Why Donald Trump is Right About Changing Anchor Baby Law Without Constitutional Amendment

Mark Levin has a doctorate in Constitutional law and says that the 14th Amendment does not say that the children of illegals born here get automatic citizenship according tot he Constitution.

Mark Levin on 14th Amendment debate, Hillary's server saga

Ken Klukowski, Breitbart constitutional law columnist
Constitution Doesn't Mandate Birthright Citizenship - Breitbart

There's more but I gots to go eat me dinner.
Mark Levin has a doctorate in Constitutional law and says that the 14th Amendment does not say that the children of illegals born here get automatic citizenship according tot he Constitution.

Mark Levin on 14th Amendment debate, Hillary's server saga

Ken Klukowski, Breitbart constitutional law columnist
Constitution Doesn't Mandate Birthright Citizenship - Breitbart

There's more but I gots to go eat me dinner.
He has a law degree. A juris doctorate from temple. No "doctorate" in con law. And he never practiced con law.
Mark Levin is not qualified as an expert or scholar of constitutional law. He is just putting out agenda driven drivel.
Ken Klukowski is qualified. His article needs to be read carefully, the same way he wrote it however. He carefully contends that there are reasons for a court challenge without making a hard fast decision on the topic other than to state that Trump's proposals face legal challenges but are not inconsistent with the 14th Amendment. That of course is something only SCOTUS could decide. He is merely saying he could get it in front of the courts if given the opportunity.

You are full of shit. Levin has a professional doctorate in law and such degrees means he can focus on any particular subject that he wants to and publish on it with full expertise if it falls under his degree
Levin is running the same scam line as others. Nothing at all original about his rant. Others have been using the same rant. His rant is crap because it doesn't matter what a Senator, even the author, said two years before the amendment was voted on. What counts is the exact wording of the amendment as it was voted on. If what the Senator said was accepted and wanted in the amendment it would have been put in it. It wasn't. It was left out. The caveats the Senator wanted were rejected by the Senate.

And the plain reading of that amendment as evidenced by US v Wong Kim Ark in section 96 is that the alien parents had to have legal domicile and the permission of the United States.

Why don't you go read it for your ownself instead of repeating the lame ass corporate talking points?
Why don't you read the entire fucking opinion instead of one sentence. The Court makes it clear to anyone with at least half a brain (which might exclude you) that the United States Constitution recognized birthright citizenship, both in the original constitution and in the 14th Amendment.
Trump is right. We need to stop it. In a few generations there will be just no Americans at all. I mean that there will be no white Americans but it seems like no one cares about us. We will be soon outnumbered by Hispanics and Blacks.

And there it is. That's what it's really all about. It's not about crime or jobs at all. It's about keeping America predominantly white.

Thank you for your honesty.
What a freaking libtard reaction. One guy on this thread brings up racial considerations and BOOM! you are convinced it *really* about racism!

Many illegal aliens are white, in fact MOST HISPANICS self-identify as white, so no, it isn't about race, moron.

For example an Argentinian can be from a third generation Italian immigrant family there, but he is magically nonwhite since he speaks Spanish! lolol,

What would you think if I told you that the people in SPAIN ARE WHITE?

(Video) Hispanic Woman Speaks Up And Gives BEST DEFENSE of Donald Trump EVER! » 100percentfedUp.com
I have to agree. Your views are not about race. They are about you being a fucking moron.
Ironfist was talking whites and was called on it. It is not racism to call people on racisim. It is racism to attack those who call people on it. You are wrong.

It is not racism to attack people who blame everything on racism, Jake the Fake Delegate. And they are idiots, so Claudette is right anyway, so of course you disagree with them.
No one was blaninmg "everything on racism." But when you and Ironfist and whomever does call out those who call out racists as racists themselves, they are going to be singled out. Every single time. You false calls of racism are exactly that: false.
Trump is right. We need to stop it. In a few generations there will be just no Americans at all. I mean that there will be no white Americans but it seems like no one cares about us. We will be soon outnumbered by Hispanics and Blacks.

