Why does the USA have only two large political parties?

Why isn't there a third major political party besides the Republicans and the Democrats? :eusa_think:

The upper classes split over politics back in the early 1800's, and have kept it that way for most of the years since. Most states let the Party that won the last election cycle control the ballot boxes and voting rules for the next election, and part of that includes using fake lawsuits challenging 'third party' petitions to be placed on ballots; both parties do this, which is why even if you're well known and famous, like a Ralph Nader, you will be blocked from being on the ballot in many states, as your party doesn't have the money to fight endless legal challenges over signatures, while the two big Parties have endless resources to do so, same as big companies like Apple and Intel can harass smaller companies with endless bogus patent infringement lawsuits into selling out cheap or going bankrupt.
Why isn't there a third major political party besides the Liberals and the Democrats? :eusa_think:

Because there is good and evil.

Supporting abortion on demand is evil.
Supporting forced labor is evil.
Supporting chaos and lawlessness is evil.

You either oppose evil or you are an enabler of it. Republicans oppose evil.
I see... The way you describe it, the Democrats seem to be bad people. Why would they support abortion and forced labor?

I think "forced labor" is a stretch. They absolutely do support abortion, however. And for a real horror show, imagine this: in the US, it is legal to get an abortion right up to delivery. Yep. That's a truth many Democrats don't want people to know, but it's true. You can have your baby aborted even if your baby would be able to live on his/her own if born.

If that's not murder, I don't know what is. Appalling. Evil.

It's just sick pagan human sacrifices updated by using modern medical techniques as a front, is all.
Why isn't there a third major political party besides the Republicans and the Democrats? :eusa_think:
One is pro America, the other are democrats
And here’s an example of the ignorance and stupidity that renders the American political process dysfunctional.

Why isn't there a third major political party besides the Republicans and the Democrats? :eusa_think:
I love the liberals for being open minded and accepting but most Americans are ignorant dumb fucks, and I knew this before even moving here.

Ah, well, all the more reason for you vermin to leave and go 'enlighten' some other country where you can be happy little sociopaths, then.
Why isn't there a third major political party besides the Republicans and the Democrats?

Duverger's Law

Incidentally, this is one reason why I think it would be good to move to a proportional representation system for Congress, and maybe even something like Ranked Choice Voting for single-seat elections (e.g. the Presidency, Governors, etc.) It seems to me that there's plenty of people who very grudgingly vote for one of the two major parties but who would be better represented if we had an election system that allowed for a larger number of parties to be viable.
Why isn't there a third major political party besides the Republicans and the Democrats?

Duverger's Law

Incidentally, this is one reason why I think it would be good to move to a proportional representation system for Congress, and maybe even something like Ranked Choice Voting for single-seat elections (e.g. the Presidency, Governors, etc.) It seems to me that there's plenty of people who very grudgingly vote for one of the two major parties but who would be better represented if we had an election system that allowed for a larger number of parties to be viable.
‘Better represented’ doesn’t mean getting one’s way on the issues.

Sound, responsible, effective governance requires consensus and compromise – ‘better represented’ will still result in dissatisfaction with government.

Indeed, perhaps the answer lies in moving in the opposite direction: no political parties at all.

Elected representatives will govern in accordance with objective, documented facts, not subjective political ideology, implementing policies which have proven to have worked, and abandoning policies which have clearly failed.

But such a political nirvana will never manifest, of course – facts and the truth are anathema to the political process, and the people too ignorant, lazy, and apathetic to demand and expect better.
Why isn't there a third major political party besides the Liberals and the Democrats? :eusa_think:

Because there is good and evil.

Supporting abortion on demand is evil.
Supporting forced labor is evil.
Supporting chaos and lawlessness is evil.

You either oppose evil or you are an enabler of it. Republicans oppose evil.
Republican are ok with cheating
Republicans are ok with racism and bigotry
Republicans are ok with name calling
Republicans are ok with nor helping the desperate
Republicans are ok with tax evasion
Republicans are ok with bullying
Republicans are ok with fraudulent universities
Republicans are ok with basically bending over to a conman/bully/cheater/liar/pussy grabber.
Oddly enough, one of the strongest Christian states (Alaska at 70%), is also the one that votes third party (Libertarian)

We're basically a different country from our dysfunctional southern cousins though so... ~shrug~
Why isn't there a third major political party besides the Liberals and the Democrats? :eusa_think:

Because there is good and evil.

