CDZ Why don't American, so called, "feminists" go after the actual symbol of oppression....

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Hijabs. We're talking about hijabs and head coverings. How it's unacceptable for Muslim women to choose it but not for women of other religions.

You keep using the word "choose". When there are punishments inherent for not choosing, there is no real choice.

Let's keep the argument to here in this country - comparing the US or western countries to, say, Saudi Arabia is apples and oranges.

Women have the right to choose in this country. Some choose to wear traditional religious garb some don't.

Is it always a free choice? Depends. There can be tremendous pressure exerted by family and community to conform and that isn't limited to traditional Muslim families. The pressure can extend to domestic violence. Not conforming can mean violence or a total loss of family, community and friends. But you're wrong in thinking it's only or mostly among Muslims. Any of the strongly patriarchal religious societies that dictate a subservient role to women, that isolates them, can increase the chances that it can occur.
Sexual Abuse in the Amish Community
Biblical Battered Wife Syndrome: Christian Women and Domestic Violence
American Muslim Women and Domestic Violence

The last article is particularly interesting. It's on domestic violence (which is what much of this religious inspired violence on women for not submitting is) - that it is a problem for Muslim women. But it's not the hijab.

By and large though, women in our country do have that choice. So I would say - who are you to take that choice away from them?

Your calling it a choice knowing that it isn't is exactly the same as the slavery advocates of the 19th century using the model of the content house slave to justify the continuation of slavery.

Have you considered embracing liberalism, instead?

So Orthodox Jewish women who choose to wear head coverings don't do it by choice? Amish women who choose to wear plain clothes and hair coverings don't do it by choice? Muslim women who choose to wear a hijab don't do it by choice? They are all "slaves"?

Do Jewish and Amish men throw acid in the faces of those who do not cover? Do they cut their mouths into a smiley? Do they kill them and call it "honor"?
Yep, this thread is an example. DA JOOZ have nothing to do with this, but they're being used as leverage to deflect from the behaviors of the Regressive Left. To attack. To put you on the defensive. Because they realize that their solidarity with one religion is clear and obvious. The most regressive religion on the planet.

Actually, what puts you on the defensive is you are trying to dress up your bigotry in a nice suit and bring it to dinner, only to watch it wipe its nose with its sleeve.

The left - the real left- has a good reason why we oppose your racism and bigotry. It's used as an excuse to justify largely unnecessary wars and a bloated military budget.

And by the way, there's yet another example of my point: Attacks to put others on the defensive and avoid the point. Which I made quite clear.

This is a constant.

You are the ones who started a whole thread on how a fashion was "oppressive", even when wearing one is a matter of choice.
My point is about the Regressive Left, and its hypocrisy on Islam.

I can't imagine that is not clear.

Mostly, because there is no "regressive left", there's the left that realizes that when you make constant disparaging remarks to justify militarism, that's bigotry.

And it's been that way since Rudyard Kipling talked about "The White Man's Burden" which generally meant going into other people's countries and taking their stuff?

You don't want to give us your stuff? You must be barbarians!!!
They allowed their ideology, their "Oppressed/Oppressor" ledger, to completely distort their reason.

That's why there are liberals, REAL liberals, who speak out against them.

No, guy, the word you are looking for is 'bigots'. Happy to have sorted that out for you.

Do Jewish and Amish men throw acid in the faces of those who do not cover? Do they cut their mouths into a smiley? Do they kill them and call it "honor"?

And how often do these things happen?

Hey, I found a bunch of examples of white people killing their daughters. Funny thing, nobody talked about it being because of their religion.

Israeli man kills daughter, 9, in Texas murder-suicide

Texas Man Executed For 2001 Murders of Daughters as Their Anguished Mom Listened Over Phone
In the 1800,'s slavery advocates offered the same sophistry as they do today. You see, since there were some house slaves here and there who said they PREFERRED to be a slave, the slavery advocates of the time used that to justify the continuation of the entire system of slavery. Similarly, these regressives use the fact that some women say they prefer the current extreme limitations placed upon them as their justification for supporting the entire system of gender slavery.

