Why Donald Tump Will Win & Why You Might Be Worried About That

Is the information on NPD informative to you; would you now be able to identify a person with NPD?

  • Yes, definitely. My eyes are more open now.

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • Somewhat. I'm still unsure

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, I don't think there's such a thing

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • What! How dare you point out flaws in other people!! I'm going to DESTROY you for asking!!

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Sil you should avoid practicing medicine without a license -----and CERTAINLY avoid doing it over the internet. NPD is that which real psychiatrists traditionally
called a "personality disorder"--------it is not a psychosis. Personality disorders
are kinda very variable in severity and VIRTUALLY universal-----just about anyone can be described as "having" one------more precisely they should be called "personality traits" to avoid the mistake of characterizing them as PATHOLOGICAL----of course sometimes a personality trait IS pathological-----but leave that idea to the experts. You are out of your league (Unless you are a licensed psychiatrist----but you are not-----because no real psychiatrist would engage in the nonsense in which you are engaging right now)

I gave a link to a professional assessment in my OP which matches my own EXPERIENCE OF 51 YEARS being at the end of the whip of a diagnosed NPD patient. I think that's good enough to make my points, don't you? Let's say that between the two of us, I'm more qualified to weigh in on the disease generally.

Tell you what, you got get a clinician experienced in diagnosing and attempting to treat malignant narcissists and have him/her tell me how I'm wrong in the OP. Fair enough?

Sil-----I am a clinician experienced in diagnosis-------and----I am sure you know---
there is no effective treatment for that which you describe-----which is-----a condition bordering on sociopathy. In classical terms----the condition is called
"ego syntonic"-----which means that the patient herself does not see ANYTHING
wrong with her which needs changing or treating--------psychotherapy (I am not a psychotherapist but-----a kinda "in a pinch"----when no one else is available---DRAFTED as such) Psychotherapy is not for everyone----it requires a patient with an ability to GAIN INSIGHT. I am sorry -------your prime directive in this situation is TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF. Do not imagine that "no one understand"
I do understand------really-----I do.
Sil you should avoid practicing medicine without a license -----and CERTAINLY avoid doing it over the internet. NPD is that which real psychiatrists traditionally
called a "personality disorder"--------it is not a psychosis. Personality disorders
are kinda very variable in severity and VIRTUALLY universal-----just about anyone can be described as "having" one------more precisely they should be called "personality traits" to avoid the mistake of characterizing them as PATHOLOGICAL----of course sometimes a personality trait IS pathological-----but leave that idea to the experts. You are out of your league (Unless you are a licensed psychiatrist----but you are not-----because no real psychiatrist would engage in the nonsense in which you are engaging right now)

I gave a link to a professional assessment in my OP which matches my own EXPERIENCE OF 51 YEARS being at the end of the whip of a diagnosed NPD patient. I think that's good enough to make my points, don't you? Let's say that between the two of us, I'm more qualified to weigh in on the disease generally.

Tell you what, you got get a clinician experienced in diagnosing and attempting to treat malignant narcissists and have him/her tell me how I'm wrong in the OP. Fair enough?

Sil-----I am a clinician experienced in diagnosis-------and----I am sure you know---
there is no effective treatment for that which you describe-----which is-----a condition bordering on sociopathy.

Yes, that's why I said that clinicians attempt to treat patients, but they never can succeed. At least I've never heard of any succeeding. That's why if Trump has this disorder, we are doomed as a country if he takes the Helm..
Sil you should avoid practicing medicine without a license -----and CERTAINLY avoid doing it over the internet. NPD is that which real psychiatrists traditionally
called a "personality disorder"--------it is not a psychosis. Personality disorders
are kinda very variable in severity and VIRTUALLY universal-----just about anyone can be described as "having" one------more precisely they should be called "personality traits" to avoid the mistake of characterizing them as PATHOLOGICAL----of course sometimes a personality trait IS pathological-----but leave that idea to the experts. You are out of your league (Unless you are a licensed psychiatrist----but you are not-----because no real psychiatrist would engage in the nonsense in which you are engaging right now)

I gave a link to a professional assessment in my OP which matches my own EXPERIENCE OF 51 YEARS being at the end of the whip of a diagnosed NPD patient. I think that's good enough to make my points, don't you? Let's say that between the two of us, I'm more qualified to weigh in on the disease generally.

Tell you what, you got get a clinician experienced in diagnosing and attempting to treat malignant narcissists and have him/her tell me how I'm wrong in the OP. Fair enough?

Sil-----I am a clinician experienced in diagnosis-------and----I am sure you know---
there is no effective treatment for that which you describe-----which is-----a condition bordering on sociopathy.

Yes, that's why I said that clinicians attempt to treat patients, but they never can succeed. At least I've never heard of any succeeding. That's why if Trump has this disorder, we are doomed as a country if he takes the Helm..

actually they don't exactly "treat them" ---they work on some behavior modification---etc. This is no venue------but I will say-----trump is not running for a position
as your mother and everyone has a "personality"-----which when exaggerated
can be described as a "personality disorder". You may have noticed that lots of
children of "celebrities" write "tell all books"----which are really descriptions of the
personality disorder of the celebrity in question. Mary Todd Lincoln (pres. Lincoln's wife) thought honest abe -----ABNORMAL too-----and---he probably
actually they don't exactly "treat them" ---they work on some behavior modification---etc. This is no venue------but I will say-----trump is not running for a position
as your mother and everyone has a "personality"-----which when exaggerated
can be described as a "personality disorder". You may have noticed that lots of
children of "celebrities" write "tell all books"----which are really descriptions of the
personality disorder of the celebrity in question. Mary Todd Lincoln (pres. Lincoln's wife) thought honest abe -----ABNORMAL too-----and---he probably

Hey, I didn't say I had 51 years experience under the whip of an NPD for you to start patronizing me. As you know, I said it because I'm illustrating my experience at spotting them. My mother is of no consequence. Trump is. He, not she, is running for the leader of the free world... Because she is a female and old, she would never have a chance at the Oval Office.

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