And there it is. That's what it's really all about. It's not about crime or jobs at all. It's about keeping America predominantly white.

Thank you for your honesty.
What a freaking libtard reaction. One guy on this thread brings up racial considerations and BOOM! you are convinced it *really* about racism!

Many illegal aliens are white, in fact MOST HISPANICS self-identify as white, so no, it isn't about race, moron.

For example an Argentinian can be from a third generation Italian immigrant family there, but he is magically nonwhite since he speaks Spanish! lolol,

What would you think if I told you that the people in SPAIN ARE WHITE?

(Video) Hispanic Woman Speaks Up And Gives BEST DEFENSE of Donald Trump EVER! » 100percentfedUp.com

Attack the guy who said it.

Funny how you scold me for generalizing while you generalize and give an example of a single Hispanic woman to show how Hispanics support Trump.

You couldn't be more simple minded.
Last edited:
Trump is right. We need to stop it. In a few generations there will be just no Americans at all. I mean that there will be no white Americans but it seems like no one cares about us. We will be soon outnumbered by Hispanics and Blacks.

And there it is. That's what it's really all about. It's not about crime or jobs at all. It's about keeping America predominantly white.

Thank you for your honesty.
What a freaking libtard reaction. One guy on this thread brings up racial considerations and BOOM! you are convinced it *really* about racism!

Many illegal aliens are white, in fact MOST HISPANICS self-identify as white, so no, it isn't about race, moron.

For example an Argentinian can be from a third generation Italian immigrant family there, but he is magically nonwhite since he speaks Spanish! lolol,

What would you think if I told you that the people in SPAIN ARE WHITE?

(Video) Hispanic Woman Speaks Up And Gives BEST DEFENSE of Donald Trump EVER! » 100percentfedUp.com

Attack the guy who said it.

Funny how you scold me for generalizing while you generalize and give an example of a single Hispanic woman to show how Hispanics support Trump.

You couldn't be more simple minded.

I didn't slam you for generalizing, dumbass, instead it was for you jumping from 'control immigration' to 'save the white people'. Those in favor of controlling immigration want it controlled for all racial groups.

The second thing I slammed you for was your implication that Hispanics are not white when most of them self-identify as white.

So, once again, it is you being the stupid ass, not me, and it is largely because you think ideologically taking all your cues from the libtard talking points.
Ironfist was talking whites and was called on it. It is not racism to call people on racisim. It is racism to attack those who call people on it. You are wrong.

It is not racism to attack people who blame everything on racism, Jake the Fake Delegate. And they are idiots, so Claudette is right anyway, so of course you disagree with them.
No one was blaninmg "everything on racism." But when you and Ironfist and whomever does call out those who call out racists as racists themselves, they are going to be singled out. Every single time. You false calls of racism are exactly that: false.

No, not false at all. It is the political left that has embraced Identity Politics ideology which is built on racially categorizing people, and thus the libtards keep racism alive and rolling, not people trying to control ALL immigration.

You corporate lackey RINOs are going to lose on this. The left is ebbing in this country and they have put all their little eggs in the Hispanic growth basket. And that is being stopped and rolled back and the left will be hated ideologues for the next five generations. And you black market labor slime will be put back your little cages as well.
LOL......a poster who thinks if he posts in all caps his post sounds 'truthier'.....

What a moron.

At least he can read and think for himself, unlike you parroting libtards who repeat things you do not know or understand.

Mod Edit - repeating the same material over and over is spamming.

But repeating the same question over and over is not spamming?

Trump is right. We need to stop it. In a few generations there will be just no Americans at all. I mean that there will be no white Americans but it seems like no one cares about us. We will be soon outnumbered by Hispanics and Blacks.

And there it is. That's what it's really all about. It's not about crime or jobs at all. It's about keeping America predominantly white.

