CDZ Why don't American, so called, "feminists" go after the actual symbol of oppression....

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And, its idiots like rightwinger that help keep muslim women "hidden". There are more of like him than most realize..hence the continuing problem for muslim women.
Muslim women are not hidden

I see them in public all the time...just like I see orthodox Jewish women and the Amish who dress to comply with their religion

Jewish and Amish women aren't fully covered and unidentifiable Not all, but lots of them, walk around in Dearborn.. ..Moron:slap:

Most Muslim women wear a headscarf.....similar to what a Jewish or Amish woman would to respect their religion
If they choose to wear a full is their choice
Walk around Dearborn have no idea what you're talking about nutter....Answer my questions..How would you identify a fully covered women?

Why do you have to identify her?

Like most people you could ask for ID
Why don't Conservatives go after Muslim men who are forced to grow beards?

It is oppression
Why won't they bitch at islam that really does hold women back? Why is all the focus on destroying men in America that support equalness anyways?
Because Islam exists on the "Oppressed" side of the Left's Identity Politics "Oppressed/Oppressor" ledger. Any group that the Left identifies as "Oppressed" immediately qualifies to be defended by whatever means is necessary - spin, deflection, lowered standards, denial, distortion, and sustained attacks on the Oppressor. No matter what, no matter what damage can be caused, no matter what further bad behaviors are enabled and exacerbated.

Examples of the Identity Politics Ledger:

The World/Christianity
Hispanics & Latinos/Whites
College Students/Contrary Opinion
Planet Earth/America
Other Countries/America

It plays out over and over and over. Every day. Like clockwork.
To the right, the oppressed/oppressor ledger looks like:
Conservatives/The rest of the world
Why won't they bitch at islam that really does hold women back? Why is all the focus on destroying men in America that support equalness anyways?
Because Islam exists on the "Oppressed" side of the Left's Identity Politics "Oppressed/Oppressor" ledger. Any group that the Left identifies as "Oppressed" immediately qualifies to be defended by whatever means is necessary - spin, deflection, lowered standards, denial, distortion, and sustained attacks on the Oppressor. No matter what, no matter what damage can be caused, no matter what further bad behaviors are enabled and exacerbated.

Examples of the Identity Politics Ledger:

The World/Christianity
Hispanics & Latinos/Whites
College Students/Contrary Opinion
Planet Earth/America
Other Countries/America

It plays out over and over and over. Every day. Like clockwork.
To the right, the oppressed/oppressor ledger looks like:
Conservatives/The rest of the world
Well, at least you didn't try to deny the point.
Yes, you are 100% in support of the oppression of women as long as it arises from the primitive cultures of those you do not consider white and Western.

No, I just realize,that's what their CULTURES accept and consider normal. Not our place to dictate other cultures and their values.

Or they're at least willing to spin and deflect and attack for it, because they "feel" some kind of responsibility to do so.

That ol' "Oppressed/Oppressor" ledger must be honored.

But the rest the of the time, oh, they care, they really care!

Again, we haven't been involved in 25 years of warfare over there over the "Oppression of women", guy. Quite the reverse, we backed more repressive cultures (Saudi Arabia) against more "progressive" ones (Iraq).

I simply refuse to be manipulated with emotional appeals by the Zionists and Oil Companies, when they have their own agendas.
No, there is no other Religion that covers their women like this...How would we identify this person?..What form of ID should she have?..Should she be able to drive like this?..What would be on her drivers license?

Except- once again, this is a cultural dictate, not a religious one. The Saudis- our buddies, except for the ones who fly planes into buildings - make their ladies dress like this, not the Libyans or the Syrians or the Iraqis that the Zionists have instigated us to fight wars against.
Why are conservatives intimidated by women in a hajib ???

While they mock American women who report sexual harassment
No, there is no other Religion that covers their women like this.
The Regressive Left doesn't care.

They'll gleefully mock and insult and belittle Christians all day. They'll do anything and everything they can to wipe every last symbol of Christianity from the public square. But bring up Islam, by golly, and they become the most tolerant, loving, open-minded creatures on the planet, ready to defend that religion all the way.

You'd think they would see this gross and blatant hypocrisy, but I'm not so sure.

Then they complain when their motivations and goals are questioned. Absolutely fascinating to watch.
No, there is no other Religion that covers their women like this.
The Regressive Left doesn't care.

They'll gleefully mock and insult and belittle Christians all day. They'll do anything and everything they can to wipe every last symbol of Christianity from the public square. But bring up Islam, by golly, and they become the most tolerant, loving, open-minded creatures on the planet, ready to defend that religion all the way.

You'd think they would see this gross and blatant hypocrisy, but I'm not so sure.

Then they complain when their motivations and goals are questioned. Absolutely fascinating to watch.

Useful idiots.....
Yes, you are 100% in support of the oppression of women as long as it arises from the primitive cultures of those you do not consider white and Western.

No, I just realize,that's what their CULTURES accept and consider normal. Not our place to dictate other cultures and their values.

Or they're at least willing to spin and deflect and attack for it, because they "feel" some kind of responsibility to do so.

That ol' "Oppressed/Oppressor" ledger must be honored.

But the rest the of the time, oh, they care, they really care!

Again, we haven't been involved in 25 years of warfare over there over the "Oppression of women", guy. Quite the reverse, we backed more repressive cultures (Saudi Arabia) against more "progressive" ones (Iraq).

I simply refuse to be manipulated with emotional appeals by the Zionists and Oil Companies, when they have their own agendas.