The only difference between the 1800's and today is that in the 1800's, it was liberals arguing AGAINST slavery while today, it is these regressives trying to pawn themselves off as liberals arguing FOR it.

Well, if we were going to use that analogy, then the Civil war would have been the North coming down, stealing all the cotton, and leaving Slavery in place, after whining about it so much. and then making alliances with the biggest plantation owners to keep the flow of cotton going.

Because that honestly does pretty much describe our mid-east policy.
Why are conservatives outraged over Muslims?
While, as you know, I'm not a conservative, I'll be happy to toss out a few ideas. If necessary.

But first, tell me: Can you think of any reasons?

Stand up for liberal values, and you will be called a conservative by regressives who hate true liberalism.

That's why I think the paradigm shift is complete. There is no way to be a liberal without being called conservative by the hypocrites (among all the other names).
Yeah, I don't see this being stepped back. This is just the way it's going to be. It's damn shame, what they've done.
Other than a few brave individuals like Bill Maher,

this would be the same Bill Maher who calls women he doesn't like the C-word, who calls himself a 'house N-word", and frankly insults everyone else's religion, but man, he insults Islam, and you guys are creaming in your jeans about how 'brave' he is.

Maybe these message boards only bring out the extremists, but there seems to be a hundred regressives for each liberal, and the liberals are so outnumbered that they cannot even be seen as liberals.

Or maybe just a lot of us realized that we let the Right use this kind of fake outrage to talk us into doing some truly horrible stuff. "Let's invade Afghanistan, they make their ladies were Bhurkas!!!" So we've been in the Middle East since 2001. In that time, are there any less ladies wearing Burkhas or Hijabs or Chadors or Abayas? Um. No. Probably more because the radicals have been empowered by all the chaos we are causing over there.

Actual liberals are called bigots and Islamophobes and who knows what, while those who wouldn't know a liberal value if it smacked them along side the head call themselves the liberals.

So treating all members of a religious group the same because of the actions of a few fanatics became a liberal value?

(Again, I don't call myself a liberal, I call myself a pragmatist. Pragmatically, you aren't going to change a culture from the outside.)

It seems to me that the paradigm shift is complete and there is nothing that can be done about it. The worst authoritarians in our political system now operate from the left instead of the right and are undermining true liberalism by misrepresenting it.

Or they've learned how to fight back.

You know for years I voted Republican... do you know why? Because, honestly, looking at guys like Carter, Mondale, Dukakis, I saw a bunch of guys who were pretty good at grabbing ankle and bending over.

the thing is, Trump rode in a wave of bigotry, not because he got any m ore votes than McCain and Romney did, but because otherwise decent people hemmed and hawed about what they were against.
Mostly bigotry
There you have it, folks. Support the systematic oppression of women born into Islamic culture or you will call them a bigot. Good grief, what has happened to the left to explain how we have gone from the liberalism of the 60s and 70s to THIS.
That's what you and I have been talking about. That kind of liberalism (and it goes back to the formation of the country) is gone, expired, poof.
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Stand up for liberal values, and you will be called a conservative by regressives who hate true liberalism.

Islamophobia is a liberal value?

That's why I think the paradigm shift is complete. There is no way to be a liberal without being called conservative by the hypocrites (among all the other names).

well, you could start by not being a useful idiot.

You see, most things are a choice.

Liberals have chosen to no longer support wars of aggression- and yes, that's what they are - in the Middle East. At least in principle. Unfortunately, Obama didn't really change the policies that much.

The thing is, you guys want to disparage these people for not embracing your cultural values.

My view is a lot simpler. It just isn't any of our business. And when you see the people who scream loudest about it are the ones who have their own agendas, you have to look at this a little askance.
What about Canada incident? Under Sharia Law the murder was justified.

Okay. And how many daughters are killed by white male christians in family arguments every year?

Um. A lot. I linked to two stories in this country. the race card. Bad Whitey.

