Why does the right insist Obama did not call it a terror attack?

Why does the right insist Obama did not call it a terror attack when reality shows o

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Well you are a prime example of why some in the GOP think that people are just stupid. You are a fucking moron.

What shocks me here is that even Boo, who I know isn't stupid, is playing the drooling retard, as if that will somehow help fucktard Obama.
He spent more time denouncing the youtube video than worrying about who murdered the ambassador and others. There is a world of difference between acknowledging a terrorist attack by al Qaeda and claiming a group of protesters got out of hand and committed a random act of terror. We all know he was blaming the protesters for way too long. That is all we heard for weeks even after evidence started surfacing to the contrary. Look back at all the threads here and you'll see one side saying terrorists and one side claiming the disgusting, nasty video offended people to the point they got violent. If Obama had been claiming it was a terrorist attack, many in the media and posters here would have been repeating that, but they weren't.

So your position is that it couldn't have possibly been a terroist act if it was in any way influenced by anger at the video?

You're saying those two conditions are mutually exclusive?
Well you are a prime example of why some in the GOP think that people are just stupid. You are a fucking moron.

What shocks me here is that even Boo, who I know isn't stupid, is playing the drooling retard, as if that will somehow help fucktard Obama.

Just pointing out the truth rather than the immediate re-write the GOP had to do because of the dishonorable Mittens.

NYT: Libya attack suspect scoffs at US in plain sight - World news - The New York Times | NBC News

A few, like the militia group Ansar al-Shariah that is linked to Mr. Abu Khattala and that officials in Washington and Tripoli agree was behind the attack, have embraced an extremist ideology hostile to the West and nursed ambitions to extend it over Libya. But also troubling to the United States is the evident tolerance shown by other militias allied with the government, which have so far declined to take any action against suspects in the Benghazi attack.

Although Mr. Abu Khattala said he was not a member of Al Qaeda, he declared he would be proud to be associated with Al Qaeda’s puritanical zeal for Islamic law.

Contradicting the accounts of many witnesses and the most recent account of the Obama administration, he contended that the attack had grown out of a peaceful protest against a video made in the United States that mocked the Prophet Muhammad and Islam.
He spent more time denouncing the youtube video than worrying about who murdered the ambassador and others. There is a world of difference between acknowledging a terrorist attack by al Qaeda and claiming a group of protesters got out of hand and committed a random act of terror. We all know he was blaming the protesters for way too long. That is all we heard for weeks even after evidence started surfacing to the contrary. Look back at all the threads here and you'll see one side saying terrorists and one side claiming the disgusting, nasty video offended people to the point they got violent. If Obama had been claiming it was a terrorist attack, many in the media and posters here would have been repeating that, but they weren't.

Where did he even mention the video in his Rose Garden statement?
Blame? Apology? Quotes?


"I know there are some who ask why we don’t just ban such a video. And the answer is enshrined in our laws: Our Constitution protects the right to practice free speech.

Here in the United States, countless publications provoke offense. Like me, the majority of Americans are Christian, and yet we do not ban blasphemy against our most sacred beliefs. As President of our country and Commander-in-Chief of our military, I accept that people are going to call me awful things every day -- (laughter) -- and I will always defend their right to do so.

Americans have fought and died around the globe to protect the right of all people to express their views, even views that we profoundly disagree with. We do not do so because we support hateful speech, but because our founders understood that without such protections, the capacity of each individual to express their own views and practice their own faith may be threatened. We do so because in a diverse society, efforts to restrict speech can quickly become a tool to silence critics and oppress minorities. "

{NEW YORK -- President Barack Obama says the man behind an anti-Islam movie that ignited violence across the Middle East is a "shadowy character."

U.S. officials blame the film in part for the violence in Libya, where U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans were killed.} 9/18
Obama On Anti-Islam Film Creator: 'A Shadowy Character'

{“This is a fairly volatile situation and it is in response not to United States policy, not to obviously the administration, not to the American people,” White House spokesman Jay Carney said Friday. “It is in response to a video, a film that we have judged to be reprehensible and disgusting. That in no way justifies any violent reaction to it, but this is not a case of protests directed at the United States writ large or at U.S. policy. This is in response to a video that is offensive to Muslims.”} Rice

With Obama policy crumbling, White House blames movie for Mideast unrest | WashingtonExaminer.com

{“That is what we saw play out in the last two weeks, as a crude and disgusting video sparked outrage throughout the Muslim world,”} Barack Obama 9/25

Obama Blames Anti-Muhammad Film Director for Islamic Violence Across the Middle East « Scotty Starnes's Blog

You're a lying hack Boo, and your Messiah® loves you for it. But it isn't helping, you can't lie your way out of this.


