Why does Trump want to remove security clearances for ex-intel officials?

Perhaps they are using them in their new jobs, it is very common and folks getting out of the military do it all the time. Already having a clearance makes one much more competitive in the job market.

After having proven to have committed Perjury as part of a Conspiracy to protect a felon from indictment and frame an opposing political candidate for crimes never committed in an attempt to alter the outcome of an election, allowing the traitor to keep his security clearance so he can make a few thousand extra dollars on the outside ranks near the bottom of my 'give a damn' list.

Again, not only should they have their security clearances stripped, they should be facing indictment and time in prison for their proven crimes.

Good thing none of that has happened then.

As soon as one of them is convicted of perjury then we will have proof they did.

Till then it is just the rantings of a Trump butt sniffing delusional partisan hack

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I am okay with their losing their clearance, but ... I don't like the reason behind it, aka, Trump is mad because they criticized him. It feels quite wrong, like he should be immune from criticism ... don't say anything negative about this president (no matter what he does) OR ELSE!
Don't be silly. This is too convenient a conclusion to jump to. They just shouldn't have those clearances that's all.

Then why is this suddenly coming up after these very same people criticized the president for his performance in Helsinki?

Sanders even gave their "political activity" as the reason it is being looked into. Not because they left their jobs and no longer need clearance. The reason provided is that "they said something we didn't like. Time to punish them for it."
Well, political activity is a consideration in background investigations.

God forbid if you have ties to groups that work for the overthrow of the government or the president of the United States.
Why doesn't he just imprison them or assassinate them like Putin or Erdogan or other autocrats would do?

You know he would like to.

I'll tell you why. We are here to stop him, the true patriots of this country.

The country continues on its path to autocracy and dictatorship. When the right red-line is crossed, we will defend our country against this traitor.
If you have to ask you’d never understand the answer, so head over for some freebie stuff at the KY dispenser.
Why doesn't he just imprison them or assassinate them like Putin or Erdogan or other autocrats would do?

You know he would like to.

I'll tell you why. We are here to stop him, the true patriots of this country.

The country continues on its path to autocracy and dictatorship. When the right red-line is crossed, we will defend our country against this traitor.

He is doing it to be a dick. Having a clearance and having access are not the same thing. I had a clearance for 6 years after I got out of the Corps, that did not mean I got to still look at classified material.

What most people do not understand is that there are two parts to getting to see classified materiel , first is the clearance and 2nd is the "need to know" as they say. Just having a TSI does not mean you get to look at any TS thing you want, you still have to have a reason for the access.

Most of us that have a clearance when we get out keep it as it is very valuable to civilian employers as they do not have to go thorough the time and expense to get you one if you need it for the job.

the people in question are no longer government employees. they no longer are entitled to, or need, security clearances. Its not political, its logical.

when I was working I had TS and SAP clearances, when I retired they were cancelled because I no longer had any need to see classified data. Same applies to the ex-Obama employees in the OP.
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Why doesn't he just imprison them or assassinate them like Putin or Erdogan or other autocrats would do?

You know he would like to.

I'll tell you why. We are here to stop him, the true patriots of this country.

The country continues on its path to autocracy and dictatorship. When the right red-line is crossed, we will defend our country against this traitor.

I'm shocked that this is not normal procedure. I've worked with merely CONFIDENTIAL information in many jobs, and I could not walk into ANY of them and just ask to look through their files.

This is Trump being sane in a crazy world.

None of these people can just walk in and look through files, they still have a clearance but they do not still have access.

Everyone getting out of the military that had a clearance still has it till it expires. For former military it very often is the difference between getting a job or not

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If that were true, why are they commenting on classified information on their news gigs?
I am okay with their losing their clearance, but ... I don't like the reason behind it, aka, Trump is mad because they criticized him. It feels quite wrong, like he should be immune from criticism ... don't say anything negative about this president (no matter what he does) OR ELSE!
Don't be silly. This is too convenient a conclusion to jump to. They just shouldn't have those clearances that's all.

Then why is this suddenly coming up after these very same people criticized the president for his performance in Helsinki?

Sanders even gave their "political activity" as the reason it is being looked into. Not because they left their jobs and no longer need clearance. The reason provided is that "they said something we didn't like. Time to punish them for it."
Well, political activity is a consideration in background investigations.

God forbid if you have ties to groups that work for the overthrow of the government or the president of the United States.

yep, like the democrat party.
Why doesn't he just imprison them or assassinate them like Putin or Erdogan or other autocrats would do?

You know he would like to.

I'll tell you why. We are here to stop him, the true patriots of this country.

The country continues on its path to autocracy and dictatorship. When the right red-line is crossed, we will defend our country against this traitor.
You DO know that if you act in an inappropriate manner you could have your clearance revoked instead of simply making it inactive, right?
These 6 assholes think they can hitch a ride with Hillary back to the White House in 2 years.

I don't think any of them honestly think they can ride that nag back into the White House. If she tries to run again, she'll have to drop out for health reasons before the first primary is held.
Why doesn't he just imprison them or assassinate them like Putin or Erdogan or other autocrats would do?

You know he would like to.

