Why does the Left demand all Black people think alike???

We all know Democrats accept only one kind of Black man or woman, one that votes for the Democrat Party.
Look what the Left does to any Black man or woman that dares cross Party lines and NOT be a Democrat.
HECK even when they ARE DEMOCRATS but arent as loud, ignorant or angry and indignant at the Left thinks they need to be they get abuse piled on top of them.

Witness what happened to to Black Democrats who comitted the "crime" of merely pointing out that a Black girl who refused to get off of her cellphone in school should have listened to the officer before things got out of hand, One of the two Black celebrities in question also asked if they say the whole videotape, or was there more left out that would offer more context. The two Black celebrities, Don Lemon and Raven Simone are now facing a barrage of criticism from fascist-like left-wingers who are trying to GET THEM TO LOSE THEIR JOBS.

and so isnt it pathetic to see left-wing morons wondering why people say left-wingers hate to see a Black man or woman running for office as a Republican???

libs are losers who lie to themselves

For the same reason that all Republicans hate black people, minorities, Hispanics, women, and anyone who else who isn't White, Male and Protestant.

You are a moron.


C'mon....you're a republican so obviously you hate everyone who isn't white, male, and Protestant. Oh, wait, you don't like being pigeonholed or lumped in with others based on party identification? Talk to the OP who is doing the same thing. Until then, you're just a racist bigot....

You're a Democrat so you obviously voted for Obama because he's black and will vote for Hillary because she has a vagina.

Is this something you do all the time? Tell other people what they do and are going to do?

It's only telling THAT they do it. What they do is up to them.
For the same reason that all Republicans hate black people, minorities, Hispanics, women, and anyone who else who isn't White, Male and Protestant.

Sorry…you are talking about the democrat party, not the Republicans….they have no stake in race hate…that is the democrat policy.

So you are for affirmative action? No.
So you are for the LLFPA? No.
So you are for VAWA? No.
So you support the Roe decision? No.

All hallmarks of a hateful GOP.

I'm not for AA either but I'm certainly not "GOP".
Don't even know what those other acronyms are but this is another broad brush....

Well, the OP just spouts off bullshit whenever he is let into the dayroom to use the computer. I thought I'd counter it with just as much bullshit. Now all of the Reich wing pigs are squealing.

My work here is done. :mm:

you're work here is "done" because the OP is back on his thread and you cant hang with him, or any of the rest of us making you look like the fool you are, so you're ready to bail
Will you be getting another badge for this?
For the same reason that all Republicans hate black people, minorities, Hispanics, women, and anyone who else who isn't White, Male and Protestant.

You are a moron.


C'mon....you're a republican so obviously you hate everyone who isn't white, male, and Protestant. Oh, wait, you don't like being pigeonholed or lumped in with others based on party identification? Talk to the OP who is doing the same thing. Until then, you're just a racist bigot....

You're a Democrat so you obviously voted for Obama because he's black and will vote for Hillary because she has a vagina.

Is this something you do all the time? Tell other people what they do and are going to do?

It's only telling THAT they do it. What they do is up to them.
Dial 1 for English please.
Why do you demand that "the left" or "Democrats" all think alike?

Start there.
Let's start with gay marrige , if you are against it. You are labeled a homophe by liberals. I've got conservative friends that don't care if they gays get married. I don't vilify them. See conservatives can disagree and not try to destroy each other. That can't happen with liberals.
I have never ever labeled anyone a "homophe".
You are about they only liberal on here that hasn't.
The Left doesn't just demand that all black people think alike, they demand that EVERYONE think alike, except for Radical Muslims.

It strikes me as hilarious that the OP sets out to call out a blanket generalization ("all black people") and before he can even get to it ----- commits one himself ("the left").

And you just did the same thing.

*sigh* Sarcasm is so wasted on Some People.

Agreed, but so's logic.

That's why we needs us some BatFink from time to time.

by boedicca on US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Why do you demand that "the left" or "Democrats" all think alike?

