Why doesn't Obama and America do against gangs/ghetto culture what we did to cigs and


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Why doesn't Obama and America do against gangs/ghetto culture what we did to cigs and homosexual(rights). Slowly show how it is harmful towards society and use the media, corporations and the educational system to wipe it out. Seriously, most of what's holding back younger minority men this mindset that you either need to be within a gang or act a certain way...

This causes a high crime rates and tons of other stuff that disadvantage the people taking part in these activities.

Some data

FBI: Burgeoning gangs behind up to 80% of U.S. crime - USATODAY.com

FBI: Burgeoning gangs behind up to 80% of U.S. Crime

Criminal gangs in the USA have swelled to an estimated 1 million members responsible for up to 80% of crimes in communities across the nation, according to a gang threat assessment compiled by federal officials.
The major findings in a report by the Justice Department's National Gang Intelligence Center, which has not been publicly released, conclude gangs are the "primary retail-level distributors of most illicit drugs" and several are "capable" of competing with major U.S.-based Mexican drug-trafficking organizations.

'Growing threat' on the move
The report says about 900,000 gang members live "within local communities across the country," and about 147,000 are in U.S. prisons or jails.
"Most regions in the United States will experience increased gang membership … and increased gang-related criminal activity," the report concludes, citing a recent rise in gangs on the campuses of suburban and rural schools.

Among the report's other findings:
•Last year, 58% of state and local law enforcement agencies reported that criminal gangs were active in their jurisdictions, up from 45% in 2004.
•More gangs use the Internet, including encrypted e-mail, to recruit and to communicate with associates throughout the U.S. and other countries.
•Gangs, including outlaw motorcycle groups, "pose a growing threat" to law enforcement authorities along the U.S.-Canadian border. The U.S. groups are cooperating with Canadian gangs in various criminal enterprises, including drug smuggling.
Gun Control Debate: Gang Violence Accounts For Half Of Violent Crime in America

The 5 U.S. Cities With the Worst Gang Violence - Nate Berg - The Atlantic Cities

Gangs in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Looking through the data it isn't so much about guns but this ghetto culture/gangs that are in fact the problem we're facing. Why not start a national campaign to discourage such within the same way we did Cigs, rights for gays and civil rights???? It's a serious problem that would go along way to fixing many of our problems.

We have to fight the attitude.
80% of all crimes in America are caused because of this. Serious issue.

Yes but what in your view are the underlying root causes for this? You already pointed out the culture that glorifies ignorance and violence, what else might drive people into the arms of violent street gangs?

There is no way in hell - none, zero - that Obama and/or the Democrats would launch any national campaign that might in any way upset such a valuable voting constituency.



LOL Mac, since when are street gangs a "valuable voting constituency"?

They're not, of course, but the left is hyper-sensitive to anything that might come within 300 miles of being racial.

Do you see Al Sharpton dropping his current approach to go in the direction the OP suggests? I don't.


There is no way in hell - none, zero - that Obama and/or the Democrats would launch any national campaign that might in any way upset such a valuable voting constituency.



LOL Mac, since when are street gangs a "valuable voting constituency"?

They're not, of course, but the left is hyper-sensitive to anything that might come within 300 miles of being racial.
Screw 'em, the self-identified left compromises roughly 20% of the population, IMHO it's about time they get told to stick their PC nonsense where the sun doesn't shine. Matthew's suggestion would put the President on the side of the other 80% of the population that doesn't have a completely distorted view of reality. :)
Because.... And I am NOT being sardonic.....

Because the entire dimocrap party relies on a rock-solid 'dependency' vote.

Academe depends on gubmint for grants and tuition support, Unions depend on dimocraps and their symbiotic relationship, gubmint workers depend on dimocraps (they actually make double what a Private Sector Worker makes these days!!!) even Hollywood depends on dimocraps and the special (VERY special) tax breaks they get.....

But most of all, dimocraps depend on people receiving DIRECT handouts from gubmint.

Mostly in the Inner Cities where something like 90% of the residents are on Welfare.

If we as a Country were to help those people out of their situation, if we were to educate them, if we were to elevate them, if they could get good-paying jobs to the point that they didn't need dimocrap scum anymore.....

Then dimocraps could no longer depend entirely on their vote.

That's not to say that there aren't more White people on Welfare than there is Black people. Not sure, there very well might be and there probably is.

