Why doesn't Atheists go away?


Pentheus torn apart
Nov 1, 2008
Hi all

Your favorite non-believer is here to present you with a most subtle question!!

No--it is not "does a chimera bombinating in a vacuum devours second intentions?" But "Why don't Atheists go away?"

I know--my ability to question the most obvious of obvious is a much desired talent!! No need for the applauses!

I think it is due to atheists love of Christian myths!! Look--they do not attack any other religious thoughts, right? No attacks on Moses splitting the red sea, no attacks on Mohammed going to heaven while standing on a rock--no attack on Apollo riding in the sky in a golden chariot, no attacks on the Buddha talking to serpents about what to do with his enlightenment.

Nope, none, not a!!

So it has to be the love of christian Myths!! What do you think?
Hi all

Your favorite non-believer is here to present you with a most subtle question!!

No--it is not "does a chimera bombinating in a vacuum devours second intentions?" But "Why don't Atheists go away?"

I know--my ability to question the most obvious of obvious is a much desired talent!! No need for the applauses!

I think it is due to atheists love of Christian myths!! Look--they do not attack any other religious thoughts, right? No attacks on Moses splitting the red sea, no attacks on Mohammed going to heaven while standing on a rock--no attack on Apollo riding in the sky in a golden chariot, no attacks on the Buddha talking to serpents about what to do with his enlightenment.

Nope, none, not a!!

So it has to be the love of christian Myths!! What do you think?

Not at all really. In fact I have often discussed other religions and their myths. But since close to 90% of Americans are christian leaning, it's obvious why they get the most press time.

I debated a Buddhist on the subject fairly recently. (While they do not believe in god, they do believe in reincarnation which is an equivalent myth so far as I'm concerned.) He gave a talk to our atheist group about the years he spent meditating to find enlightenment. What sparked the conversation was my question, "So you spent thousands of hours in meditation for a few seconds of euphoric enlightenment. Was it worth it?"

It was an interesting conversation. And I give the guy a lot of credit for talking to a bunch of cynics.
For the same reason that in America we find that of the people who are religious, they are mostly Christian: geography and culture. Atheists can only respond to the theological context they find themselves in. In Islamic countries, atheists are responding mostly to Islam, because that is relevant to them. It is not picking on Christianity for no reason. It is because that is what we are exposed to, effected by politically, and have likely been propositioned by on more than one occasion by some evangelical trying to witness to us.
My feeling is that atheists are actually seekers who are testing the waters. Many come from a religious background that was not fulfilling in a personal way. They were/are faced with contradictions of various Christian groups. It's the people that are indifferent who bother me. The ones who do not care one way or another. And of course thate are the controllers in both groups. They are the those whose main concern is not either belief or unbelief, they are in it to be the leader of the pack.
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Hi all

Your favorite non-believer is here to present you with a most subtle question!!

No--it is not "does a chimera bombinating in a vacuum devours second intentions?" But "Why don't Atheists go away?"

I know--my ability to question the most obvious of obvious is a much desired talent!! No need for the applauses!

I think it is due to atheists love of Christian myths!! Look--they do not attack any other religious thoughts, right? No attacks on Moses splitting the red sea, no attacks on Mohammed going to heaven while standing on a rock--no attack on Apollo riding in the sky in a golden chariot, no attacks on the Buddha talking to serpents about what to do with his enlightenment.

Nope, none, not a!!

So it has to be the love of christian Myths!! What do you think?

I think familiarity breeds contempt.

Every fevered atheist I know is a recovering former member of some religion.

I also note that the more oppressive and invasive the religion they are fleeing, the more intent they are on discussing the flaws of the religion.

I have never met any adult who was raised UNchurched, who wore their atheism on their sleeves.
I don't know, why doesn't we go away?

Grammar fails aside, maybe it's because we have a voice too and like to express it. I would like for the douchebaggery from atheists to stop though. The few other ones I've met in person tend to have enormous egos and incredible douchery to go with it.
Most atheists are not ACTIVISTS.

Atheist ACTIVISTS are a different breed and not unlike other activists. They thrive from the attention we, and the media, feed them.
Atheists can only breathe in the atmosphere in which they live.

To mix metaphors, atheists are reactors to a culture that is overwhelmingly religious.
Most atheists are not ACTIVISTS.

Atheist ACTIVISTS are a different breed and not unlike other activists. They thrive from the attention we, and the media, feed them.

This, coming from a person whose avatars are of half-naked women... Yeah, you aren't dying for attention.
Most atheists are not ACTIVISTS.

Atheist ACTIVISTS are a different breed and not unlike other activists. They thrive from the attention we, and the media, feed them.

But the question is, what are they being activists about? Are atheists being persecuted? Do they want the downfall of all organized religion? If the former, then I'd hate to live where they do cause I don't feel persecuted, and if the latter, then all that means is that atheism is becoming a religion unto itself.

Atheists can only breathe in the atmosphere in which they live.

To mix metaphors, atheists are reactors to a culture that is overwhelmingly religious.

So atheists are kind of like the rebel child of the family?
I'm not being cynical, I'm genuinely asking if that's where you're going with that statement.
My feeling is that atheists are actually seekers who are testing the waters. Many come from a religious background that was not fulfilling in a personal way. They were/are faced with contradictions of various Christian groups. It's the people that are indifferent who bother me. The ones who do not care one way or another. And of course thate are the controllers in both groups. They are the those whose main concern is not either belief or unbelief, they are in it to be the leader of the pack.