So what your trying to say is that there was no violence across the ME? All of that was staged by the Obama compliant media.

Mittens really screwed the pooch on this one. Not only at the time of the incident but continuing through the debates. A man like that doesn't deserve to be President.
Where did he even mention the video in his Rose Garden statement?


"Since our founding, the United States has been a nation that respects all faiths. We reject all efforts to denigrate the religious beliefs of others. But there is absolutely no justification to this type of senseless violence."
I believe the problem is the Presidents people led towards saying that they weren’t sure what happened and didn’t label it anything more than protesters angry about the make shift “movie”.
Where did he even mention the video in his Rose Garden statement?


"Since our founding, the United States has been a nation that respects all faiths. We reject all efforts to denigrate the religious beliefs of others. But there is absolutely no justification to this type of senseless violence."

Ah, well, thanks for biting on that one.


...a generalized broad statement about denigrating religious beliefs MUST be interpreted to be a specific reference to the video,


a generalized statement referring to acts of terror can't possibly be interpreted as being a reference to the Benghazi attack,

even though the Benghazi attack is the original topic of the statement itself?


good one
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Just pointing out the truth rather than the immediate re-write the GOP had to do because of the dishonorable Mittens.


You're lying through your teeth - hey, you're a leftist, integrity isn't something found on the left.

But you're looking really stupid, you've "jumped the binder" so to speak.

NYT: Libya attack suspect scoffs at US in plain sight - World news - The New York Times | NBC News

A few, like the militia group Ansar al-Shariah that is linked to Mr. Abu Khattala and that officials in Washington and Tripoli agree was behind the attack, have embraced an extremist ideology hostile to the West and nursed ambitions to extend it over Libya. But also troubling to the United States is the evident tolerance shown by other militias allied with the government, which have so far declined to take any action against suspects in the Benghazi attack.

Although Mr. Abu Khattala said he was not a member of Al Qaeda, he declared he would be proud to be associated with Al Qaeda’s puritanical zeal for Islamic law.

Contradicting the accounts of many witnesses and the most recent account of the Obama administration, he contended that the attack had grown out of a peaceful protest against a video made in the United States that mocked the Prophet Muhammad and Islam.


So now you're back to "IT WAZ TWO THE VIDEO.."

You retards are astounding.
Just pointing out the truth rather than the immediate re-write the GOP had to do because of the dishonorable Mittens.


You're lying through your teeth - hey, you're a leftist, integrity isn't something found on the left.

But you're looking really stupid, you've "jumped the binder" so to speak.

NYT: Libya attack suspect scoffs at US in plain sight - World news - The New York Times | NBC News

A few, like the militia group Ansar al-Shariah that is linked to Mr. Abu Khattala and that officials in Washington and Tripoli agree was behind the attack, have embraced an extremist ideology hostile to the West and nursed ambitions to extend it over Libya. But also troubling to the United States is the evident tolerance shown by other militias allied with the government, which have so far declined to take any action against suspects in the Benghazi attack.

Although Mr. Abu Khattala said he was not a member of Al Qaeda, he declared he would be proud to be associated with Al Qaeda’s puritanical zeal for Islamic law.

Contradicting the accounts of many witnesses and the most recent account of the Obama administration, he contended that the attack had grown out of a peaceful protest against a video made in the United States that mocked the Prophet Muhammad and Islam.


So now you're back to "IT WAZ TWO THE VIDEO.."

You retards are astounding.

Why can't it be both? Why can't it be a terrorist attack by a terrorist group triggered by an outbreak of anger in the Muslim world over an offensive video?
In the Rose Garden speech, obama never called the attack a terrorist attack but the speech did not happen in a vacuum. Susan Rice went on five television shows saying that there was no terrorist attack. Jim Carney gave press briefings every day saying that it wasn't a terrorist attack and obama himself gave a speech before the UN saying it was the fault of the movie. That's the controversy, it's not limited to the speech in the Rose Garden.
Just pointing out the truth rather than the immediate re-write the GOP had to do because of the dishonorable Mittens.


You're lying through your teeth - hey, you're a leftist, integrity isn't something found on the left.

But you're looking really stupid, you've "jumped the binder" so to speak.

NYT: Libya attack suspect scoffs at US in plain sight - World news - The New York Times | NBC News

A few, like the militia group Ansar al-Shariah that is linked to Mr. Abu Khattala and that officials in Washington and Tripoli agree was behind the attack, have embraced an extremist ideology hostile to the West and nursed ambitions to extend it over Libya. But also troubling to the United States is the evident tolerance shown by other militias allied with the government, which have so far declined to take any action against suspects in the Benghazi attack.

Although Mr. Abu Khattala said he was not a member of Al Qaeda, he declared he would be proud to be associated with Al Qaeda’s puritanical zeal for Islamic law.

