Why doesn't Obama and America do against gangs/ghetto culture what we did to cigs and

Oops, there it is.

That didn't take lock.

You made the jump from "gangs" to "black" to Obama.

You racist motherfucker.

You are disgusting.

And there you have it, people.

You want to try to reason with people like this?

Have at it.

They're not worth ten seconds of my time.

there is a reason he named himself....Hazel...NUT.....

I understand the anger emanating from Black Society and, especially, from the Black Youth of today.

The future is bleak for far too many of them.

But here's where the 'understanding' ends for me.....

"WE" (Republicans) didn't cause that problem.

dimocraps did. Totally, completely, absolutely, 100% responsible for the situation the vast majority of Blacks find themselves in.

Not us.

Not Republicans.

We fought dimocraps, literally killing 30% of an entire generation of Southern Whites to free them.

We fought the dimocrap-created KKK.

We fought the dimocrap-created Jim Crow laws.

We fought the dimocrap lynchings of Blacks and tried to pass anti-lynching laws against HEAVY dimocrap opposition.

We brought forth the 1958 Equal Rights Amendment, which was filibustered by the likes of Al Gore Sr.

We voted in higher percentages for the 1964 ERA than did dimocraps.

the dimocrap party had former members of the KKK in their party out loud and clear.... Harry Truman for one and a 'Grand Kleagle' (whatever the fuck that is) in Robert KKK Byrd for another..... Until RECENTLY!!!!!!!

And what happens?

For a few bucks, for a few lousy, stinking bucks, Blacks sell themselves out to the highest bidder.

They literally sold themselves into economic slavery in the Inner Cities for a few lousy stinking bucks and the only people making money on the deal are race hustlers like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and others like them.

Meanwhile, Blacks are dying by the thousands in Inner City violence, their children have no future, their women have no respect for them (and neither does anybody else) and they live like pigs, like animals....

Not all. There's a few that have managed to get out.

But they carry their anger with them for the rest of their lives while not being bright enough to level their anger in the right direction -- At dimocraps.

How many times have we offered to help?

How many Republicans died to free them? How much can we fight dimocrap scum, how long must the fight continue, how.....

And what do we get in return? We get called 'racist' when we tell them that living on government support, depending on someone else, relying on the gubmint is no way to live.

And they spit in our eye.

Know what I say?

Fuck 'em.

I long ago instituted the "To Hell With Them Doctrine".

They want to live like this? Go for it....

Detroit Now Officially In Third-World Territory, 50K Stray Dogs Roaming Deserted Streets…


Do I make a super-lame “gone to the dogs” joke here?

Via Bloomberg:

As many as 50,000 stray dogs roam the streets and vacant homes of bankrupt Detroit, replacing residents, menacing humans who remain and overwhelming the city’s ability to find them homes or peaceful deaths.

Dens of as many as 20 canines have been found in boarded-up homes in the community of about 700,000 that once pulsed with 1.8 million people. One officer in the Police Department’s skeleton animal-control unit recalled a pack splashing away in a basement that flooded when thieves ripped out water pipes.

“The dogs were having a pool party,” said Lapez Moore, 30. “We went in and fished them out.”

Poverty roils the Motor City and many dogs have been left to fend for themselves, abandoned by owners who are financially stressed or unaware of proper care. Strays have killed pets, bitten mail carriers and clogged the animal shelter, where more than 70 percent are euthanized.

“With these large open expanses with vacant homes, it’s as if you designed a situation that causes dog problems,” said Harry Ward, head of animal control.
I've already said this in several threads: STOP feeding lifetime welfare payments. Like any other government programs there's a boatload of regulations, not the least of which is a limit on household income. People can't go to work at decent jobs because they will loose their benefits. People can't get decent jobs because they have the worst schools in ghetto and lower income neighborhoods and therefore not a chance to get the better education they might get in better schools. Current students have parents who are not educated and their parents were likely not educated either.

