Why does the right insist Obama did not call it a terror attack?

Why does the right insist Obama did not call it a terror attack when reality shows o

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Obama was claiming it was due to the movie for a least 2 weeks after the attack. Or perhaps you simply missed that?

BS. The OTHER protests in 20+ other countries were DEFINITELY triggered by the video, the attack in Bengazi was obviously a terror attack as soon as they found out it was RPGs and heavily armed men, but in Libya there are so many arms around they weren't sure about whether it was AlQaeda or TERRORISTS- or just heavily armed protestors, and it's so confused they weren't sure whether there was a video protest for several days.

You are bamboozled. Government and fact finding just does not work as fast as bomb throwing RW pundits and the idiot Romney.
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Because he didn't. He repeatedly blamed it on a video.

For the second time in this thread alone, here is the President, calling the attack an act of terror, on 9-12

President Obama Speaks on the Attack on Benghazi - YouTube

So now please go to the top of the thread and answer the poll for yourself.

No he didnt call it that....he said No acts of terror and did not specify or link it to this act.......he could have said THIS act of terror....
AND after this when did he call it terrorism?

Remember liberals like you said Bush made all this up to keep us in fear....it didnt exist...OOOOOOOPS.....I guess it does....and Bush is laughing at you and Obama for how stupid and naive you are
Listen, moron Fox/Rusg/Becketcetcbots, there were 20+ OTHER countries where there WERE HUGE PROTESTS against the video, with over 50 deaths, at the same time, and your blowhard LYING pundits are confusing the hell out of you with THOSE reports. You believe a ton of PUBCRAPPE propaganda. MORONS!! Change the channnel.
Do we have a quote of him calling it a terrorist attack yet?


Go figure. 5 pages of insisting he called it an act of terror without a single quote confirming it.
Same old same old.
Because he didn't. He repeatedly blamed it on a video.

For the second time in this thread alone, here is the President, calling the attack an act of terror, on 9-12

President Obama Speaks on the Attack on Benghazi - YouTube

So now please go to the top of the thread and answer the poll for yourself.

No he didnt call it that....he said No acts of terror and did not specify or link it to this act.......he could have said THIS act of terror....
AND after this when did he call it terrorism?

Remember liberals like you said Bush made all this up to keep us in fear....it didnt exist...OOOOOOOPS.....I guess it does....and Bush is laughing at you and Obama for how stupid and naive you are

He said while making a statement ABOUT THE ATTACK. What else would he be referring to?
Listen, moron Fox/Rusg/Becketcetcbots, there were 20+ OTHER countries where there WERE HUGE PROTESTS against the video, with over 50 deaths, at the same time, and your blowhard LYING pundits are confusing the hell out of you with THOSE reports. You believe a ton of PUBCRAPPE propaganda. MORONS!! Change the channnel.

In post 162 that information comes from a french socialist news source...:D

I thought you were moving to Greece...:confused:

Oh PooPoo your poll looks like an Ed Schultz poll...rolmfao
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Why does the right insist Obama did not call it a terror attack when reality shows otherwise?

President Obama Speaks on the Attack on Benghazi - YouTube

The WH and Press Secretary and the Secretary of State and Obama's little doggie as well
called the attack a protest due to a video some one made...
Oh and to make it worse made it seem that it was the USA's fault and pretty much apologized for it...

Anything else Skippy.....

It took them forever to admit it was something other then some pissed of Arabs....

Did you take a few weeks off from reality...?
Listen, moron Fox/Rusg/Becketcetcbots, there were 20+ OTHER countries where there WERE HUGE PROTESTS against the video, with over 50 deaths, at the same time, and your blowhard LYING pundits are confusing the hell out of you with THOSE reports. You believe a ton of PUBCRAPPE propaganda. MORONS!! Change the channnel.

In post 162 that IMF comes from a french socialist news source...:D

I thought you were moving to Greece...:confused:

Oh PooPoo your poll looks like an Ed Schultz poll...rolmfao

They are a helluva lot more honest than the Pub Propaganda machine, dupe LOL! I'll check that...MY poll??? WRONG AGAIN!
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Listen, moron Fox/Rusg/Becketcetcbots, there were 20+ OTHER countries where there WERE HUGE PROTESTS against the video, with over 50 deaths, at the same time, and your blowhard LYING pundits are confusing the hell out of you with THOSE reports. You believe a ton of PUBCRAPPE propaganda. MORONS!! Change the channnel.

In post 162 that IMF comes from a french socialist news source...:D

I thought you were moving to Greece...:confused:

Oh PooPoo your poll looks like an Ed Schultz poll...rolmfao

Your post makes no sense, no poll, no IMF(?) what IS an IMF LOL? Int'l Monetary Fund? LOL!
Listen, moron Fox/Rush/Becketcetcbots, there were 20+ OTHER countries where there WERE HUGE PROTESTS against the video, with over 50 deaths, at the same time, and your blowhard LYING pundits are confusing the hell out of you with THOSE reports. You believe a ton of PUBCRAPPE propaganda. MORONS!! Change the channel.
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Listen, moron Fox/Rush/Becketcetcbots, there were 20+ OTHER countries where there WERE HUGE PROTESTS against the video, with over 50 deaths, at the same time, and your blowhard LYING pundits are confusing the hell out of you with THOSE reports. You believe a ton of PUBCRAPPE propaganda. MORONS!! Change the channel.

Was it this unknown-remote video- -or Joe Biden SCREAMING that the DNC convention that "Government motors is ALIVE--and Bin Laden was DEAD."

