Why does the USA have only two large political parties?

Why isn't there a third major political party besides the Republicans and the Democrats? :eusa_think:
because they keep failing to attract people to them.

It probably goes a bit farther than that. (Although yours is the direct result.)
People are not going to throw their vote away.

A person may not like Alabama as a dominant College Football team, but he
won't bet against them with his own money, when they play The Citadel
this year.

And for the others who complain about only two parties, how would
three parties be any different? Another choice? So to get anything
accomplished in government, you would have the lesser of the three
really pissing on their electorate when they sell their vote to one of
the other two.
yea, i was just glossing over the obvious to be sure. your points are valid and i'd agree with you. a 3rd party would have to fight the other 2 and they won't give it up easily. last election the 3rd party was gaining steam but the pothead in charge couldn't name a single foreign leader and in the end, to me, did more damage than good for the overall heath of a 3rd party.

OMG...yes! "What is Aleppo?" I was stunned. I couldn't believe it.
But look at him. If you have access to Andy Griffith videos...Find the
Episode..."Merchant of Mayberry." I forget the actor's name but he
is/was the spitting image of Gary Johnson. In the episode he plays
some derelick salesman that Andy opens up a street store for...a real
Klutz. It'll all come into focus
We have several parties but the Rs and Ds hands are around the money and aren't going to give up that power. Unfortunately, both sides are herpes.
With a strong third party we usually end up getting the worst of the three.
If you want things fixed petition your state legislature to ban primary elections.
Remove the government regulations on political parties. Parties are private organizations let the parties run and control their organizations as they see fit.

We should have only general elections. Parties would inform the elections office of who their nominees are for every office.
Provisions should be made for candidates to run without any party affiliation.
Parties would be responsible for who their nominees are and how they are selected.

We would save billions and billions of dollars.
Why isn't there a third major political party besides the Liberals and the Democrats? :eusa_think:

Because there is good and evil.

Supporting abortion on demand is evil.
Supporting forced labor is evil.
Supporting chaos and lawlessness is evil.

You either oppose evil or you are an enabler of it. Republicans oppose evil.
I see... The way you describe it, the Democrats seem to be bad people. Why would they support abortion and forced labor?

I think "forced labor" is a stretch. They absolutely do support abortion, however. And for a real horror show, imagine this: in the US, it is legal to get an abortion right up to delivery. Yep. That's a truth many Democrats don't want people to know, but it's true. You can have your baby aborted even if your baby would be able to live on his/her own if born.

If that's not murder, I don't know what is. Appalling. Evil.

They are definitely for forced labor.

They support forcing a baker to bake a cake. It could be a Christian baker forced to make a gay wedding cake, or a black baker to make a cake for the KKK.

They also support forcing doctors to give serviced to people who don’t pay for it.

They support taxing workers in order to redistribute it to the poor, that is forced labor as well, slave labor in fact.

While it is sort of cute to blame the Dems for forcing doctors to give service to those that cannot pay the law forcing them to do so was passed with overwhelming Repub support and signed into law by a Repub POTUS

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Oh, leftism and their evil definitely creep into the GOP. Just look at John McStain.
Inexplicably, America has evolved into a willfully ignorant society. The lack of curiosity and incapacity to accept change is astounding. Politically, the two parties have divided things up and there is no interest in refuting them. There is some bleating from the herd, but no substantial change can be expected.
The term "sheeple" has been used. It seems appropriate. Perhaps they need a "Border Collie Party" to guide them in a fresh direction.

It never ceases to amaze me how boards even titled "US Message Board" attract foreigners who absolutely love to dog on us. But boy oh boy, know this: when the hard times come, they absolutely want our "sheeple" military on the job. You bet they do.

Fellow Americans, we have very few true allies in the world, and it's time everyone recognize it. It would save us a world (no pun intended) of time, trouble, and MONEY.

The ignorance and stupidity common to far too many Americans is the primary reason why we have a dysfunctional political process.
Because there is good and evil.

Supporting abortion on demand is evil.
Supporting forced labor is evil.
Supporting chaos and lawlessness is evil.

You either oppose evil or you are an enabler of it. Republicans oppose evil.
I see... The way you describe it, the Democrats seem to be bad people. Why would they support abortion and forced labor?

I think "forced labor" is a stretch. They absolutely do support abortion, however. And for a real horror show, imagine this: in the US, it is legal to get an abortion right up to delivery. Yep. That's a truth many Democrats don't want people to know, but it's true. You can have your baby aborted even if your baby would be able to live on his/her own if born.

If that's not murder, I don't know what is. Appalling. Evil.

They are definitely for forced labor.

They support forcing a baker to bake a cake. It could be a Christian baker forced to make a gay wedding cake, or a black baker to make a cake for the KKK.

They also support forcing doctors to give serviced to people who don’t pay for it.

They support taxing workers in order to redistribute it to the poor, that is forced labor as well, slave labor in fact.

While it is sort of cute to blame the Dems for forcing doctors to give service to those that cannot pay the law forcing them to do so was passed with overwhelming Repub support and signed into law by a Repub POTUS

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Oh, leftism and their evil definitely creep into the GOP. Just look at John McStain.

Good to see a Repub admit Reagan was a lefty. Now if you can just do that with Trump

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Why isn't there a third major political party besides the Republicans and the Democrats? :eusa_think:
because they keep failing to attract people to them.

