Zone1 Why does US christianity differ from christianity in Europe ?

Did he die for your sins? Did he die and was resurrected so that you will be resurrected?
God is not the name of God. God is actually Godhead. Jesus is one of the members of the Godhead who came down off his throne which is in the right hand of the Father. Jesus Al said he is the I Am who was the I Am before Abraham, who came to Abraham, who came to Moses.
There is no i am that i am in the OT. Hebrew language fact. Only in trinity translations to mislead.
There is no i am that i am in the OT. Hebrew language fact. Only in trinity translations to mislead.
You are so dumb. And, I don't call people dumb very often. But, if you can't figure this out that no matter what language both the OT and NT stated where Jesus called himself Jehovah, then I pity you and all the JWs. And, there is no mistranslation. Your false prophet scholars made the changes and messed up.
You are so dumb. And, I don't call people dumb very often. But, if you can't figure this out that no matter what language both the OT and NT stated where Jesus called himself Jehovah, then I pity you and all the JWs. And, there is no mistranslation. Your false prophet scholars made the changes and messed up.
Jesus answered the pharisees, that is all-he lived before Abraham.
He spoke to Abraham and you know it now
Yes, he is The FIRSTBORN of all creation= created direct first and last--He saw it all created. God created all other things through him( Coll 1:15-16)--proving God created all the things( through) Jesus. Gods master worker( Jesus) gives God all credit at Prov 8 and tells all he was created 8:22-25)-- All who know Jesus knows its fact. Fact= All creation occurred at the beginning, Jesus was firstborn of that creation.
Yes, he is The FIRSTBORN of all creation= created direct first and last--He saw it all created. God created all other things through him( Coll 1:15-16)--proving God created all the things( through) Jesus. Gods master worker( Jesus) gives God all credit at Prov 8 and tells all he was created 8:22-25)-- All who know Jesus knows its fact. Fact= All creation occurred at the beginning, Jesus was firstborn of that creation.
If Jesus created all things then he is the creator God. In present day talk, God the Father is the Owner. Jesus (Jehovah the great I Am) is the Vice President, The Holy Ghost is the Press Secretary communicator. The members of the Godhead. God the Father. God the Son and God the Holy Ghost.
There seems to be a big market for aggressive faux christianity. A lot of the people seem sincere and decent but vulnerable to nutty preachers.
Exactly as you lapped up Communism and absurd left ideology as another member of the Gullible Sheep family . We do not expect high IQ comment from you but dislike your hypocrisy and class based prejudices .
Jesus has a God-John 20:17, Rev 3:12---God does not have a God.

The god of god is god.

And the bible is not god - nothing is god except god - what doesn't mean god is not in all things.

John 20:17
Jesus said to her, “Do not cling to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father; but go to my brothers and say to them, ‘I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.’”

And to "Rev 3:12" let me say: The context of this all is so strange that I do not have any lousy idea how to interpret anything in context of this textes here now.

For sure I do not see why you think god is not able to have a son who is god.

Its why all had to be given to Jesus and he can do 0 of his own( John 5:30)

John 5:30
I can do nothing on my own. As I hear, I judge, and my judgment is just, because I seek not my own will but the will of him who sent me.

Let me say now to you something in this way: I guess I started to understand a little what is written here because of Meister Eckhart. But perhaps I will need 30 years of new studies until I will be able to explain this to you. On the other side will Jesus come back tomorrow. Perhaps it could be better you will ask him directly tomorrow on your own.

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It seems a lot more political and a lot more foccused on wedge issues. The UK churches rarely speak on social/political issues and only when the extremely immoral policies provoke this.

I think this doc is interesting but the presenter fails to state the obvious. The exxtreme churches can preach whatever they want. But should they still recieve tax breaks ?

You've never been to the US, isn't that right, Tommy? And it shows.

My church never speaks on politics. Never. Been there for 15 years.

It seems a lot more political and a lot more foccused on wedge issues. The UK churches rarely speak on social/political issues and only when the extremely immoral policies provoke this.

I think this doc is interesting but the presenter fails to state the obvious. The exxtreme churches can preach whatever they want. But should they still recieve tax breaks ?

It seems like you are making a comparison between European Christian churches and extreme American Christian churches but then spread that extremism across all American churches. That seems disingenuous to me.

As for selectively choosing which churches receive tax breaks and which don't... that's a slippery slope, Adolf.
If Jesus created all things then he is the creator God. In present day talk, God the Father is the Owner. Jesus (Jehovah the great I Am) is the Vice President, The Holy Ghost is the Press Secretary communicator. The members of the Godhead. God the Father. God the Son and God the Holy Ghost.
Jesus didn't create them God created all through him( Coll 1:15-16) Except for Jesus= created direct-first and last. Here is another clue that its truth-Dan 7:13-15-One like a son of man(= a created being) was appointed a kingship.
The god of god is god.

And the bible is not god - nothing is god except god - what doesn't mean god is not in all things.

John 20:17
Jesus said to her, “Do not cling to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father; but go to my brothers and say to them, ‘I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.’”

And to "Rev 3:12" let me say: The context of this all is so strange that I do not have any lousy idea how to interpret anything in context of this textes here now.

For sure I do not see why you think god is not able to have a son who is god.

John 5:30
I can do nothing on my own. As I hear, I judge, and my judgment is just, because I seek not my own will but the will of him who sent me.

Let me say now to you something in this way: I guess I started to understand a little what is written here because of Meister Eckhart. But perhaps I will need 30 years of new studies until I will be able to explain this to you. On the other side will Jesus come back tomorrow. Perhaps it could be better you will ask him directly tomorrow on your own.

God always was and always will be. Jesus was created first and last direct-all other things created THROUGH him by God(Coll 1:15-16
You define true Christianity?
Yes those clergys tell the flock members-you are saved-give me a tithe.
There seems to be a big market for aggressive faux christianity. A lot of the people seem sincere and decent but vulnerable to nutty preachers.
Its not to hard to see the fakes-Those teachers assure the flock-you are saved, then demand a tithe( we are no longer under tithing) God wants from the heart.
Jesus didn't create them God created all through him( Coll 1:15-16) Except for Jesus= created direct-first and last. Here is another clue that its truth-Dan 7:13-15-One like a son of man(= a created being) was appointed a kingship.
That makes no sense at all. The Father created all things through Jesus. So, Jesus actually did the creating. Father drew up the plans and Jesus built the universe. Pretty simple.
Why so argumentive? Sincerely ASK about a topic and I will answer according to my understanding.

Why do so many "Christian," women live to argue
Why do you argue so much?
Why do you use the disagree sign so no one can respond and even know why you disagree.

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