Start there.
Let's start with gay marrige , if you are against it. You are labeled a homophe by liberals. I've got conservative friends that don't care if they gays get married. I don't vilify them. See conservatives can disagree and not try to destroy each other. That can't happen with liberals.
I have never ever labeled anyone a "homophe".
You are about they only liberal on here that hasn't.

I haven't either.
Matter o' fact I'm pretty sure no one has ever used that word until today.
Why do you demand that "the left" or "Democrats" all think alike?

Start there.
Let's start with gay marrige , if you are against it. You are labeled a homophe by liberals. I've got conservative friends that don't care if they gays get married. I don't vilify them. See conservatives can disagree and not try to destroy each other. That can't happen with liberals.
I have never ever labeled anyone a "homophe".
You are about they only liberal on here that hasn't.

I haven't either.
Matter o' fact I'm pretty sure no one has ever used that word until today.
Oh my, when I stated that I was against gay marriage. I got called that lot's of times.
The Left doesn't just demand that all black people think alike, they demand that EVERYONE think alike, except for Radical Muslims.

It strikes me as hilarious that the OP sets out to call out a blanket generalization ("all black people") and before he can even get to it ----- commits one himself ("the left").

And you just did the same thing.

*sigh* Sarcasm is so wasted on Some People.

Agreed, but so's logic.

That's why we needs us some BatFink from time to time.

by boedicca on US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I would vote for Batfink for anything. It's right -- it's left --- it's up -- it's down --
to quote 3 Mustapha 3, "Forward in All Directions!"
Why do you demand that "the left" or "Democrats" all think alike?

Start there.
Let's start with gay marrige , if you are against it. You are labeled a homophe by liberals. I've got conservative friends that don't care if they gays get married. I don't vilify them. See conservatives can disagree and not try to destroy each other. That can't happen with liberals.
I have never ever labeled anyone a "homophe".
You are about they only liberal on here that hasn't.

I haven't either.
Matter o' fact I'm pretty sure no one has ever used that word until today.
Oh my, when I stated that I was against gay marriage. I got called that lot's of times.


I'm trying to think of how to even use that in a sentence....

"Homophe uckin' times you gonna wear that dirty thing?"
The Democrats think all Blacks are their bitches. After all the Democrats came up with this idea to buy the Black vote by giving them all welfare so they get all upset when one of the Negroes leaves the welfare slave plantation.
The current leftist ideology seems to be = conformity
No matter race or whatever. If you have a mind of your own, FUCK YOU.
The Democrats think all Blacks are their bitches. After all the Democrats came up with this idea to buy the Black vote by giving them all welfare so they get all upset when one of the Negroes leaves the welfare slave plantation.

And you came up with the idea to buy that wacko theory. :rofl:

"Negroes" huh?
The Left doesn't just demand that all black people think alike, they demand that EVERYONE think alike, except for Radical Muslims.

It strikes me as hilarious that the OP sets out to call out a blanket generalization ("all black people") and before he can even get to it ----- commits one himself ("the left").

And you just did the same thing.

*sigh* Sarcasm is so wasted on Some People.

Agreed, but so's logic.

That's why we needs us some BatFink from time to time.

by boedicca on US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I would vote for Batfink for anything. It's right -- it's left --- it's up -- it's down --
to quote 3 Mustapha 3, "Forward in All Directions!"

BatFink is the Real Authentic Unifier!
Last edited:
Let's start with gay marrige , if you are against it. You are labeled a homophe by liberals. I've got conservative friends that don't care if they gays get married. I don't vilify them. See conservatives can disagree and not try to destroy each other. That can't happen with liberals.
I have never ever labeled anyone a "homophe".
You are about they only liberal on here that hasn't.

I haven't either.
Matter o' fact I'm pretty sure no one has ever used that word until today.
Oh my, when I stated that I was against gay marriage. I got called that lot's of times.


I'm trying to think of how to even use that in a sentence....

"Homophe uckin' times you gonna wear that dirty thing?"
Your hateful not wanting a gay couple the right to be married. Why are you a homopbe?
I have never ever labeled anyone a "homophe".
You are about they only liberal on here that hasn't.

