CDZ Why don't American, so called, "feminists" go after the actual symbol of oppression....

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Yes, these women have no rights because they are brown skinned and born into the wrong culture.

Have you ever considered supporting liberalism instead of its antithesis?

Never said I was a liberal, buddy.

I'm a pragmatist.

Pragmatically, we aren't going to change their culture, which predates our by a thousand years or so. Nor is it really our place to, no matter how many pictures of self-hating Muslims Mac puts up.

You see, ironically, the Shah of Iran tried to outlaw the Chador (the Iranian version of the Hijab), and it was one of the motivating factors for the revolution against him in 1979.

The Russians tried to ban their culture in Afghanistan, and they fought a 10 year war to drive them out. (Of course, it didn't help that we were arming the crazies.)

Now, PRAGMATICALLY, 40 years ago, our problem in the middle east was not "Jihadism". Our problem was secular leaders like Nassir, Assad, Saddam, Khadafy, Arafat who were pro-Soviet, pan-Arab nationalists who figured out that they could use oil to wage economic war on us AND fund a lot of bad people we didn't like.

And we (Which is to say the Jews and the Oil Companies) thought this was so horrible, that we threw in with people like Bin Laden and the Saudis, who were the religious nuts of the region because they were OUR kind of religious nuts.

And then we scratched our big monkey heads when we realized that Communism wasn't the only western philosophy they weren't keen on.

Just make sure you keep a scorecard of who we are arming now to fight ISIS and Al Qaeda, because they'll be our next enemy in 20 years. and you STILL won't get it.

Now we could do the rational pragmatic thing, of not getting involved in their fights (this includes not supporting the Zionist Entity) and take some of the 700 BILLION we spend every year playing hall monitor in the Middle East and spend it on energy independence.

You know, like we should have done 40 years ago, the first time they tried this nonsense.
So much spinning for the worst excesses of Islam, as usual.
It is truly pointless trying to have an honest discussion with lefties where Islam is concerned.

I'm always happy to have a honest discussion.

But that discussion should begin at 'Do our policies make a lick of sense'? Not "Can we change a 1000 year old culture who are going to be about a receptive as your drunk uncle to a yoga program"
Why do you see the world in such a simple- minded way?

Anybody with an ounce of knowledge realizes that it is ISLAM that is archly conservative. Do you really not know what the word means? The "conserve" in conservatism represents the desire to preserve social institutions. You can,t get any more conservative than Adhering to the restrictive social conventions of 1500 years ago.

Again, why is any of this our problem?

You see, I'm old enough to remember the Cold War, and how they told us the Soviets were these cruel people who made children inform on their parents, and how they hated our freedoms, and they were going to get us if we didn't dump tons of money into the pockets of military contractors.

and then the Berlin Wall came down and we found out the "Evil Empire" was a collection of poor countries that really didn't like each other all that much, but stuck together for as long as they did because they were afraid of us.

Look, if the Zionists didn't want Palestine and Exxon didn't want what was under the Persian Gulf, we wouldn't give a flip about how women are treated in the Islamic World and you know it. We wouldn't be cheering when some drunken rednecks in this country rip the hajib off an Arab teenager because they think it's funny.

What is amusing is that you complain about how they've been programmed without realizing how you've been programmed.
Why are conservatives intimidated by women in a hajib ???

While they mock American women who report sexual harassment
Why do you see the world in such a simple- minded way?

Anybody with an ounce of knowledge realizes that it is ISLAM that is archly conservative. Do you really not know what the word means? The "conserve" in conservatism represents the desire to preserve social institutions. You can,t get any more conservative than Adhering to the restrictive social conventions of 1500 years ago.
Why the hell would conservatives care what Muslim women wear on their heads?
And they just keep doing it. They literally can't help themselves.

"Waaaaahhhhh.... why won't they subscribe to my Islamophobia? Don't they know those Arabs are the scariest thing ever? I wet myself thinking about a Hijab yesterday".

Why the hell would conservatives care what Muslim women wear on their heads?

I think when you have to continually distract the white working class from their declining quality of life, they have to point out how other groups are "different" and therefor to be feared.

But this wetting themselves over a head scarf is a new high in hilarity.
And they just keep doing it. They literally can't help themselves.

"Waaaaahhhhh.... why won't they subscribe to my Islamophobia? Don't they know those Arabs are the scariest thing ever? I wet myself thinking about a Hijab yesterday".

Why the hell would conservatives care what Muslim women wear on their heads?

I think when you have to continually distract the white working class from their declining quality of life, they have to point out how other groups are "different" and therefor to be feared.

