Buddhists? They don't believe that Jesus is the son of God. Does God hate them too, in your opinion?

It has nothing to do with my opinion, it is what it is, the bible is quite clear about it. God specifies 45 things and groups of people He hates in His word if you fall into one of these groups, and both hindus and buddhists do, God says in His word He hates you.
Pretty ironic isn't it? Using your logic, Jews can say the same thing about Christians.

and they do, so what's your point?
Umm, no, they don't. Though there's no doubt some of the radicial rightwinger Jews who are as nutty as you, do.

Yes they do but this shows me you know as little about Judiasm and Jewish laws, both now and the biblical laws, as you do about Christianity. I mean you are aware that the vast, vast majority of the bible verses that tell us exactly which groups of people God says He hates, inclduing the ones I refrenced, are from the portion of the bible the Jews claim as their own right?
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Don't think for a second think you're fooling anyone with that idiotic cop out to avoid responding to getting your shit shown for the moronic shit that it is.

Oh, and nothing I've said is as profane as you calling for the death of 1.2 bllion people

I responded, no cop out, I said you were full of crap and you've shown me nothing to change that opinion. Far as I'm concerned this conversation is over. As for calling for the death of 1.2 billion people being profane, no son, calling for the death of those who wish to murder or enslave you and your children and destroy your nation and it's way of life, is self preservation, not profanity.
Too bad you're too insane to understand that it's a very small percentaage of Muslim who feel the way you believe all 1.2 billion do. It's a pity, really. That percentage is probably not to far from the percentage of American rightwingers who think we need to kill 1.2 billion muslim. :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

It's EVERY muslim that believes in the teachings and the words of the pedophile mohammed and the koran, son. Though it may be a small percentage that carries out the actaul attacks, they ALL support them if they beleive the words of the koran. Seems to me you need to study up a bit on the teachings and history of islam before you engage in any further discussions along these lines as it's obvious you have little knowledge of what you speak on.

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