Why doesn’t the GOP just replace the SC nominee for with someone just as conservative?

McConnell called it the "Biden Rule" meaning no confirmations in a presidential election year. Not Karma, just politics. McConnell and Grassley need to call the vote and ram Kavanaugh thru. Then forever after, control of the Senate controls who gets on the USSC. The out party can pound sand. There will be accusers galore to stop any opposition party nominee.
Biden never said, “no confirmations in an election year.”

Like I always say, if rightards didn’t lie, they’d have nothing to post.
wrong, see below
Biden in 1992 on Supreme Court Vacancy
Kavanaugh needs to be confirmed ASAP to quash the double standard the dems are trying to establish. The FBI would uncover anything serious in their background checks. If cleared by the FBI, no false claims should be allowed.
this was NOT investigated by the FBI....
let them investigate, give a report on their investigation on this incident to the committee, the committee asks their questions in the hearing, then take a vote....

There is no rush, the SC went with 8 justices for nearly a year when McConnell refused to give Obama's supreme court nominee Garland, even a hearing.
The dems can call him whatever, that doesn't make it real. We'll see how the dems handle Ellison.

Once again, the only RAPIST in DC was Bill Clinton, and the dems did nothing.
Ellison needs to go.....and can you show us any Democrats dragging his accuser thru the mud like you trumpanzees are doing to Dr. Ford?
We could probably assume that any replacement would be accused of something similar.
Not if they didn’t do it. Put up a replacement and we’ll see.
This from a guy who has a photo of Kavanaugh with RAPIST written in red on his forehead in his sig.

Holy shit.

This is why I never know what the fuck to take seriously from partisans.

This has to be a game, and no one is telling me. This stuff can't be serious.
I’m deadly serious
This is how batshit crazy the GOP is. They would rather “own the libs” than stick to any kind of moral principle and just replace him with some other right wing nut job.

I’m all for it though. The two moderate republican female senators will likely vote no when the confirmation comes thus putting the GOP into further turmoil. Yay for that.
Because Ford is not the only skank out there.
"skank"....this is how trumpanzees refer to women....especially those they are not happy with the stand they are taking.
The Trump vetting process is flawed. Just look how many seriously corrupt people he hand picked who have had to all resign or be fired over the past year. Some of them are going to jail!

Next time, Trump might nominate someone who turns out to have run a child prostitution ring for all we know.

The GOP can't take that risk right now, this close to the election.

The only vetting that should be required is the FBI sign-off. After that hurdle its a matter of qualifications. The Senators believing and investigating every bullshit HS/college escapade is stupid. The FBI cleared Kavanaugh (6) times, end of story. Vote to confirm.
Kavanaugh went through 1 full background check, the other 5 only investigated further than the 1, if something new came up, to investigate.... in this case, something new came up, and they should check this out.

The FBI also has trained experts in investigating alleged sexual assaults... that they could use.
When Clarence Thomas was accused of sexual harassment during his nomination process, President Bush assigned the FBI to investigate his nominee in a matter of days. He did not hesitate.
it turns out, the Republicans were made aware of the 2nd accuser of the lewd actions that came out in the New Yorker yesterday, knew this last week....

instead of calling for an investigation by the FBI, the crooked Republicans decided to rush though to a vote, before these 2nd allegations came out....

that's why they were pushing for Dr.Ford to testify immediately without giving her the courtesy, and time she needed to prepare...

and why there is no FBI interviews being done.
Well, now that the cat's out of the bag, let's start the investigation(s) today.
Wow, let’s slow down here folks. The only truth here is that there is very little chance we will ever “know” the truth. What we should be upset about is not the Dems playing political theatre or manipulating their duty as senators to create a result they want (pushing the nomination to after the election and hoping they can block any Trump nominee that they do not agree with politically), which anyone who is watching this play out could fairly concede. Nor should we be upset about the Republicans acting outside their constitutional obligations to block Garlands nomination. What we should be upset about is the fact that we have been duped into allowing our representatives to convince us all that this is one tribe vs another tribe for the soul of the nation.
The only relevant criteria for the Supreme Court should be, is this person a qualified jurist in constitutional law? Everything else is politics and pretty irrelevant. Whether someone is pro-choice or pro-life, a proponent of large or small government, or believes whether or not a sitting president can be indicted are all irrelevant to how that individual understands how the constitution works and the role of the SC within that context. The only part I see that is at all relevant is whether Kavanagh is lying or not. If it can be proven that he is lying (a really big if) then that should disqualify him. Truth is we will never know.
So instead of making accusations at him or his accusers, let’s call out Grassley and Feinstein for making a mockery of the one branch of government that needs to be devoid of politics if it is to work properly.
Kavanaugh needs to be confirmed ASAP to quash the double standard the dems are trying to establish. The FBI would uncover anything serious in their background checks. If cleared by the FBI, no false claims should be allowed.
this was NOT investigated by the FBI....
let them investigate, give a report on their investigation on this incident to the committee, the committee asks their questions in the hearing, then take a vote....

There is no rush, the SC went with 8 justices for nearly a year when McConnell refused to give Obama's supreme court nominee Garland, even a hearing.

What part of "the FBI doesn't investigate" juveniles don't you understand? Kavanaugh was 17 when the non-rape and no police report incident supposedly occurred 36 years ago. Let her file a complaint with the MD police. Oh, they won't investigate either? Tough Luck.
We could probably assume that any replacement would be accused of something similar.
Why? Is there something you need to tell about about the pool of GOP judges and their character?
I assumed it would be obvious that my comment was far more about politics than it was about character.

Guess not!

My bad!
Vote Kavanaugh on the USSC now and fuk these false accusers and their azzhole lawyers.
Yeah what’s a little rape here or there
Who was raped?
The 3rd victim claims gang rape. Interesting to note that you’re happy to defend attempted rape.

Very happy to defend bullshit, just call the vote and put him on the USSC. No police report? Don't go away mad, just go away.
The Trump vetting process is flawed. Just look how many seriously corrupt people he hand picked who have had to all resign or be fired over the past year. Some of them are going to jail!

Next time, Trump might nominate someone who turns out to have run a child prostitution ring for all we know.

The GOP can't take that risk right now, this close to the election.

The only vetting that should be required is the FBI sign-off. After that hurdle its a matter of qualifications. The Senators believing and investigating every bullshit HS/college escapade is stupid. The FBI cleared Kavanaugh (6) times, end of story. Vote to confirm.
Kavanaugh went through 1 full background check, the other 5 only investigated further than the 1, if something new came up, to investigate.... in this case, something new came up, and they should check this out.

The FBI also has trained experts in investigating alleged sexual assaults... that they could use.
When Clarence Thomas was accused of sexual harassment during his nomination process, President Bush assigned the FBI to investigate his nominee in a matter of days. He did not hesitate.
it turns out, the Republicans were made aware of the 2nd accuser of the lewd actions that came out in the New Yorker yesterday, knew this last week....

instead of calling for an investigation by the FBI, the crooked Republicans decided to rush though to a vote, before these 2nd allegations came out....

that's why they were pushing for Dr.Ford to testify immediately without giving her the courtesy, and time she needed to prepare...

and why there is no FBI interviews being done.
Well, now that the cat's out of the bag, let's start the investigation(s) today.

Maybe YOU can tell us: start the investigation WHERE? HOW? Exactly WHAT has Ford given anyone to tell an investigator where to start? What magic is it people like you think investigators have to make something out of this farrago of vague shadows she's offered?

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