Why does Trump want to remove security clearances for ex-intel officials?

Because you do not have a job that requires one.

I have a good friend that works for Boeing and he has TSI.
That is government interface they don’t need access to classified governmental documents. It isn’t the same clearance level. Shit I have clearance. Not their level you. know there are levels right? You still didn’t say what job they have they would need that clearance. CNN? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Of course they need access to classified governmental documents, they build things for the government based on those classified governmental documents.

He is an aeronautical engineer.

One more time you show your basic lack of knowledge of just about everything.
Dude, I have clearance. I took the tests! You don’t know. You’re fked up. You still didn’t state the job they hold to keep access. Why?

Bull shit, there is no test to take to get a clearance.

I did state the job, aeronautical engineer is his job.

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The five loosing their access work in aeronautical jobs? Hmmm you’re messed up . You can’t follow the thread. By the way, I took three tests. So it seems it’s you that has ever no clue

You can take 100 test, there will still be no test to get a security clearance. You are just too stupid to know that.
:auiqs.jpg: :biggrin:

That is government interface they don’t need access to classified governmental documents. It isn’t the same clearance level. Shit I have clearance. Not their level you. know there are levels right? You still didn’t say what job they have they would need that clearance. CNN? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Of course they need access to classified governmental documents, they build things for the government based on those classified governmental documents.

He is an aeronautical engineer.

One more time you show your basic lack of knowledge of just about everything.
Dude, I have clearance. I took the tests! You don’t know. You’re fked up. You still didn’t state the job they hold to keep access. Why?

Bull shit, there is no test to take to get a clearance.

I did state the job, aeronautical engineer is his job.

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The five loosing their access work in aeronautical jobs? Hmmm you’re messed up . You can’t follow the thread. By the way, I took three tests. So it seems it’s you that has ever no clue

You can take 100 test, there will still be no test to get a security clearance. You are just too stupid to know that.
Well you’re wrong! Still haven’t stated what jobs the five have that would require SC! Any fking day
"But being unhinged and politically vindictive is a reason...." :blahblah:

^ fools actually believe this fake news

The actions of Brennan and Clapper are on youtube for everyone to watch their baby drama. They''ve compromised their usefulness to be called in to consult on ANY top security matter. Not my fault they're getting gigues on TV to rave like lunatics to stay out of jail.

In fact, their employers CNN and MSNBC are pretty damn close to being accomplices in their crimes.

donny-liddle-hands can blow smoke and desperately pull all of the legal levers within his tiny grasp, but all the evidence of team traitor's high crimes and misdemeanors will still remain for the record... good luck with that!


Former US intelligence chiefs expressed astonishment and condemnation
Monday in response to President Donald Trump's comments at Monday's news conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin, with former CIA Director John Brennan calling the US President's performance "nothing short of treasonous."

Following his one-on-one meeting with Putin in Helsinki, Finland, Trump declined to endorse the US intelligence community's assessment that Russia interfered in the 2016 election over Putin's denial, saying the Russian President was "extremely strong and powerful" in his denial.

"Donald Trump's press conference performance in Helsinki rises to & exceeds the threshold of 'high crimes & misdemeanors.' It was nothing short of treasonous," Brennan, a frequent critic of Trump who served as CIA chief from 2013 through January 2017, tweeted during the event. "Not only were Trump's comments imbecilic, he is wholly in the pocket of Putin. Republican Patriots: Where are you???"

Donald Trump's press conference performance in Helsinki rises to & exceeds the threshold of "high crimes & misdemeanors." It was nothing short of treasonous. Not only were Trump's comments imbecilic, he is wholly in the pocket of Putin. Republican Patriots: Where are you???

— John O. Brennan (@JohnBrennan) July 16, 2018

Former Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said Trump "failed America today," but stopped short of calling the President's behavior "treasonous."

"I would not have said it the way John (Brennan) said it. John can say it the way he wants to say it. But as to impeachment, we'll see how this plays out. That's a congressional responsibility and the Congress must do what they think is in the best interest of this country," Hagel told CNN's Wolf Blitzer.

