Why does the Left demand all Black people think alike???

We all know Democrats accept only one kind of Black man or woman, one that votes for the Democrat Party.
Look what the Left does to any Black man or woman that dares cross Party lines and NOT be a Democrat.
HECK even when they ARE DEMOCRATS but arent as loud, ignorant or angry and indignant at the Left thinks they need to be they get abuse piled on top of them.

Witness what happened to to Black Democrats who comitted the "crime" of merely pointing out that a Black girl who refused to get off of her cellphone in school should have listened to the officer before things got out of hand, One of the two Black celebrities in question also asked if they say the whole videotape, or was there more left out that would offer more context. The two Black celebrities, Don Lemon and Raven Simone are now facing a barrage of criticism from fascist-like left-wingers who are trying to GET THEM TO LOSE THEIR JOBS.

and so isnt it pathetic to see left-wing morons wondering why people say left-wingers hate to see a Black man or woman running for office as a Republican???

libs are losers who lie to themselves

For the same reason that all Republicans hate black people, minorities, Hispanics, women, and anyone who else who isn't White, Male and Protestant.

You are a moron.


C'mon....you're a republican so obviously you hate everyone who isn't white, male, and Protestant. Oh, wait, you don't like being pigeonholed or lumped in with others based on party identification? Talk to the OP who is doing the same thing. Until then, you're just a racist bigot....
The Left doesn't just demand that all black people think alike, they demand that EVERYONE think alike, except for Radical Muslims.

It strikes me as hilarious that the OP sets out to call out a blanket generalization ("all black people") and before he can even get to it ----- commits one himself ("the left").

And you just did the same thing.

*sigh* Sarcasm is so wasted on Some People.
Republicans miss the good ol' days, when they could keep their boots on the necks of the n*ggers, and there was nothing they could do about it.
That was actually the democrat party.
But why is it republicans who pine for the days before civil rights? Why is it republicans that fly the confederate rag and celebrate the confederacy? Why are black people so embarrassingly underrepresented in the republican party? Why is it republicans who are so adamant that black lives don't matter?

What happened?
In Mississippi, the democratic party is now the black party plus maybe 3% of the whites. We essentially have returned to one party rule, with the only difference being that we are required by federal law to maintain some % of African American majority districts, but we do that by drawing districts that have 80% plus African American populations. The middle class suburb school dists are, however, integrated. So, perhaps that's progress.

We have one district in SC that was created with a 60+% black population because of the whining.
The progressive dream. Everyone thinks exactly alike......

We all know Democrats accept only one kind of Black man or woman, one that votes for the Democrat Party.
Look what the Left does to any Black man or woman that dares cross Party lines and NOT be a Democrat.
HECK even when they ARE DEMOCRATS but arent as loud, ignorant or angry and indignant at the Left thinks they need to be they get abuse piled on top of them.

Witness what happened to to Black Democrats who comitted the "crime" of merely pointing out that a Black girl who refused to get off of her cellphone in school should have listened to the officer before things got out of hand, One of the two Black celebrities in question also asked if they say the whole videotape, or was there more left out that would offer more context. The two Black celebrities, Don Lemon and Raven Simone are now facing a barrage of criticism from fascist-like left-wingers who are trying to GET THEM TO LOSE THEIR JOBS.

and so isnt it pathetic to see left-wing morons wondering why people say left-wingers hate to see a Black man or woman running for office as a Republican???

libs are losers who lie to themselves

For the same reason that all Republicans hate black people, minorities, Hispanics, women, and anyone who else who isn't White, Male and Protestant.

You are a moron.


C'mon....you're a republican so obviously you hate everyone who isn't white, male, and Protestant. Oh, wait, you don't like being pigeonholed or lumped in with others based on party identification? Talk to the OP who is doing the same thing. Until then, you're just a racist bigot....

You're a Democrat so you obviously voted for Obama because he's black and will vote for Hillary because she has a vagina.
We all know Democrats accept only one kind of Black man or woman, one that votes for the Democrat Party.
Look what the Left does to any Black man or woman that dares cross Party lines and NOT be a Democrat.
HECK even when they ARE DEMOCRATS but arent as loud, ignorant or angry and indignant at the Left thinks they need to be they get abuse piled on top of them.