I haven't either.
Matter o' fact I'm pretty sure no one has ever used that word until today.
Oh my, when I stated that I was against gay marriage. I got called that lot's of times.


I'm trying to think of how to even use that in a sentence....

"Homophe uckin' times you gonna wear that dirty thing?"
Your hateful not wanting a gay couple the right to be married. Why are you a homopbe?

I see you got a B and lost an H. Must be report card day.

This one's gonna be a challenge....
"Homopbe over there, with the broom"?
this is from YOUR SOURCE; which you're citing when you said "look at Carson's remarks" and used THAT as a link to "prove" your point. show me WHERE THE DEMEANING PART IS OK jackass??

Republican presidential hopeful Dr. Ben Carson had some tough words for the Democrats — and for his fellow African-Americans — during a campaign swing through New York Wednesday.
"Of course black lives matter,” said Carson, a retired pediatric neurosurgeon, after a lunch meeting with local leaders at the Harlem landmark Sylvia’s.
“What I feel, instead of people pointing fingers at each other, and just creating strife, what we need to be talking about is, how do we solve the problem in the black community of murder," Carson said.
"For a young black male, in the inner city, homicide is the most likely cause of death. That's ridiculous,” Carson said.

I'll have to agree with Dr. Carson on this one.
this is from YOUR SOURCE; which you're citing when you said "look at Carson's remarks" and used THAT as a link to "prove" your point. show me WHERE THE DEMEANING PART IS OK jackass??

Republican presidential hopeful Dr. Ben Carson had some tough words for the Democrats — and for his fellow African-Americans — during a campaign swing through New York Wednesday.
"Of course black lives matter,” said Carson, a retired pediatric neurosurgeon, after a lunch meeting with local leaders at the Harlem landmark Sylvia’s.
“What I feel, instead of people pointing fingers at each other, and just creating strife, what we need to be talking about is, how do we solve the problem in the black community of murder," Carson said.
"For a young black male, in the inner city, homicide is the most likely cause of death. That's ridiculous,” Carson said.


Carson’s ignores the fact that police officers treat black people differently than whites. Carson went on to further disparage black voters by continuing the nonsensical right-wing assertion that black voters only support democrats because they want handouts. It has nothing to do with Democrats’ positions on any number of issues, or the fact that Democrats are more inclined to recognize inequality and attempt, legislative and otherwise, to correct those societal wrongs. Nope… it’s all about getting free stuff.

So, not only does Carson seem to believe that black voters are incapable of determining who they’ll vote for based on an assortment of issues that matter to them most, he’s also saying black people wouldn’t vote unless enticed by handouts. He also seems to think Republicans have proposed ideas that would benefit the black community. I’d ask Ben Carson to name a single Republican proposal from the past forty years that was focused on equality and enhancing the quality of life in the black community.

Back in 2013, before anyone knew who he was, Ben defended himself against allegations that he was an Uncle Tom… while claiming that black voters who disagreed with him were trying to “stay on the plantation” in the same breath. LOL

So, is Ben Carson really an “Uncle Tom?” It sure seems that way. He disparages the black community and tunes out the issues that matter most to them. He questions the intelligence and the motivations of the vast majority of black voters. And he ideologically aligns himself with a party that has been discriminating against blacks for over forty years. If this doesn’t make him an Uncle Tom, I don’t know what would.
The progressive dream. Everyone thinks exactly alike......


It looks like the last GOP debate.
The last GOP debate:


You might want to explain your post to Cruz, Rubio and Carson……..and Jindal….and Fiorina…….
We all know Democrats accept only one kind of Black man or woman, one that votes for the Democrat Party.
Look what the Left does to any Black man or woman that dares cross Party lines and NOT be a Democrat.
HECK even when they ARE DEMOCRATS but arent as loud, ignorant or angry and indignant at the Left thinks they need to be they get abuse piled on top of them.

