Zone1 Why does US christianity differ from christianity in Europe ?

The neighborhood I grew up in had 6 churches alone. Had 1 beside me, one across and down 3 lots, and 1 around the corner. A dozen is nothing in these parts. The Methodists and Baptists are both increasingly structured, particularly in America. Anyway, there is a lot of holier than thou rivalry among churches in America and too much ego which I think is why a lot of people are turning away from them. There seems to be more you are going to hell if you don't attend my church turf warfare than there used to be as well. It turns people off. One of the more practical problems is a lot of churches have deed restrictions or reverters requiring that the land be used for churches so it makes it hard to pivot real estate to other purposes once a church sits on the land.
In my city, we have an affordable housing problem. And that's despite having one of the lower costs of living for a city in this country.

So apartment complexes are springing up like dandelions.

About 2 miles from my house, there are three of them being built at the same time, very near each other. Right in the middle of them sits a church the size of an elementary school, sitting on about 10 acres of otherwise unused land.

Drive 5 minutes in any direction, and you will find another church sitting on acres of unused land.

All these churches have to do is keep the utilities on in order to maintain their own existences. Many of them have small congregations that barely pay for the upkeep of the land.
That is your preogative. But the evidence seems clear that there is a vast gulf between US religion and the one that this disestablished methodist witnesses.
As an example I have never heard guns mentioned in any service I have been to. Not even a christening.
That is because, as I just intimated, the crown controls your religion silly. :rolleyes:

Exodus 17:13

Psalm 144:1

Psalm 18:34

Job 34:4

Matthew 12:29

Psalm 82:4

Proverbs 24:11

1 Timothy 5:8

Luke 22:36
So you haven't seen the inside of a church in decades, if ever.

Just as I suspected.
I thought he was partial to Islam.

From the way he responded to my post, I don't believe he knows the history of the Church of England, or why it matters.
That is because, as I just intimated, the crown controls your religion silly. :rolleyes:

Exodus 17:13

Psalm 144:1

Psalm 18:34

Job 34:4

Matthew 12:29

Psalm 82:4

Proverbs 24:11

1 Timothy 5:8

Luke 22:36
View attachment 800489
Well it really doesnt. It controls one religion but you are not oblugd to follow it. How can you follow a church run by a royal family ?
In parts of england it might hold sway but here in Wales we went our own way.
I thought he was partial to Islam.

From the way he responded to my post, I don't believe he knows the history of the Church of England, or why it matters.
The church of england is irrelevant to me. And I understand very well the history of it.
Your country has become irrelevant.
This especially applies especially to "opinion" threads if you make gross stereotypes or generalizations about people by religion/race/ethnicity/sex orientation. You cannot use stereotyping or generalizations which include NEGATIVE biases. Like "All (or most) purple people are lazy/stupid/dishonest/racist" without any evidence to support that linked in.

I dont think your previous post is in keeping with the zone rules.
The church of england is irrelevant to me. And I understand very well the history of it.
Do you understand, that much of the colonial history of America, was founded on settlers, escaping both England and Europe, because they disagree with how monarchs and Rome, told them they had to interpret the bible.

So. . . tell me how that is different, than a government controlled propaganda service, which is run by the government, telling its subjects, how the bible should be interpreted. How is this different than the Church of England, who also makes pronouncements on Christianity, which never conflict with the interest of the English crown or aristocracy?

Apparently, your critical thinking, IS lacking, if all of these facts are irrelevant to you.

Nor do you understand the history of the United State, and you do not understand, at all how the history of all of this, is very important to this context.

You only parrot the POV of the crown and its globalist finance backers.
This especially applies especially to "opinion" threads if you make gross stereotypes or generalizations about people by religion/race/ethnicity/sex orientation. You cannot use stereotyping or generalizations which include NEGATIVE biases. Like "All (or most) purple people are lazy/stupid/dishonest/racist" without any evidence to support that linked in.

I dont think your previous post is in keeping with the zone rules.
You don't understand the rules.
but here in Wales we went our own way.

No you didn't.



". . . The monarchy, however, has a unique relationship with the Anglican Church.

The sovereign holds the title ‘Defender of the Faith and Supreme Governor of the Church of England’.