It's not a bad point Joe makes. There are a lot of murders by "normal" Americans of wives and girlfriends and daughters for "disobedience."

The difference is that it is institutionalized as a male privilege in Islam, to kill daughters or sisters for "dishonor," which basically means disobedience about who she can go with. And that is worse, much worse. The Muslim guys get congratulated, whereas the "Christian" or at least white guys find the police after them for murder. We have a better system, IMO. For women, anyway. Probably the men don't like it as much.
Hijabs. We're talking about hijabs and head coverings. How it's unacceptable for Muslim women to choose it but not for women of other religions.

You keep using the word "choose". When there are punishments inherent for not choosing, there is no real choice.

Let's keep the argument to here in this country - comparing the US or western countries to, say, Saudi Arabia is apples and oranges.

Women have the right to choose in this country. Some choose to wear traditional religious garb some don't.

Is it always a free choice? Depends. There can be tremendous pressure exerted by family and community to conform and that isn't limited to traditional Muslim families. The pressure can extend to domestic violence. Not conforming can mean violence or a total loss of family, community and friends. But you're wrong in thinking it's only or mostly among Muslims. Any of the strongly patriarchal religious societies that dictate a subservient role to women, that isolates them, can increase the chances that it can occur.
Sexual Abuse in the Amish Community
Biblical Battered Wife Syndrome: Christian Women and Domestic Violence
American Muslim Women and Domestic Violence

The last article is particularly interesting. It's on domestic violence (which is what much of this religious inspired violence on women for not submitting is) - that it is a problem for Muslim women. But it's not the hijab.

By and large though, women in our country do have that choice. So I would say - who are you to take that choice away from them?

Your calling it a choice knowing that it isn't is exactly the same as the slavery advocates of the 19th century using the model of the content house slave to justify the continuation of slavery.

Have you considered embracing liberalism, instead?

So Orthodox Jewish women who choose to wear head coverings don't do it by choice? Amish women who choose to wear plain clothes and hair coverings don't do it by choice? Muslim women who choose to wear a hijab don't do it by choice? They are all "slaves"?

Do Jewish and Amish men throw acid in the faces of those who do not cover? Do they cut their mouths into a smiley? Do they kill them and call it "honor"?

Acid throwing is not religious. It crosses all societies. It is particularly
Hijabs. We're talking about hijabs and head coverings. How it's unacceptable for Muslim women to choose it but not for women of other religions.

You keep using the word "choose". When there are punishments inherent for not choosing, there is no real choice.

Let's keep the argument to here in this country - comparing the US or western countries to, say, Saudi Arabia is apples and oranges.

Women have the right to choose in this country. Some choose to wear traditional religious garb some don't.

Is it always a free choice? Depends. There can be tremendous pressure exerted by family and community to conform and that isn't limited to traditional Muslim families. The pressure can extend to domestic violence. Not conforming can mean violence or a total loss of family, community and friends. But you're wrong in thinking it's only or mostly among Muslims. Any of the strongly patriarchal religious societies that dictate a subservient role to women, that isolates them, can increase the chances that it can occur.
Sexual Abuse in the Amish Community
Biblical Battered Wife Syndrome: Christian Women and Domestic Violence
American Muslim Women and Domestic Violence

The last article is particularly interesting. It's on domestic violence (which is what much of this religious inspired violence on women for not submitting is) - that it is a problem for Muslim women. But it's not the hijab.

By and large though, women in our country do have that choice. So I would say - who are you to take that choice away from them?

Your calling it a choice knowing that it isn't is exactly the same as the slavery advocates of the 19th century using the model of the content house slave to justify the continuation of slavery.

Have you considered embracing liberalism, instead?

So Orthodox Jewish women who choose to wear head coverings don't do it by choice? Amish women who choose to wear plain clothes and hair coverings don't do it by choice? Muslim women who choose to wear a hijab don't do it by choice? They are all "slaves"?

Do Jewish and Amish men throw acid in the faces of those who do not cover? Do they cut their mouths into a smiley? Do they kill them and call it "honor"?

