Why Donald Trump is Right About Changing Anchor Baby Law Without Constitutional Amendment

Sorry. I don't buy it.

America got along quite well before the 14th Amendment came along. None of that stuff you talk about happened.

That amendment was put in there for the ex slaves and their kids. So they would be recognized as American citizens.

Its not needed anymore

You have never actually read the 14th Amendment- have you?
No, JimBowie, you will be wrong everytime you post your silliness.

The laws are fine, and they will not change.

You like the idea of a foreign invasion of US soil, that makes you a traitor as well as a greedy liar.

Bobby Jindal gets it right perfectly.

“Let me say this about immigration — the left — they don’t like us to be the melting pot. America has proudly been the melting pot for years. What that means is that we tell folks, ‘If you want to come here, you should want to be an American if you come here,'” Jindal said to loud, enthusiastic applause.

“But now the left is telling us, ‘We can’t be the melting pot — that is culturally arrogant, that is xenophobic — we should be the salad bowl. We have a Divider-in-Chief who keeps trying to divide us. And I’m here to tell you something — I am done with the hyphenated Americans.”

“We’re not African-Americans, we’re not Asian-Americans, we’re not rich Americans, we’re not poor Americans, we’re all Americans, united as one,” a fired-up Bobby Jindal proclaimed to the crowd before saying that when immigrants come to America they should assimilate by learning English and our values and culture then “roll up your sleeves and get to work.”

Read more at Bobby Jindal: ‘Immigration Without Assimilation is Invasion;’ Slams Bush, Walker

Where the GOP 2016 Candidates Stand on Birthright Citizenship

Donald Trump: "This remains the biggest magnet for illegal immigration," he said in his immigration proposal.

Rand Paul: "This resolution makes clear that under the 14th Amendment a person born in the United States to illegal aliens does not automatically gain citizenship," he said in 2011 about a constitutional amendment he proposed with Sen. David Vitter.

Rick Santorum: "Other enticements to illegal immigration, such as birthright citizenship, should be ended… Of developed countries other than the United States, only Canada has birthright citizenship," he wrote back in May.

Ben Carson: "The 14th Amendment has been brought up recently about anchor babies, and it doesn't make any sense to me, that people can come in here and have a baby and that baby becomes an American citizen and allows them to come in," he said in Phoenix this week. "There are many countries in the world where they simply have recognized that and don't allow that to occur."

Lindsey Graham: "Birthright citizenship I think is a mistake," he said in 2010. "We should change our Constitution and say if you come here illegally and you have a child, that child's automatically not a citizen." (He added to Kasie Hunt on Monday: "I've been saying for a long time that I'm willing to change birthright citizenship after we fix the current broken immigration system.")

Chris Christie: "I think all this stuff needs to be reexamined in light of the current circumstances," he told Laura Ingraham this month. "[Birthright citizenship] may have made sense at some point in our history, but right now, we need to re-look at all that."

Bobby Jindal: "We need to end birthright citizenship for illegal immigrants," he tweeted.

So, Jake the Fake Delegate, every time you say there is no one that agrees with me on Birthright citizenship, you just make yourself out to be a liar over and over again.

Oh there are certainly right wing politicians rushing to pander to the far right on the issue.

I will believe that any of them are serious when they actually propose a Constitutional Amendment to end birthright citizenship.

Until then- its just pandering. Note your reference to Lindsey Graham- 2010- what has he done in the last 5 years to change what you don't like? Nada.

No one needs a Constitutional amendment to end illegal alien birthright citizenship.
And you are wrong again.
And your unwarranted assertion is irrelevant Big Lie bullshit again.
Sorry. I don't buy it.

America got along quite well before the 14th Amendment came along. None of that stuff you talk about happened.

That amendment was put in there for the ex slaves and their kids. So they would be recognized as American citizens.

Its not needed anymore

You have never actually read the 14th Amendment- have you?

You have never actually found proof of anything you said would happen if there was no 14th amendment. None of that happened before the 14th amendment was enacted and I see no reason to believe that it would happen if there was no 14th amendment.

The country ran along quite well before the 14th was passed and it will run if its revoked or changed.
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Those are opinions by Jim and Claudette. We want facts. The facts you assert don't prove your conclusion.
Those are opinions by Jim and Claudette. We want facts. The facts you assert don't prove your conclusion.

Like you're posts aren't opinion??

