Why does the right insist Obama did not call it a terror attack?

Why does the right insist Obama did not call it a terror attack when reality shows o

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Christ you people are stupid! There was a lot going on at the time of the protests and assaults on embassies in the ME, NA and other regions as well as the attack at Bengahzi. There was that Muslim cleric that showed the video and demanded revenge..whatever.. It was 9/11 .. A lot on the table at once. So NOW in retrospect we have a bunch of Obama haters trying to pick out certain elements of that frame of time and say THEY have been lied to. Ya... that's about it. The butt hurt republicans are the victims AGAIN... Not the four Americans.. The republicans. The very same people that lap up Fox lies and missinformation like mothers milk are sure Obama told them something out of sequence ...or Obama purposely reduced security ... or for sure DID SOMETHING that should get him impeached immediately cuz these republicans just can't get enough red meat to chew on as we are closing in on an election.

So as it turns out the Bengahzi attack was unrelated to the video except that maybe the terrorists used that whole episode as cover to get into position to attack a safe house out in the middle of nowhere. There is no evidense that the terrorists knew our ambassadore was there. Obviously from the size of the group and weapons involved they had been planning this thing for some time. It just happened that our ambassadore was there and not in Trippoli where the actual embassy is located.

So THAT are the facts as we know them at least at this time.

Do any of you actually care WHY the terrorists chose that remote safe house to attack with such a large group?

If they wanted to do something against the U S specifically why didn't they attack the real embassy in Trippoli?

None of you think it odd that this safe house was singled out for their big attack?

OK... What was the purpose of this "safe house"? Who were we keeping "safe" there? Not ambassadore.. his normal post was in Trippoli. The place was supposed to be guarded by private contractors yet we had at least two Navy Seals there. Why?

OK.. now try to put all this in the context that we have been running an operation for several months stashing special ops personnel thruout the region to seek out, report on and destroy Al Queada cells that moved in to disrupt the emerging democracies.

And with all these layers of activity and danger inherant in the region...you crazy fucks think you were lied to. THAT is what you take out of this. YOU were lied to. You stupid sniveling morons. Has it ever occured to you that some of what our foreign service and special ops personnel are up to is none of your goddamned business?

The president lied? So fucking what? He is supposed to lie. He is not obligated to tell you morons what is REALLY going on minute to minute and day to day in these dangerous places.

I'm glad he takes his duty as Commander in Cheif seriously and tells you stinking idiots lies.[/QUOTE]

Yup! The state department watched the attack in real time and he still sent out the lies and liars. Know why? Cause this shit harms him politically. That's why. It's just that simple. Why did he never designate the Fort Hood shooting a terrorist attack? Same reason. The survivors are having a hard time getting benefits they deserve because it's never been designated a terrorist attack. actions have consequences.
Christ you people are stupid! There was a lot going on at the time of the protests and assaults on embassies in the ME, NA and other regions as well as the attack at Bengahzi. There was that Muslim cleric that showed the video and demanded revenge..whatever.. It was 9/11 .. A lot on the table at once. So NOW in retrospect we have a bunch of Obama haters trying to pick out certain elements of that frame of time and say THEY have been lied to. Ya... that's about it. The butt hurt republicans are the victims AGAIN... Not the four Americans.. The republicans. The very same people that lap up Fox lies and missinformation like mothers milk are sure Obama told them something out of sequence ...or Obama purposely reduced security ... or for sure DID SOMETHING that should get him impeached immediately cuz these republicans just can't get enough red meat to chew on as we are closing in on an election.

So as it turns out the Bengahzi attack was unrelated to the video except that maybe the terrorists used that whole episode as cover to get into position to attack a safe house out in the middle of nowhere. There is no evidense that the terrorists knew our ambassadore was there. Obviously from the size of the group and weapons involved they had been planning this thing for some time. It just happened that our ambassadore was there and not in Trippoli where the actual embassy is located.

So THAT are the facts as we know them at least at this time.

Do any of you actually care WHY the terrorists chose that remote safe house to attack with such a large group?

If they wanted to do something against the U S specifically why didn't they attack the real embassy in Trippoli?

None of you think it odd that this safe house was singled out for their big attack?