Thank you for your honesty.
What a freaking libtard reaction. One guy on this thread brings up racial considerations and BOOM! you are convinced it *really* about racism!

Many illegal aliens are white, in fact MOST HISPANICS self-identify as white, so no, it isn't about race, moron.

For example an Argentinian can be from a third generation Italian immigrant family there, but he is magically nonwhite since he speaks Spanish! lolol,

What would you think if I told you that the people in SPAIN ARE WHITE?

(Video) Hispanic Woman Speaks Up And Gives BEST DEFENSE of Donald Trump EVER! » 100percentfedUp.com

Attack the guy who said it.

Funny how you scold me for generalizing while you generalize and give an example of a single Hispanic woman to show how Hispanics support Trump.

You couldn't be more simple minded.

I didn't slam you for generalizing, dumbass, instead it was for you jumping from 'control immigration' to 'save the white people'. Those in favor of controlling immigration want it controlled for all racial groups.

The second thing I slammed you for was your implication that Hispanics are not white when most of them self-identify as white.

So, once again, it is you being the stupid ass, not me, and it is largely because you think ideologically taking all your cues from the libtard talking points.

I didn't jump from or to anything moron. I replied to a post that said exactly what you are on my ass about. Attack the poster. Those are his words.

I didn't argue they weren't white, I replied to someone who did.

You are truly retarded.
Let's get JimBowie 'right' before he gets 'left' behind.

IdentityPolitics is played hard by both sides. We have right and left "built on racially categorizing people, and thus" both parties " keep racism alive and rolling, not people trying to control ALL immigration." Many of those opposed to immigration reform are racist haters of Latinos. We see it every day on the Board.

The GOP mainstream realize that we can't win with the WrHINOs like JimBowie. We need the center, the women, and the minorities much more than we need the far right
Let's get JimBowie 'right' before he gets 'left' behind.

IdentityPolitics is played hard by both sides. We have right and left "built on racially categorizing people, and thus" both parties " keep racism alive and rolling, not people trying to control ALL immigration." Many of those opposed to immigration reform are racist haters of Latinos. We see it every day on the Board.

The GOP mainstream realize that we can't win with the WrHINOs like JimBowie. We need the center, the women, and the minorities much more than we need the far right

Again, you are wrong on several counts.

1. the GOP has not embraced Identity Politics by simply targeting demographic groups. That is not what ID is.

Identity politics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Identity politics is a phenomenon that arose first at the radical margins of liberal democratic societies in which human rights are recognized, and the term is not usually used to refer to dissident movements within single-party or authoritarian states. The elements of identity politics can be seen to be present in many of the earliest statements of feminists, ethnic movements and gay and lesbian liberation. Formally, it may even be taken back to Marx's earliest statements about a class becoming conscious of itself and developing a class identity. Class Identity politics were first described briefly in an article by L. A. Kauffman, who traced its origins to the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), an organization of the civil-rights movement in the USA in the early and mid-1960s.[3] Although SNCC invented many of the fundamental practices, and various black power groups extended them, they apparently found no need to apply a term. Rather, the term emerged when others outside the black freedom movements—particularly, the race- and ethnic-specific women's liberation movements, such as Black feminism— began to adopt the practice in the late 1960s. Traces of identity politics can also be found in the early writings of the modern gay movement such as Dennis Altman's Homosexual: Liberation/Oppression,[4][5] Jeffrey Week's Coming Out: Homosexual Politics in Britain from the Nineteenth Century to the Present, and [6] Ken Plummer's ed The Making of the Modern Homosexual. One of the older written examples of it can be found in the Combahee River Collective Statement of April 1977, subsequently reprinted in a number of anthologies,[7] and Barbara Smith and the Combahee River Collective have been credited with coining the term; which they defined as "a politics that grew out of our objective material experiences as Black women.[8] Some groups have combined identity politics and Marxist social class analysis and class consciousness—the most notable example being the Black Panther Party—but this is not necessarily characteristic of the form. Another example is MOVE, who mixed black nationalism with anarcho-primitivism (a radical form of green politics based on the idea that civilization is an instrument of oppression, advocating a return to hunter gatherer society) and the related idea neo-luddism."

