Zone1 Why does US christianity differ from christianity in Europe ?

It seems a lot more political and a lot more foccused on wedge issues. The UK churches rarely speak on social/political issues and only when the extremely immoral policies provoke this.

I think this doc is interesting but the presenter fails to state the obvious. The exxtreme churches can preach whatever they want. But should they still recieve tax breaks ?

How do you keep separation of church and state if you tax churches? You can’t. Therefore, the greater principle is the first amendment of free speech and allow religions speak freely.
Why tax the churches? The federal government has spent over 22 trillion on the supposed "war on poverty" since the 60s......with the poverty index barely moving. In fact the government has spent more on this fake war than all the military wars of US HISTORY combined which is less than 10 trillion dollars.

Today.........counting, local, state, and federal taxes the government collects over 9 trillion dollars a year, and still declares its going bankrupt. The federal government alone collects 4.8 -5.7 Trillion in payroll and income taxes. The US does not have a tax has a piss poor management problem because the career politicians have figured out they can purchase votes with THE PEOPLES MONEY.
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How do you keep separation of church and state if you tax churches? You can’t. Therefore, the greater principle is the first amendment of free speech and allow religions speak freely.
If churches are ating as political parties, as in the film, then they should lose that privilege. Similarly if they are preaching a false gospel they should be taxed.
The con churches are corporations. Kenneth Copelands new jet should be paid for out of taxed income.
If churches are ating as political parties, as in the film, then they should lose that privilege. Similarly if they are preaching a false gospel they should be taxed.
The con churches are corporations. Kenneth Copelands new jet should be paid for out of taxed income.
Whose gospel? Yours? In our Constitution we get to choose what is our true gospel, not politicians.
As far as Churches acting like political parties, people of faith have the same rights to express their speech as you stupid ass atheist Democrats. In fact, the people who break your commandment are Democrat liberal churches. They have political candidates speak at their churches. They spew the Democrat Party campaign garbage of hate.
Whose gospel? Yours? In our Constitution we get to choose what is our true gospel, not politicians.
As far as Churches acting like political parties, people of faith have the same rights to express their speech as you stupid ass atheist Democrats. In fact, the people who break your commandment are Democrat liberal churches. They have political candidates speak at their churches. They spew the Democrat Party campaign garbage of hate.
I dont think Jesus spoke about the AR 15. How can a pastor endorse it and urge his followers to vote for those who endorse it ?
How would you know?....When have you last seen the inside of a church, that wasn't involved in a tourist walk-through?

Have you taken so much a moment to notice how blatantly political the current Pope is?

What the fuck are you blabbering about anyway?

Bush told Chirac that he was fighting Gog and Magog. Nobody in France knew what he was talking about.

Have you heard of Billy Graham or the Moody Institute?

It's really an American thing... Left Behind? Late Great Planet Earth?


It seems a lot more political and a lot more foccused on wedge issues. The UK churches rarely speak on social/political issues and only when the extremely immoral policies provoke this.

I think this doc is interesting but the presenter fails to state the obvious. The exxtreme churches can preach whatever they want. But should they still recieve tax breaks ?

Because trinity religions-NEVER had Jesus. They are a mass of confusion= a lack of holy spirit. They fail this true Mark 100%=1Cor 1:10--Unity of thought( all of Gods 1 truth) no division. Trinity religions are a house divided they will not stand.
Because trinity religions-NEVER had Jesus. They are a mass of confusion= a lack of holy spirit. They fail this true Mark 100%=1Cor 1:10--Unity of thought( all of Gods 1 truth) no division. Trinity religions are a house divided they will not stand.
I don't disagree with this. But, JW's don't have faith or a belief in Jesus Christ either. So, they will not stand either. 144,000 nonsense and all.

It seems a lot more political and a lot more foccused on wedge issues. The UK churches rarely speak on social/political issues and only when the extremely immoral policies provoke this.

I think this doc is interesting but the presenter fails to state the obvious. The exxtreme churches can preach whatever they want. But should they still recieve tax breaks ?

Religion and politics are more alike than you think as both are ideologies that preach to people how they should live and think.

And both struggle with the same problem, which is how to deal with allowing personal freedom and using that personal freedom to do bad things?

Lastly, you can't prove your ideology to anyone.

Having said that, European churches are largely empty because those churches have bowed to the morality of the state, by in large. That is why those who practice their faith are not Left wing but those who are athiest are Left wing in the States. For you see, we all need a religion to live by and put our faith in, one involves a God and the other doesn't.

The goal of the Left is to either make Jesus bow his knee to the morality of the Left or destroy him altogether because they do not want to compete against any religion that may oppose them in any way. I think this scares most in the church into submitting to the Left like the current Pope does, which then makes less and less people inclined to even bother with church.