OK... What was the purpose of this "safe house"? Who were we keeping "safe" there? Not ambassadore.. his normal post was in Trippoli. The place was supposed to be guarded by private contractors yet we had at least two Navy Seals there. Why?

OK.. now try to put all this in the context that we have been running an operation for several months stashing special ops personnel thruout the region to seek out, report on and destroy Al Queada cells that moved in to disrupt the emerging democracies.

And with all these layers of activity and danger inherant in the region...you crazy fucks think you were lied to. THAT is what you take out of this. YOU were lied to. You stupid sniveling morons. Has it ever occured to you that some of what our foreign service and special ops personnel are up to is none of your goddamned business?

The president lied? So fucking what? He is supposed to lie. He is not obligated to tell you morons what is REALLY going on minute to minute and day to day in these dangerous places.

I'm glad he takes his duty as Commander in Cheif seriously and tells you stinking idiots lies.

The usual Smugly mindless wall of words notwithstanding, it is hysterically funny to see Smugs saying such utterly stupid shit and yet still claiming to be able to judge the intelligence of lots of other people.

Separate facts:

1. The hideously atrocious "video" was offensive and, worse yet, poorly made. Indeed, it could have been a cause for perfectly expect-able Muslim "outwage." But that doesn't mean it was a cause of any such behavior. It certainly does not mean that it had anything to do with the attack in Benghazi.

2. The attack in Benghazi WAS the handiwork of some terrorist group(s).

The FACT is (according to Carney, even) it was self-evident that the attack in Benghazi was a terrorist action.

But it is ALSO a FACT that DESPITE this self-evident knowledge, the Obama Administration CHOSE to claim that it was a reaction to the stupid video.

NONE of Smugly's spin, NYCarbuncle's ridiculously unpersuasive spin, or the Obama fluffer apologists' claims even come close to addressing that total disconnect.

Why DID the Administration chose to tell a fairy tale -- especially when they knew better immediately?
The President called it an act of terror on the 12th, and on the 13th.

Jay Carney, as whitehouse spokesman, called it a terrorist act on September 19th.

So shut up and quit making a fool of yourself.

You lying piss face. The President WITHOUT HONEST QUESTION did NOT call it an act of terror on the 12th. NOR was that his cvlaim in Clorado, you depraved intentional lying rodent twat. You fucking lie more than you breathe.

That bullshit dishonest claim of yours has been refuted and re-re-re-refuted endlessly.

"Of course, yesterday was already a painful day for our nation as we marked the solemn memory of the 9/11 attacks. We mourned with the families who were lost on that day. I visited the graves of troops who made the ultimate sacrifice in Iraq and Afghanistan at the hallowed grounds of Arlington Cemetery, and had the opportunity to say thank you and visit some of our wounded warriors at Walter Reed. And then last night, we learned the news of this attack in Benghazi.

As Americans, let us never, ever forget that our freedom is only sustained because there are people who are willing to fight for it, to stand up for it, and in some cases, lay down their lives for it. Our country is only as strong as the character of our people and the service of those both civilian and military who represent us around the globe.

No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation, alter that character, or eclipse the light of the values that we stand for. Today we mourn four more Americans who represent the very best of the United States of America. We will not waver in our commitment to see that justice is done for this terrible act. And make no mistake, justice will be done"

Learn to read.

I know how to read. YOU need to learn how to comprehend. Or at least be honest about what words actually mean.
But, but, Obama told Jon Stewart it was because government is to big and doesnt communicate well.

Totally not-optimal.
Do any of you actually care WHY the terrorists chose that remote safe house to attack with such a large group?

If they wanted to do something against the U S specifically why didn't they attack the real embassy in Trippoli?

None of you think it odd that this safe house was singled out for their big attack?

OK... What was the purpose of this "safe house"? Who were we keeping "safe" there? Not ambassadore.. his normal post was in Trippoli. The place was supposed to be guarded by private contractors yet we had at least two Navy Seals there. Why?

It is starting to filter out the safe house and its occupants may have been lining up SAM's and other military hardware to pass on to the Syrians.

It wouldn't surprise me that there is a hell of a lot about this that we do not know now and never will as it should be in covert ops.

Just as the General said in the movie. "We need men like those on that wall".

You want answers? You can't handle the truth!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hopNAI8Pefg]Famous Speeches: A Few Good Men - YouTube[/ame]
But, but Obama said it was his fault ?