Thanks for making my case. You were very helpful. An ex-Intel Agency head who actively aided in the spying on a political campaign, who marketed a phony as shit Russian agit-prop Dossier and IS NOW raving like a lunatic on TV to UNDERMINE a sitting president ------- THAT GUY --- has ZERO usefullness to any current or future administration. He and Clapper have compromised themselves. They no longer should HAVE those clearances.

They can STILL rave like lunatics. Just don't need the "courtesy clearances".
donny-liddle-hands can blow smoke and desperately pull all of the legal levers within his tiny grasp, but all the evidence of team traitor's high crimes and misdemeanors will still remain for the record... good luck with that!


Former US intelligence chiefs expressed astonishment and condemnation
Monday in response to President Donald Trump's comments at Monday's news conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin, with former CIA Director John Brennan calling the US President's performance "nothing short of treasonous."

Following his one-on-one meeting with Putin in Helsinki, Finland, Trump declined to endorse the US intelligence community's assessment that Russia interfered in the 2016 election over Putin's denial, saying the Russian President was "extremely strong and powerful" in his denial.

"Donald Trump's press conference performance in Helsinki rises to & exceeds the threshold of 'high crimes & misdemeanors.' It was nothing short of treasonous," Brennan, a frequent critic of Trump who served as CIA chief from 2013 through January 2017, tweeted during the event. "Not only were Trump's comments imbecilic, he is wholly in the pocket of Putin. Republican Patriots: Where are you???"

Donald Trump's press conference performance in Helsinki rises to & exceeds the threshold of "high crimes & misdemeanors." It was nothing short of treasonous. Not only were Trump's comments imbecilic, he is wholly in the pocket of Putin. Republican Patriots: Where are you???

— John O. Brennan (@JohnBrennan) July 16, 2018

Former Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said Trump "failed America today," but stopped short of calling the President's behavior "treasonous."

"I would not have said it the way John (Brennan) said it. John can say it the way he wants to say it. But as to impeachment, we'll see how this plays out. That's a congressional responsibility and the Congress must do what they think is in the best interest of this country," Hagel told CNN's Wolf Blitzer.
but all the evidence of team traitor's high crimes and misdemeanors will still remain for the record

what record are you referencing?
when some shithole country gets a new dictator running the show the first thing they do is remove any power the former regime

nothing makes Trump any different from a third world thug.
"Since his election, revelations of Donald Trump’s contempt for the legal process have been dizzying. The rule of law is what protects democracy in the United States. The president has done everything possible to subvert it.

Congressional Republicans who stick by Trump and protect him will be remembered as the villains of Washington’s unfolding drama. They are the ones enabling an epic White House end run around the constitution.

Instead of holding Trump to account, Republicans are joining him in a cynical attempt to tarnish the FBI and undermine the criminal investigation into Russian election meddling."
he has legal authority. you should actually learn about the constitution and the executive powers that a president has.
That is government interface they don’t need access to classified governmental documents. It isn’t the same clearance level. Shit I have clearance. Not their level you. know there are levels right? You still didn’t say what job they have they would need that clearance. CNN? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Of course they need access to classified governmental documents, they build things for the government based on those classified governmental documents.

He is an aeronautical engineer.

One more time you show your basic lack of knowledge of just about everything.
Dude, I have clearance. I took the tests! You don’t know. You’re fked up. You still didn’t state the job they hold to keep access. Why?

Bull shit, there is no test to take to get a clearance.

I did state the job, aeronautical engineer is his job.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
The five loosing their access work in aeronautical jobs? Hmmm you’re messed up . You can’t follow the thread. By the way, I took three tests. So it seems it’s you that has ever no clue

You can take 100 test, there will still be no test to get a security clearance. You are just too stupid to know that.
still waiting on the jobs those five exgovernment workers have that they'd need SC? why haven't you answered sweetie?
Rep. Jim Jordan‏Verified account @Jim_Jordan

-Brennan leaked the Dossier to Harry Reid

-Comey leaked to NYT

-Clapper lied under oath

-McCabe lied 3 times, faces criminal referral

-Strzok claims he wasn’t biased

-Rice blamed Benghazi on a video

If they still have a security clearance, of course they should lose it!

3:37 PM - 24 Jul 2018

It should be automatic the second one leaves service, or the job that needs such clearance.

Why? A great many jobs in the civilian world need them and the money has already been spent to do all the background work to get them. Why waste it all starting from scratch?