Acid throwing crosses all religions and societies. Did you you know that? In fact it is particularly prevalent in India among the Hindu majority. Why do you give them a free pass and only attack Muslims for it?

Equally important....there are many ways in which misogynistic cultures can attack the only one that matters acid throwing? Or is it that it is necessary to move the goalposts in order to make it possible to single out Islam as an entire faith rather than a collection of cultures some of whom have a lot in common with other misogynistic cultures? Think about it....

Here is some information on acid attacks that may surprise you.... :)
Acid throwing - Wikipedia

Do Amish and Jewish people do it? Can’t find anything specific on Amish and acid but I can find other disturbing material typical related to the abuse of women in their societies.

Pennsylvania rape case of Amish girl 'gifted' to man
Survivor Speaks Out Against Amish Rape Culture Ahead Of Sentencing | HuffPost

And among the more conservative Jewish communities.
In Israel’s ultra-Orthodox community, abused women are finding a way out
Woman in Beit Shemesh attacked by ultra-Orthodox extremists
Mishmeret Tzniyut - Wikipedia

This leads to two questions...
If you call the hijab a symbol of oppression, why not the distinctive clothing of Amish women or the distinctive head scarves or orthodox Jewish women?

Why are those criticizing feminists for ignoring abuse in Muslim communities ignoring the same abuse in non Muslim communities?
No, I just realize,that's what their CULTURES accept and consider normal. Not our place to dictate other cultures and their values.

Oh, I don't know. We can if we want ---- and everyone does.

Muslims think our culture is wrong because of all the naked women everywhere (and I'm inclined to think they have a point --- all those Fox News bimbos with those low-cut dresses, all 30 years younger than their interviewees!). We think the Muslims are wrong because they cut off women's genitals. I agree with that opinion, too.
Stand up for liberal values, and you will be called a conservative by regressives who hate true liberalism.

Islamophobia is a liberal value?

That's why I think the paradigm shift is complete. There is no way to be a liberal without being called conservative by the hypocrites (among all the other names).

well, you could start by not being a useful idiot.

You see, most things are a choice.

Liberals have chosen to no longer support wars of aggression- and yes, that's what they are - in the Middle East. At least in principle. Unfortunately, Obama didn't really change the policies that much.

The thing is, you guys want to disparage these people for not embracing your cultural values.

My view is a lot simpler. It just isn't any of our business. And when you see the people who scream loudest about it are the ones who have their own agendas, you have to look at this a little askance.

You rant like a maniac about the "Zionist entity" while attacking others as "bigots", "Islamophobes" and "Useful idiots".

It's a good thing you have the powers that be on your side, and it must give you confidence knowing that all rules in this sub forum are filtered through extreme left ideology. Heck, otherwise that might look like a personal attack.

You know what they say -- all animals are free, but some are more free than others.
You see, I'm old enough to remember the Cold War, and how they told us the Soviets were these cruel people who made children inform on their parents, and how they hated our freedoms, and they were going to get us if we didn't dump tons of money into the pockets of military contractors.

and then the Berlin Wall came down and we found out the "Evil Empire" was a collection of poor countries that really didn't like each other all that much, but stuck together for as long as they did because they were afraid of us.

Look, if the Zionists didn't want Palestine and Exxon didn't want what was under the Persian Gulf, we wouldn't give a flip about how women are treated in the Islamic World and you know it. We wouldn't be cheering when some drunken rednecks in this country rip the hajib off an Arab teenager because they think it's funny.

What is amusing is that you complain about how they've been programmed without realizing how you've been programmed.

Whoa, you've figured out that sad point people used to quote: "Everything you know is wrong." I got there too, finally. ;)
So we've been in the Middle East since 2001. In that time, are there any less ladies wearing Burkhas or Hijabs or Chadors or Abayas? Um. No. Probably more because the radicals have been empowered by all the chaos we are causing over there.