But if knew it was a coordinated terrorist attack...... how was it his fault ?
The President called it an act of terror on the 12th, and on the 13th.

Jay Carney, as whitehouse spokesman, called it a terrorist act on September 19th.

So shut up and quit making a fool of yourself.

You lying piss face. The President WITHOUT HONEST QUESTION did NOT call it an act of terror on the 12th. NOR was that his cvlaim in Clorado, you depraved intentional lying rodent twat. You fucking lie more than you breathe.

That bullshit dishonest claim of yours has been refuted and re-re-re-refuted endlessly.

"Of course, yesterday was already a painful day for our nation as we marked the solemn memory of the 9/11 attacks. We mourned with the families who were lost on that day. I visited the graves of troops who made the ultimate sacrifice in Iraq and Afghanistan at the hallowed grounds of Arlington Cemetery, and had the opportunity to say thank you and visit some of our wounded warriors at Walter Reed. And then last night, we learned the news of this attack in Benghazi.

As Americans, let us never, ever forget that our freedom is only sustained because there are people who are willing to fight for it, to stand up for it, and in some cases, lay down their lives for it. Our country is only as strong as the character of our people and the service of those both civilian and military who represent us around the globe.

No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation, alter that character, or eclipse the light of the values that we stand for. Today we mourn four more Americans who represent the very best of the United States of America. We will not waver in our commitment to see that justice is done for this terrible act. And make no mistake, justice will be done"

Learn to read.

But the cognitive dissonance of such reading by some of the rabid rightie followers on here apparently causes turrets syndrome like behavior.
Christ you people are stupid! There was a lot going on at the time of the protests and assaults on embassies in the ME, NA and other regions as well as the attack at Bengahzi. There was that Muslim cleric that showed the video and demanded revenge..whatever.. It was 9/11 .. A lot on the table at once. So NOW in retrospect we have a bunch of Obama haters trying to pick out certain elements of that frame of time and say THEY have been lied to. Ya... that's about it. The butt hurt republicans are the victims AGAIN... Not the four Americans.. The republicans. The very same people that lap up Fox lies and missinformation like mothers milk are sure Obama told them something out of sequence ...or Obama purposely reduced security ... or for sure DID SOMETHING that should get him impeached immediately cuz these republicans just can't get enough red meat to chew on as we are closing in on an election.

So as it turns out the Bengahzi attack was unrelated to the video except that maybe the terrorists used that whole episode as cover to get into position to attack a safe house out in the middle of nowhere. There is no evidense that the terrorists knew our ambassadore was there. Obviously from the size of the group and weapons involved they had been planning this thing for some time. It just happened that our ambassadore was there and not in Trippoli where the actual embassy is located.

So THAT are the facts as we know them at least at this time.

Do any of you actually care WHY the terrorists chose that remote safe house to attack with such a large group?

If they wanted to do something against the U S specifically why didn't they attack the real embassy in Trippoli?

None of you think it odd that this safe house was singled out for their big attack?

OK... What was the purpose of this "safe house"? Who were we keeping "safe" there? Not ambassadore.. his normal post was in Trippoli. The place was supposed to be guarded by private contractors yet we had at least two Navy Seals there. Why?

OK.. now try to put all this in the context that we have been running an operation for several months stashing special ops personnel thruout the region to seek out, report on and destroy Al Queada cells that moved in to disrupt the emerging democracies.

And with all these layers of activity and danger inherant in the region...you crazy fucks think you were lied to. THAT is what you take out of this. YOU were lied to. You stupid sniveling morons. Has it ever occured to you that some of what our foreign service and special ops personnel are up to is none of your goddamned business?

The president lied? So fucking what? He is supposed to lie. He is not obligated to tell you morons what is REALLY going on minute to minute and day to day in these dangerous places.

I'm glad he takes his duty as Commander in Cheif seriously and tells you stinking idiots lies.

The usual Smugly mindless wall of words notwithstanding, it is hysterically funny to see Smugs saying such utterly stupid shit and yet still claiming to be able to judge the intelligence of lots of other people.