But, for the most part, they're not 'generational' Welfare recipients where far too many Black people are. They get on it, they get off it most of the time.

There are people in the Inner Cities that haven't had a female member of their family in the workplace in living memory. We're talking generations here. And the kids they're squirting out have no chance either.

dimocraps NEED to have Blacks dependent on them.

dimocraps haven't changed since we were forced to kill about 250,000 of them 150 years ago in order to free Blacks.

They just got smart. They're still keeping Blacks on their Plantations, it's just of their own free will these days.

And every four years (every two is asking a lot) Blacks march to the Cotton Fields of the Polling Booth and do what they're told.

No way it's ever going to change. Not in this Country. Not as long as there is a dimocrap party.


At this point in time.... Right now. dimocraps MUST get 90% of the Black vote or they can't win. If Black people become successful and independent, then they no longer are dependent on dimocraps. That's why dimocraps are so desperately seeking to increase their lead in the Hispanic vote. And why we have to be VERY careful dealing with that situation.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=R044sleOW6I]Ram Jam - Black Betty 1977 - YouTube[/ame]
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I've already said this in several threads: STOP feeding lifetime welfare payments. Like any other government programs there's a boatload of regulations, not the least of which is a limit on household income. People can't go to work at decent jobs because they will loose their benefits. People can't get decent jobs because they have the worst schools in ghetto and lower income neighborhoods and therefore not a chance to get the better education they might get in better schools. Current students have parents who are not educated and their parents were likely not educated either.

Ghetto housing, Section 8 housing, government housing are not good places to live and are not kept in liveable condition. Children don't have the kinds of food they should have, medical care is poor but costly. There is not much incentive to do better. Kids grow up resentful of what others have, they get into gangs, they get fast money through drug deals, their lives in general just go straight to shit before they are ever conceived in the first place.

I understand completely that people sometimes need a little help to get on their feet, but to give and give until there's a descend into a permanent generational state of poverty and hopelessness is a hell in itself.

There's that saying that if you give a man a fish he will eat for the day but if you teach him how to fish he will eat every day.
LOL Mac, since when are street gangs a "valuable voting constituency"?

They're not, of course, but the left is hyper-sensitive to anything that might come within 300 miles of being racial.
Screw 'em, the self-identified left compromises roughly 20% of the population, IMHO it's about time they get told to stick their PC nonsense where the sun doesn't shine. Matthew's suggestion would put the President on the side of the other 80% of the population that doesn't have a completely distorted view of reality. :)

There's also a certain amount of 'Fear Factor' involved in all this.

If you do that, the racist thugs who seem to have Black people dancing on a string for them WILL start riots and WILL start burning down Cities.

It's always their own neighborhoods but so what?

After a riot, FEMA comes in and throws around BILLIONS of dollars.... Tax Dollars.

So they don't really get hurt. At all. Their neighborhoods do. It's one reason Detroit is the way it is today.... People refused to use gubmint money to rebuild their neighborhoods after the riots... They just left and never came back. As did most of the businesses.

There's no easy solution to this. dimocrap scum are like an evil parasite that has dug itself so deeply into the living heart of America that to remove it is just as dangerous as letting it suck the life blood out of you.
At this point in time.... Right now. dimocraps MUST get 90& of the Black vote or they can't win. That's why they're so desperately seeking to increase their lead in the Hispanic vote. And why we have to be VERY careful dealing with that situation.

The thing is Edge, if the President were to follow Matthews advice on this one, the Democrats would likely further endear themselves to African-Americans and Hispanic-Americans, street gangs are the scourge of the communities that these minorities live in.

One suspects that the reason the President isn't pursuing this idea is something other than the risk of "angering" African-Americans and Hispanic-Americans. :dunno:

There is no way in hell - none, zero - that Obama and/or the Democrats would launch any national campaign that might in any way upset such a valuable voting constituency.



Oops, there it is.

That didn't take lock.

You made the jump from "gangs" to "black" to Obama.

You racist motherfucker.

You are disgusting.

There is no way in hell - none, zero - that Obama and/or the Democrats would launch any national campaign that might in any way upset such a valuable voting constituency.



LOL Mac, since when are street gangs a "valuable voting constituency"?

They're not, of course, but the left is hyper-sensitive to anything that might come within 300 miles of being racial.

