Why does the left continue to HUMILIATE themselves on the WMD issue?

The statistics say you're full of crap.

What happens to society's as the Muslim population grows in percentage of the total?
As long as the Muslim population remains around or under 2% in any given country, they will be for the most part be regarded as a peace-loving minority, and not as a threat to other citizens. This is the case in:
United States -- Muslim 0.6%
Australia -- Muslim 1.5%
Canada -- Muslim 1.9%
China -- Muslim 1.8%
Italy -- Muslim 1.5%
Norway -- Muslim 1.8%

At 2% to 5%, they begin to proselytize from other ethnic minorities and disaffected groups, often with major recruiting from the jails and among street gangs.
This is happening in:
Denmark -- Muslim 2%
Germany -- Muslim 3.7%
United Kingdom -- Muslim 2.7%
Spain -- Muslim 4%
Thailand -- Muslim 4.6%

From 5% on, they exercise an inordinate influence in proportion to their percentage of the population. For example, they will push for the introduction of halal (clean by Islamic standards) food, thereby securing food preparation jobs for Muslims. They will increase pressure on supermarket chains to feature halal on their shelves -- along with threats for failure to comply. This is occurring in:
France -- Muslim 8%
Philippines -- 5%
Sweden -- Muslim 5%
Switzerland -- Muslim 4.3%
The Netherlands -- Muslim 5.5%
Trinidad & Tobago -- Muslim 5.8%

At this point, they will work to get the ruling government to allow them to rule themselves (within their ghettos) under Sharia, the Islamic Law. The ultimate goal of Islamists is to establish Sharia law over the entire world.

When Muslims approach 10% of the population, they tend to increase lawlessness as a means of complaint about their conditions. In Paris , we are already seeing car-burnings. Any non-Muslim action offends Islam, and results in uprisings and threats, such as in Amsterdam , with opposition to Mohammed cartoons and films about Islam. Such tensions are seen daily, particularly in Muslim sections, in:
Guyana -- Muslim 10%
India -- Muslim 13.4%
Israel -- Muslim 16%
Kenya -- Muslim 10%
Russia -- Muslim 15%

After reaching 20%, nations can expect hair-trigger rioting, jihad militia formations, sporadic killings, and the burnings of Christian churches and Jewish synagogues, such as in:
Ethiopia -- Muslim 32.8%

At 40%, nations experience widespread massacres, chronic terror attacks, and ongoing militia warfare, such as in:
Bosnia -- Muslim 40%
Chad -- Muslim 53.1%
Lebanon -- Muslim 59.7%

From 60%, nations experience unfettered persecution of non-believers of all other religions (including non-conforming Muslims), sporadic ethnic cleansing (genocide), use of Sharia Law as a weapon, and jizya, the tax placed on infidels, such as in:
Albania -- Muslim 70%
Malaysia -- Muslim 60.4%
Qatar -- Muslim 77.5%
Sudan -- Muslim 70%

After 80%, expect daily intimidation and violent jihad, some State-run ethnic cleansing, and even some genocide, as these nations drive out the infidels, and move toward 100% Muslim, such as has been experienced and in some ways is on-going in:
Bangladesh -- Muslim 83%
Egypt -- Muslim 90%
Gaza -- Muslim 98.7%
Indonesia -- Muslim 86.1%
Iran -- Muslim 98%
Iraq -- Muslim 97%
Jordan -- Muslim 92%
Morocco -- Muslim 98.7%
Pakistan -- Muslim 97%
Palestine -- Muslim 99%
Syria -- Muslim 90%
Tajikistan -- Muslim 90%
Turkey -- Muslim 99.8%
United Arab Emirates -- Muslim 96%

100% will usher in the peace of 'Dar-es-Salaam' -- the Islamic House of Peace. Here there's supposed to be peace, because everybody is a Muslim, the Madrasses are the only schools, and the Koran is the only word, such as in:
Afghanistan -- Muslim 100%
Saudi Arabia -- Muslim 100%
Somalia -- Muslim 100%
Yemen -- Muslim 100%

Unfortunately, peace is never achieved, as in these 100% states the most radical Muslims intimidate and spew hatred, and satisfy their blood lust by killing less radical Muslims, for a variety of reasons.