That's why I said "or the job that needs such clearance". I realize there are defense contractors and private employers who need their employees to have them. I also have no problem with those having to be reviewed when their status changes from military service to civilian service, and being dropped.automatically when they leave civilian jobs as well.
Because they are now speaking politically...two of them are working for fake news CNN and MSNBC....Clapper and Brennan the Traitor....and one wrote an anti Trump book that didn't sell...Comey the Clown...

They have every right to speak politically. Security clearances should have nothing to do with politics. You are fake news.

But being unhinged and politically vindictive is a reason to terminate any set of clearances for a former head of a Govt agency. Wouldn't be tolerated when they were working, why should it be tolerated when they retire?

Those "courtesy clearances" are for using these people as consultants in special matters. If they are taking TV analyst jobs just to try and save their own asses and accusing the Prez of treason -- it kinda voids their usefulness as a "consultant" .. It's as simple as that.
I think we all know why the president wants to revoke their security clearances. They spoke out against his handling of security matters.

Trump's actions serves no purpose other than to show just how vindictive and politically unhinged he is. It will do nothing to shut them up. In fact, if will probably encourage others to come forward.

However, the major problem is how Trump's war against US intelligence has effected the rank and file in those organization and their ability to deliver non-biased assessments.
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Because they are now speaking politically...two of them are working for fake news CNN and MSNBC....Clapper and Brennan the Traitor....and one wrote an anti Trump book that didn't sell...Comey the Clown...

They have every right to speak politically. Security clearances should have nothing to do with politics. You are fake news.

But being unhinged and politically vindictive is a reason to terminate any set of clearances for a former head of a Govt agency. Wouldn't be tolerated when they were working, why should it be tolerated when they retire?

Those "courtesy clearances" are for using these people as consultants in special matters. If they are taking TV analyst jobs just to try and save their own asses and accusing the Prez of treason -- it kinda voids their usefulness as a "consultant" .. It's as simple as that.
I think we all know why the president wants to revoke their security clearances. They spoke out against his handling of security matters.

Trump's actions serves no purpose other than to show just how vindictive and politically unhinged he is. It will do nothing to shut them up. In fact, if will probably encourage others to come forward.

However, the major problem is how Trump's war against US intelligence has effected the rank and file in those organization and their ability to deliver non-biased assessments.

Clapper and Brennan and Comey have compromised their objectiveness and usefulness as consultants. THE ONLY reason "courtesy clearances" exist is to use the folks as trusted advisors. Not to mention that Clapper and Brennan are acting like fanatics.

You can not FORCE the Executive to RETAIN them as consultants. They are more than welcome to pimp themselves out on the "Resistance" networks all they want to try and SAVE their own asses. But they will be NEVER be called to consult. PROBABLY not even if were at DefCon 4.

A future admin is welcome to rehire them and re-clear them as they wish. That is --- if by some miracle, they escape indictments and shame.
Because they are now speaking politically...two of them are working for fake news CNN and MSNBC....Clapper and Brennan the Traitor....and one wrote an anti Trump book that didn't sell...Comey the Clown...

They have every right to speak politically. Security clearances should have nothing to do with politics. You are fake news.

But being unhinged and politically vindictive is a reason to terminate any set of clearances for a former head of a Govt agency. Wouldn't be tolerated when they were working, why should it be tolerated when they retire?

Those "courtesy clearances" are for using these people as consultants in special matters. If they are taking TV analyst jobs just to try and save their own asses and accusing the Prez of treason -- it kinda voids their usefulness as a "consultant" .. It's as simple as that.
I think we all know why the president wants to revoke their security clearances. They spoke out against his handling of security matters.

Trump's actions serves no purpose other than to show just how vindictive and politically unhinged he is. It will do nothing to shut them up. In fact, if will probably encourage others to come forward.

However, the major problem is how Trump's war against US intelligence has effected the rank and file in those organization and their ability to deliver non-biased assessments.

Clapper and Brennan and Comey have compromised their objectiveness and usefulness as consultants. THE ONLY reason "courtesy clearances" exist is to use the folks as trusted advisors. Not to mention that Clapper and Brennan are acting like fanatics.