In his or her coronation oath they also promise to maintain the Church, a vow that the present Queen takes very seriously. Archbishops and bishops are appointed by the monarch on the advice of the Prime Minister, who in turn considers the names selected by a Church Commission. . . ."
Do you understand, that much of the colonial history of America, was founded on settlers, escaping both England and Europe, because they disagree with how monarchs and Rome, told them they had to interpret the bible.

So. . . tell me how that is different, than a government controlled propaganda service, which is run by the government, telling its subjects, how the bible should be interpreted. How is this different than the Church of England, who also makes pronouncements on Christianity, which never conflict with the interest of the English crown or aristocracy?

Apparently, your critical thinking, IS lacking, if all of these facts are irrelevant to you.

Nor do you understand the history of the United State, and you do not understand, at all how the history of all of this, is very important to this context.

You only parrot the POV of the crown and its globalist finance backers.
If I was forced to sit in their pews and listen I would accept thaat you had a point of some sort. But I dont and you havent.

FWIW the C of E is hardly a state mouthpiecee anyway. They regularly condemn our conservative govt. I applaud them for that but really it is none of my business.

Here is a link to religion in Wales as I can see you lack the information.

No you didn't.

View attachment 800518


". . . The monarchy, however, has a unique relationship with the Anglican Church.

The sovereign holds the title ‘Defender of the Faith and Supreme Governor of the Church of England’.

In his or her coronation oath they also promise to maintain the Church, a vow that the present Queen takes very seriously. Archbishops and bishops are appointed by the monarch on the advice of the Prime Minister, who in turn considers the names selected by a Church Commission. . . ."
What has the Prince of Wales got to do with Wales ?
If I was forced to sit in their pews and listen I would accept thaat you had a point of some sort. But I dont and you havent.

FWIW the C of E is hardly a state mouthpiecee anyway. They regularly condemn our conservative govt. I applaud them for that but really it is none of my business.

Here is a link to religion in Wales as I can see you lack the information.


It seems a lot more political and a lot more foccused on wedge issues. The UK churches rarely speak on social/political issues and only when the extremely immoral policies provoke this.

I think this doc is interesting but the presenter fails to state the obvious. The exxtreme churches can preach whatever they want. But should they still recieve tax breaks ?

How many US churches have you attended and in how many US regions?

How many UK churches have you attended and in how many UK regions?

It seems a lot more political and a lot more focused on wedge issues. The UK churches rarely speak on social/political issues and only when the extremely immoral policies provoke this.

I think this doc is interesting but the presenter fails to state the obvious. The extreme churches can preach whatever they want. But should they still recieve tax breaks ?

Churches do not make selfish profits. Their expenditures always go toward helping the elderly, teaching the children about living for others and doing right by them according to the scriptures of both the new and old testaments. They frequently use their churches with a food closet for anyone who needs food for their children or because they are hungry and have no money. Churches provide for their children to go to vacation summer school to teach them how to be good citizens who love and take care of others. This year, our church needed roof repairs. With the leaking, it would have carried mold to people who get sick when exposed, and would let in cold water and air in wintertime that would not be good for anyone having a funeral or other services provided by the church pastor or Christian educators.

Come on, Tommy. Churches earn their keep on a very limited income in numerous communities across our nation. They can't pay taxes that go to funding deadly abortions if that ever comes back, and they pay for their own pavement upkeep in the parking lot so people don't have to have muddy feet in the rainy season. Also, those who teach through their sermons have families that need support just like all other people's families need. Churches help their communities and members. They save the state greatly by teaching children to respect the laws of the land as well as higher principles endorsed by the church that gives all it has back to the community in which it is there for.

In our country, it is against the Constitution to interfere with people's religions by way of the First Amendment which states "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech....

The reason America may not ever tax churches is in the phrase '(no law) prohibiting the free* exercise thereof;

*free meaning untaxed. It's our Constitution's Amendment that provides freedom of speech and prohibits charging churches as they are considered to own free exercise of their right to say what they think on or off the pulpit, newsletter, etc.

Edit: I forgot to add that churches inspire healing and visitation/communications by way of members supporting the local hospitals, fundraisers for equipment, and visiting the lonely who may be the last surviving member of their family in a nursing home. The gifts the congregation are inspired to help their communities, and that's the church's gift to the government, making it expedient to have a hospital in a small community as best they can.
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It seems a lot more political and a lot more foccused on wedge issues. The UK churches rarely speak on social/political issues and only when the extremely immoral policies provoke this.