Good point! It's probably true, that more women are maltreated now. Of course, we didn't make war in Iraq or Syria or Libya or Afghanistan for the sake of the WOMEN. Nobody cared about the women. To say that would be like saying that we fought WWII for the sake of the Holocaust and the concentration camps ------ oh, give me strength. In short: no, we didn't, read a book. (Not to you. Just frustrated at all the inaccurate history floating around.)

Well, none of this war stuff has anything to do with burkas or hijabs. That's the fault of Muslim men and of Muslim women for allowing themselves to be dominated.

In the end, it will have to be women saying, fuggedaboudit.
You keep using the word "choose". When there are punishments inherent for not choosing, there is no real choice.

Let's keep the argument to here in this country - comparing the US or western countries to, say, Saudi Arabia is apples and oranges.

Women have the right to choose in this country. Some choose to wear traditional religious garb some don't.

Is it always a free choice? Depends. There can be tremendous pressure exerted by family and community to conform and that isn't limited to traditional Muslim families. The pressure can extend to domestic violence. Not conforming can mean violence or a total loss of family, community and friends. But you're wrong in thinking it's only or mostly among Muslims. Any of the strongly patriarchal religious societies that dictate a subservient role to women, that isolates them, can increase the chances that it can occur.
Sexual Abuse in the Amish Community
Biblical Battered Wife Syndrome: Christian Women and Domestic Violence
American Muslim Women and Domestic Violence

The last article is particularly interesting. It's on domestic violence (which is what much of this religious inspired violence on women for not submitting is) - that it is a problem for Muslim women. But it's not the hijab.

By and large though, women in our country do have that choice. So I would say - who are you to take that choice away from them?

Your calling it a choice knowing that it isn't is exactly the same as the slavery advocates of the 19th century using the model of the content house slave to justify the continuation of slavery.

Have you considered embracing liberalism, instead?

So Orthodox Jewish women who choose to wear head coverings don't do it by choice? Amish women who choose to wear plain clothes and hair coverings don't do it by choice? Muslim women who choose to wear a hijab don't do it by choice? They are all "slaves"?

Do Jewish and Amish men throw acid in the faces of those who do not cover? Do they cut their mouths into a smiley? Do they kill them and call it "honor"?

Acid throwing is not religious. It crosses all societies. It is particularly
You keep using the word "choose". When there are punishments inherent for not choosing, there is no real choice.

Let's keep the argument to here in this country - comparing the US or western countries to, say, Saudi Arabia is apples and oranges.

Women have the right to choose in this country. Some choose to wear traditional religious garb some don't.

Is it always a free choice? Depends. There can be tremendous pressure exerted by family and community to conform and that isn't limited to traditional Muslim families. The pressure can extend to domestic violence. Not conforming can mean violence or a total loss of family, community and friends. But you're wrong in thinking it's only or mostly among Muslims. Any of the strongly patriarchal religious societies that dictate a subservient role to women, that isolates them, can increase the chances that it can occur.
Sexual Abuse in the Amish Community
Biblical Battered Wife Syndrome: Christian Women and Domestic Violence
American Muslim Women and Domestic Violence

The last article is particularly interesting. It's on domestic violence (which is what much of this religious inspired violence on women for not submitting is) - that it is a problem for Muslim women. But it's not the hijab.

By and large though, women in our country do have that choice. So I would say - who are you to take that choice away from them?

Your calling it a choice knowing that it isn't is exactly the same as the slavery advocates of the 19th century using the model of the content house slave to justify the continuation of slavery.

Have you considered embracing liberalism, instead?

So Orthodox Jewish women who choose to wear head coverings don't do it by choice? Amish women who choose to wear plain clothes and hair coverings don't do it by choice? Muslim women who choose to wear a hijab don't do it by choice? They are all "slaves"?

Do Jewish and Amish men throw acid in the faces of those who do not cover? Do they cut their mouths into a smiley? Do they kill them and call it "honor"?

Acid throwing crosses all religions and societies. Did you you know that? In fact it is particularly prevalent in India among the Hindu majority. Why do you give them a free pass and only attack Muslims for it?