2. There is nothing racial about latinos as that is a LINGUSITIC GROUP, not a racial group.

3. When the GOP runs Presidential candidates that are conservative and/or 'run to the right' they win, and when they pick RINO 'main streamers' like Ford, Dole, Romney or McCain, the GOP loses.

4. Starkey is an idiot.
Trump is right. We need to stop it. In a few generations there will be just no Americans at all. I mean that there will be no white Americans but it seems like no one cares about us. We will be soon outnumbered by Hispanics and Blacks.

And there it is. That's what it's really all about. It's not about crime or jobs at all. It's about keeping America predominantly white.

Thank you for your honesty.
What a freaking libtard reaction. One guy on this thread brings up racial considerations and BOOM! you are convinced it *really* about racism!

Many illegal aliens are white, in fact MOST HISPANICS self-identify as white, so no, it isn't about race, moron.

For example an Argentinian can be from a third generation Italian immigrant family there, but he is magically nonwhite since he speaks Spanish! lolol,

What would you think if I told you that the people in SPAIN ARE WHITE?

(Video) Hispanic Woman Speaks Up And Gives BEST DEFENSE of Donald Trump EVER! » 100percentfedUp.com

Attack the guy who said it.

Funny how you scold me for generalizing while you generalize and give an example of a single Hispanic woman to show how Hispanics support Trump.

You couldn't be more simple minded.

I didn't slam you for generalizing, dumbass, instead it was for you jumping from 'control immigration' to 'save the white people'. Those in favor of controlling immigration want it controlled for all racial groups.

The second thing I slammed you for was your implication that Hispanics are not white when most of them self-identify as white.

So, once again, it is you being the stupid ass, not me, and it is largely because you think ideologically taking all your cues from the libtard talking points.

I didn't jump from or to anything moron. I replied to a post that said exactly what you are on my ass about. Attack the poster. Those are his words.

I didn't argue they weren't white, I replied to someone who did.

You are truly retarded.

LOL, now you pretend to not understand what I have said!

roflmao, it is ironic when libtards think they have to act stupid to win a point.

1. You took one post to turn this into a racial issue, and I called you on that.

2. You implied that Hispanics are not white.

3. Blow me.
And there it is. That's what it's really all about. It's not about crime or jobs at all. It's about keeping America predominantly white.

Thank you for your honesty.
What a freaking libtard reaction. One guy on this thread brings up racial considerations and BOOM! you are convinced it *really* about racism!

Many illegal aliens are white, in fact MOST HISPANICS self-identify as white, so no, it isn't about race, moron.

For example an Argentinian can be from a third generation Italian immigrant family there, but he is magically nonwhite since he speaks Spanish! lolol,

What would you think if I told you that the people in SPAIN ARE WHITE?

(Video) Hispanic Woman Speaks Up And Gives BEST DEFENSE of Donald Trump EVER! » 100percentfedUp.com

Attack the guy who said it.

Funny how you scold me for generalizing while you generalize and give an example of a single Hispanic woman to show how Hispanics support Trump.

You couldn't be more simple minded.

I didn't slam you for generalizing, dumbass, instead it was for you jumping from 'control immigration' to 'save the white people'. Those in favor of controlling immigration want it controlled for all racial groups.

The second thing I slammed you for was your implication that Hispanics are not white when most of them self-identify as white.

So, once again, it is you being the stupid ass, not me, and it is largely because you think ideologically taking all your cues from the libtard talking points.

I didn't jump from or to anything moron. I replied to a post that said exactly what you are on my ass about. Attack the poster. Those are his words.

I didn't argue they weren't white, I replied to someone who did.

You are truly retarded.

LOL, now you pretend to not understand what I have said!

roflmao, it is ironic when libtards think they have to act stupid to win a point.

