Why does the USA have only two large political parties?

Why isn't there a third major political party besides the Liberals and the Democrats? :eusa_think:

Because there is good and evil.

Supporting abortion on demand is evil.
Supporting forced labor is evil.
Supporting chaos and lawlessness is evil.

You either oppose evil or you are an enabler of it. Republicans oppose evil.
I see... The way you describe it, the Democrats seem to be bad people. Why would they support abortion and forced labor?

I think "forced labor" is a stretch. They absolutely do support abortion, however. And for a real horror show, imagine this: in the US, it is legal to get an abortion right up to delivery. Yep. That's a truth many Democrats don't want people to know, but it's true. You can have your baby aborted even if your baby would be able to live on his/her own if born.

If that's not murder, I don't know what is. Appalling. Evil.

They are definitely for forced labor.

They support forcing a baker to bake a cake. It could be a Christian baker forced to make a gay wedding cake, or a black baker to make a cake for the KKK.

They also support forcing doctors to give serviced to people who don’t pay for it.

They support taxing workers in order to redistribute it to the poor, that is forced labor as well, slave labor in fact.
Why isn't there a third major political party besides the Liberals and the Democrats? :eusa_think:

Because there is good and evil.

Supporting abortion on demand is evil.
Supporting forced labor is evil.
Supporting chaos and lawlessness is evil.

You either oppose evil or you are an enabler of it. Republicans oppose evil.
I see... The way you describe it, the Democrats seem to be bad people. Why would they support abortion and forced labor?

Because they are bereft of morality. Most of them openly reject the idea of God and humans having a purpose for existence. To them we are just here by random and nothing matters.
I see... The way you describe it, the Democrats seem to be bad people. Why would they support abortion and forced labor?
The longer you're here, the more obvious it will become to you that this forum is not for rational discussion but for hyper-partisan bickering, half-truths and lies. Rule of the thumb; if the person uses insults and displays a strong animus for people they don't like or that do not agree with them, they are usually (but not always) right-wing, conservative republicans.
Why isn't there a third major political party besides the Liberals and the Democrats? :eusa_think:

Because there is good and evil.

Supporting abortion on demand is evil.
Supporting forced labor is evil.
Supporting chaos and lawlessness is evil.

You either oppose evil or you are an enabler of it. Republicans oppose evil.
I see... The way you describe it, the Democrats seem to be bad people. Why would they support abortion and forced labor?

I think "forced labor" is a stretch. They absolutely do support abortion, however. And for a real horror show, imagine this: in the US, it is legal to get an abortion right up to delivery. Yep. That's a truth many Democrats don't want people to know, but it's true. You can have your baby aborted even if your baby would be able to live on his/her own if born.

If that's not murder, I don't know what is. Appalling. Evil.

They are definitely for forced labor.

They support forcing a baker to bake a cake. It could be a Christian baker forced to make a gay wedding cake, or a black baker to make a cake for the KKK.

They also support forcing doctors to give serviced to people who don’t pay for it.

They support taxing workers in order to redistribute it to the poor, that is forced labor as well, slave labor in fact.

While it is sort of cute to blame the Dems for forcing doctors to give service to those that cannot pay the law forcing them to do so was passed with overwhelming Repub support and signed into law by a Repub POTUS

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Why isn't there a third major political party besides the Republicans and the Democrats? :eusa_think:
What a great question. I wish we had about 300 million people screaming it every day.

The two "major" parties have too much power and influence - a.k.a. MONEY. The two "major" parties know that if we REALLY got money out of politics it would open the door to more choices. Therefore we're not going to see that happen.

This continues because they have We The People obediently locked in place. We don't care enough to do anything about this.
Why isn't there a third major political party besides the Republicans and the Democrats? :eusa_think:
Last time I looked, Libertarians had just enough power to tilt an election to whoever they supported when things get too even in the game by a point or two. i.e., if the polls show a margin of 49-51 and the libertarians are feeling the forty-nine percenter is their bitch, their 7% can make the election turn around to the candidate of their choice. That's how George H. W. Bush lost his reelection to the Presidency back when, and we started seeing a national debt that could take generations to pay back due to welfare pranks quadrupling with no-questions-asked to certain people who were caught later collect 7 or 8 welfare checks per month in quite a few cases. I doubt very seriously that much of that was paid back to the taxpayers of America who footed that little planned fiasco against them.
Why isn't there a third major political party besides the Republicans and the Democrats? :eusa_think:
Last time I looked, Libertarians had just enough power to tilt an election to whoever they supported when things get too even in the game by a point or two. i.e., if the polls show a margin of 49-51 and the libertarians are feeling the forty-nine percenter is their bitch, their 7% can make the election turn around to the candidate of their choice. That's how George H. W. Bush lost his reelection to the Presidency back when, and we started seeing a national debt that could take generations to pay back due to welfare pranks quadrupling with no-questions-asked to certain people who were caught later collect 7 or 8 welfare checks per month in quite a few cases. I doubt very seriously that much of that was paid back to the taxpayers of America who footed that little planned fiasco against them.

So, Reagan almost tripling the debt was not an issue? It was not till Bush I lost that it became an issue.

This also ignores that more was added to the debt in 4 years under Bush I than in 8 years under Clinton.

Your post is why there is only two major parties, they both have too many sheep like you.

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Why isn't there a third major political party besides the Republicans and the Democrats? :eusa_think:
because they keep failing to attract people to them.

It probably goes a bit farther than that. (Although yours is the direct result.)
People are not going to throw their vote away.

A person may not like Alabama as a dominant College Football team, but he
won't bet against them with his own money, when they play The Citadel
this year.

And for the others who complain about only two parties, how would
three parties be any different? Another choice? So to get anything
accomplished in government, you would have the lesser of the three
really pissing on their electorate when they sell their vote to one of
the other two.
Why isn't there a third major political party besides the Republicans and the Democrats? :eusa_think:
because they keep failing to attract people to them.

It probably goes a bit farther than that. (Although yours is the direct result.)
People are not going to throw their vote away.

A person may not like Alabama as a dominant College Football team, but he
won't bet against them with his own money, when they play The Citadel
this year.

And for the others who complain about only two parties, how would
three parties be any different? Another choice? So to get anything
accomplished in government, you would have the lesser of the three
really pissing on their electorate when they sell their vote to one of
the other two.
yea, i was just glossing over the obvious to be sure. your points are valid and i'd agree with you. a 3rd party would have to fight the other 2 and they won't give it up easily. last election the 3rd party was gaining steam but the pothead in charge couldn't name a single foreign leader and in the end, to me, did more damage than good for the overall heath of a 3rd party.
Why isn't there a third major political party besides the Republicans and the Democrats? :eusa_think:

In the United States, we have one party which is for Freedom, Liberty and Capitalism, and one party which opposes it - embracing collectivism and socialism. I'm not sure what the point of a 3rd party would be.

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