Yes, these women have no rights because they are brown skinned and born into the wrong culture.

Have you ever considered supporting liberalism instead of its antithesis?
No, there is no other Religion that covers their women like this.
The Regressive Left doesn't care.

They'll gleefully mock and insult and belittle Christians all day. They'll do anything and everything they can to wipe every last symbol of Christianity from the public square. But bring up Islam, by golly, and they become the most tolerant, loving, open-minded creatures on the planet, ready to defend that religion all the way.

You'd think they would see this gross and blatant hypocrisy, but I'm not so sure.

Then they complain when their motivations and goals are questioned. Absolutely fascinating to watch.
If they were smart enough to see the blatant hypocrisy, they wouldn't be regressives.

They would be liberals, instead.
Why are conservatives intimidated by women in a hajib ???

While they mock American women who report sexual harassment
Why do you see the world in such a simple- minded way?

Anybody with an ounce of knowledge realizes that it is ISLAM that is archly conservative. Do you really not know what the word means? The "conserve" in conservatism represents the desire to preserve social institutions. You can,t get any more conservative than Adhering to the restrictive social conventions of 1500 years ago.
Here is what is regressive: freedom of religion for me but not for thee. You expect that attitude in certain parts of the world but not here. it is. Muslim women in America should not be allowed free choice. But ironically it’s not their religion dictating it is their so called defenders. And it’s the same attitude that demeans a woman for choosing to raise a family over being a high powered career women.

Who truly stands for choice?
Here is what is regressive: freedom of religion for me but not for thee. You expect that attitude in certain parts of the world but not here. it is. Muslim women in America should not be allowed free choice. But ironically it’s not their religion dictating it is their so called defenders. And it’s the same attitude that demeans a woman for choosing to raise a family over being a high powered career women.

Who truly stands for choice?
The choice between having acid thrown on ones face or wearing slave clothes is no actual choice.

You support Islamic misogyny as an entire system, so try to twist the repression into some sort of empowerment, instead.

Intelligent people can see right though that obvious ruse.
Here is what is regressive: freedom of religion for me but not for thee. You expect that attitude in certain parts of the world but not here. it is. Muslim women in America should not be allowed free choice. But ironically it’s not their religion dictating it is their so called defenders. And it’s the same attitude that demeans a woman for choosing to raise a family over being a high powered career women.

Who truly stands for choice?
The choice between having acid thrown on ones face or wearing slave clothes is no actual choice.

You support Islamic misogyny as an entire system, so try to twist the repression into some sort of empowerment, instead.

Intelligent people can see right though that obvious ruse.

Remember you are in the CDZ please - ok? Take the crap to the FZ.

Otherwise no. I do not support any of that. I'm talking about religious freedom.

There is nothing in Islam supporting acid being thrown in a person's face. In fact that act occurs in Hindu majority countries and Christian majority countries as well. Acid is cheap and easily available for jilted lovers and misogynists.

There is nothing in Islam supporting honor killing either or FGM.

All of the above are cultural and I support their irradication and the EMPOWERMENT of women in those countries. Most of those countries - whether it's India, Nepal, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and much of Africa offer little in the way of choice for women. Why not fight for change instead just demonizing a religion? There are people doing so. Who do you think is fighting to end the cultural practice of FGM? It's Muslims. Who do you think is fighting to stop acid attacks on women? It's Muslims. It's Hindus. It's a host of people NATIVE to those countries who want to change the way women are treated. Same with rape. Same with child marriage. Some Muslims support it but other Muslims oppose it. Why not join the people fighting for better conditions instead of arguing over whether a woman has the right to choose to wear a hijab? Those are the real fights.

In this country we HAVE freedom of religion. It is a PILLAR in the founding of our country. It's not freedom of SOME religions - it's RELIGION. If a woman in this country wants to wear an hijab as a show of her faith - so effing what? She has the freedom to choose it. Just like a Muslim woman who DOESN'T want to...has that freedom as well. Just like any other religion here. Of course it can be abused but are you truly saying that freedom of choice should be taken away from Muslim woman and not Jewish? Amish? Conservative Christian?

We are country that values choice.
The Regressive Left doesn't care.

They'll gleefully mock and insult and belittle Christians all day. They'll do anything and everything they can to wipe every last symbol of Christianity from the public square. But bring up Islam, by golly, and they become the most tolerant, loving, open-minded creatures on the planet, ready to defend that religion all the way.

You'd think they would see this gross and blatant hypocrisy, but I'm not so sure.

Then they complain when their motivations and goals are questioned. Absolutely fascinating to watch.

No, guy, you still don't get that.

You see, a Muslim in Palestine can hate on me all day, but he really can't do a freaking thing to effect my life. There just aren't enough Muslims in this country to be a constituency anyone wants to pander to.

Christians, on the other hand, have been trying to impose their backward bronze age superstitions on the rest of us for quite some time.

So it's not an argument about who has the meanest backward superstitions, it's who has the ability to impose themselves on me.

It's not that I think their culture is "wonderful", it's JUST NOT MY PROBLEM. It only becomes our problem because our leaders, who pay more attention to the Oil Companies and Zionists, are more than happy to send someone else's kids off to that part of the world (which is on the other side of the planet, check your globe). Then after we've bombed, invaded, killed and generally mismanaged our way through one hapless intervention after another, we wonder why these people want to kill us.

"Um, um, um, it's must be because of their religion! Look how they make their women dress!"
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