1. You took one post to turn this into a racial issue, and I called you on that.

2. You implied that Hispanics are not white.

3. Blow me.

I implied nothing. I responded to a post that said that outright.

You are not only a moron but a fool as well.
A fool to attack me over several posts rather than the guy who actually said what you have a problem with. You look stupid.
Sorry. I don't buy it.

America got along quite well before the 14th Amendment came along. None of that stuff you talk about happened.

That amendment was put in there for the ex slaves and their kids. So they would be recognized as American citizens.

Its not needed anymore

You have never actually read the 14th Amendment- have you?

You have never actually found proof of anything you said would happen if there was no 14th amendment. None of that happened before the 14th amendment was enacted and I see no reason to believe that it would happen if there was no 14th amendment.

The country ran along quite well before the 14th was passed and it will run if its revoked or changed.

Like I said- you have never actually read the 14th Amendment have you?

Believe it or not- there were actual problems in the United States before the 14th Amendment was passed.

As I pointed out- with no 14th Amendment- California could pass a law banning the private ownership of fire arms- and Texas could pass a law making making attendance at Southern Baptists churches mandatory.

You may prefer to think that States would not do such things, but I don't trust States to protect my rights under the Bill of Rights.
Those are opinions by Jim and Claudette. We want facts. The facts you assert don't prove your conclusion.

Like you're posts aren't opinion??

Like there hasn't been a problem with the 14th since it was forced on the reconstruction South??

If you don't see a problem with that amendment then you're not as smart as you think you are.
I gave you the fact that each state had voted for ratification. They had to. When they rejected those votes later on, they had no effect because the amendment had already been ratified. Those are facts.

That there is a problem with the 14th is an assertion.

That there is a problem in some peoples' mind is a fact. But dislike of the amendment is not sufficient to get rid of it. It must be amended or repealed.

Yes it needs to be amended or repealed.
That is an opinion. Mine is that it does not. We need to reform the immigration system, protect the borders, and make business compliant with the law.

We need to take extra measures to enforce current laws. Whatever that means/takes. It's against the law to come here illegally.


Perhaps we could get both the Right and the Left actually working to deal with the problems of Immigration, rather than just using the issue to score political points- that would be a good start.
Trump is right. We need to stop it. In a few generations there will be just no Americans at all. I mean that there will be no white Americans but it seems like no one cares about us. We will be soon outnumbered by Hispanics and Blacks.

And there it is. That's what it's really all about. It's not about crime or jobs at all. It's about keeping America predominantly white.

Thank you for your honesty.

Bullshit. Another idiot and his racist card.

It's all about removing the illegals, people who are here illegally, out of the country.

You're an idiot.

Then why do you keep arguing about American citizens who are born here in the United States- rather than those who are here illegally?
Trump is right. We need to stop it. In a few generations there will be just no Americans at all. I mean that there will be no white Americans but it seems like no one cares about us. We will be soon outnumbered by Hispanics and Blacks.

And there it is. That's what it's really all about. It's not about crime or jobs at all. It's about keeping America predominantly white.

Thank you for your honesty.

Bullshit. Another idiot and his racist card.

It's all about removing the illegals, people who are here illegally, out of the country.

You're an idiot.

Then why do you keep arguing about American citizens who are born here in the United States- rather than those who are here illegally?
Citizens are citizens, and that won't change.
Let's get JimBowie 'right' before he gets 'left' behind.

IdentityPolitics is played hard by both sides. We have right and left "built on racially categorizing people, and thus" both parties " keep racism alive and rolling, not people trying to control ALL immigration." Many of those opposed to immigration reform are racist haters of Latinos. We see it every day on the Board.

The GOP mainstream realize that we can't win with the WrHINOs like JimBowie. We need the center, the women, and the minorities much more than we need the far right

Again, you are wrong on several counts.

1. the GOP has not embraced Identity Politics by simply targeting demographic groups. That is not what ID is.

