CDZ Why don't American, so called, "feminists" go after the actual symbol of oppression....

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So much spinning for the worst excesses of Islam, as usual.
It is truly pointless trying to have an honest discussion with lefties where Islam is concerned.

All they know is what they are expected to defend, and they resort to any dishonest means towards that end. They claim that the cultural misogyny they support is actually religious freedom. They claim women being degraded is actually women's empowerment. They go on bizarre rants about Jews. They make dishonest comparisons to Christianity. They do everything they can to deny, obfuscate, and spin reality in order to parrot the politically correct mindless group think.

The only reason they say the things they say is that they see other ignorant radical leftists saying the same things. They do not want an honest discussion. They do not want to know anything about Islam. they do not operate according to principles and treat knowledge as a threat to their solidarity. They only know this one thing and that is to show their solidarity with Islam.
Yep, this thread is an example. DA JOOZ have nothing to do with this, but they're being used as leverage to deflect from the behaviors of the Regressive Left. To attack. To put you on the defensive. Because they realize that their solidarity with one religion is clear and obvious. The most regressive religion on the planet.

They'll clumsily and transparently pretend this is about fashion. FASHION. That's how deeply dishonest they are.

They can deflect and lie and attack all they want. And they will. It's all they have. They can own it.
Guess what?

Nobody but Conservative bigots care if a woman chooses to wear a hijab
Who has said there is something wrong with a woman choosing to wear a hijab?

Please point that out, and I will tell them that I disagree with them.
I didn't write the OP
The OP is about blatant hypocrisy, not fashion.
Nobody but Conservative bigots care if a woman chooses to wear a hijab
And by the way, there's yet another example of my point: Attacks to put others on the defensive and avoid the point. Which I made quite clear.

This is a constant.

Doesn't answer the question

Why do you care what religions do?
My point is about the Regressive Left, and its hypocrisy on Islam.

I can't imagine that is not clear.
In their own countries, guess what, that's the culture.

Where is your hesitation to involve yourself in the affairs of other countries when it comes to Israel?

Israel is not a single country, but there is also Palestine to consider.
So it is not just internal policies that can be left to the people of the country to decide.
Nobody but Conservative bigots care if a woman chooses to wear a hijab
And by the way, there's yet another example of my point: Attacks to put others on the defensive and avoid the point. Which I made quite clear.

This is a constant.

Doesn't answer the question

Why do you care what religions do?
My point is about the Regressive Left, and its hypocrisy on Islam.

I can't imagine that is not clear.

There is no hypocrisy on the left because the majority of Muslim women prefer the hijab because it gives them more privacy and reduces their time spent getting ready to go out.

And in rural areas in Mideast countries, women frequently drive, go without the hijab, etc., so it is somewhat of a fake issue.
Nobody but Conservative bigots care if a woman chooses to wear a hijab
And by the way, there's yet another example of my point: Attacks to put others on the defensive and avoid the point. Which I made quite clear.

This is a constant.

Doesn't answer the question

Why do you care what religions do?
My point is about the Regressive Left, and its hypocrisy on Islam.

I can't imagine that is not clear.

There is no hypocrisy on the left because the majority of Muslim women prefer the hijab because it gives them more privacy and reduces their time spent getting ready to go out.

And in rural areas in Mideast countries, women frequently drive, go without the hijab, etc., so it is somewhat of a fake issue.
The Regressive Left is more than willing to attack Christianity, mock and insult and belittle Christians at every single opportunity, yet go into full spin, defend, enable and attack mode when Islam or its radical elements are challenged.

Maybe you really don't see that blatant hypocrisy. Anything is possible, I guess.
The Regressive Left is more than willing to attack Christianity, mock and insult and belittle Christians at every single opportunity, yet go into full spin, defend, enable and attack mode when Islam or its radical elements are challenged.

Maybe you really don't see that blatant hypocrisy. Anything is possible, I guess.

This regressive left is completely ignorant, most of all of history and the meaning of political terms.

In the 1800,'s slavery advocates offered the same sophistry as they do today. You see, since there were some house slaves here and there who said they PREFERRED to be a slave, the slavery advocates of the time used that to justify the continuation of the entire system of slavery. Similarly, these regressives use the fact that some women say they prefer the current extreme limitations placed upon them as their justification for supporting the entire system of gender slavery.

