Why does Trump not want to help Puerto Rico ?

Why does Trump not want to help Puerto Rico ?

He's already explained that. Because “This is an island surrounded by water, big water, ocean water".

Get that? It's not only an island but it's surrounded by water too. "Big water". As opposed to "small water". It has many deepness. Bigly deepness in the ocean water. What's he supposed to do? It's not like we have, I dunno, "ships" or "planes" or any of that science fictionly stuff.

"This is an island sitting in the middle of an ocean – and it's a big ocean, a really, really big ocean," Mr Trump told reporters earlier this week. You can't just drive your trucks there. This is tough stuff”.

Presidenting is hard and stuff.

And when you send them blocks of money, they spend it on hookers n blow.

You must not know many Puerto-Ricans with family there.
They're well over 50% primate. Africastan with different palm trees
I say we start to gauge how much to give other countries, to how much money Pelosi and Schumer will give us for our security. And 4 billion is way to much, so maybe a couple hundred thousand dollars.
And thats not all they got!
Democrats are trying to get more from Uncle Scam's grab bag of goodies for their clients in Puerto Rico.
Dim witted leftist are happy to bring what pressure they can to bear to help the democrats out.

One dirty hand washes the other.
Maybe before you send more money you should get an accounting of how the money that has already been sent has been spent or is being spent. Unfortunately the government of Puerto Rico does have history of misplacing aid money.
Who in their right mind would want to give their money to a bunch of worthless 'cans?
Trump raises pressure on Dems to back disaster aid bill threatened by Puerto Rico fight
But the fate of the legislation has been thrown into limbo amid a renewed fight over funding to help Puerto Rico after Trump criticized the island territory during a closed-door lunch with Senate Republicans last week.

The GOP bill, spearheaded by Sen. Richard Shelby (R-Ala.), includes $600 million for food stamps aid in Puerto Rico, which was devastated by back-to-back hurricanes in 2017.

But Democrats are warning they will block the bill as currently written. Though Republicans control the Senate, they need at least seven Democrats to vote for the GOP disaster aid proposal to get over Monday's procedural hurdle.

Sen. Patrick Leahy (Vt.), the top Democrat on the Senate Appropriations Committee, introduced an amendment to the GOP disaster bill to include a handful of additional provisions, including requiring the Department of Housing and Urban Development to release block-grant funding and money to help Puerto Rico repair damaged water systems.

It doesnt seem to be a lot of money.

He ran out of paper towels.

Why does Trump not want to help Puerto Rico ?

You seem to imply that helping ordinary Americans in dire straits would be part of Trump's job description.

Think about it. You should easily see the error of your ways, and the Trumpleton crowd will certainly set you straight on that.
Safe drinking water is pretty standard in the civilised world.

Why does Trump not want to help Puerto Rico ?

You seem to imply that helping ordinary Americans in dire straits would be part of Trump's job description.

Think about it. You should easily see the error of your ways, and the Trumpleton crowd will certainly set you straight on that.
Safe drinking water is pretty standard in the civilised world.

They've had 3-4x the money needed to fix water supply in Puerto Rico. Roads too.

Hookers n blow.
Because, idiot troll, Puerto Rico is a money-sucking, ingrate parasite money-pit on us American taxpayers, that's why! We've already spent too much money on that worthless island, fool! Much like your own Islam-fellatrix continent of American-hating psychopaths who SUCK money out of this country in every manner you can (and as much semen out of muslim prostates you can).........whilst cursing our existence at the same time. You silly, stupid little thing!
Safe drinking water is pretty standard in the civilised world.

Does "Flint, Michigan," ring a bell with you? And why would you assume that everyone agrees Those people should participate in what you describe as "civilized world"?

Have you never looked around in this place? Never found that punishing Them for being Those people far outweighs any other considerations - provided "considerations" would be the adequate descriptor for what's happening in these reptile brains?
Safe drinking water is pretty standard in the civilised world.

Does "Flint, Michigan," ring a bell with you? And why would you assume that everyone agrees Those people should participate in what you describe as "civilized world"?

Have you never looked around in this place? Never found that punishing Them for being Those people far outweighs any other considerations - provided "considerations" would be the adequate descriptor for what's happening in these reptile brains?
Who destroyed Flint, MI.?
Safe drinking water is pretty standard in the civilised world.

Does "Flint, Michigan," ring a bell with you? And why would you assume that everyone agrees Those people should participate in what you describe as "civilized world"?

Have you never looked around in this place? Never found that punishing Them for being Those people far outweighs any other considerations - provided "considerations" would be the adequate descriptor for what's happening in these reptile brains?
-------------------------------- maybe you know the answer but was the Water in Flint SAFE to drink OEuro ???
Safe drinking water is pretty standard in the civilised world.

Does "Flint, Michigan," ring a bell with you? And why would you assume that everyone agrees Those people should participate in what you describe as "civilized world"?

Have you never looked around in this place? Never found that punishing Them for being Those people far outweighs any other considerations - provided "considerations" would be the adequate descriptor for what's happening in these reptile brains?
Are Puerto Ricans "darkies" ?
sure , I went to school in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan . Good 'skools' attended by Finns , Swedes , Chippewa [extraction] mainly and right on Lake Superior the Deep Pogo .

And they taught you about the "Kings and stuff" of Puerto Rico, did they? :eusa_think:
Trump raises pressure on Dems to back disaster aid bill threatened by Puerto Rico fight
But the fate of the legislation has been thrown into limbo amid a renewed fight over funding to help Puerto Rico after Trump criticized the island territory during a closed-door lunch with Senate Republicans last week.

The GOP bill, spearheaded by Sen. Richard Shelby (R-Ala.), includes $600 million for food stamps aid in Puerto Rico, which was devastated by back-to-back hurricanes in 2017.

But Democrats are warning they will block the bill as currently written. Though Republicans control the Senate, they need at least seven Democrats to vote for the GOP disaster aid proposal to get over Monday's procedural hurdle.

Sen. Patrick Leahy (Vt.), the top Democrat on the Senate Appropriations Committee, introduced an amendment to the GOP disaster bill to include a handful of additional provisions, including requiring the Department of Housing and Urban Development to release block-grant funding and money to help Puerto Rico repair damaged water systems.

It doesnt seem to be a lot of money.

This looks like a pretty self-owning OP to me.

"But Democrats are warning they will block the bill as currently written. Though Republicans control the Senate, they need at least seven Democrats to vote for the GOP disaster aid proposal to get over Monday's procedural hurdle."
They are saying it is not enough.
What a shame? An island among many in that region. And many of those islands are not doing well economically. This one has a sugar daddy has received hundreds of billions of dollars and hundreds of billions more over the years and is corrupted as hell.

Yanno I haven't really checked it out but I'm almost willing to bet a LOT of them thar islands are not only islands but also surrounded by Bigly Ocean Water.

A really really big ocean called the uh, the Bigly Caribbean Ocean, yeah that's it.

Not only that, I understand you can't get there by truck. :wtf:

Why does Trump not want to help Puerto Rico ?

You seem to imply that helping ordinary Americans in dire straits would be part of Trump's job description.

Think about it. You should easily see the error of your ways, and the Trumpleton crowd will certainly set you straight on that.
Safe drinking water is pretty standard in the civilised world.

They've had 3-4x the money needed to fix water supply in Puerto Rico. Roads too.

Hookers n blow.

Then why didn't Lush Rimjob just go there instead of the DR?

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