You can not FORCE the Executive to RETAIN them as consultants. They are more than welcome to pimp themselves out on the "Resistance" networks all they want to try and SAVE their own asses. But they will be NEVER be called to consult. PROBABLY not even if were at DefCon 4.

A future admin is welcome to rehire them and re-clear them as they wish. That is --- if by some miracle, they escape indictments and shame.

What you're neglecting is Trump's actions has made a huge step in politicizing national intelligence. Will these guys be back? Of course they will when Democrats get the White House back. Future presidents will follow Trump's example by replacing National Intelligence people based on political loyalty and what was once the most apolitical appointments will be among the most political.
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What you're neglecting is Trump's actions has made a huge step in politicizing national intelligence. Will these guys be back? Of course they will when Democrats get the White House back. Future presidents will follow Trump's example by replacing National Intelligence people based on political loyalty and what was once the most apolitical appointments will be among the most political.

First --- anybody bringing these clowns "back" is a moron. Brennan SPIED ON CONGRESS. FFSake. Clapper lies about damn near everything in committee. But that's opinion..

They are ALL chosen for "loyalty". Because it's the ONLY CHECK on the awesome and huge Intel Community power. Congress can't oversee them for the most part. Most congress people don't even where their budget is from or their operations. So LOYALTY is a must. It's like kissing cobras.

Secondly --- "politicizing National Intelligence" NEEDS to be done right. now. There were aggregious seditious actions that happened amongst the TOP layers of these agencies. It's got to be lanced and disinfected. It's coming out SLOWLY -- because if TRUMP decided to clean the puss -- it would an explosion that could permanently wreck this county. What you don't see is the RESTRAINT Trump is showing in USING all that power to get the bottom of WHY his campaign was spied on and who was plotting to influence an American election by the dicking around with the Clinton investigation, the Russian dossier, the ABUSE of the domestic spying done with the Big Brother NSA Spy Machine and unmasking of American citizens that should NEVER have been done.

He's been more than reserved and patient.. Given he could legally clean this cancer out with a blowtorch in a matter of days.

I know you don't want to hear that. But the largest political scandal of our lifetimes --- just can't be ignored and buried no matter HOW MUCH whining Clapper/Brennan get on air. In FACT -- CNN/MSNBC and all the others are accomplices in this matter now. So they are ALL fighting to divert and fart chaff....
Brennan and Comey et al won't be needing their top secret clearances where they are going.
Why doesn't he just imprison them or assassinate them like Putin or Erdogan or other autocrats would do?

You know he would like to.

I'll tell you why. We are here to stop him, the true patriots of this country.

The country continues on its path to autocracy and dictatorship. When the right red-line is crossed, we will defend our country against this traitor.

Can you still access the computer systems of your former employer?

If you are not an active employee, you should not have access.
Why doesn't he just imprison them or assassinate them like Putin or Erdogan or other autocrats would do?

You know he would like to.

I'll tell you why. We are here to stop him, the true patriots of this country.

The country continues on its path to autocracy and dictatorship. When the right red-line is crossed, we will defend our country against this traitor.

A true Phony-E-Baloney, a real drama queen, and incompetent, irrelevant, and immaterial to boot. Don't quit your day job-)
What you're neglecting is Trump's actions has made a huge step in politicizing national intelligence. Will these guys be back? Of course they will when Democrats get the White House back. Future presidents will follow Trump's example by replacing National Intelligence people based on political loyalty and what was once the most apolitical appointments will be among the most political.

First --- anybody bringing these clowns "back" is a moron. Brennan SPIED ON CONGRESS. FFSake. Clapper lies about damn near everything in committee. But that's opinion..

They are ALL chosen for "loyalty". Because it's the ONLY CHECK on the awesome and huge Intel Community power. Congress can't oversee them for the most part. Most congress people don't even where their budget is from or their operations. So LOYALTY is a must. It's like kissing cobras.

Secondly --- "politicizing National Intelligence" NEEDS to be done right. now. There were aggregious seditious actions that happened amongst the TOP layers of these agencies. It's got to be lanced and disinfected. It's coming out SLOWLY -- because if TRUMP decided to clean the puss -- it would an explosion that could permanently wreck this county. What you don't see is the RESTRAINT Trump is showing in USING all that power to get the bottom of WHY his campaign was spied on and who was plotting to influence an American election by the dicking around with the Clinton investigation, the Russian dossier, the ABUSE of the domestic spying done with the Big Brother NSA Spy Machine and unmasking of American citizens that should NEVER have been done.