Witness what happened to to Black Democrats who comitted the "crime" of merely pointing out that a Black girl who refused to get off of her cellphone in school should have listened to the officer before things got out of hand, One of the two Black celebrities in question also asked if they say the whole videotape, or was there more left out that would offer more context. The two Black celebrities, Don Lemon and Raven Simone are now facing a barrage of criticism from fascist-like left-wingers who are trying to GET THEM TO LOSE THEIR JOBS.

and so isnt it pathetic to see left-wing morons wondering why people say left-wingers hate to see a Black man or woman running for office as a Republican???

libs are losers who lie to themselves

For the same reason that all Republicans hate black people, minorities, Hispanics, women, and anyone who else who isn't White, Male and Protestant.

Don't confuse an unwillingness to pander for their votes as hate.

You pander your ass off to any white group. Hate is evident in nearly everything you guys do to forcing seniors to work longer to depriving people of entitlements (blacks and other minorities of course), to erecting obstacle after obstacle to keep women for exercising health care choices.

The only thing you guys love more than your guns is hurting others.
Republicans miss the good ol' days, when they could keep their boots on the necks of the n*ggers, and there was nothing they could do about it.
That was actually the democrat party.
But why is it republicans who pine for the days before civil rights? Why is it republicans that fly the confederate rag and celebrate the confederacy? Why are black people so embarrassingly underrepresented in the republican party? Why is it republicans who are so adamant that black lives don't matter?

What happened?
In Mississippi, the democratic party is now the black party plus maybe 3% of the whites. We essentially have returned to one party rule, with the only difference being that we are required by federal law to maintain some % of African American majority districts, but we do that by drawing districts that have 80% plus African American populations. The middle class suburb school dists are, however, integrated. So, perhaps that's progress.

We have one district in SC that was created with a 60+% black population because of the whining.
Lol South Carolina and Mississippi, the 2 most shining beacons of hope in America :rofl:

We all know Democrats accept only one kind of Black man or woman, one that votes for the Democrat Party.
Look what the Left does to any Black man or woman that dares cross Party lines and NOT be a Democrat.
HECK even when they ARE DEMOCRATS but arent as loud, ignorant or angry and indignant at the Left thinks they need to be they get abuse piled on top of them.

Witness what happened to to Black Democrats who comitted the "crime" of merely pointing out that a Black girl who refused to get off of her cellphone in school should have listened to the officer before things got out of hand, One of the two Black celebrities in question also asked if they say the whole videotape, or was there more left out that would offer more context. The two Black celebrities, Don Lemon and Raven Simone are now facing a barrage of criticism from fascist-like left-wingers who are trying to GET THEM TO LOSE THEIR JOBS.

and so isnt it pathetic to see left-wing morons wondering why people say left-wingers hate to see a Black man or woman running for office as a Republican???

libs are losers who lie to themselves

For the same reason that all Republicans hate black people, minorities, Hispanics, women, and anyone who else who isn't White, Male and Protestant.

Sorry…you are talking about the democrat party, not the Republicans….they have no stake in race hate…that is the democrat policy.

So you are for affirmative action? No.
So you are for the LLFPA? No.
So you are for VAWA? No.
So you support the Roe decision? No.

All hallmarks of a hateful GOP.
The Left doesn't just demand that all black people think alike, they demand that EVERYONE think alike, except for Radical Muslims.

It strikes me as hilarious that the OP sets out to call out a blanket generalization ("all black people") and before he can even get to it ----- commits one himself ("the left").

And you just did the same thing.

*sigh* Sarcasm is so wasted on Some People.

Agreed, but so's logic.
Apparently I gave the right wing loons too much credit to learn from an example.
Republicans miss the good ol' days, when they could keep their boots on the necks of the n*ggers, and there was nothing they could do about it.
That was actually the democrat party.
But why is it republicans who pine for the days before civil rights? Why is it republicans that fly the confederate rag and celebrate the confederacy? Why are black people so embarrassingly underrepresented in the republican party? Why is it republicans who are so adamant that black lives don't matter?

What happened?
In Mississippi, the democratic party is now the black party plus maybe 3% of the whites. We essentially have returned to one party rule, with the only difference being that we are required by federal law to maintain some % of African American majority districts, but we do that by drawing districts that have 80% plus African American populations. The middle class suburb school dists are, however, integrated. So, perhaps that's progress.

We have one district in SC that was created with a 60+% black population because of the whining.
Lol South Carolina and Mississippi, the 2 most shining beacons of hope in Anerica :rofl:


Says the person that can't spell "America".
We all know Democrats accept only one kind of Black man or woman, one that votes for the Democrat Party.
Look what the Left does to any Black man or woman that dares cross Party lines and NOT be a Democrat.
HECK even when they ARE DEMOCRATS but arent as loud, ignorant or angry and indignant at the Left thinks they need to be they get abuse piled on top of them.