Equally important....there are many ways in which misogynistic cultures can attack the only one that matters acid throwing? Or is it that it is necessary to move the goalposts in order to make it possible to single out Islam as an entire faith rather than a collection of cultures some of whom have a lot in common with other misogynistic cultures? Think about it....

Here is some information on acid attacks that may surprise you.... :)
Acid throwing - Wikipedia

Do Amish and Jewish people do it? Can’t find anything specific on Amish and acid but I can find other disturbing material typical related to the abuse of women in their societies.

Pennsylvania rape case of Amish girl 'gifted' to man
Survivor Speaks Out Against Amish Rape Culture Ahead Of Sentencing | HuffPost

And among the more conservative Jewish communities.
In Israel’s ultra-Orthodox community, abused women are finding a way out
Woman in Beit Shemesh attacked by ultra-Orthodox extremists
Mishmeret Tzniyut - Wikipedia

This leads to two questions...
If you call the hijab a symbol of oppression, why not the distinctive clothing of Amish women or the distinctive head scarves or orthodox Jewish women?

Why are those criticizing feminists for ignoring abuse in Muslim communities ignoring the same abuse in non Muslim communities?

Why don't you find me a thread where people defended these practices using the same tu quoque fallacies as you are using here? I doubt if you even know what that is, but a tu quoque fallacy is essentially "well, they do it TOO" offered as a way to distract away from the central discussion and justify the behavior in question.

Misogyny is hardwired into the very fabric of Islam, where Islamic jurisprudence treats women as lesser beings. There is just no getting around that no matter how many times you resort to these fallacious ruses in order to defend it.

The subject matter here is the way the left defends Islam despite its absolutely monstrous legacy of mistreatment of women. It is an important issue because it is so prevalent, and because there are a billion and a half Muslims. Sure, you can find small sects of others here and they by way of defending it, and you can find the behavior of people who are not motivated by religion, but the fact remains that women are considered lesser beings by Islam, as is in such copious evidence both through the behavior of Muslim men and the facts of Islamic law.

For whatever non liberal reason you have chosen, you simply defend Islam rather than critique it rationally.
Mostly bigotry
There you have it, folks. Support the systematic oppression of women born into Islamic culture or you will call them a bigot. Good grief, what has happened to the left to explain how we have gone from the liberalism of the 60s and 70s to THIS.
That's what you and I have been talking about. That kind of liberalism (and it goes back to the formation of the country) is gone, expired, poof.
Identity politics killed it.

R.I.P. Liberalism.
Let's keep the argument to here in this country - comparing the US or western countries to, say, Saudi Arabia is apples and oranges.

Women have the right to choose in this country. Some choose to wear traditional religious garb some don't.

Is it always a free choice? Depends. There can be tremendous pressure exerted by family and community to conform and that isn't limited to traditional Muslim families. The pressure can extend to domestic violence. Not conforming can mean violence or a total loss of family, community and friends. But you're wrong in thinking it's only or mostly among Muslims. Any of the strongly patriarchal religious societies that dictate a subservient role to women, that isolates them, can increase the chances that it can occur.
Sexual Abuse in the Amish Community
Biblical Battered Wife Syndrome: Christian Women and Domestic Violence
American Muslim Women and Domestic Violence

The last article is particularly interesting. It's on domestic violence (which is what much of this religious inspired violence on women for not submitting is) - that it is a problem for Muslim women. But it's not the hijab.

By and large though, women in our country do have that choice. So I would say - who are you to take that choice away from them?

Your calling it a choice knowing that it isn't is exactly the same as the slavery advocates of the 19th century using the model of the content house slave to justify the continuation of slavery.

Have you considered embracing liberalism, instead?

So Orthodox Jewish women who choose to wear head coverings don't do it by choice? Amish women who choose to wear plain clothes and hair coverings don't do it by choice? Muslim women who choose to wear a hijab don't do it by choice? They are all "slaves"?

Do Jewish and Amish men throw acid in the faces of those who do not cover? Do they cut their mouths into a smiley? Do they kill them and call it "honor"?