Slavery, Terrorism and Islam: The Historical Roots and Contemporary Threat, written by Dr. Peter Hammond

Your statement was that muslims enslave and murder non-muslims in all other situations. In my time living in the middle east, I never ONCE saw or knew or heard of ANY non-muslim who was enslaved. And certainly muslims did murder the occasional non-muslim, but they were clearly not singled out as targets for murder by muslims any more than muslims were. You stated that muslims are ONLY nice to non-muslims when the muslims are in the minority in the general population. That is another completely inaccurate statement as proven by my own experiences. I was welcomed into their homes. I was invited to break bread with them. I was even invited to their wedding feasts. Your hateful characterization of muslims is not in keeping with my extensive personal experiences.

You're either, blind, have your head up your rear end or you're a liar only you know which you are. Like I said, the statistics show you to be one of the three.

says the guy whose never been there. :cuckoo:
Please provde some evidence to support this or piss off.

The U.S. has over 300 million people, of whom, about 75% are Christian and 1% are Moslem; and there are about 15,000 murders every year.

No, 75% CALL themselves Christian, that don't make them Christian son.
No worries, I'll let you know when I'll consider your opinion of which of those Christians aren't really Christian. :cuckoo:
The Newsmax article believes that some jets buried in the sand is evidence of WMDs! :lol:
Does too. Apparently you did not read the subtitle, "No WMDs? Tons of Uranium, Sarin Gas, Buried MiGs." It closes with chiding Bush for not reading closer the articles proving him right.
The Newsmax article believes that some jets buried in the sand is evidence of WMDs! :lol:
Does too. Apparently you did not read the subtitle, "No WMDs? Tons of Uranium, Sarin Gas, Buried MiGs." It closes with chiding Bush for not reading closer the articles proving him right.

Uranium is not a WMD. Old, outdated, degraded sarin cannisters aren't either. Neither are sand-filled airplanes.
The Newsmax article believes that some jets buried in the sand is evidence of WMDs! :lol:
Does too. Apparently you did not read the subtitle, "No WMDs? Tons of Uranium, Sarin Gas, Buried MiGs." It closes with chiding Bush for not reading closer the articles proving him right.

Uranium is not a WMD. Old, outdated, degraded sarin cannisters aren't either. Neither are sand-filled airplanes.

The half-life or uranium-238 is 4.47billion years, and that of uranium 235 is 704 million years.

Even Wikipedia acknowledges "Even at very low concentrations, sarin can be fatal." Wikipedia on Sarin

Remember Chemical Ali? He was tried and sentenced to death in Iraq for killing tens of thousands of people with Sarin. It is noted that he always had been present when too many Iraqis or Saddam's enemies died. The Iraqis didn't brag on every single of their uses of Sarin. Like I said, Chemical Ali was around after a lot of killings took place.

As far as your quotation of the all-too-often heard smug comments about "Old, outdated, degraded sarin canisters," I have a hunch you wouldn't want a single one of them placed inside your baby's crib, now, would you.
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Does too. Apparently you did not read the subtitle, "No WMDs? Tons of Uranium, Sarin Gas, Buried MiGs." It closes with chiding Bush for not reading closer the articles proving him right.

Uranium is not a WMD. Old, outdated, degraded sarin cannisters aren't either. Neither are sand-filled airplanes.

The half-life or uranium-238 is 4.47billion years, and that of uranium 235 is 704 million years.

Even Wikipedia acknowledges "Even at very low concentrations, sarin can be fatal." Wikipedia on Sarin

Remember Chemical Ali? He was tried and sentenced to death in Iraq for killing tens of thousands of people with Sarin. It is noted that he always had been present when too many Iraqis or Saddam's enemies died. The Iraqis didn't brag on every single of their uses of Sarin. Like I said, Chemical Ali was around after a lot of killings took place.