Witness what happened to to Black Democrats who comitted the "crime" of merely pointing out that a Black girl who refused to get off of her cellphone in school should have listened to the officer before things got out of hand, One of the two Black celebrities in question also asked if they say the whole videotape, or was there more left out that would offer more context. The two Black celebrities, Don Lemon and Raven Simone are now facing a barrage of criticism from fascist-like left-wingers who are trying to GET THEM TO LOSE THEIR JOBS.

and so isnt it pathetic to see left-wing morons wondering why people say left-wingers hate to see a Black man or woman running for office as a Republican???

libs are losers who lie to themselves

For the same reason that all Republicans hate black people, minorities, Hispanics, women, and anyone who else who isn't White, Male and Protestant.

Sorry…you are talking about the democrat party, not the Republicans….they have no stake in race hate…that is the democrat policy.

So you are for affirmative action? No.
So you are for the LLFPA? No.
So you are for VAWA? No.
So you support the Roe decision? No.

All hallmarks of a hateful GOP.

No….affirmative action is racism disguised as benevolence……what is llfpa and vawa? Roe….allows innocent humans to be murdered….again, opposing that isn't hate….it is trying to protect the innocent.
We all know Democrats accept only one kind of Black man or woman, one that votes for the Democrat Party.
Look what the Left does to any Black man or woman that dares cross Party lines and NOT be a Democrat.
HECK even when they ARE DEMOCRATS but arent as loud, ignorant or angry and indignant at the Left thinks they need to be they get abuse piled on top of them.

Witness what happened to to Black Democrats who comitted the "crime" of merely pointing out that a Black girl who refused to get off of her cellphone in school should have listened to the officer before things got out of hand, One of the two Black celebrities in question also asked if they say the whole videotape, or was there more left out that would offer more context. The two Black celebrities, Don Lemon and Raven Simone are now facing a barrage of criticism from fascist-like left-wingers who are trying to GET THEM TO LOSE THEIR JOBS.

and so isnt it pathetic to see left-wing morons wondering why people say left-wingers hate to see a Black man or woman running for office as a Republican???

libs are losers who lie to themselves

For the same reason that all Republicans hate black people, minorities, Hispanics, women, and anyone who else who isn't White, Male and Protestant.

Sorry…you are talking about the democrat party, not the Republicans….they have no stake in race hate…that is the democrat policy.

So you are for affirmative action? No.
So you are for the LLFPA? No.
So you are for VAWA? No.
So you support the Roe decision? No.

All hallmarks of a hateful GOP.

I'm not for AA either but I'm certainly not "GOP".
Don't even know what those other acronyms are but this is another broad brush....
That was actually the democrat party.
But why is it republicans who pine for the days before civil rights? Why is it republicans that fly the confederate rag and celebrate the confederacy? Why are black people so embarrassingly underrepresented in the republican party? Why is it republicans who are so adamant that black lives don't matter?

What happened?
In Mississippi, the democratic party is now the black party plus maybe 3% of the whites. We essentially have returned to one party rule, with the only difference being that we are required by federal law to maintain some % of African American majority districts, but we do that by drawing districts that have 80% plus African American populations. The middle class suburb school dists are, however, integrated. So, perhaps that's progress.

We have one district in SC that was created with a 60+% black population because of the whining.
Lol South Carolina and Mississippi, the 2 most shining beacons of hope in Anerica :rofl:


Says the person that can't spell "America".
Oh no what a burn! How long did it take you to think of that one you dumb cracka? :rofl:
We all know Democrats accept only one kind of Black man or woman, one that votes for the Democrat Party.
Look what the Left does to any Black man or woman that dares cross Party lines and NOT be a Democrat.
HECK even when they ARE DEMOCRATS but arent as loud, ignorant or angry and indignant at the Left thinks they need to be they get abuse piled on top of them.

Witness what happened to to Black Democrats who comitted the "crime" of merely pointing out that a Black girl who refused to get off of her cellphone in school should have listened to the officer before things got out of hand, One of the two Black celebrities in question also asked if they say the whole videotape, or was there more left out that would offer more context. The two Black celebrities, Don Lemon and Raven Simone are now facing a barrage of criticism from fascist-like left-wingers who are trying to GET THEM TO LOSE THEIR JOBS.

and so isnt it pathetic to see left-wing morons wondering why people say left-wingers hate to see a Black man or woman running for office as a Republican???

libs are losers who lie to themselves

For the same reason that all Republicans hate black people, minorities, Hispanics, women, and anyone who else who isn't White, Male and Protestant.