Keep in mind, Christianity started with people being thrown to the lions by the state but the religion inexplicably spread like wild fire despite this.

We need to get back to our roots. People want something different than what the world has to offer, because what the world has to offer is crap.

The church needs to set itself apart from the world, even if it means they die doing it. In fact, especially if it means they die doing it

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I don't disagree with this. But, JW's don't have faith or a belief in Jesus Christ either. So, they will not stand either. 144,000 nonsense and all.
Jesus is our king. We 100% believe in him. Why don't you tell us then what the difference is between the little flock, and the great crowd of other sheep who are not of that fold? I know. You can't.
Jesus is our king. We 100% believe in him. Why don't you tell us then what the difference is between the little flock, and the great crowd of other sheep who are not of that fold? I know. You can't.
You do not believe in the Jesus Christ of the New Testament. You don't believe him to be Lord and Savior. You believe him to be only a prophet and not God.
You do not believe in the Jesus Christ of the New Testament. You don't believe him to be Lord and Savior. You believe him to be only a prophet and not God.
He is the Messiah. God sent the Messiah. There is only 1 God. God did not send himself. I know Jesus is Lord and savior. He is not God. He is Gods son. God cannot be his own son. There is only 1 God=YHWH(Jehovah)= 100% fact. This world better look.
He is the Messiah. God sent the Messiah. There is only 1 God. God did not send himself. I know Jesus is Lord and savior. He is not God. He is Gods son. God cannot be his own son. There is only 1 God=YHWH(Jehovah)= 100% fact. This world better look.
Did he die for your sins? Did he die and was resurrected so that you will be resurrected?
God is not the name of God. God is actually Godhead. Jesus is one of the members of the Godhead who came down off his throne which is in the right hand of the Father. Jesus Al said he is the I Am who was the I Am before Abraham, who came to Abraham, who came to Moses.
American churches seem to be fuller than those over here. Maybe they have tapped into something that escapes us ?
I just cant see Jesus being aligned with any particular party. Certinly not the ones we have 4today.

The religion of England is England. The religion of the USA is the USA. The religion of Russia is Russia. Where do you see really a big difference? Nations are gods. With the Christian religion (the rebound in god) has this nothing to do. Christians "... believe in one holy catholic and apostolic church".

Here a comment about the word "catholic" from this source: The Top 13 Christian Creeds: Origins, Contents, & Importance

... “catholic” refers, not to the Roman Catholic Church, but to the Church as a whole, a more general term than the context to which it is normally applied today. As a result, some elect to say “the holy Christian Church” to eliminate confusion. ...

And now my comment to this comment: Who says instead of “holy catholic church” “holy Christian Church” not eliminates confusion. Every seperation is a sin. It exists only one common church - and mistakes. It exists only one truth - and mistakes. The problem that most people are not able to agree what's true, false and not decideable has not a lot to do with his logos - it has to do with our intentional stupidity. Most people had not be to be as stupid as they play to be stupid.
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Bush told Chirac that he was fighting Gog and Magog. Nobody in France knew what he was talking about.

Exaclty. No one knew what George W. Bush was talking about at all sometimes - because of his many lies and specially also when he tried to produce the totally wrong doctrine a preemptive strike is an act of defense. All big Christian churches denied this - also in the USA. A preemptive strike is no defense. The only big Christian church who agreed with George W. Bush had been the Anglican church. Founder of the Anglican church is a king - but not "King" Jesus (my kingdom is not from the world). It had been King Henry VIII - a politician.

By the way: I fear Mr. president George W. Bush never fought the satanic countries "gog and magog" - which will exist in the end of times in the visions of the book "revelation "- but more a logician like Mr. Spock on planet Volcan - what hopefully did not produce a hot neverending terror story here in this world where we all live. And it exists also a life before death. Politicians should first of all care for all and every life here - now. To try to be a wrong prophet by speaking out all forms of lies is for sure not the first job of politicians.
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Why does US christianity (sic) differ from christianity (sic) in Europe ?​

Some may have noticed that there is a distinct difference in history between Europe and North America. This has manifested itself in almost all areas of human endeavor.
Specifically referring to religion, things could not have been much more different. For one thing, a significant number of Europeans escaped religious intolerance by traveling to the 'new world'. The "religious" wars in Europe that were so massively deadly and destructive never happened on the other side of the Atlantic. The sense of individuality in faith has always been more widespread. State religions never existed, though colonies had specific religious orientation in some cases. No pogroms, either. Violent differences have been rare. Experimentation and variation have been almost the rule while in Europe more isolated and seldom.
I don't like politics in religion and thus avoid it. I don't even really understand it quite frankly. Jesus didn't care about Republicans or Democrats, nor did he mention Trump or Biden on any of his walks.
Well if Christ had talked about Trump or Biden on any his walks al lot more people today would believe in him.

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