All these 22 countries were CHANTING--"We're all OSAMA'S--OBAMA"--and DEATH TO AMERICA.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bKCwQnIygcw]Biden at DNC: "Bin Laden is dead, General Motors is alive" - YouTube[/ame]

I think this continual rhetoric of killing someone's leader might have incited a lot of extremists---:badgrin::badgrin:


"Barack Obama is the greatest HOAX ever perpetrated on the American population"--Clint Eastwood
Listen, moron Fox/Rusg/Becketcetcbots, there were 20+ OTHER countries where there WERE HUGE PROTESTS against the video, with over 50 deaths, at the same time, and your blowhard LYING pundits are confusing the hell out of you with THOSE reports. You believe a ton of PUBCRAPPE propaganda. MORONS!! Change the channnel.

In post 162 that IMF comes from a french socialist news source...:D

I thought you were moving to Greece...:confused:

Oh PooPoo your poll looks like an Ed Schultz poll...rolmfao

Your post makes no sense, no poll, no IMF(?) what IS an IMF LOL? Int'l Monetary Fund? LOL!

You seem to know what I was talking about in post 169, I corrected it for you anyway.
I forgot, liberal minds are occupied with B/S...:D

PooPoo is short for OohPooPahDoo, and at the beginning of this thread there is a poll.
WTF, it's like talking to a five yro, go to Greece already...:eusa_clap:...

I should have known talking to two liberals in the same post was going to confuse their progressive brains...
It's Obvious that Obama was not referring to the Benghazi attack in the garden speech -- He was asked at least twice in the next two weeks POINT BLANK - was it an act of terror and each time Obama replied, this is still under investigation...

If he already stated, the following day, that it was an act of terror --- why would he recant after it was OBVIOUS to the entire world that is was CERTAINLY an act of terror?

He wouldn't!! He was obviously referring to the original 9-11 in the garden.

It was a foolish statement on the part of Obama anyway. By claiming, what was an obvious lie, that he said it was an act of terror - he forced even his lap dog media to cover his cover-up - even MSNBC couldn't ignore the story any more --- well the primetime MSNBC shows still did, pretending that crowley just stuck up for the President while he was facing unjust charges.

Obama has done more damage to the middle east by being soft than any President has since Jimmy Carter. You must be firm with muslim nations - it's the only thing they understand.
Why does the right insist Obama did not call it a terror attack when reality shows

You didn't have the answer that I think is true.

He spent more time denouncing the youtube video than worrying about who murdered the ambassador and others. There is a world of difference between acknowledging a terrorist attack by al Qaeda and claiming a group of protesters got out of hand and committed a random act of terror. We all know he was blaming the protesters for way too long. That is all we heard for weeks even after evidence started surfacing to the contrary. Look back at all the threads here and you'll see one side saying terrorists and one side claiming the disgusting, nasty video offended people to the point they got violent. If Obama had been claiming it was a terrorist attack, many in the media and posters here would have been repeating that, but they weren't.
Got it. You bring up a moon landing and still can't produce the quote where the President actually says what you claim he said.

I realize you're a hack, but I never thought you were dumb, but you're getting into Jillian territory here..

You tossed an absurd nonsequitur, so I tossed one right back at you.

I compliment President Bushes speech writer and you claim I was somehow calling it his fault.

Desperation is Mittens.

Romney is winning the election, no need for desperation.

{ You are offended by this accusation, Mr. President? The country is offended that your press secretary, your U.N. ambassador and you yourself have repeatedly misled the nation about the origin and nature of the Benghazi attack.

The problem wasn’t the video, the problem was policies for which you say you now accept responsibility. Then accept it, Mr. President. You were asked in the last debate why more security was denied our people in Libya despite the fact that they begged for it. You never answered that question, Mr. President. Or will you blame your secretary of state? }

Charles Krauthammer: Obama’s great gaffe - The Washington Post
Blame? Apology? Quotes?


"I know there are some who ask why we don’t just ban such a video. And the answer is enshrined in our laws: Our Constitution protects the right to practice free speech.

Here in the United States, countless publications provoke offense. Like me, the majority of Americans are Christian, and yet we do not ban blasphemy against our most sacred beliefs. As President of our country and Commander-in-Chief of our military, I accept that people are going to call me awful things every day -- (laughter) -- and I will always defend their right to do so.

Americans have fought and died around the globe to protect the right of all people to express their views, even views that we profoundly disagree with. We do not do so because we support hateful speech, but because our founders understood that without such protections, the capacity of each individual to express their own views and practice their own faith may be threatened. We do so because in a diverse society, efforts to restrict speech can quickly become a tool to silence critics and oppress minorities. "

{NEW YORK -- President Barack Obama says the man behind an anti-Islam movie that ignited violence across the Middle East is a "shadowy character."

U.S. officials blame the film in part for the violence in Libya, where U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans were killed.} 9/18
Obama On Anti-Islam Film Creator: 'A Shadowy Character'

{“This is a fairly volatile situation and it is in response not to United States policy, not to obviously the administration, not to the American people,” White House spokesman Jay Carney said Friday. “It is in response to a video, a film that we have judged to be reprehensible and disgusting. That in no way justifies any violent reaction to it, but this is not a case of protests directed at the United States writ large or at U.S. policy. This is in response to a video that is offensive to Muslims.”} Rice

With Obama policy crumbling, White House blames movie for Mideast unrest | WashingtonExaminer.com

{“That is what we saw play out in the last two weeks, as a crude and disgusting video sparked outrage throughout the Muslim world,”} Barack Obama 9/25

Obama Blames Anti-Muhammad Film Director for Islamic Violence Across the Middle East « Scotty Starnes's Blog

You're a lying hack Boo, and your Messiah® loves you for it. But it isn't helping, you can't lie your way out of this.

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