Do you see Al Sharpton dropping his current approach to go in the direction the OP suggests? I don't.


Inner city thugs are tools for leftist authortarians. The violence and chaos they create are an excuse to disarm everyone else, and demand more funding for the very social programs that led to there being hordes of unemployed teens without fathers.

The left will never allow that resource to be taken away from them.
Violent street gangs have been around since the early/mid 1800s in American cities. There's a lot of Presidents who "haven't done something" about them. Do you think all those Presidents were purposely ignoring the problem?

There is no way in hell - none, zero - that Obama and/or the Democrats would launch any national campaign that might in any way upset such a valuable voting constituency.


You made the jump from "gangs" to "black" to Obama.

There is no "jump" there, since it's the African-American community that does in fact suffer the most from the scourge of street gangs and there is the fact that African-Americans overwhelmingly support Democrats thus there was nothing "racist" about what Mac was saying....
At this point in time.... Right now. dimocraps MUST get 90& of the Black vote or they can't win. That's why they're so desperately seeking to increase their lead in the Hispanic vote. And why we have to be VERY careful dealing with that situation.

The thing is Edge, if the President were to follow Matthews advice on this one, the Democrats would likely further endear themselves to African-Americans and Hispanic-Americans, street gangs are the scourge of the communities that these minorities live in.

One suspects that the reason the President isn't pursuing this idea is something other than the risk of "angering" African-Americans and Hispanic-Americans. :dunno:

We just went through this down here in my County.

Remember the big thread on Sheriff Scott telling the NAACP to piss off?

It's because the NAACP is an EXTREMELY powerful group and they don't WANT to help clean up their own neighborhoods because that would mean having Police in their neighborhoods.

And they would rather have the crime than the Police.

This is true of the whole neighborhood, not just the NAACP and other racist groups.

I was watching O'Reilly the other night when he had on the Father of a young, promising, bright, honor student Black Girl who was randomly killed in a gang shoot out and...

Check this out.... This IDIOT was against the Stop and Frisk Laws in New Yawk!!!!!!

He said, "We need more laws"

Well, guess what STUPID (not you :) ) if Laws worked, NONE of this shit would happen.

It's ALREADY illegal to shoot people.

It's ALREADY illegal to carry a gun without a permit.

It's ALREADY....

People are just stupid. I'm talking downright, dirt-dog, animal fucking stupid.

They can't use their brains. The entire left just does what it's told and repeats lie after lie like they're some kind of sick caricature of Orwellian Duck Speak.

I'd like to see a break down of the number of people killed by legal people with LEGAL guns as opposed to illegal people with illegal guns.

Laws don't work, action works.

But you can't get people dumber than a box of fucking rocks to understand that.

the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM is complicit in this as well.

THEY are the enemy of Freedom. Without their incredible dishonesty, we could get some things done in this Country.

But we'd have to get them to tell the People of those communities how a program would help them.

Never gonna happen.

No way. They have the dimocrap party on a leash, not the other way around.

Believe it. They are the shadow government we've always feared.

At least with the Stuttering Clusterfukk, we could vote on him.

With the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM..... We don't even know who they are
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There is no way in hell - none, zero - that Obama and/or the Democrats would launch any national campaign that might in any way upset such a valuable voting constituency.



Oops, there it is.

That didn't take lock.

You made the jump from "gangs" to "black" to Obama.

You racist motherfucker.

You are disgusting.

And there you have it, people.

You want to try to reason with people like this?

Have at it.

They're not worth ten seconds of my time.

There is no way in hell - none, zero - that Obama and/or the Democrats would launch any national campaign that might in any way upset such a valuable voting constituency.



Oops, there it is.

That didn't take lock.

You made the jump from "gangs" to "black" to Obama.

You racist motherfucker.

You are disgusting.

And there you have it, people.

You want to try to reason with people like this?

Have at it.

They're not worth ten seconds of my time.

there is a reason he named himself....Hazel...NUT.....

There is no way in hell - none, zero - that Obama and/or the Democrats would launch any national campaign that might in any way upset such a valuable voting constituency.



Oops, there it is.

That didn't take lock.

You made the jump from "gangs" to "black" to Obama.

You racist motherfucker.

You are disgusting.

You can take your PC, fold it into a little square, and file it.

When you can address what I said head on, please do so.

Lives are being damaged, and you're playing PC games. You are disgusting.

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