Ghetto housing, Section 8 housing, government housing are not good places to live and are not kept in liveable condition. Children don't have the kinds of food they should have, medical care is poor but costly. There is not much incentive to do better. Kids grow up resentful of what others have, they get into gangs, they get fast money through drug deals, their lives in general just go straight to shit before they are ever conceived in the first place.

I understand completely that people sometimes need a little help to get on their feet, but to give and give until there's a descend into a permanent generational state of poverty and hopelessness is a hell in itself.

There's that saying that if you give a man a fish he will eat for the day but if you teach him how to fish he will eat every day.

You can teach em to fish all you want. But they,d still starve to death because they're to damn lazy to get off their ass and go fishing.
Violent street gangs have been around since the early/mid 1800s in American cities. There's a lot of Presidents who "haven't done something" about them. Do you think all those Presidents were purposely ignoring the problem?

Considering all previous presidents were white and would be called racist if they even brought up the problem of black crime.....
Obammy is one of em...why the hell doesnt he say something? To worried about pissing off his base?

There is no way in hell - none, zero - that Obama and/or the Democrats would launch any national campaign that might in any way upset such a valuable voting constituency.


You made the jump from "gangs" to "black" to Obama.

There is no "jump" there, since it's the African-American community that does in fact suffer the most from the scourge of street gangs and there is the fact that African-Americans overwhelmingly support Democrats thus there was nothing "racist" about what Mac was saying....

Haven't been to SoCal, have you?

There is no way in hell - none, zero - that Obama and/or the Democrats would launch any national campaign that might in any way upset such a valuable voting constituency.


You made the jump from "gangs" to "black" to Obama.

There is no "jump" there, since it's the African-American community that does in fact suffer the most from the scourge of street gangs and there is the fact that African-Americans overwhelmingly support Democrats thus there was nothing "racist" about what Mac was saying....

The PC Police have always enjoyed great success conflating "racial" with "racist", among several other dishonest tactics.

They're afraid to take issues head on, which was the original point. They'd rather deflect and deny, they'd rather let the problem fester, because it's to their political advantage, no matter how many blacks suffer.

It doesn't get much more cynical than that.

You made the jump from "gangs" to "black" to Obama.

There is no "jump" there, since it's the African-American community that does in fact suffer the most from the scourge of street gangs and there is the fact that African-Americans overwhelmingly support Democrats thus there was nothing "racist" about what Mac was saying....

Haven't been to SoCal, have you?

Yeah I lived there for 15 years, what's your point ?
I've already said this in several threads: STOP feeding lifetime welfare payments. Like any other government programs there's a boatload of regulations, not the least of which is a limit on household income. People can't go to work at decent jobs because they will loose their benefits. People can't get decent jobs because they have the worst schools in ghetto and lower income neighborhoods and therefore not a chance to get the better education they might get in better schools. Current students have parents who are not educated and their parents were likely not educated either.

Ghetto housing, Section 8 housing, government housing are not good places to live and are not kept in liveable condition. Children don't have the kinds of food they should have, medical care is poor but costly. There is not much incentive to do better. Kids grow up resentful of what others have, they get into gangs, they get fast money through drug deals, their lives in general just go straight to shit before they are ever conceived in the first place.

I understand completely that people sometimes need a little help to get on their feet, but to give and give until there's a descend into a permanent generational state of poverty and hopelessness is a hell in itself.

There's that saying that if you give a man a fish he will eat for the day but if you teach him how to fish he will eat every day.

You can teach em to fish all you want. But they,d still starve to death because they're to damn lazy to get off their ass and go fishing.

Or tell you that they can't go fishing, because whitey owns the lake.

There is no way in hell - none, zero - that Obama and/or the Democrats would launch any national campaign that might in any way upset such a valuable voting constituency.



Oops, there it is.

That didn't take lock.

You made the jump from "gangs" to "black" to Obama.

You racist motherfucker.

You are disgusting.