I think this doc is interesting but the presenter fails to state the obvious. The exxtreme churches can preach whatever they want. But should they still recieve tax breaks ?

Simple answer: There is only one source to calibrate truthful doctrine.......THE WORD OF GOD. All Christians are to be "sanctified" through the truth found in the Word of God. -- John 17:17. As Paul stated, the Christian is not to "think/reason" beyond "what is written". -- 1 Cor. 4:6 Why? Because private interpretation is causes division. -- 2 Peter 1:20

There is a curse applied to those who use the traditions of men to make the scriptures null. "But though we (apostle of Christ), or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel (good news/truth from God, as inspired by the Holy Spirit) unto you than that which we have preached unto you.......LET HIM BE ACCURSED. -- Gal. 1:8

Jesus openly chastised the Jewish leadership for placing the traditions of men ahead of the actual content of the Holy Scriptures......and told them that before that generation tasted death......they would be punished by God for making the word of Word of non-effect by their traditions while killing many of God's prophets..... (The Roman Empire destroyed Jerusalem, the Temple.......and scattered the remnant of Jews around the globe...without a home nation) -- Matthew 23, Mark 7:13, Matthew 24) Jesus declared this Judgment from God was the fulfillment of Daniels prophecy called the "Abomination of Desolation" -- Matthew 24:15.

History documents the total destruction and downfall of the Jews "land of promise", the Temple and the city of Jerusalem......70 A.D. Prophecy from the O.T. declares that Israel would never be made whole would be like a potters jar that was broken and pieced back together again......but never whole again. Today the nation calling itself Israel is but a shadow of biblical Israel. No Tribal Royal Priesthood, no king appointed by God......but ruled by the tradtions of men rather than the law of God. (Jer. 9:11)
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Simple answer: There is only one source to calibrate truthful doctrine.......THE WORD OF GOD. All Christians are to be "sanctified" through the truth found in the Word of God. -- John 17:17. As Paul stated, the Christian is not to "think/reason" beyond "what is written". -- 1 Cor. 4:6 Why? Because private interpretation is causes division. -- 2 Peter 1:20

There is a curse applied to those who use the traditions of men to make the scriptures null. "But though we (apostle of Christ), or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel (good news/truth from God, as inspired by the Holy Spirit) unto you than that which we have preached unto you.......LET HIM BE ACCURSED. -- Gal. 1:8

Jesus openly chastised the Jewish leadership for placing the traditions of men ahead of the actual content of the Holy Scriptures......and told them that before that generation tasted death......they would be punished by God for making the word of Word of non-effect by their traditions while killing many of God's prophets..... (The Roman Empire destroyed Jerusalem, the Temple.......and scattered the remnant of Jews around the globe...without a home nation) -- Matthew 23, Mark 7:13, Matthew 24) Jesus declared this Judgment from God was the fulfillment of Daniels prophecy called the "Abomination of Desolation" -- Matthew 24:15.

History documents the total destruction and downfall of the Jews "land of promise", the Temple and the city of Jerusalem......70 A.D. Prophecy from the O.T. declares that Israel would never be made whole would be like a potters jar that was broken and pieced back together again......but never whole again. Today the nation calling itself Israel is but a shadow of biblical Israel. No Tribal Royal Priesthood, no king appointed by God......but ruled by the tradtions of men rather than the law of God. (Jer. 9:11)
In that case the prosperity gospel is null and void.
In that case the prosperity gospel is null and void.
Prosperity gospel is a con game. "God loves you but send your money to my address". The truth found in the scriptures define this type of message. "Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheeps clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wovles." -- Matthew 7:15

Jesus came to earth to feed the immortal spirit of man with truth from heaven.........He did not come to feed the poor, preach prosperity, His service to the poor was presenting the truth.

Jesus stated, "You will always (never ending) have the poor among you." -- John 12:8. Poverty comes from different sources that can't be controlled by acts of legislation. Poverty comes from circumstances, incapacity, and by free will choices......some people go through life making poor life decisions.

Jesus' very purpose was to teach TRUTH. -- John 18:37. His service to the poor was to teach the Gospel -- Luke 7:22

When the crowd attempted to follow Him after the miracle of the fish and loaves where He feed over 5000 people, Jesus chastised them and turned them away, declaring........You follow me, not because of the signs (miracle confirming the word of God)........but to feed your flesh, My mission is to feed your spirit/soul, not your flesh which will decay and rot. -- John 6:26-27
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