Supporting abortion on demand is evil.
Supporting forced labor is evil.
Supporting chaos and lawlessness is evil.

You either oppose evil or you are an enabler of it. Republicans oppose evil.
I see... The way you describe it, the Democrats seem to be bad people. Why would they support abortion and forced labor?

I think "forced labor" is a stretch. They absolutely do support abortion, however. And for a real horror show, imagine this: in the US, it is legal to get an abortion right up to delivery. Yep. That's a truth many Democrats don't want people to know, but it's true. You can have your baby aborted even if your baby would be able to live on his/her own if born.

If that's not murder, I don't know what is. Appalling. Evil.

They are definitely for forced labor.

They support forcing a baker to bake a cake. It could be a Christian baker forced to make a gay wedding cake, or a black baker to make a cake for the KKK.

They also support forcing doctors to give serviced to people who don’t pay for it.

They support taxing workers in order to redistribute it to the poor, that is forced labor as well, slave labor in fact.

Okay in the case of the baker and photographer I agree. But I hope with our new Supreme Court we can make some progress there.
Inexplicably, America has evolved into a willfully ignorant society. The lack of curiosity and incapacity to accept change is astounding. Politically, the two parties have divided things up and there is no interest in refuting them. There is some bleating from the herd, but no substantial change can be expected.
The term "sheeple" has been used. It seems appropriate. Perhaps they need a "Border Collie Party" to guide them in a fresh direction.

It never ceases to amaze me how boards even titled "US Message Board" attract foreigners who absolutely love to dog on us. But boy oh boy, know this: when the hard times come, they absolutely want our "sheeple" military on the job. You bet they do.

Fellow Americans, we have very few true allies in the world, and it's time everyone recognize it. It would save us a world (no pun intended) of time, trouble, and MONEY.

The ignorance and stupidity common to far too many Americans is the primary reason why we have a dysfunctional political process.

So it is your assertion that foreigner who love to deride us do NOT want our military at their back when their wars come?

Why isn't there a third major political party besides the Liberals and the Democrats? :eusa_think:

Because there is good and evil.

Supporting abortion on demand is evil.
Supporting forced labor is evil.
Supporting chaos and lawlessness is evil.

You either oppose evil or you are an enabler of it. Republicans oppose evil.
I see... The way you describe it, the Democrats seem to be bad people. Why would they support abortion and forced labor?

Because they are bereft of morality. Most of them openly reject the idea of God and humans having a purpose for existence. To them we are just here by random and nothing matters.
Do the Republicans believe in God? :neutral:
Of course they do. Just not the traditional Christian God. They no longer believe in help your fellow man. Or help the sick. Or help children.
Their God is the god of hate. And fear. The only reason they want to touch you is to scratch you.

Dude maybe a break from politics is in order
Why isn't there a third major political party besides the Republicans and the Democrats? :eusa_think:
I love the liberals for being open minded and accepting but most Americans are ignorant dumb fucks, and I knew this before even moving here.

Fellow Americans:

Remember the words of this foreigner before you decide whether we want to send our sons and daughters off to fight in wars to ever, ever defend them again. Ever. I mean ever. Or belong to the UN, or support the EU, etc.

Note that he says we are "ignorant dumb F's". See, that's what they think of us in large part. But they really, really want our $$$ and they really, really want our military at their back. Actually, most of them don't even have militaries. They just depend on ours.

Just say no. Say screw you right back. Tell them they're on their own. I'm ready; I've been ready for years.
Why isn't there a third major political party besides the Liberals and the Democrats? :eusa_think:

Because there is good and evil.

Supporting abortion on demand is evil.
Supporting forced labor is evil.
Supporting chaos and lawlessness is evil.