Witness what happened to to Black Democrats who comitted the "crime" of merely pointing out that a Black girl who refused to get off of her cellphone in school should have listened to the officer before things got out of hand, One of the two Black celebrities in question also asked if they say the whole videotape, or was there more left out that would offer more context. The two Black celebrities, Don Lemon and Raven Simone are now facing a barrage of criticism from fascist-like left-wingers who are trying to GET THEM TO LOSE THEIR JOBS.

and so isnt it pathetic to see left-wing morons wondering why people say left-wingers hate to see a Black man or woman running for office as a Republican???

libs are losers who lie to themselves

Carson earns the “Uncle Tom” label because he demeans other black people, all while masquerading as a crusader for black causes. Take a look at his remarks during a visit to Harlem this past August and you’ll see a wide assortment of instances where Carson was dismissive to black causes in lieu of Republican talking points, while criticizing the 90+ percent of black voters who support democrats.

Carson’s ignorant statement about #BlackLivesMatter has been a standard conservative talking point since well before BLM’s inception: in their view, it’s somehow a waste of time to talk about the fact that police officers treat black suspects and civilians differently than white suspects and civilians, and that it doesn’t make sense to open a social dialogue about white privilege and the mere existence of racism, because black on black crime exists, and we’re apparently only capable of tackling one problem at a time.

Carson went on to further disparage black voters by continuing the nonsensical right-wing assertion posited by figures like Mitt Romney and Jeb Bush, that black voters only support democrats because they want handouts. It has nothing to do with Democrats’ positions on any number of issues, or the fact that Democrats are more inclined to recognize inequality and attempt, legislative and otherwise, to correct those societal wrongs. Nope… it’s all about getting free stuff.

Carson claimed. “Lyndon Johnson said, `if you give those ‘n-words’ such and such, they’ll vote for us for the next 200 years.’ What the Republican Party needs to do is come out and discuss more the kinds of relationships and the programs that will actually bring people out of poverty, that will give them the ability to use their God-given talents to rise, rather than to simply be satisfied in a dependent position in society.”

So, not only does Carson seem to believe that black voters are incapable of determining who they’ll vote for based on an assortment of issues that matter to them most, he’s also saying black people wouldn’t vote unless enticed by handouts. He also seems to think Republicans have proposed ideas that would benefit the black community. I’d ask Ben Carson to name a single Republican proposal from the past forty years that was focused intently on equality and enhancing the quality of life in the black community, but I’m sure his head would explode, and even Carson, a master-class neurosurgeon, couldn’t put that mess back together again.

Back in 2013, when few outside of conservative circles knew who Ben Carson even was, the former neurosurgeon defended himself against allegations that he was an Uncle Tom… while claiming that black voters who disagreed with him were trying to “stay on the plantation” in the same breath. The comment hardly made a blip because of Carson’s relative lack of celebrity back then, but his likening black voters to slaves didn’t go unnoticed, and certainly hasn’t been forgotten.

So, is Ben Carson really an “Uncle Tom?” It sure seems that way. He disparages the black community and tunes out the issues that matter most to black Americans. He questions the intelligence and the motivations of the vast majority of black voters. And he ideologically aligns himself with a party that has been doing all of the above for at least the past thirty or forty years, never more so than in the past ten years. If that doesn’t make him an Uncle Tom, I don’t know what would.

Is Ben Carson Really An “Uncle Tom?”

You mean that they kill fewer black suspects? That they shoot and kill whites more often than blacks?
You are about they only liberal on here that hasn't.

I haven't either.
Matter o' fact I'm pretty sure no one has ever used that word until today.
Oh my, when I stated that I was against gay marriage. I got called that lot's of times.


I'm trying to think of how to even use that in a sentence....

"Homophe uckin' times you gonna wear that dirty thing?"
Your hateful not wanting a gay couple the right to be married. Why are you a homopbe?

I see you got a B and lost an H. Must be report card day.

This one's gonna be a challenge....
"Homopbe over there, with the broom"?
So you supported people who were against gay marriage?
The current leftist ideology seems to be = conformity
No matter race or whatever. If you have a mind of your own, FUCK YOU.

Mr Soros owns all the left-wing minds. Remember when MoveOn.org said "We own the Democrat Party now, WE BOUGHT IT"????????

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