The only difference between the 1800's and today is that in the 1800's, it was liberals arguing AGAINST slavery while today, it is these regressives trying to pawn themselves off as liberals arguing FOR it.
Nobody but Conservative bigots care if a woman chooses to wear a hijab
And by the way, there's yet another example of my point: Attacks to put others on the defensive and avoid the point. Which I made quite clear.

This is a constant.

Doesn't answer the question

Why do you care what religions do?
My point is about the Regressive Left, and its hypocrisy on Islam.

I can't imagine that is not clear.

There is no hypocrisy on the left because the majority of Muslim women prefer the hijab because it gives them more privacy and reduces their time spent getting ready to go out.

And in rural areas in Mideast countries, women frequently drive, go without the hijab, etc., so it is somewhat of a fake issue.
The Regressive Left is more than willing to attack Christianity, mock and insult and belittle Christians at every single opportunity, yet go into full spin, defend, enable and attack mode when Islam or its radical elements are challenged.

Maybe you really don't see that blatant hypocrisy. Anything is possible, I guess.

They're sociopaths and deviants, that's why; if you're expecting 'rationalism' to be something they're actually familiar with, you're wasting your breath. Naturally they can't recognize hypocrisy and double standards, since that isn't their point; their point is beliefs that stand in the way of mindless self-indulgence and their neurotic fetishes and compulsions is to be destroyed, period, that's all.
The Regressive Left is more than willing to attack Christianity, mock and insult and belittle Christians at every single opportunity, yet go into full spin, defend, enable and attack mode when Islam or its radical elements are challenged.

Maybe you really don't see that blatant hypocrisy. Anything is possible, I guess.

This regressive left is completely ignorant, most of all of history and the meaning of political terms.

In the 1800,'s slavery advocates offered the same sophistry as they do today. You see, since there were some house slaves here and there who said they PREFERRED to be a slave, the slavery advocates of the time used that to justify the continuation of the entire system of slavery. Similarly, these regressives use the fact that some women say they prefer the current extreme limitations placed upon them as their justification for supporting the entire system of gender slavery.

The only difference between the 1800's and today is that in the 1800's, it was liberals arguing AGAINST slavery while today, it is these regressives trying to pawn themselves off as liberals arguing FOR it.
They allowed their ideology, their "Oppressed/Oppressor" ledger, to completely distort their reason.

That's why there are liberals, REAL liberals, who speak out against them.
And by the way, there's yet another example of my point: Attacks to put others on the defensive and avoid the point. Which I made quite clear.

This is a constant.

Doesn't answer the question

Why do you care what religions do?
My point is about the Regressive Left, and its hypocrisy on Islam.

I can't imagine that is not clear.

There is no hypocrisy on the left because the majority of Muslim women prefer the hijab because it gives them more privacy and reduces their time spent getting ready to go out.

And in rural areas in Mideast countries, women frequently drive, go without the hijab, etc., so it is somewhat of a fake issue.
The Regressive Left is more than willing to attack Christianity, mock and insult and belittle Christians at every single opportunity, yet go into full spin, defend, enable and attack mode when Islam or its radical elements are challenged.

Maybe you really don't see that blatant hypocrisy. Anything is possible, I guess.

They're sociopaths and deviants, that's why; if you're expecting 'rationalism' to be something they're actually familiar with, you're wasting your breath. Naturally they can't recognize hypocrisy and double standards, since that isn't their point; their point is beliefs that stand in the way of mindless self-indulgence and their neurotic fetishes and compulsions is to be destroyed, period, that's all.
They'll never be "destroyed". Culturally marginalized would be a difficult enough task.

And frankly, I don't see that happening either.
They're sociopaths and deviants, that's why; if you're expecting 'rationalism' to be something they're actually familiar with, you're wasting your breath. Naturally they can't recognize hypocrisy and double standards, since that isn't their point; their point is beliefs that stand in the way of mindless self-indulgence and their neurotic fetishes and compulsions is to be destroyed, period, that's all.

I see it as a case of arrested development. They haven't advanced to true adulthood, as they are forever stuck in a juvenile stage of acting out in a nihilistic rage. Their compulsion to be destroyed arises from their on deep-seated lack of self worth and self efficacy, so they strike out like children against the entirety of their own liberal culture. That is why they align themselves with those hell bent on destroying it.
That's why there are liberals, REAL liberals, who speak out against them.