He's been more than reserved and patient.. Given he could legally clean this cancer out with a blowtorch in a matter of days.

I know you don't want to hear that. But the largest political scandal of our lifetimes --- just can't be ignored and buried no matter HOW MUCH whining Clapper/Brennan get on air. In FACT -- CNN/MSNBC and all the others are accomplices in this matter now. So they are ALL fighting to divert and fart chaff....
Politicizing national Intelligence amounts to using political position to get people to say that a clear, bright blue sky is cloudy. This led us into the Iraqi war which cost trillions of dollars and thousands of US lives. Whenever politics becomes a part of our national intelligence agencies, objectiveness and truth become a casualty.

Once intelligence agencies are politicized as they have been in many countries, they become an enforcement and propaganda tool of the administration and their effectiveness in intelligence gathering is severely compromised.

What Trump does not seem to grasp is that he needs people to head his intelligence agencies that value truth above loyalty, that will give him the truth regardless of how damaging it might be to him or his agenda.
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What you're neglecting is Trump's actions has made a huge step in politicizing national intelligence. Will these guys be back? Of course they will when Democrats get the White House back. Future presidents will follow Trump's example by replacing National Intelligence people based on political loyalty and what was once the most apolitical appointments will be among the most political.

First --- anybody bringing these clowns "back" is a moron. Brennan SPIED ON CONGRESS. FFSake. Clapper lies about damn near everything in committee. But that's opinion..

They are ALL chosen for "loyalty". Because it's the ONLY CHECK on the awesome and huge Intel Community power. Congress can't oversee them for the most part. Most congress people don't even where their budget is from or their operations. So LOYALTY is a must. It's like kissing cobras.

Secondly --- "politicizing National Intelligence" NEEDS to be done right. now. There were aggregious seditious actions that happened amongst the TOP layers of these agencies. It's got to be lanced and disinfected. It's coming out SLOWLY -- because if TRUMP decided to clean the puss -- it would an explosion that could permanently wreck this county. What you don't see is the RESTRAINT Trump is showing in USING all that power to get the bottom of WHY his campaign was spied on and who was plotting to influence an American election by the dicking around with the Clinton investigation, the Russian dossier, the ABUSE of the domestic spying done with the Big Brother NSA Spy Machine and unmasking of American citizens that should NEVER have been done.

He's been more than reserved and patient.. Given he could legally clean this cancer out with a blowtorch in a matter of days.

I know you don't want to hear that. But the largest political scandal of our lifetimes --- just can't be ignored and buried no matter HOW MUCH whining Clapper/Brennan get on air. In FACT -- CNN/MSNBC and all the others are accomplices in this matter now. So they are ALL fighting to divert and fart chaff....
Politicizing national Intelligence amounts to using political position to get people to say that a clear, bright blue sky is cloudy. This led us into the Iraqi war which cost trillions of dollars and thousands of US lives. Whenever politics becomes a part of our national intelligence agencies, objectiveness and truth become a casualty.

Once intelligence agencies are politicized as they have been in many countries, they become an enforcement and propaganda tool of the administration and their effectiveness in intelligence gathering is severely compromised.

What Trump does not seem to grasp is that he needs people to head his intelligence agencies that value truth above loyalty, that will give him the truth regardless of how damaging it might be to him or his agenda.

Well of course if you UNDERSTAND that the agencies themselves can PLAY political sides with their Intel products -- you should appreciate the danger of having some high level appointees like Clapper, Brennan, Comey WEAPONIZING the awesome powers of those agencies to INSTIGATE in elections. Which is what has happened.

And IT NEEDS to come cleanly out. And it needs to be fixed and some folks punished. STARTING with a general prohibition on DOMESTIC surveillance by those agencies. EVERY president needs to trust that they are serving the country REGARDLESS of who gets elected. And Trump has been VERY reserved in letting the process go slowly and without his "bull in a China shop" approach to fixing stuff.

What a president DOES NOT need is former Intel Heads who took PART in campaign meddling and are STILL passing farts on media to save their asses. So those clearances should be gone.

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