Separate facts:

1. The hideously atrocious "video" was offensive and, worse yet, poorly made. Indeed, it could have been a cause for perfectly expect-able Muslim "outwage." But that doesn't mean it was a cause of any such behavior. It certainly does not mean that it had anything to do with the attack in Benghazi.

2. The attack in Benghazi WAS the handiwork of some terrorist group(s).

The FACT is (according to Carney, even) it was self-evident that the attack in Benghazi was a terrorist action.

But it is ALSO a FACT that DESPITE this self-evident knowledge, the Obama Administration CHOSE to claim that it was a reaction to the stupid video.

NONE of Smugly's spin, NYCarbuncle's ridiculously unpersuasive spin, or the Obama fluffer apologists' claims even come close to addressing that total disconnect.

Why DID the Administration chose to tell a fairy tale -- especially when they knew better immediately?

Ya ...whatever. I think there was a lot more going on in Bengahzi than a simple "safe house" and the president has no obligation to tell anyone the whole truth. The real tragedy is that our ambassador was caught up in it and murdered. It is a dangerous place in dangerous times. We do not need to spill our guts about what really was going on there to suit the hack morons that are desperate to get their Morman/cult leader elected.
. I think there was a lot more going on in Bengahzi than a simple "safe house" and the president has no obligation to tell anyone the whole truth.

Does he have the obligation to put out a false narrative ?
Why does the right insist Obama did not call it a terror attack when reality shows otherwise?

President Obama Speaks on the Attack on Benghazi - YouTube

I'll give you the honest answer to your question. If you care, you will get this. If you don't, you'll keep repeating your Partisan agenda point. Here is what he said.

Obama, September 12, 2012. "No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation."

What the right want see is "it was terrorism and it was committed by terrorists." Instead, Obama makes a general statement which could be interpreted multiple ways. It could be referring to the attackers in Libya, it could be referring to 9/11/01. It could be referring to that the attackers in Libya are on the side of terrorists, but he wasn't referring to them.

Now here's the thing, you, Obama and I agree on one thing. It wasn't terrorism. You can go one way or the other.

One way is my way. It wasn't terrorism because it was a military attack on the United States. Terrorism is an attack on civilians to instill terror. A military attack on the United States is a declaration of war for military benefit. A military attack on an American Embassy clearly has military objectives and is an act of war, not terror.

Or you can go the other way. You and Bama hate the United States, want to bring us down a peg and are OK with middle east terrorists and want to straddle the line, so you...

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But the cognitive dissonance of such reading by some of the rabid rightie followers on here apparently causes turrets syndrome like behavior.

Maybe if you yell louder, your utterly stupid lies will somehow drown out the facts?
You can't trust what Obama says.

You need it dissected and explained.

But you can trust what he says about his opponent.
Christ you people are stupid! There was a lot going on at the time of the protests and assaults on embassies in the ME, NA and other regions as well as the attack at Bengahzi. There was that Muslim cleric that showed the video and demanded revenge..whatever.. It was 9/11 .. A lot on the table at once. So NOW in retrospect we have a bunch of Obama haters trying to pick out certain elements of that frame of time and say THEY have been lied to. Ya... that's about it. The butt hurt republicans are the victims AGAIN... Not the four Americans.. The republicans. The very same people that lap up Fox lies and missinformation like mothers milk are sure Obama told them something out of sequence ...or Obama purposely reduced security ... or for sure DID SOMETHING that should get him impeached immediately cuz these republicans just can't get enough red meat to chew on as we are closing in on an election.

So as it turns out the Bengahzi attack was unrelated to the video except that maybe the terrorists used that whole episode as cover to get into position to attack a safe house out in the middle of nowhere. There is no evidense that the terrorists knew our ambassadore was there. Obviously from the size of the group and weapons involved they had been planning this thing for some time. It just happened that our ambassadore was there and not in Trippoli where the actual embassy is located.

So THAT are the facts as we know them at least at this time.

Do any of you actually care WHY the terrorists chose that remote safe house to attack with such a large group?

If they wanted to do something against the U S specifically why didn't they attack the real embassy in Trippoli?

None of you think it odd that this safe house was singled out for their big attack?

OK... What was the purpose of this "safe house"? Who were we keeping "safe" there? Not ambassadore.. his normal post was in Trippoli. The place was supposed to be guarded by private contractors yet we had at least two Navy Seals there. Why?