It probably goes a bit farther than that. (Although yours is the direct result.)
People are not going to throw their vote away.

A person may not like Alabama as a dominant College Football team, but he
won't bet against them with his own money, when they play The Citadel
this year.

And for the others who complain about only two parties, how would
three parties be any different? Another choice? So to get anything
accomplished in government, you would have the lesser of the three
really pissing on their electorate when they sell their vote to one of
the other two.
yea, i was just glossing over the obvious to be sure. your points are valid and i'd agree with you. a 3rd party would have to fight the other 2 and they won't give it up easily. last election the 3rd party was gaining steam but the pothead in charge couldn't name a single foreign leader and in the end, to me, did more damage than good for the overall heath of a 3rd party.

OMG...yes! "What is Aleppo?" I was stunned. I couldn't believe it.
But look at him. If you have access to Andy Griffith videos...Find the
Episode..."Merchant of Mayberry." I forget the actor's name but he
is/was the spitting image of Gary Johnson.
In the episode he plays
some derelick salesman that Andy opens up a street store for...a real
Klutz. It'll all come into focus
Hid name was Sterling Holloway. He was the voice of Winnie the Pooh. And yeah, he does look like Gary Johnson. Good observation!

Why isn't there a third major political party besides the Republicans and the Democrats? :eusa_think:
This is predicated on the notion that there's something wrong with a two party system, or that a multi-party system is somehow better.

The dysfunctional Italian government would be evidence that the latter is not the case, along with an unstable German government.

And countries with multiple parties must often form coalition governments resulting in de facto two party rule.

Indeed, the people are ultimately responsible for the good - or bad - government they get, regardless the number of political parties.
Why isn't there a third major political party besides the Liberals and the Democrats? :eusa_think:

Because there is good and evil.

Supporting abortion on demand is evil.
Supporting forced labor is evil.
Supporting chaos and lawlessness is evil.

You either oppose evil or you are an enabler of it. Republicans oppose evil.
I see... The way you describe it, the Democrats seem to be bad people. Why would they support abortion and forced labor?

Because they are bereft of morality. Most of them openly reject the idea of God and humans having a purpose for existence. To them we are just here by random and nothing matters.
Do the Republicans believe in God? :neutral:
Why isn't there a third major political party besides the Liberals and the Democrats? :eusa_think:

That's a very good question! There may be another major party soon.

I hate the closed primary thing. Why can't people just vote for who they want to, regardless of party?

I'd say part of the reason is closed primaries.

I am registered as an Independent. For the first time in years, I got to vote in a primary. But the catch is, I had to vote either in the Democratic one or the Republican one, not both. They have opened up the voting but not nearly enough in my mind. We should be able to vote in both but only one time for each office. But it was a long hard fought battle to get what we have now so I guess it's better than it was.
Why isn't there a third major political party besides the Republicans and the Democrats? :eusa_think:
There’s other political parties. Like the American Nazi party. The KKK. The Aryan nation. White nationalists. Of course they all belong to the Republican Party.
Why isn't there a third major political party besides the Liberals and the Democrats? :eusa_think:

Because there is good and evil.

Supporting abortion on demand is evil.
Supporting forced labor is evil.
Supporting chaos and lawlessness is evil.

You either oppose evil or you are an enabler of it. Republicans oppose evil.
I see... The way you describe it, the Democrats seem to be bad people. Why would they support abortion and forced labor?

Because they are bereft of morality. Most of them openly reject the idea of God and humans having a purpose for existence. To them we are just here by random and nothing matters.
Do the Republicans believe in God? :neutral:
Of course they do. Just not the traditional Christian God. They no longer believe in help your fellow man. Or help the sick. Or help children.
Their God is the god of hate. And fear. The only reason they want to touch you is to scratch you.
What a great question. I wish we had about 300 million people screaming it every day.

The two "major" parties have too much power and influence - a.k.a. MONEY. The two "major" parties know that if we REALLY got money out of politics it would open the door to more choices. Therefore we're not going to see that happen.

This continues because they have We The People obediently locked in place. We don't care enough to do anything about this.

Stormy, you are more than welcome to start your own party. You can call it the Neville Chamberlain Party.
Why isn't there a third major political party besides the Republicans and the Democrats? :eusa_think:
As it stands, half of the time, half of the nation is unhappy with election results. Do you think there is a benefit to making 2/3rds or even 3/4ths of the nation unhappy?
Why isn't there a third major political party besides the Republicans and the Democrats? :eusa_think:
This is predicated on the notion that there's something wrong with a two party system, or that a multi-party system is somehow better.

The dysfunctional Italian government would be evidence that the latter is not the case, along with an unstable German government.

And countries with multiple parties must often form coalition governments resulting in de facto two party rule.

Indeed, the people are ultimately responsible for the good - or bad - government they get, regardless the number of political parties.

Well said. I did a thing at my office a while back to see how many coworkers could name BOTH of Illinois' Senators.

None of them could, and most couldn't name one.

The problem isn't the number of parties or the philosophical bent of them. It's how little attention we pay to the vote or the issues or the people we are sending to Washington. Most people can't name their Senator or Congressman... much less their state representatives...
Why isn't there a third major political party besides the Republicans and the Democrats? :eusa_think:
I love the liberals for being open minded and accepting but most Americans are ignorant dumb fucks, and I knew this before even moving here.

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