You either oppose evil or you are an enabler of it. Republicans oppose evil.
Republican are ok with cheating
Republicans are ok with racism and bigotry
Republicans are ok with name calling
Republicans are ok with nor helping the desperate
Republicans are ok with tax evasion
Republicans are ok with bullying
Republicans are ok with fraudulent universities
Republicans are ok with basically bending over to a conman/bully/cheater/liar/pussy grabber.

I'm okay with not giving your home nation not one red cent, nor one more iota of our military support.

Put that in your pipe.

Smoke it on up.
Oddly enough, one of the strongest Christian states (Alaska at 70%), is also the one that votes third party (Libertarian)

We're basically a different country from our dysfunctional southern cousins though so... ~shrug~

Alaska until the price of oil dropped recently also hands out govt freebies like candy, complete with artificial towns built for the 'natives' and oil royalties handed out to citizens from the stat treasury. that makes it a lot easier to be all 'libertarian n stuff' when you don't have to pay to live somewhere, keep roads in repair, hospitals up, that sort of stuff, much like dumbass upper class Burb Brats don't worry at all about barrios full of criminal illegal aliens they rarely ever see up close or have to pay any taxes to subsidize at their own expense.
Why isn't there a third major political party besides the Republicans and the Democrats? :eusa_think:
I love the liberals for being open minded and accepting but most Americans are ignorant dumb fucks, and I knew this before even moving here.

Fellow Americans:

Remember the words of this foreigner before you decide whether we want to send our sons and daughters off to fight in wars to ever, ever defend them again. Ever. I mean ever. Or belong to the UN, or support the EU, etc.

Note that he says we are "ignorant dumb F's". See, that's what they think of us in large part. But they really, really want our $$$ and they really, really want our military at their back. Actually, most of them don't even have militaries. They just depend on ours.

Just say no. Say screw you right back. Tell them they're on their own. I'm ready; I've been ready for years.

We're just a money cow for most of these 'refugees', and few of them actually come here for anything else.
Certainly, a peaceful society has its costs.
A society that is not at peace is much more expensive, in every sense of the term.
I also think it is interesting that you have two parties and that is it. Obviously in Europe there are a lot of parties but it comes down to having to form coalitions which becomes some watered down version of what voters wanted and leads to strange deals and odd bedfellows. In Germany now the large colation between the social party SPD and the conservative CDU has led to the almost destruction of both, with people now voting increasingly far right or far left. It isn't looking good. Maybe two parties with clear majorities are better.
I also think it is interesting that you have two parties and that is it. Obviously in Europe there are a lot of parties but it comes down to having to form coalitions which becomes some watered down version of what voters wanted and leads to strange deals and odd bedfellows. In Germany now the large colation between the social party SPD and the conservative CDU has led to the almost destruction of both, with people now voting increasingly far right or far left. It isn't looking good. Maybe two parties with clear majorities are better.
The U.S. government is not a parliament. The systems have great similarities, but the differences are important. As powerful as parties are in the Congress, they have more power in parliamentary forms. Personally, I believe the American form is potentially better, but it depends on something the U.S. does not have; inquisitive, intelligent voters.
I also think it is interesting that you have two parties and that is it. Obviously in Europe there are a lot of parties but it comes down to having to form coalitions which becomes some watered down version of what voters wanted and leads to strange deals and odd bedfellows. In Germany now the large colation between the social party SPD and the conservative CDU has led to the almost destruction of both, with people now voting increasingly far right or far left. It isn't looking good. Maybe two parties with clear majorities are better.
The U.S. government is not a parliament. The systems have great similarities, but the differences are important. As powerful as parties are in the Congress, they have more power in parliamentary forms. Personally, I believe the American form is potentially better, but it depends on something the U.S. does not have; inquisitive, intelligent voters.
No country has intelligent inquisitve voters. The sheeple are simple and can easily be manipulated. What do the formal differences matter?
Experience shows that, for example, there is much greater voter awareness and engagement in France than in the U.S. Why this is so remains unclear.
This isn't to say that the French have it right. It is not meant to exalt nor denigrate America's oldest ally; it's just a comment.

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