I'll tell you why. We are here to stop him, the true patriots of this country.

The country continues on its path to autocracy and dictatorship. When the right red-line is crossed, we will defend our country against this traitor.

I'm shocked that this is not normal procedure. I've worked with merely CONFIDENTIAL information in many jobs, and I could not walk into ANY of them and just ask to look through their files.

This is Trump being sane in a crazy world.

None of these people can just walk in and look through files, they still have a clearance but they do not still have access.

Everyone getting out of the military that had a clearance still has it till it expires. For former military it very often is the difference between getting a job or not

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if they need a clearance for a new job, they can apply just like anyone else. Do you really think that Rice, Clapper, Brennan, etc are going to apply for private sector jobs that require security clearances?
Why doesn't he just imprison them or assassinate them like Putin or Erdogan or other autocrats would do?

You know he would like to.

I'll tell you why. We are here to stop him, the true patriots of this country.

The country continues on its path to autocracy and dictatorship. When the right red-line is crossed, we will defend our country against this traitor.

Because he is childish, petty, and vindictive. This doesn't help his image.
Why doesn't he just imprison them or assassinate them like Putin or Erdogan or other autocrats would do?

You know he would like to.

I'll tell you why. We are here to stop him, the true patriots of this country.

The country continues on its path to autocracy and dictatorship. When the right red-line is crossed, we will defend our country against this traitor.

Because he is childish, petty, and vindictive. This doesn't help his image.

We are not talking about Obama. He is no longer in office.
Why doesn't he just imprison them or assassinate them like Putin or Erdogan or other autocrats would do?

You know he would like to.

I'll tell you why. We are here to stop him, the true patriots of this country.

The country continues on its path to autocracy and dictatorship. When the right red-line is crossed, we will defend our country against this traitor.

He is doing it to be a dick. Having a clearance and having access are not the same thing. I had a clearance for 6 years after I got out of the Corps, that did not mean I got to still look at classified material.

What most people do not understand is that there are two parts to getting to see classified materiel , first is the clearance and 2nd is the "need to know" as they say. Just having a TSI does not mean you get to look at any TS thing you want, you still have to have a reason for the access.

Most of us that have a clearance when we get out keep it as it is very valuable to civilian employers as they do not have to go thorough the time and expense to get you one if you need it for the job.

the people in question are no longer government employees. they no longer are entitled to, or need, security clearances. Its not political, its logical.

when I was working I have TS and SAP clearances, when I retired they were cancelled because I no longer had any need to see classified data. Same applies to the ex-Obama employees in the OP.

Then why are they only going after those 5 people? Why is Trump not calling for stripping every member of the military of their clearance the day they sign their discharge/retirement papers?

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Why doesn't he just imprison them or assassinate them like Putin or Erdogan or other autocrats would do?

You know he would like to.

I'll tell you why. We are here to stop him, the true patriots of this country.

The country continues on its path to autocracy and dictatorship. When the right red-line is crossed, we will defend our country against this traitor.

I'm shocked that this is not normal procedure. I've worked with merely CONFIDENTIAL information in many jobs, and I could not walk into ANY of them and just ask to look through their files.

This is Trump being sane in a crazy world.

None of these people can just walk in and look through files, they still have a clearance but they do not still have access.

Everyone getting out of the military that had a clearance still has it till it expires. For former military it very often is the difference between getting a job or not

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if they need a clearance for a new job, they can apply just like anyone else. Do you really think that Rice, Clapper, Brennan, etc are going to apply for private sector jobs that require security clearances?

I think the POTUS should not single out people just because they said mean things about him.

If having a clearance after service was such a grave problem him and Rand would be calling for it to be stripped of everyone, including all prior military folks.

But they are not...

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Why doesn't he just imprison them or assassinate them like Putin or Erdogan or other autocrats would do?

You know he would like to.

I'll tell you why. We are here to stop him, the true patriots of this country.

The country continues on its path to autocracy and dictatorship. When the right red-line is crossed, we will defend our country against this traitor.

Because he is childish, petty, and vindictive. This doesn't help his image.

We are not talking about Obama. He is no longer in office.

No fair observer would describe Obama in that way.
Good thing none of that has happened then
Why do you continue to expose yourself as a complete LIAR who has ZERO credibility?

The evidence repeatedly produced - the links repeatedly provided, to include links directly to the IG report, destroy your false narratives and claims to the contrary.

You, on the other hand continue to respond back with debunked opinionated misleading statements that can be summed up in 1 word: 'NUH-UH!'

You are only embarrassing yourself.

ZERO evidence provided by libs and snowflakes in 3 years.

MASSIVE amounts of evidence produced exposing crimes committed by the Witch Hunters during that same time, evidence continuously ignored / denied by lying, narrative-parroting traitor-supporters like yourself.

Once again you have proven yourself to have zero credibility and not worth time being spent on.

