Why doesn’t the GOP just replace the SC nominee for with someone just as conservative?


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
This is how batshit crazy the GOP is. They would rather “own the libs” than stick to any kind of moral principle and just replace him with some other right wing nut job.

I’m all for it though. The two moderate republican female senators will likely vote no when the confirmation comes thus putting the GOP into further turmoil. Yay for that.
This is how batshit crazy the GOP is. They would rather “own the libs” than stick to any kind of moral principle and just replace him with some other right wing nut job.

I’m all for it though. The two moderate republican female senators will likely vote no when the confirmation comes thus putting the GOP into further turmoil. Yay for that.
Well Bill Maher has a theory on that. Kavanaugh is the only one of these who basically has said that a sitting president cannot be held accountable by the justice department. In that light it makes sense.
This is how batshit crazy the GOP is. They would rather “own the libs” than stick to any kind of moral principle and just replace him with some other right wing nut job.

I’m all for it though. The two moderate republican female senators will likely vote no when the confirmation comes thus putting the GOP into further turmoil. Yay for that.
It's very simple.

The GOP wants to confirm a nominee before the election. The Democrats want to prevent the confirmation of a nominee until after the election.

That's why the GOP won't nominate another SCOTUS candidate. They don't have time to go through the process again before the election.
This is how batshit crazy the GOP is. They would rather “own the libs” than stick to any kind of moral principle and just replace him with some other right wing nut job.

I’m all for it though. The two moderate republican female senators will likely vote no when the confirmation comes thus putting the GOP into further turmoil. Yay for that.
---------------------------------------------------------- hope they ram Kavanaugh through but we will see Billy .
i think that as far as Kavanaugh being an issue the big issue is to get Kavanaugh Seated before the mid term elections Billy .
so its a TIME issue as well as an issue of the person of Kavanaugh and a democrat femi nazi loon thats FOS Billy . -----------
Kavanaugh needs to be confirmed ASAP to quash the double standard the dems are trying to establish. The FBI would uncover anything serious in their background checks. If cleared by the FBI, no false claims should be allowed.
Because we want Kavanaugh in the bench next week when the session starts

And because we don’t believe the accusations democrats are making and it’s evil to allow their attempts to destroy a man with lies to succeed
The Trump vetting process is flawed. Just look how many seriously corrupt people he hand picked who have had to all resign or be fired over the past year. Some of them are going to jail!

Trump seems to have an unnatural ability to hire some real pieces of shit.

Next time, Trump might nominate someone who turns out to have run a child prostitution ring for all we know.

The GOP can't take that risk right now, this close to the election.
i HEAR that Confirmation is not needed . That makes me think that Kavanaugh can be rammed down throats or Oup the azz Avatar .
This is how batshit crazy the GOP is. They would rather “own the libs” than stick to any kind of moral principle and just replace him with some other right wing nut job.

I’m all for it though. The two moderate republican female senators will likely vote no when the confirmation comes thus putting the GOP into further turmoil. Yay for that.
For one, because then they would have to start the whole process of nominating/confirming all over again and they want someone to take Kennedy’s seat before the election. For another, there’s no proof corroborating the accusations levied against Kavanaugh.
The Trump vetting process is flawed. Just look how many seriously corrupt people he hand picked who have had to all resign or be fired over the past year. Some of them are going to jail!

Next time, Trump might nominate someone who turns out to have run a child prostitution ring for all we know.

The GOP can't take that risk right now, this close to the election.

Yeah, don't think Anthony Weiner has the qualifications.
This is how batshit crazy the GOP is. They would rather “own the libs” than stick to any kind of moral principle and just replace him with some other right wing nut job.

I’m all for it though. The two moderate republican female senators will likely vote no when the confirmation comes thus putting the GOP into further turmoil. Yay for that.
I agree that most repubs are stupid but there has to be a reason they are trying to specifically shove Kav onto the SC. I smell a pawn being put in place to save Drumpf later on.
The Trump vetting process is flawed. Just look how many seriously corrupt people he hand picked who have had to all resign or be fired over the past year. Some of them are going to jail!

Next time, Trump might nominate someone who turns out to have run a child prostitution ring for all we know.

The GOP can't take that risk right now, this close to the election.

The only vetting that should be required is the FBI sign-off. After that hurdle its a matter of qualifications. The Senators believing and investigating every bullshit HS/college escapade is stupid. The FBI cleared Kavanaugh (6) times, end of story. Vote to confirm.

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