Acid throwing is not religious. It crosses all societies. It is particularly
Let's keep the argument to here in this country - comparing the US or western countries to, say, Saudi Arabia is apples and oranges.

Women have the right to choose in this country. Some choose to wear traditional religious garb some don't.

Is it always a free choice? Depends. There can be tremendous pressure exerted by family and community to conform and that isn't limited to traditional Muslim families. The pressure can extend to domestic violence. Not conforming can mean violence or a total loss of family, community and friends. But you're wrong in thinking it's only or mostly among Muslims. Any of the strongly patriarchal religious societies that dictate a subservient role to women, that isolates them, can increase the chances that it can occur.
Sexual Abuse in the Amish Community
Biblical Battered Wife Syndrome: Christian Women and Domestic Violence
American Muslim Women and Domestic Violence

The last article is particularly interesting. It's on domestic violence (which is what much of this religious inspired violence on women for not submitting is) - that it is a problem for Muslim women. But it's not the hijab.

By and large though, women in our country do have that choice. So I would say - who are you to take that choice away from them?

Your calling it a choice knowing that it isn't is exactly the same as the slavery advocates of the 19th century using the model of the content house slave to justify the continuation of slavery.

Have you considered embracing liberalism, instead?

So Orthodox Jewish women who choose to wear head coverings don't do it by choice? Amish women who choose to wear plain clothes and hair coverings don't do it by choice? Muslim women who choose to wear a hijab don't do it by choice? They are all "slaves"?

Do Jewish and Amish men throw acid in the faces of those who do not cover? Do they cut their mouths into a smiley? Do they kill them and call it "honor"?

Acid throwing crosses all religions and societies. Did you you know that? In fact it is particularly prevalent in India among the Hindu majority. Why do you give them a free pass and only attack Muslims for it?

Equally important....there are many ways in which misogynistic cultures can attack the only one that matters acid throwing? Or is it that it is necessary to move the goalposts in order to make it possible to single out Islam as an entire faith rather than a collection of cultures some of whom have a lot in common with other misogynistic cultures? Think about it....

Here is some information on acid attacks that may surprise you.... :)
Acid throwing - Wikipedia

Do Amish and Jewish people do it? Can’t find anything specific on Amish and acid but I can find other disturbing material typical related to the abuse of women in their societies.

Pennsylvania rape case of Amish girl 'gifted' to man
Survivor Speaks Out Against Amish Rape Culture Ahead Of Sentencing | HuffPost

And among the more conservative Jewish communities.
In Israel’s ultra-Orthodox community, abused women are finding a way out
Woman in Beit Shemesh attacked by ultra-Orthodox extremists
Mishmeret Tzniyut - Wikipedia

This leads to two questions...
If you call the hijab a symbol of oppression, why not the distinctive clothing of Amish women or the distinctive head scarves or orthodox Jewish women?

Why are those criticizing feminists for ignoring abuse in Muslim communities ignoring the same abuse in non Muslim communities?

Why don't you find me a thread where people defended these practices using the same tu quoque fallacies as you are using here? I doubt if you even know what that is, but a tu quoque fallacy is essentially "well, they do it TOO" offered as a way to distract away from the central discussion and justify the behavior in question.

Misogyny is hardwired into the very fabric of Islam, where Islamic jurisprudence treats women as lesser beings. There is just no getting around that no matter how many times you resort to these fallacious ruses in order to defend it.

The subject matter here is the way the left defends Islam despite its absolutely monstrous legacy of mistreatment of women. It is an important issue because it is so prevalent, and because there are a billion and a half Muslims. Sure, you can find small sects of others here and they by way of defending it, and you can find the behavior of people who are not motivated by religion, but the fact remains that women are considered lesser beings by Islam, as is in such copious evidence both through the behavior of Muslim men and the facts of Islamic law.

For whatever non liberal reason you have chosen, you simply defend Islam rather than critique it rationally.
It is not the lefts job to defend any religion
It is the Constitutions job

The left only stands up for Constitutional rights
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