Sorry…you are talking about the democrat party, not the Republicans….they have no stake in race hate…that is the democrat policy.

So you are for affirmative action? No.
So you are for the LLFPA? No.
So you are for VAWA? No.
So you support the Roe decision? No.

All hallmarks of a hateful GOP.

The LLFPA….is based on a lie that women are paid less…that is a lie….so typical of democrats they use lies to attack their opponents…..how is that hate, standing up to a democrat lie?
We all know Democrats accept only one kind of Black man or woman, one that votes for the Democrat Party.
Look what the Left does to any Black man or woman that dares cross Party lines and NOT be a Democrat.
HECK even when they ARE DEMOCRATS but arent as loud, ignorant or angry and indignant at the Left thinks they need to be they get abuse piled on top of them.

Witness what happened to to Black Democrats who comitted the "crime" of merely pointing out that a Black girl who refused to get off of her cellphone in school should have listened to the officer before things got out of hand, One of the two Black celebrities in question also asked if they say the whole videotape, or was there more left out that would offer more context. The two Black celebrities, Don Lemon and Raven Simone are now facing a barrage of criticism from fascist-like left-wingers who are trying to GET THEM TO LOSE THEIR JOBS.

and so isnt it pathetic to see left-wing morons wondering why people say left-wingers hate to see a Black man or woman running for office as a Republican???

libs are losers who lie to themselves

For the same reason that all Republicans hate black people, minorities, Hispanics, women, and anyone who else who isn't White, Male and Protestant.

Don't confuse an unwillingness to pander for their votes as hate.

You pander your ass off to any white group. Hate is evident in nearly everything you guys do to forcing seniors to work longer to depriving people of entitlements (blacks and other minorities of course), to erecting obstacle after obstacle to keep women for exercising health care choices.

The only thing you guys love more than your guns is hurting others.

I do?

What makes you think someone is entitled to another person's money through social welfare programs?

If a woman is in the position of having to make a choice of whether or not to have an abortion, she's already made a choice. A woman can do with her body whatever she wants. The problem is when she makes a choice to have kids she can't afford, idiots like you think someone else told to butt out of her choice to do so should be forced to pay.
But why is it republicans who pine for the days before civil rights? Why is it republicans that fly the confederate rag and celebrate the confederacy? Why are black people so embarrassingly underrepresented in the republican party? Why is it republicans who are so adamant that black lives don't matter?

What happened?
In Mississippi, the democratic party is now the black party plus maybe 3% of the whites. We essentially have returned to one party rule, with the only difference being that we are required by federal law to maintain some % of African American majority districts, but we do that by drawing districts that have 80% plus African American populations. The middle class suburb school dists are, however, integrated. So, perhaps that's progress.

We have one district in SC that was created with a 60+% black population because of the whining.
Lol South Carolina and Mississippi, the 2 most shining beacons of hope in Anerica :rofl:


Says the person that can't spell "America".
Oh no what a burn! How long did it take you to think of that one you dumb cracka? :rofl:

You made it easy you dumb ******.
VAWA….you know we already have laws against violence against women..right? if you hurt a woman you go to jail…..if you hurt anyone you go to jail…

You guys want to make special laws that do nothing to help the people you say you want to help…..every item you listed is either a lie or covered by current law……

Not unexpected since you are a leftwing nut.
Republicans miss the good ol' days, when they could keep their boots on the necks of the n*ggers, and there was nothing they could do about it.
That was actually the democrat party.
But why is it republicans who pine for the days before civil rights? Why is it republicans that fly the confederate rag and celebrate the confederacy? Why are black people so embarrassingly underrepresented in the republican party? Why is it republicans who are so adamant that black lives don't matter?

What happened?
In Mississippi, the democratic party is now the black party plus maybe 3% of the whites. We essentially have returned to one party rule, with the only difference being that we are required by federal law to maintain some % of African American majority districts, but we do that by drawing districts that have 80% plus African American populations. The middle class suburb school dists are, however, integrated. So, perhaps that's progress.

We have one district in SC that was created with a 60+% black population because of the whining.
Lol South Carolina and Mississippi, the 2 most shining beacons of hope in America :rofl:


Fun fact: Mississippi was originally largely populated (i.e. the white population, once the Indians had been "removed" (<< euphemism alert) in the 1830s... by emigrants from South Carolina.

Those who decided "there's gotta be more than this" picked up and moved to the new territory and became my ancestors. Those that didn't have enough sense to realize they were in South Carolina stayed behind and spawned Strom Thrumond.

I like to think that gives me a slightly deeper part of the gene puddle.

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