As far as your quotation of the all-too-often heard smug comments about "Old, outdated, degraded sarin canisters," I have a hunch you wouldn't want a single one of them placed inside your baby's crib, now, would you.
You DO know the difference between uranium and nuclear weapons, I presume.

Even at very small calibers, handguns can also be fatal... They are not WMD's, however.

And I wouldn't want a half a stick of dynamite next to my grandchildren's crib.... That doesn't make TNT a WMD, however.
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Uranium is not a WMD. Old, outdated, degraded sarin cannisters aren't either. Neither are sand-filled airplanes.

The half-life or uranium-238 is 4.47billion years, and that of uranium 235 is 704 million years.

Even Wikipedia acknowledges "Even at very low concentrations, sarin can be fatal." Wikipedia on Sarin

Remember Chemical Ali? He was tried and sentenced to death in Iraq for killing tens of thousands of people with Sarin. It is noted that he always had been present when too many Iraqis or Saddam's enemies died. The Iraqis didn't brag on every single of their uses of Sarin. Like I said, Chemical Ali was around after a lot of killings took place.

As far as your quotation of the all-too-often heard smug comments about "Old, outdated, degraded sarin canisters," I have a hunch you wouldn't want a single one of them placed inside your baby's crib, now, would you.
You DO know the difference between uranium and nuclear weapons, I presume.

Even at very small calibers, handguns can also be fatal... They are not WMD's, however.

And I wouldn't want a half a stick of dynamite next to my grandchildren's crib.... That doesn't make TNT a WMD, however.
Finding uranium in a military arsenal is not a good thing, honest to goodness.

You DO know a couple of our soldiers were very ill after handling this "outdated" sarin, do you not?

And you DO know Sarin is a WMD, I presume. :ack-1:

The half-life or uranium-238 is 4.47billion years, and that of uranium 235 is 704 million years.

Even Wikipedia acknowledges "Even at very low concentrations, sarin can be fatal." Wikipedia on Sarin

Remember Chemical Ali? He was tried and sentenced to death in Iraq for killing tens of thousands of people with Sarin. It is noted that he always had been present when too many Iraqis or Saddam's enemies died. The Iraqis didn't brag on every single of their uses of Sarin. Like I said, Chemical Ali was around after a lot of killings took place.

As far as your quotation of the all-too-often heard smug comments about "Old, outdated, degraded sarin canisters," I have a hunch you wouldn't want a single one of them placed inside your baby's crib, now, would you.
You DO know the difference between uranium and nuclear weapons, I presume.

Even at very small calibers, handguns can also be fatal... They are not WMD's, however.

And I wouldn't want a half a stick of dynamite next to my grandchildren's crib.... That doesn't make TNT a WMD, however.
Finding uranium in a military arsenal is not a good thing, honest to goodness.

You DO know a couple of our soldiers were very ill after handling this "outdated" sarin, do you not?

And you DO know Sarin is a WMD, I presume. :ack-1:

You mean these soldiers ... ?

Tests Confirm Sarin in Iraqi Artillery Shell

The soldiers displayed "classic" symptoms of sarin exposure, most notably dilated pupils and nausea, officials said. The symptoms ran their course fairly quickly, however, and as of Tuesday the two had returned to duty.

3 days later they were back to work.
You DO know the difference between uranium and nuclear weapons, I presume.

Even at very small calibers, handguns can also be fatal... They are not WMD's, however.

And I wouldn't want a half a stick of dynamite next to my grandchildren's crib.... That doesn't make TNT a WMD, however.
Finding uranium in a military arsenal is not a good thing, honest to goodness.

You DO know a couple of our soldiers were very ill after handling this "outdated" sarin, do you not?

And you DO know Sarin is a WMD, I presume. :ack-1:

You mean these soldiers ... ?
Tests Confirm Sarin in Iraqi Artillery Shell

The soldiers displayed "classic" symptoms of sarin exposure, most notably dilated pupils and nausea, officials said. The symptoms ran their course fairly quickly, however, and as of Tuesday the two had returned to duty.
3 days later they were back to work.
That's fine, except neural damage is tough to repair in the human body, and many of our soldiers return home not the same happy-go-lucky guys they once were, may be irritable or even a little confused. Our guys are exposed to an awfully lot of toxic fuels and metals in war. We had agent orange in Viet Nam and Gulf War Syndrome in which our guys had odd symptoms showing up after they got back home. The enemy doesn't tell us when it does certain modifications to their firepower that could cause health problems that may not show up for weeks, months, or even years. I don't think Gulf War Syndrome was accidental or mass hysteria.
Finding uranium in a military arsenal is not a good thing, honest to goodness.