Like there hasn't been a problem with the 14th since it was forced on the reconstruction South??

If you don't see a problem with that amendment then you're not as smart as you think you are.
Those are opinions by Jim and Claudette. We want facts. The facts you assert don't prove your conclusion.

Like you're posts aren't opinion??

Like there hasn't been a problem with the 14th since it was forced on the reconstruction South??

If you don't see a problem with that amendment then you're not as smart as you think you are.
I gave you the fact that each state had voted for ratification. They had to. When they rejected those votes later on, they had no effect because the amendment had already been ratified. Those are facts.

That there is a problem with the 14th is an assertion.

That there is a problem in some peoples' mind is a fact. But dislike of the amendment is not sufficient to get rid of it. It must be amended or repealed.
Those are opinions by Jim and Claudette. We want facts. The facts you assert don't prove your conclusion.

Like you're posts aren't opinion??

Like there hasn't been a problem with the 14th since it was forced on the reconstruction South??

If you don't see a problem with that amendment then you're not as smart as you think you are.
I gave you the fact that each state had voted for ratification. They had to. When they rejected those votes later on, they had no effect because the amendment had already been ratified. Those are facts.

That there is a problem with the 14th is an assertion.

That there is a problem in some peoples' mind is a fact. But dislike of the amendment is not sufficient to get rid of it. It must be amended or repealed.

Yes it needs to be amended or repealed.
Those are opinions by Jim and Claudette. We want facts. The facts you assert don't prove your conclusion.

Like you're posts aren't opinion??

Like there hasn't been a problem with the 14th since it was forced on the reconstruction South??

If you don't see a problem with that amendment then you're not as smart as you think you are.
I gave you the fact that each state had voted for ratification. They had to. When they rejected those votes later on, they had no effect because the amendment had already been ratified. Those are facts.

That there is a problem with the 14th is an assertion.

That there is a problem in some peoples' mind is a fact. But dislike of the amendment is not sufficient to get rid of it. It must be amended or repealed.

Yes it needs to be amended or repealed.
That is an opinion. Mine is that it does not. We need to reform the immigration system, protect the borders, and make business compliant with the law.
Those are opinions by Jim and Claudette. We want facts. The facts you assert don't prove your conclusion.

Like you're posts aren't opinion??

Like there hasn't been a problem with the 14th since it was forced on the reconstruction South??

If you don't see a problem with that amendment then you're not as smart as you think you are.
I gave you the fact that each state had voted for ratification. They had to. When they rejected those votes later on, they had no effect because the amendment had already been ratified. Those are facts.

That there is a problem with the 14th is an assertion.

That there is a problem in some peoples' mind is a fact. But dislike of the amendment is not sufficient to get rid of it. It must be amended or repealed.

Yes it needs to be amended or repealed.
That is an opinion. Mine is that it does not. We need to reform the immigration system, protect the borders, and make business compliant with the law.

We need to take extra measures to enforce current laws. Whatever that means/takes. It's against the law to come here illegally.

Trump is right. We need to stop it. In a few generations there will be just no Americans at all. I mean that there will be no white Americans but it seems like no one cares about us. We will be soon outnumbered by Hispanics and Blacks.

And there it is. That's what it's really all about. It's not about crime or jobs at all. It's about keeping America predominantly white.

Thank you for your honesty.
Trump is right. We need to stop it. In a few generations there will be just no Americans at all. I mean that there will be no white Americans but it seems like no one cares about us. We will be soon outnumbered by Hispanics and Blacks.

And there it is. That's what it's really all about. It's not about crime or jobs at all. It's about keeping America predominantly white.

Thank you for your honesty.

Bullshit. Another idiot and his racist card.

It's all about removing the illegals, people who are here illegally, out of the country.

You're an idiot.
Trump is right. We need to stop it. In a few generations there will be just no Americans at all. I mean that there will be no white Americans but it seems like no one cares about us. We will be soon outnumbered by Hispanics and Blacks.

And there it is. That's what it's really all about. It's not about crime or jobs at all. It's about keeping America predominantly white.

Thank you for your honesty.

Bullshit. Another idiot and his racist card.

It's all about removing the illegals, people who are here illegally, out of the country.