OK.. now try to put all this in the context that we have been running an operation for several months stashing special ops personnel thruout the region to seek out, report on and destroy Al Queada cells that moved in to disrupt the emerging democracies.

And with all these layers of activity and danger inherant in the region...you crazy fucks think you were lied to. THAT is what you take out of this. YOU were lied to. You stupid sniveling morons. Has it ever occured to you that some of what our foreign service and special ops personnel are up to is none of your goddamned business?

The president lied? So fucking what? He is supposed to lie. He is not obligated to tell you morons what is REALLY going on minute to minute and day to day in these dangerous places.

I'm glad he takes his duty as Commander in Cheif seriously and tells you stinking idiots lies.

The usual Smugly mindless wall of words notwithstanding, it is hysterically funny to see Smugs saying such utterly stupid shit and yet still claiming to be able to judge the intelligence of lots of other people.

Separate facts:

1. The hideously atrocious "video" was offensive and, worse yet, poorly made. Indeed, it could have been a cause for perfectly expect-able Muslim "outwage." But that doesn't mean it was a cause of any such behavior. It certainly does not mean that it had anything to do with the attack in Benghazi.

2. The attack in Benghazi WAS the handiwork of some terrorist group(s).

The FACT is (according to Carney, even) it was self-evident that the attack in Benghazi was a terrorist action.

But it is ALSO a FACT that DESPITE this self-evident knowledge, the Obama Administration CHOSE to claim that it was a reaction to the stupid video.

NONE of Smugly's spin, NYCarbuncle's ridiculously unpersuasive spin, or the Obama fluffer apologists' claims even come close to addressing that total disconnect.

Why DID the Administration chose to tell a fairy tale -- especially when they knew better immediately?

Ya ...whatever. I think there was a lot more going on in Bengahzi than a simple "safe house" and the president has no obligation to tell anyone the whole truth. The real tragedy is that our ambassador was caught up in it and murdered. It is a dangerous place in dangerous times. We do not need to spill our guts about what really was going on there to suit the hack morons that are desperate to get their Morman/cult leader elected.

The President has no obligation to tell the American people the whole truth? So you're defending his right to lie to us purely for political reasons? To tell us that the attack was the result of a YouTube video causing a spontaneous riot to break out when he knew within 24 hours that was not the case? To send out his Secretary of State, his Press Secretary and his UN Ambassador to further perpetuate that same lie for well over a week? To stand before us in a nationally televised debate and lie when he says he called the attack on our Ambassador a terrorist attack on September 12th when he was still refusing to label it THAT for two weeks AFTER the attack on The View, David Letterman and in front of the UN? To have his Vice President lie and tell us that this Administration didn't even KNOW that more security was repeatedly requested by our Ambassador to Libya?

I'm curious, Huggy...if Barack Obama gets a "pass" to lie about THIS...what exactly does he have to be truthful with us about? Anything?
Because he didn't. He repeatedly blamed it on a video.

For the second time in this thread alone, here is the President, calling the attack an act of terror, on 9-12

President Obama Speaks on the Attack on Benghazi - YouTube

So now please go to the top of the thread and answer the poll for yourself.

Thanks for posting the Press Conf.. It was on my list of things to do.. In the transcript the word "terror" is mentioned once and NOT specifically in relation to this attack..

"No act of terrror will ...." is not quite the same as "THIS act of terror.... " Diplomacy is all about phrasing and nuance. And the wording there was cautiously controlled so as to NOT admit the facts that were apparent 12 hours earlier..

Especially when ONE WORD in a 6 minute speech is presented by your side as a legitimate COUNTERBALANCE to the TONS of airtime, admin statements, wiggly wording, and GENERAL CONFUSION the admin was spewing to ME for 14 days..

Yes the Prez said the "T" word.. But that doesn't absolve the apparent confusion and incompetence that I and the nation witnessed. Poll all you like --- you are supporting a red herring...

Besides -- Are ALL those Sunday shows soooooo damn incompetent as to NOT cross-examine Susan Rice on the PRESIDENT'S statement? Why wasn't SHE asked why the PREZ called it "an act of terror" --- HUH????

Did all those talking heads MISS the Rose Garden statement?? Or did they NOT INTERPRET it as a declaration of terrorism...
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