Other than a few brave individuals like Bill Maher, those true liberals are a dying breed. Maybe these message boards only bring out the extremists, but there seems to be a hundred regressives for each liberal, and the liberals are so outnumbered that they cannot even be seen as liberals. Just look at the kinds of names the regressives call them? Actual liberals are called bigots and Islamophobes and who knows what, while those who wouldn't know a liberal value if it smacked them along side the head call themselves the liberals.

It seems to me that the paradigm shift is complete and there is nothing that can be done about it. The worst authoritarians in our political system now operate from the left instead of the right and are undermining true liberalism by misrepresenting it.
That's why there are liberals, REAL liberals, who speak out against them.

Other than a few brave individuals like Bill Maher, those true liberals are a dying breed. Maybe these message boards only bring out the extremists, but there seems to be a hundred regressives for each liberal, and the liberals are so outnumbered that they cannot even be seen as liberals. Just look at the kinds of names the regressives call them? Actual liberals are called bigots and Islamophobes and who knows what, while those who wouldn't know a liberal value if it smacked them along side the head call themselves the liberals.

It seems to me that the paradigm shift is complete and there is nothing that can be done about it. The worst authoritarians in our political system now operate from the left instead of the right and are undermining true liberalism by misrepresenting it.
Can't disagree, I'm afraid.

This is most likely Liberalism 2.0, the Rise of the Illiberal Authoritarians.

Horror movie!

All they know is what they are expected to defend, and they resort to any dishonest means towards that end. They claim that the cultural misogyny they support is actually religious freedom. They claim women being degraded is actually women's empowerment. They go on bizarre rants about Jews. They make dishonest comparisons to Christianity. They do everything they can to deny, obfuscate, and spin reality in order to parrot the politically correct mindless group think.

The only reason they say the things they say is that they see other ignorant radical leftists saying the same things. They do not want an honest discussion. They do not want to know anything about Islam. they do not operate according to principles and treat knowledge as a threat to their solidarity. They only know this one thing and that is to show their solidarity with Islam.
Yep, this thread is an example. DA JOOZ have nothing to do with this, but they're being used as leverage to deflect from the behaviors of the Regressive Left. To attack. To put you on the defensive. Because they realize that their solidarity with one religion is clear and obvious. The most regressive religion on the planet.

They'll clumsily and transparently pretend this is about fashion. FASHION. That's how deeply dishonest they are.

They can deflect and lie and attack all they want. And they will. It's all they have. They can own it.
Guess what?

Nobody but Conservative bigots care if a woman chooses to wear a hijab
Who has said there is something wrong with a woman choosing to wear a hijab?

Please point that out, and I will tell them that I disagree with them.
I didn't write the OP
The OP is about blatant hypocrisy, not fashion.
Where is the hypocrisy?

Feminists have bigger issues than headgear
Yep, this thread is an example. DA JOOZ have nothing to do with this, but they're being used as leverage to deflect from the behaviors of the Regressive Left. To attack. To put you on the defensive. Because they realize that their solidarity with one religion is clear and obvious. The most regressive religion on the planet.

They'll clumsily and transparently pretend this is about fashion. FASHION. That's how deeply dishonest they are.

They can deflect and lie and attack all they want. And they will. It's all they have. They can own it.
Guess what?

Nobody but Conservative bigots care if a woman chooses to wear a hijab
Who has said there is something wrong with a woman choosing to wear a hijab?

Please point that out, and I will tell them that I disagree with them.
I didn't write the OP
The OP is about blatant hypocrisy, not fashion.
Where is the hypocrisy?

Feminists have bigger issues than headgear
I don't know if you're purposely avoiding the point or not.

This isn't about fashion. Holy crap, come on.
Well this thread has certainly declined into the usual broad brush group insults instead of solid discussion. It's like when someone starts throwing the race card around.

Can't even tell what the topic is anymore.
Well this thread has certainly declined into the usual broad brush group insults instead of solid discussion. It's like when someone starts throwing the race card around. Can't even tell what the topic is anymore.
I'm told it's about fashion.

That's it. Just fashion.
Well this thread has certainly declined into the usual broad brush group insults instead of solid discussion. It's like when someone starts throwing the race card around. Can't even tell what the topic is anymore.
I'm told it's about fashion.

That's it. Just fashion.

I'm told if one tries to broaden the discussion beyond either fashion or oppression - I am supporting the worst excesses of Islam and a whole lot of cultural crap that isn't even religious. In fact, that seems to be much of the last couple of pages this thread.
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