You DO know a couple of our soldiers were very ill after handling this "outdated" sarin, do you not?

And you DO know Sarin is a WMD, I presume. :ack-1:

You mean these soldiers ... ?
Tests Confirm Sarin in Iraqi Artillery Shell

The soldiers displayed "classic" symptoms of sarin exposure, most notably dilated pupils and nausea, officials said. The symptoms ran their course fairly quickly, however, and as of Tuesday the two had returned to duty.
3 days later they were back to work.
That's fine, except neural damage is tough to repair in the human body, and many of our soldiers return home not the same happy-go-lucky guys they once were, may be irritable or even a little confused. Our guys are exposed to an awfully lot of toxic fuels and metals in war. We had agent orange in Viet Nam and Gulf War Syndrome in which our guys had odd symptoms showing up after they got back home. The enemy doesn't tell us when it does certain modifications to their firepower that could cause health problems that may not show up for weeks, months, or even years. I don't think Gulf War Syndrome was accidental or mass hysteria.
Can you name a single soldier who suffered permanent damage or even death from any of these "WMD?"

I was only aware of those two, and fortunately, they were not seriously harmed.

The half-life or uranium-238 is 4.47billion years, and that of uranium 235 is 704 million years.

Even Wikipedia acknowledges "Even at very low concentrations, sarin can be fatal." Wikipedia on Sarin

Remember Chemical Ali? He was tried and sentenced to death in Iraq for killing tens of thousands of people with Sarin. It is noted that he always had been present when too many Iraqis or Saddam's enemies died. The Iraqis didn't brag on every single of their uses of Sarin. Like I said, Chemical Ali was around after a lot of killings took place.

As far as your quotation of the all-too-often heard smug comments about "Old, outdated, degraded sarin canisters," I have a hunch you wouldn't want a single one of them placed inside your baby's crib, now, would you.
You DO know the difference between uranium and nuclear weapons, I presume.

Even at very small calibers, handguns can also be fatal... They are not WMD's, however.

And I wouldn't want a half a stick of dynamite next to my grandchildren's crib.... That doesn't make TNT a WMD, however.
Finding uranium in a military arsenal is not a good thing, honest to goodness.

You DO know a couple of our soldiers were very ill after handling this "outdated" sarin, do you not?

And you DO know Sarin is a WMD, I presume. :ack-1:

"honest to goodness"??? I could give a flying fuck what you FEEL about uranium, it is NOT a WMD. Sorry sweetie. You do realize that the "M" in WMD refers to MASS? A couple of soldiers getting sick from handling old outdated degraded sarin is NOT MASS destruction. Do you really think that is what the Bushies were scaring America about? If we don't invade Iraq right this minute, and spend a trillion dollars we don't have and waste thousands of our own troops lives and hundreds of thousands of Iraqi lives, a couple of our soldiers might get ill????

get real
“At another location, we found barrels of chemical material that was intended for use as biochemical weapons. Everyone talks about there being no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, but they seem to be referring to completed nuclear bombs, not the many deadly chemical weapons or precursors that Saddam had stockpiled

Excerpt From: Chris Kyle, Scott Mcewen & Jim DeFelice. “American Sniper (Enhanced Edition).” HarperCollins, 2012-01-01. iBooks.
This material may be protected by copyright.

