Zone1 why does the left label black conservatives as race traitors and Uncle Toms ?

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Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
whether its black conservative politicians , Supreme Court Judges ,or even celebrities the left has a habit of labeling said people as race traitors, Uncle Toms, and even the black face of white supremacy ! the question is why ? white judges ,politicians and celebrities, conservatives who happen to be white arent labeled as race traitors ... can black people who vote republican be black ? according to Biden they cant !

It is offensive to denegrate people along racial boundaries simply because they disagree wth you politicaly. Trump did an excellent job of calling this out .("What the hell do you have to lose?) and obtaining black votes, will the GOP keep ANY momentum in these inroads he made?
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no dems showing up to explain why black conservatives are labeled ass uncle Toms and race traitors ..
whether its black conservative politicians , Supreme Court Judges ,or even celebrities the left has a habit of labeling said people as race traitors, Uncle Toms, and even the black face of white supremacy ! the question is why ? white judges ,politicians and celebrities, conservatives who happen to be white arent [sic] labeled as race traitors ... can black people who vote republican be black ? according to Biden they cant !

Chattel slavery was outlawed generations ago, in this country, but the Democrapic party still believes that it owns black people, or at least their votes and political loyalty.

A conservative black person, as far as Democraps are concerned, is the modern-day version of a runway slave.

The use of the slur “Uncle Tom” is particularly ironic. As I understand it, it refers to the character by that name being particularly loyal and obedient to his masters, whereas the Democraps, who see themselves as the masters, apply that slur to blacks who dare to defy them.
Cool, a trolling zone1 thread that starts out with a wildly dishonest fake question.

I guess if you can't debate honestly, that's the only option you see as viable.
Cool, a trolling zone1 thread that starts out with a wildly dishonest fake question.

I guess if you can't debate honestly, that's the only option you see as viable.
are you saying that black republicans arent called uncle toms and race traitors by leftists ?
are you saying that black republicans arent called uncle toms and race traitors by leftists ?
That's among the nicer things bed wetters say. I've heard heard them say things about COL Alan West, a personal hero of mine, that are actually criminal threats as well as some of the most vulgar insults and projectionist lies. Who here hasn't seen the shit bed wetters say about Clarence Thomas and his wife. These "people" are truly warped and deranged little NPCs.
Chattel slavery was outlawed generations ago, in this country, but the Democrapic party still believes that it owns black people, or at least their votes and political loyalty.

A conservative black person, as far as Democraps are concerned, is the modern-day version of a runway slave.

The use of the slur “Uncle Tom” is particularly ironic. As I understand it, it refers to the character by that name being particularly loyal and obedient to his masters, whereas the Democraps, who see themselves as the masters, apply that slur to blacks who dare to defy them.
Seems to me they believe they own the whole country and we're the serfs they've ended up with. Too damned many of us it seems because they sure seem like they're doing everything they can to cull the herd.

Which doesn't bother me at the moment because most of their victims are within their voting blocks. That's why they refuse to relinquish all those civil war veteran voter registrations. We best stand firm on the 2A and reversing the regressive regulations already in place. We have gotten the ball moved on that field quite well I must say and the moonbats are foaming at the mouth over it. Once we've gotten rid of the NFA 1933 and the GCA of 68 and 86 we can concentrate on getting better armed while we take the battle to the states and localities the bed wetters control and undermine their tyranny there as well.

Then we can declare slavery "over".

It will still be wrong though. There's more slaves on earth now than perhaps there ever was. Bed wetters won't want to touch that subject though.
why do you defend whites who hate themselves for being white
I don't. But you defend blacks who help push forward white supremacy. Whites who recognize what has been done and work for a fair society, don't hate themselves because they are white.
whether its black conservative politicians , Supreme Court Judges ,or even celebrities the left has a habit of labeling said people as race traitors, Uncle Toms, and even the black face of white supremacy ! the question is why ? white judges ,politicians and celebrities, conservatives who happen to be white arent labeled as race traitors ... can black people who vote republican be black ? according to Biden they cant !

Not hard to figure out, even for a MAGAT.

When a leader of your party invites a NAZI gathering at their state's most visited attraction three days after a fellow NAZI killed three people for the crime of being Black and you don't say a single word criticizing him or the event...

You're a race traitor and a NAZI sympathizer.

See? Not hard to understand (I'm looking at you Timmy)
It is offensive to denegrate people along racial boundaries simply because they disagree wth you politicaly. Trump did an excellent job of calling this out .("What the hell do you have to lose?) and obtaining black votes, will the GOP keep ANY momentum in these inroads he made?
Spoken like a White man.

Did you know "DENIGRATE" is an offensive term based on the word "N*gger?"
Funny thing, language.

I don't disagree with Scott on many policies but when he stands silently making believe the racism around him is acceptable then he needs to be called out as a racist enabler.
Why do you defend blacks that support white supremacy?
The United States has its own unique culture. For the most part is a combination of most ethnic and races. It started from the United Kingdom. That is the foundation. The baton was handed off to the creation of our nation. The English-speaking areas of the Western Hemisphere fell behind. Spanish and French the same. The oppression African Americans lived through as slaves and that was to degree scarred them and filled the American culture of African derived people with mistrust. This is an anchor attached to each one affected. And it affects the relationship between African Americans and other races.
It is offensive to denegrate people along racial boundaries simply because they disagree wth you politicaly. Trump did an excellent job of calling this out .("What the hell do you have to lose?) and obtaining black votes, will the GOP keep ANY momentum in these inroads he made?
Trump didn't call anything out and he didn't really gain any significant number of black votes. Blacks who support the current republican agenda are working against the interests of the black community for their own selfish political gain. That's what any sellout does regardless of race.
Not hard to figure out, even for a MAGAT.

When a leader of your party invites a NAZI gathering at their state's most visited attraction three days after a fellow NAZI killed three people for the crime of being Black and you don't say a single word criticizing him or the event...

You're a race traitor and a NAZI sympathizer.

See? Not hard to understand (I'm looking at you Timmy)
who invited that? be specific and provide a link to this invitation,
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