Contradicting the accounts of many witnesses and the most recent account of the Obama administration, he contended that the attack had grown out of a peaceful protest against a video made in the United States that mocked the Prophet Muhammad and Islam.


So now you're back to "IT WAZ TWO THE VIDEO.."

You retards are astounding.

Why can't it be both? Why can't it be a terrorist attack by a terrorist group triggered by an outbreak of anger in the Muslim world over an offensive video?

Because the attack was well planned and the attackers were well armed indicating that the planning predated the controversy over the movie. Exactly as the Libyan PM said right after it happened.
Just pointing out the truth rather than the immediate re-write the GOP had to do because of the dishonorable Mittens.


You're lying through your teeth - hey, you're a leftist, integrity isn't something found on the left.

But you're looking really stupid, you've "jumped the binder" so to speak.

NYT: Libya attack suspect scoffs at US in plain sight - World news - The New York Times | NBC News

A few, like the militia group Ansar al-Shariah that is linked to Mr. Abu Khattala and that officials in Washington and Tripoli agree was behind the attack, have embraced an extremist ideology hostile to the West and nursed ambitions to extend it over Libya. But also troubling to the United States is the evident tolerance shown by other militias allied with the government, which have so far declined to take any action against suspects in the Benghazi attack.

Although Mr. Abu Khattala said he was not a member of Al Qaeda, he declared he would be proud to be associated with Al Qaeda’s puritanical zeal for Islamic law.

Contradicting the accounts of many witnesses and the most recent account of the Obama administration, he contended that the attack had grown out of a peaceful protest against a video made in the United States that mocked the Prophet Muhammad and Islam.


So now you're back to "IT WAZ TWO THE VIDEO.."

You retards are astounding.

You rabid righties never change. When all else fails lead with insults.

You do realize that is a new article from the NY Time right?

Personally I'm not willing to make a snap judgement like your candidate did. Let look at all the facts and then decide on the best course of action. Lets not shoot first and ask questions later.
Where did he even mention the video in his Rose Garden statement?


"Since our founding, the United States has been a nation that respects all faiths. We reject all efforts to denigrate the religious beliefs of others. But there is absolutely no justification to this type of senseless violence."

Ah, well, thanks for biting on that one.


...a generalized broad statement about denigrating religious beliefs MUST be interpreted to be a specific reference to the video,


a generalized statement referring to acts of terror can't possibly be interpreted as being a reference to the Benghazi attack,

even though the Benghazi attack is the original topic of the statement itself?


good one

You are so fucking stupid. It's unbelievable.
obama's reliance on the video instead of calling it a terrorist attack is revisiting the Ft. Hood massacre where the royal regime STILL refuses to call it a terrorist attack. It's workplace violence. This is a pattern of avoiding referring to anything as a terrorist attack.

You're lying through your teeth - hey, you're a leftist, integrity isn't something found on the left.

But you're looking really stupid, you've "jumped the binder" so to speak.


So now you're back to "IT WAZ TWO THE VIDEO.."

You retards are astounding.

Why can't it be both? Why can't it be a terrorist attack by a terrorist group triggered by an outbreak of anger in the Muslim world over an offensive video?

Because the attack was well planned and the attackers were well armed indicating that the planning predated the controversy over the movie. Exactly as the Libyan PM said right after it happened.

Then why did they find eyewitnesses who were THERE who said that attackers told them they were angered by the video?
Why can't it be both?

Why can't it be magic lollipops and Obama is GOD?

It was;

  1. A well planned and coordinated attack by al Qaeda using heavy weapons
  2. A spontaneous attack by demonstrators angry about a YouTube video

Why can't it be a terrorist attack by a terrorist group triggered by an outbreak of anger in the Muslim world over an offensive video?

Why can't a well planned attack be spontaneous? Why can't an impromptu gathering be coordinated months in advance? Why can't an unorganized mob have a command structure with heavy weapons?

Why can't Obama's lies be the truth?
In the Rose Garden speech, obama never called the attack a terrorist attack but the speech did not happen in a vacuum. Susan Rice went on five television shows saying that there was no terrorist attack. Jim Carney gave press briefings every day saying that it wasn't a terrorist attack and obama himself gave a speech before the UN saying it was the fault of the movie. That's the controversy, it's not limited to the speech in the Rose Garden.

Jay Carney in the briefing on the 20th said it was 'self-evident' that it was a terrorist attack.

STOP LYING. Stop lying now.
Because the attack was well planned and the attackers were well armed indicating that the planning predated the controversy over the movie. Exactly as the Libyan PM said right after it happened.

But now, with the Crowley fuckup, Obama is right back to "It wuz da video."

These people are fucking insane.

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