Many do indeed come from religious backgrounds but it is a mistake to assume that they are "testing the waters". Believers turn a blind eye to the flaws in their own religions. They give them a pass because they are not allowed to address them without being accused of "lacking faith". Atheists have no such restrictions and the vocal component amongst them do raise these issues since they are legitimate questions.

The problem that both sides face is that neither is going to give any ground because they are not fighting over the same ground. Religion reigns supreme in the area of faith and cannot be challenged on that basis. Atheism sits firmly based on scientific facts and cannot be challenged on that basis either. This does not mean that attempts are not made. Creationism/intelligent design is clearly one such doomed failure.

If the dispute is to be resolved between Atheists and Theists then it has to be on what is common ground. Mankind has a spiritual aspect. The senses of wonder and awe exist irrespective of any religion. Looking through the eyes of a child is to see a planet and a universe of infinite wonders. But the child is not born with the innate knowledge of a "creator". Instead the child must be taught about the world. There are those who teach the child that all of these wondrous things are "created" by some mythical being. There are others who are more pragmatic and teach the child how to find the answers for themselves. The senses of awe and wonder and turned into a quest for knowledge and understanding instead.

So the common ground is to recognize that both sides are essentially the same but are taking different paths towards enlightenment.

Here endeth the lesson for today. ;)
Isn't Atheism equivalent to Fundamentalism? Both being sets of True believers. Faith has it place and offers comfort to those who embrace religions; I don't see what Atheism offers. For me, I'm a member of the set of 'I don't know'; agnostics who accept some of the precepts of religion (i.e. The Golden Rule) but none of the rituals - much of which either defy reality or are unknowable to all.

My behavior is not controlled by fear, whether God exists or does not has no impact on my actions.

Many Priests and Rabbis, Ministers, Preachers and Imam's, etc. are good people; that is they act morally within the dogma of their Faith and do good works as defined by some Authority. But what do they really know and how do they know it? As with all human beings, it's best to watch their feet and not their lips - much like politicians it's not what they say that matters, it's what they do.
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Most atheists are not ACTIVISTS.

Atheist ACTIVISTS are a different breed and not unlike other activists. They thrive from the attention we, and the media, feed them.

This, coming from a person whose avatars are of half-naked women... Yeah, you aren't dying for attention.

Why are you sabotaging another's thread with off-topic comments.

My avatars are an expression of my attitude, personality and sensuality. No more, no less and no big deal.

If you find them offensive or embarrassing , I suggest you do as some others and stick me on Ignore, where I fit very comfortably. :D I am not here for the approval of others and not about to change my 3 year style, on USMB.

"To every question you may have, you are the answer. To every problem you may have, you are the solution."
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Hi all

Your favorite non-believer is here to present you with a most subtle question!!

No--it is not "does a chimera bombinating in a vacuum devours second intentions?" But "Why don't Atheists go away?"

I know--my ability to question the most obvious of obvious is a much desired talent!! No need for the applauses!

I think it is due to atheists love of Christian myths!! Look--they do not attack any other religious thoughts, right? No attacks on Moses splitting the red sea, no attacks on Mohammed going to heaven while standing on a rock--no attack on Apollo riding in the sky in a golden chariot, no attacks on the Buddha talking to serpents about what to do with his enlightenment.

Nope, none, not a!!

So it has to be the love of christian Myths!! What do you think?

Christian myths are good, the fact there is no god is better…
Isn't Atheism equivalent to Fundamentalism? Both being sets of True believers.

Only if you can prove that unquestioning faith in the word of God and peer reviewed scientific knowledge are exactly equivalent.

False standard. Only if the atheist can show unquestionably that God does not exist. Empirically and philosophically, such cannot be done.

Watching Derideo_Te online and reading his posts this last while he has been here, one realizes that he does fit the True Believer.
Isn't Atheism equivalent to Fundamentalism? Both being sets of True believers.

Only if you can prove that unquestioning faith in the word of God and peer reviewed scientific knowledge are exactly equivalent.


I would believe if there were proof.

all the PROOF leads a thinking person to NOT believe any religious myth of any religion ever recorded.

Many religions have comeand gone in mans time.

all were believed with the same faith the others now are nbelieved with.

It did not make them real either
Isn't Atheism equivalent to Fundamentalism? Both being sets of True believers. Faith has it place and offers comfort to those who embrace religions; I don't see what Atheism offers. For me, I'm a member of the set of 'I don't know'; agnostics who accept some of the precepts of religion (i.e. The Golden Rule) but none of the rituals - much of which either defy reality or are unknowable to all.

My behavior is not controlled by fear, whether God exists or does not has no impact on my actions.

Many Priests and Rabbis, Ministers, Preachers and Imam's, etc. are good people; that is they act morally within the dogma of their Faith and do good works as defined by some Authority. But what do they really know and how do they know it? As with all human beings, it's best to watch their feet and not their lips - much like politicians it's not what they say that matters, it's what they do.

Actually, there is no such thing as ‘atheism,’ it’s a pejorative term contrived by theists to describe those who reject the ‘fact’ of religion or a god.

One can not not believe in something that never existed to begin with.

Religion and gods are creations of man, faith is the aberration.
they were created innocently to try and explain a world full of mysteries they could not solve.

They are now butting up against the real answers.

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