Check out this book on the iBookstore: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/american-sniper-enhanced-edition/id482842147?mt=11
"honest to goodness"??? I could give a flying fuck what you FEEL about uranium, it is NOT a WMD. Sorry sweetie. You do realize that the "M" in WMD refers to MASS? A couple of soldiers getting sick from handling old outdated degraded sarin is NOT MASS destruction. Do you really think that is what the Bushies were scaring America about? If we don't invade Iraq right this minute, and spend a trillion dollars we don't have and waste thousands of our own troops lives and hundreds of thousands of Iraqi lives, a couple of our soldiers might get ill????

get real

Watching you people have a meltdown in the face of FACTS never ceases to be hilarious. By your (lack of) "logic" - any nuclear weapon is not a WMD unless is detonates (because an undetonated nuclear weapon wouldn't even make "a couple of soldiers sick")... :lmao:
You mean these soldiers ... ?
Tests Confirm Sarin in Iraqi Artillery Shell

The soldiers displayed "classic" symptoms of sarin exposure, most notably dilated pupils and nausea, officials said. The symptoms ran their course fairly quickly, however, and as of Tuesday the two had returned to duty.
3 days later they were back to work.
That's fine, except neural damage is tough to repair in the human body, and many of our soldiers return home not the same happy-go-lucky guys they once were, may be irritable or even a little confused. Our guys are exposed to an awfully lot of toxic fuels and metals in war. We had agent orange in Viet Nam and Gulf War Syndrome in which our guys had odd symptoms showing up after they got back home. The enemy doesn't tell us when it does certain modifications to their firepower that could cause health problems that may not show up for weeks, months, or even years. I don't think Gulf War Syndrome was accidental or mass hysteria.
Can you name a single soldier who suffered permanent damage or even death from any of these "WMD?"

I was only aware of those two, and fortunately, they were not seriously harmed.

Chemical Weapons are WMD's you fuck'n idiot. Period. This is a fact that is not disputed anywhere in the world except by a few desperate libtards such as you.

Because our well trained and prepared military personnel stabbed themselves with a syringe containing a counteractive substance to prevent their own deaths does NOT cease to make a chemical weapon a WMD.

As always, you've been owned...

Why did Bush and Cheney admit that NO WMD were ever found?

Why do you to scream that Bush and Cheney are "liars" who "lied us into Iraq" because you can't stomach a little fight, but cite them as the ultimate trustworthy source when their answer fits your agenda? :lol:
"honest to goodness"??? I could give a flying fuck what you FEEL about uranium, it is NOT a WMD. Sorry sweetie. You do realize that the "M" in WMD refers to MASS? A couple of soldiers getting sick from handling old outdated degraded sarin is NOT MASS destruction. Do you really think that is what the Bushies were scaring America about? If we don't invade Iraq right this minute, and spend a trillion dollars we don't have and waste thousands of our own troops lives and hundreds of thousands of Iraqi lives, a couple of our soldiers might get ill????

get real

Watching you people have a meltdown in the face of FACTS never ceases to be hilarious. By your (lack of) "logic" - any nuclear weapon is not a WMD unless is detonates (because an undetonated nuclear weapon wouldn't even make "a couple of soldiers sick")... :lmao:

No matter how the right tries to spin it to save face, the fact is there were no WMDs found in Iraq, none. So, if you find it hilarious, it's only because you're trying to keep from being embarrassed, that your leader lied to us into a war that was unnecessary. That over 4000 American soldiers died for no good reason is not hilarious, but whatever floats your boat. I bet you're making a big deal over the 4 men that died in Benghazi, though.

CIA’s final report: No WMD found in Iraq
WASHINGTON — In his final word, the CIA’s top weapons inspector in Iraq said Monday that the hunt for weapons of mass destruction has “gone as far as feasible” and has found nothing, closing an investigation into the purported programs of Saddam Hussein that were used to justify the 2003 invasion.
CIA?s final report: No WMD found in Iraq - World news - Mideast/N. Africa - Conflict in Iraq | NBC News
Why did Bush and Cheney admit that NO WMD were ever found?

Why do you to scream that Bush and Cheney are "liars" who "lied us into Iraq" because you can't stomach a little fight, but cite them as the ultimate trustworthy source when their answer fits your agenda? :lol:

Because WMD was their excuse for invading Iraq - then they admitted none were found.

In other words - they finally admitted they lied. It ain't rocket science...

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