Identity politics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Identity politics is a phenomenon that arose first at the radical margins of liberal democratic societies in which human rights are recognized, and the term is not usually used to refer to dissident movements within single-party or authoritarian states. The elements of identity politics can be seen to be present in many of the earliest statements of feminists, ethnic movements and gay and lesbian liberation. Formally, it may even be taken back to Marx's earliest statements about a class becoming conscious of itself and developing a class identity. Class Identity politics were first described briefly in an article by L. A. Kauffman, who traced its origins to the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), an organization of the civil-rights movement in the USA in the early and mid-1960s.[3] Although SNCC invented many of the fundamental practices, and various black power groups extended them, they apparently found no need to apply a term. Rather, the term emerged when others outside the black freedom movements—particularly, the race- and ethnic-specific women's liberation movements, such as Black feminism— began to adopt the practice in the late 1960s. Traces of identity politics can also be found in the early writings of the modern gay movement such as Dennis Altman's Homosexual: Liberation/Oppression,[4][5] Jeffrey Week's Coming Out: Homosexual Politics in Britain from the Nineteenth Century to the Present, and [6] Ken Plummer's ed The Making of the Modern Homosexual. One of the older written examples of it can be found in the Combahee River Collective Statement of April 1977, subsequently reprinted in a number of anthologies,[7] and Barbara Smith and the Combahee River Collective have been credited with coining the term; which they defined as "a politics that grew out of our objective material experiences as Black women.[8] Some groups have combined identity politics and Marxist social class analysis and class consciousness—the most notable example being the Black Panther Party—but this is not necessarily characteristic of the form. Another example is MOVE, who mixed black nationalism with anarcho-primitivism (a radical form of green politics based on the idea that civilization is an instrument of oppression, advocating a return to hunter gatherer society) and the related idea neo-luddism."

2. There is nothing racial about latinos as that is a LINGUSITIC GROUP, not a racial group.

3. When the GOP runs Presidential candidates that are conservative and/or 'run to the right' they win, and when they pick RINO 'main streamers' like Ford, Dole, Romney or McCain, the GOP loses.

4. Starkey is an idiot.
Last Republicans to win. GW Bush ( certainly not conservative), RR ( not conservative by today's standards) , Richard Nixon (clearly not conservative), Eisenhower (a RINO by today's standards, Hoover. The one time you ran a true conservative, Goldwater in 64, you got your ass handed to you. Of course, today, Goldwater would also be a RINO according to you idiots on the right fringe. You lose because your candidates run to the right in the primaries to appease the right and, when they go back to the middle where most Americans are they are not credible. Your suggestion that they lose because they do not nominate candidates who share the far right views of folks like you is idiotic, but music to the ears of liberals and moderates.
Our GOP cannot win with a far right candidate: a Cruz or Santorum or Perry or Carson or whatever. They would not get 40 to 41%.
Trump is right. We need to stop it. In a few generations there will be just no Americans at all. I mean that there will be no white Americans but it seems like no one cares about us. We will be soon outnumbered by Hispanics and Blacks.

And there it is. That's what it's really all about. It's not about crime or jobs at all. It's about keeping America predominantly white.

Thank you for your honesty.

Bullshit. Another idiot and his racist card.

It's all about removing the illegals, people who are here illegally, out of the country.

You're an idiot.

Then why do you keep arguing about American citizens who are born here in the United States- rather than those who are here illegally?

Oh I have no love for illegals. They need to be kicked out of America

My question is that the 14th was never meant to recognized everyone born in the US as a citizen.

It was meant strictly for ex slaves and their children.

So why is it interpreted to mean ANYONE born in the US when it wasn't meant to be??
The interpretation has been explained here many time. Some, like you, don't get it or don't understand it or don't want to. It is not going to change. Most of the illegals will not be deported. All Americans have to work together on this. The Senate passed a deal, and the Congress rightwing said "fuck no."

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