So you don't care that black men, women and children die every year due to gang violence? as long as the white deaths are kept to a minimum you are okay with gang violence? You want to tell that to the black parents that have lost their children that gang violence is okay because to fix it would be racist?

We have a huge problem in America and it is not gun legislation, it is problem with people not taking responsibility and reporting suspicious activity, it is parents not wanting to control their kids and force them to school and force them to change their bad habits. We have a Hollywood culture that glorifies violence and killing and then pretends it is not their fault, it's "art". We have lots of black children with no fathers, no leaders to look up to that take the responsibility for being a man.

All nuts like you, can only scream racism, if the subject is brought up. Get a clue and let's work to solve the issue instead of being a self serving racist asshole.
Where is the concern over the violence in the white community?

Whites kill whites 80% of the time. No speeches, no marches, no nothing.

But never a thread on that. BTW, there Is no such thing as ghetto culture no more than there is a Red Neck Culture or a Club for Culture.

There is a Culture Club but again, its not a "culture"


There is no way in hell - none, zero - that Obama and/or the Democrats would launch any national campaign that might in any way upset such a valuable voting constituency.



LOL, do you really think that "constituency" actually votes or is eligible to vote? :lol:

There is no way in hell - none, zero - that Obama and/or the Democrats would launch any national campaign that might in any way upset such a valuable voting constituency.



LOL Mac, since when are street gangs a "valuable voting constituency"?

They're not, of course, but the left is hyper-sensitive to anything that might come within 300 miles of being racial.

Do you see Al Sharpton dropping his current approach to go in the direction the OP suggests? I don't.

I'm not a big fan of Sharpton, but i think that a lot of people are misrepresenting what he actually does.

Al Sharpton Chicago-Bound: Civil Rights Activist Renting Apartment In City To Address Violence
Rev. Al Sharpton: Let's talk about violence in black neighborhoods - NY Daily News
Al Sharpton speaks out on race, rights and what bothers him about his critics - Wikinews, the free news source

There is no way in hell - none, zero - that Obama and/or the Democrats would launch any national campaign that might in any way upset such a valuable voting constituency.



Oops, there it is.

That didn't take lock.

You made the jump from "gangs" to "black" to Obama.

You racist motherfucker.

You are disgusting.

And there you have it, people.

You want to try to reason with people like this?

Have at it.

They're not worth ten seconds of my time.

Now you know why the gang culture cannot be fixed, it cannot be adjusted, it cannot be educated. It has to be defeated.
LOL Mac, since when are street gangs a "valuable voting constituency"?

They're not, of course, but the left is hyper-sensitive to anything that might come within 300 miles of being racial.

Do you see Al Sharpton dropping his current approach to go in the direction the OP suggests? I don't.

I'm not a big fan of Sharpton, but i think that a lot of people are misrepresenting what he actually does.

Al Sharpton Chicago-Bound: Civil Rights Activist Renting Apartment In City To Address Violence
Rev. Al Sharpton: Let's talk about violence in black neighborhoods - NY Daily News
Al Sharpton speaks out on race, rights and what bothers him about his critics - Wikinews, the free news source

You think?

This has been shown over and over. Now watch how repubs unsee the links you posted and keep going like it never happened. You have to ignore information if you're going to be an idiot and these guys are fully vested :lol:

Oh, annnnnnd, you'll be called names for linking that information too
Where is the concern over the violence in the white community?

Whites kill whites 80% of the time. No speeches, no marches, no nothing.

But never a thread on that. BTW, there Is no such thing as ghetto culture no more than there is a Red Neck Culture or a Club for Culture.

There is a Culture Club but again, its not a "culture"


Is that a black man I see there? :eek:
The Hip-Hop culture must remain ongoing or whites will have some serious competition in the workplace.
Also need to keep the pain meds & street drugs flowing continuously, if their is a break in the access to street drug lasting more then 6 weeks, the nigs will regain their cognitive mental ability and have the necessary skills to satisfy their ambition as any member of the human species ............. this would be bad.

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