Why does the Left demand all Black people think alike???




Here you go Moon Bat.

Lyndon B. Johnson: I’ll have those ******* voting Democratic for the next 200 years.” Lyndon Baines Johnson about the Great Society plan.

"I’ll have those ******* voting Democratic for the next 200 years.” Lyndon Baines Johnson about the Great Society plan.


“I’ll Have Those ******* Voting Democrat For The Next 200 Years!” …




Here you go Moon Bat.

Lyndon B. Johnson: I’ll have those ******* voting Democratic for the next 200 years.” Lyndon Baines Johnson about the Great Society plan.

"I’ll have those ******* voting Democratic for the next 200 years.” Lyndon Baines Johnson about the Great Society plan.


“I’ll Have Those ******* Voting Democrat For The Next 200 Years!” …


That's a completely uncorroborated quote, reported by absolutely no one except a right wingnut who wrote a book.

And I already knew that when I invited you to dig yourself into that hole. Oh by the way internet image memes aren't sources either.

Now what about the rest of it? You know, the parts you cut off because you already know you can't back 'em up?

Let's see the whole post again. Roll tape.
I am not the one that came up with it. Lyndon Johnson is the one that made the quote that he was going to buy the "Niggra" vote with welfare. He said he would have them voting Democrat for the next 200 years.



Democrats hate Niggras that don't get with the Libtard program.



You gave me two links, one of which just repeats the same quote giving no source at all (even I know it's a book by Ronald Kessler but your site doesn't) and your second link goes to an ERROR PAGE.

You lose, dishonest hack.
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Here you go Moon Bat.

Lyndon B. Johnson: I’ll have those ******* voting Democratic for the next 200 years.” Lyndon Baines Johnson about the Great Society plan.

"I’ll have those ******* voting Democratic for the next 200 years.” Lyndon Baines Johnson about the Great Society plan.


“I’ll Have Those ******* Voting Democrat For The Next 200 Years!” …


That's a completely uncorroborated quote, reported by absolutely no one except a right wingnut who wrote a book.

And I already knew that when I invited you to dig yourself into that hole. Oh by the way internet image memes aren't sources either.

Now what about the rest of it? You know, the parts you cut off because you already know you can't back 'em up?

Let's see the whole post again. Roll tape.
I am not the one that came up with it. Lyndon Johnson is the one that made the quote that he was going to buy the "Niggra" vote with welfare. He said he would have them voting Democrat for the next 200 years.



Democrats hate Niggras that don't get with the Libtard program.



You lose, dishonest hack.

You are not intelligent enough to play.

I am sorry Moon Bat but if you want to deny that he said then go right ahead. You Moon Bats live in a world of denial so we expect that of you.

The quote came from Ron Kessler's book and was attributed to two governors hearing it on Air Force One.

You can prove that he didn't say it then go right ahead.

LBJ was a scumbag in many regards as are all Democrats. He was a racist but he understood political power.
We all know Democrats accept only one kind of Black man or woman, one that votes for the Democrat Party.
Look what the Left does to any Black man or woman that dares cross Party lines and NOT be a Democrat.
HECK even when they ARE DEMOCRATS but arent as loud, ignorant or angry and indignant at the Left thinks they need to be they get abuse piled on top of them.

Witness what happened to to Black Democrats who comitted the "crime" of merely pointing out that a Black girl who refused to get off of her cellphone in school should have listened to the officer before things got out of hand, One of the two Black celebrities in question also asked if they say the whole videotape, or was there more left out that would offer more context. The two Black celebrities, Don Lemon and Raven Simone are now facing a barrage of criticism from fascist-like left-wingers who are trying to GET THEM TO LOSE THEIR JOBS.

and so isnt it pathetic to see left-wing morons wondering why people say left-wingers hate to see a Black man or woman running for office as a Republican???

libs are losers who lie to themselves

The far left needs this group think in order to maintain their power in politics. If their loyal religious followers started to think for themselves they would never vote far left..
Why does the Left demand all Black people think alike???

90% of Republicans believe this nonsense. The same number that's uneducated, racist and think science is a faith.

90% of the GOP are white. Coincidence?

you cant answer, i see.

how typical
You would have to be a tard to miss the answer. Here, let me try again:

90% of Republicans believe this nonsense. The same number that's uneducated, racist and think science is a faith.

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