You're an idiot.
Ironfist was talking whites and was called on it. It is not racism to call people on racisim. It is racism to attack those who call people on it. You are wrong.
Trump got into an argument last night with a reporter about his claims about the 14th Amendment. He actually made a gaffe when in the excitement he said many great constitutional lawyers agreed with the reporters contention that the 14th Amendment would not allow the changes Trump wanted to make. He quickly corrected himself and said there were also great lawyers of supported his contention. So, who are they? Who are the recognized great constitutional lawyers who support Trump's contention that birthrights can be denied with simple legislation and not by changing the 14th Amendment?
Does anyone know of even one constitutional scholar that has come out in support of Trump's claim?
Trump is right. We need to stop it. In a few generations there will be just no Americans at all. I mean that there will be no white Americans but it seems like no one cares about us. We will be soon outnumbered by Hispanics and Blacks.

And there it is. That's what it's really all about. It's not about crime or jobs at all. It's about keeping America predominantly white.

Thank you for your honesty.

Bullshit. Another idiot and his racist card.

It's all about removing the illegals, people who are here illegally, out of the country.

You're an idiot.
Ironfist was talking whites and was called on it. It is not racism to call people on racisim. It is racism to attack those who call people on it. You are wrong.

Its all about removing illegals from our country and all this racist talk is bullshit.

I don't care what color the illegals are. They are here illegally and need to go.
Trump is right. We need to stop it. In a few generations there will be just no Americans at all. I mean that there will be no white Americans but it seems like no one cares about us. We will be soon outnumbered by Hispanics and Blacks.

And there it is. That's what it's really all about. It's not about crime or jobs at all. It's about keeping America predominantly white.

Thank you for your honesty.
What a freaking libtard reaction. One guy on this thread brings up racial considerations and BOOM! you are convinced it *really* about racism!

Many illegal aliens are white, in fact MOST HISPANICS self-identify as white, so no, it isn't about race, moron.

For example an Argentinian can be from a third generation Italian immigrant family there, but he is magically nonwhite since he speaks Spanish! lolol,

What would you think if I told you that the people in SPAIN ARE WHITE?

(Video) Hispanic Woman Speaks Up And Gives BEST DEFENSE of Donald Trump EVER! » 100percentfedUp.com
Trump is right. We need to stop it. In a few generations there will be just no Americans at all. I mean that there will be no white Americans but it seems like no one cares about us. We will be soon outnumbered by Hispanics and Blacks.

And there it is. That's what it's really all about. It's not about crime or jobs at all. It's about keeping America predominantly white.

Thank you for your honesty.

Bullshit. Another idiot and his racist card.

It's all about removing the illegals, people who are here illegally, out of the country.

You're an idiot.
Ironfist was talking whites and was called on it. It is not racism to call people on racisim. It is racism to attack those who call people on it. You are wrong.

It is not racism to attack people who blame everything on racism, Jake the Fake Delegate.

And they are idiots, so Claudette is right anyway, so of course you disagree with them.
"Why Donald Trump is Right About Changing Anchor Baby Law Without Constitutional Amendment"

There's another ridiculous aspect of this ignorance and idiocy, where many on the right maintain the moronic notion that the Citizenship Clause of the 14th Amendment acts as an 'incentive' to those undocumented coming to the United States absent authorization.

Needless to say this notion is completely unfounded and devoid of merit, the product of the right's delusional xenophobia and racism.

lol, you seem to enjoy making unwarranted statements like that.

I refute you similarly; No, we are right and you are a deluded ass hat.
Then, I guess, the nine justices who agreed in Pyler that being born here makes one a citizen and the nine in Rios who also agreed that being born here made you a citizen are similarly deluded. Frankly, asshat, the deludes ones are those who insist that the millions of Americans, dead or alive, who were born to illegal aliens over the last 100 years were not and are not citizens despite the fact that every branch of our government recognizes them as citizens and every Court to speak on the subject held they are citizens.
Trump is right. We need to stop it. In a few generations there will be just no Americans at all. I mean that there will be no white Americans but it seems like no one cares about us. We will be soon outnumbered by Hispanics and Blacks.

And there it is. That's what it's really all about. It's not about crime or jobs at all. It's about keeping America predominantly white.

Thank you for your honesty.

Bullshit. Another idiot and his racist card.

It's all about removing the illegals, people who are here illegally, out of the country.

You're an idiot.

Interesting that you chose to attack me and not the actual poster. I merely pointed to what was said. Where did I refer to anyone as racist?

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