US IG Recommends Former FBI Deputy Director McCabe For Indictment

“On Friday, April 13, the Department of Justice’s Office of the Inspector General (OIG) released a report on the allegations related to McCabe, concluding that he “lacked candor, including under oath, on multiple occasions in connection with describing his role in connection with a disclosure to the [Wall Street Journal]” in violation of FBI policy, and that his “disclosure of the existence of an ongoing investigation in the manner described in this report violated the FBI’s and the Department’s media policy and constituted misconduct.” The report makes no comment on whether McCabe's dismissal was justified

Summary: Office of Inspector General Report on Andrew McCabe’s Firing and Response by McCabe's Lawyer

"On or about May 2, 2016, Comey composed a statement summarizing Clinton’s mishandling of classified documents, concluding that she was “grossly negligent.” Those pivotal words have a distinct legal meaning, and are drawn directly from a federal statute, 18 U.S.C. 793(f), which makes it a felony to handle classified documents in a “grossly negligent” manner.

Comey used the exact phrase not once, but twice.

Based on Comey’s finding, Clinton should have faced a multiple-count criminal indictment, since the FBI discovered that she had stored 110 classified emails on her unauthorized, private computer server.

Comey may not have remembered writing the words that should have indicted Clinton, but he had complete recall of his inability to read the law. He told the IG he thought “Congress intended for there to be some level of willfulness present even to prove a ‘gross negligence’ violation.” If Comey had ever read the legislative history, he would have known that in 1948, Congress amended the original Espionage Act of 1917 to add a “gross negligence” provision that did not require intent or willfulness."

Gregg Jarrett: Comey and Strzok -- Two key players in the scheme to clear Clinton and frame Trump

So take your 'Nuh-Uh' and shove it up your 'lack of candor'.
I think the POTUS should not single out people just because they said mean things about him.

He didn't single out people who said mean things about him. He is targeting proven Perjurers, Obstructers of Justice, Obama anti-Trump witch hunt co-conspirators, and traitors.

Of course you already know that....
Why doesn't he just imprison them or assassinate them like Putin or Erdogan or other autocrats would do?

You know he would like to.

I'll tell you why. We are here to stop him, the true patriots of this country.

The country continues on its path to autocracy and dictatorship. When the right red-line is crossed, we will defend our country against this traitor.

He is doing it to be a dick. Having a clearance and having access are not the same thing. I had a clearance for 6 years after I got out of the Corps, that did not mean I got to still look at classified material.

What most people do not understand is that there are two parts to getting to see classified materiel , first is the clearance and 2nd is the "need to know" as they say. Just having a TSI does not mean you get to look at any TS thing you want, you still have to have a reason for the access.

Most of us that have a clearance when we get out keep it as it is very valuable to civilian employers as they do not have to go thorough the time and expense to get you one if you need it for the job.

the people in question are no longer government employees. they no longer are entitled to, or need, security clearances. Its not political, its logical.

when I was working I have TS and SAP clearances, when I retired they were cancelled because I no longer had any need to see classified data. Same applies to the ex-Obama employees in the OP.

Then why are they only going after those 5 people? Why is Trump not calling for stripping every member of the military of their clearance the day they sign their discharge/retirement papers?

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They are using their information for personal gain and political advantage. DUH!
Why doesn't he just imprison them or assassinate them like Putin or Erdogan or other autocrats would do?

You know he would like to.

I'll tell you why. We are here to stop him, the true patriots of this country.

The country continues on its path to autocracy and dictatorship. When the right red-line is crossed, we will defend our country against this traitor.

Because he is childish, petty, and vindictive. This doesn't help his image.

We are not talking about Obama. He is no longer in office.

No fair observer would describe Obama in that way.

Maybe, but your observations about Trump are childish, petty and vindictive also.
Why doesn't he just imprison them or assassinate them like Putin or Erdogan or other autocrats would do?

You know he would like to.

I'll tell you why. We are here to stop him, the true patriots of this country.

The country continues on its path to autocracy and dictatorship. When the right red-line is crossed, we will defend our country against this traitor.

I'm shocked that this is not normal procedure. I've worked with merely CONFIDENTIAL information in many jobs, and I could not walk into ANY of them and just ask to look through their files.

This is Trump being sane in a crazy world.

None of these people can just walk in and look through files, they still have a clearance but they do not still have access.

Everyone getting out of the military that had a clearance still has it till it expires. For former military it very often is the difference between getting a job or not

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if they need a clearance for a new job, they can apply just like anyone else. Do you really think that Rice, Clapper, Brennan, etc are going to apply for private sector jobs that require security clearances?

I think the POTUS should not single out people just because they said mean things about him.

If having a clearance after service was such a grave problem him and Rand would be calling for it to be stripped of everyone, including all prior military folks.

But they are not...

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I keep hearing liberals talk of "Resistance" and how Trump is so bad, ie Authoritarian, or even freaking "Hitler".

This goes beyond just saying "mean things". This is a battle.
It's all a deep state attack on this President sent to us by the Lord Jesus Christ. Bow Down to HIS WILL

Yours truly Pat "prostate massage" Robertson
Yeah, this only happens elsewhere, never here. Big joke. Hahaha....

Oh, BTW, this is the type of shit that I get training on every year. And when I was in Special Ops I was trained how to do it. That's why it's so easy for me to spot
This is why THIS is no joke to someone like me.

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