But this wetting themselves over a head scarf is a new high in hilarity.
I don't know

To me, a head scarf looks better than a MAGA hat
Here is what is regressive: freedom of religion for me but not for thee. You expect that attitude in certain parts of the world but not here. it is. Muslim women in America should not be allowed free choice. But ironically it’s not their religion dictating it is their so called defenders. And it’s the same attitude that demeans a woman for choosing to raise a family over being a high powered career women.

Who truly stands for choice?
The choice between having acid thrown on ones face or wearing slave clothes is no actual choice.

You support Islamic misogyny as an entire system, so try to twist the repression into some sort of empowerment, instead.

Intelligent people can see right though that obvious ruse.
Should the women who are complaining the most about not getting used enough; insist on their right make sure guys don't have blue balls, simply for the sake of modern morals? We should be trying to improve our morals whenever possible.
So much spinning for the worst excesses of Islam, as usual.
It is truly pointless trying to have an honest discussion with lefties where Islam is concerned.

All they know is what they are expected to defend, and they resort to any dishonest means towards that end. They claim that the cultural misogyny they support is actually religious freedom. They claim women being degraded is actually women's empowerment. They go on bizarre rants about Jews. They make dishonest comparisons to Christianity. They do everything they can to deny, obfuscate, and spin reality in order to parrot the politically correct mindless group think.

The only reason they say the things they say is that they see other ignorant radical leftists saying the same things. They do not want an honest discussion. They do not want to know anything about Islam. they do not operate according to principles and treat knowledge as a threat to their solidarity. They only know this one thing and that is to show their solidarity with Islam.
All they know is what they are expected to defend, and they resort to any dishonest means towards that end. They claim that the cultural misogyny they support is actually religious freedom. They claim women being degraded is actually women's empowerment. They go on bizarre rants about Jews. They make dishonest comparisons to Christianity. They do everything they can to deny, obfuscate, and spin reality in order to parrot the politically correct mindless group think.

The only reason they say the things they say is that they see other ignorant radical leftists saying the same things. They do not want an honest discussion. They do not want to know anything about Islam. they do not operate according to principles and treat knowledge as a threat to their solidarity. They only know this one thing and that is to show their solidarity with Islam.

So when you are done beating up those straw men, maybe youcan get on actually refuting the arguments actually made.

Okay here are the arguments I make.

1) Our problem in the Middle East isn't their religion, it's our policy.
2) It's not our place to change their culture.
3) The interests of the Zionist Entity and Exxon are not America's interests.

When you can address those points, then we can have a discussion.

Or you can keep whining about head scarves.
All they know is what they are expected to defend, and they resort to any dishonest means towards that end. They claim that the cultural misogyny they support is actually religious freedom. They claim women being degraded is actually women's empowerment. They go on bizarre rants about Jews. They make dishonest comparisons to Christianity. They do everything they can to deny, obfuscate, and spin reality in order to parrot the politically correct mindless group think.

The only reason they say the things they say is that they see other ignorant radical leftists saying the same things. They do not want an honest discussion. They do not want to know anything about Islam. they do not operate according to principles and treat knowledge as a threat to their solidarity. They only know this one thing and that is to show their solidarity with Islam.

So when you are done beating up those straw men, maybe youcan get on actually refuting the arguments actually made.

Okay here are the arguments I make.

1) Our problem in the Middle East isn't their religion, it's our policy.
2) It's not our place to change their culture.
3) The interests of the Zionist Entity and Exxon are not America's interests.

When you can address those points, then we can have a discussion.

Or you can keep whining about head scarves.

You repeat the catch phrases of the hard line Mullahs and claim to seek an honest discussion?


The Jewish state has nothing to do with this discussion other than the fact that Muslims share your maniacal hatred for it. Yours is much like sharing solidarity with kkk members who lynch blacks by blaming black people for the fact they are being persecuted.

"Hey, I'm just being practical when I say it is our support for the minority black population that is the real issue, here, and so we should support these lynchings, instead".
The Jewish state has nothing to do with this discussion other than the fact that Muslims share your maniacal hatred for it. Yours is much like sharing solidarity with kkk members who lynch blacks by blaming black people for the fact they are being persecuted.

Except Black people didn't travel half way around the world to take KKK guys stuff by force. Quite the reverse,t he KKK guys dragged them from Africa in chains, and then got upset they weren't property anymore and could vote.

The Zionists, on the other hand, stole land from people who had lived their for centuries. People who in some cases welcomed them when other people were killing them. Talk about no good deed going unpunished.

You repeat the catch phrases of the hard line Mullahs and claim to seek an honest discussion?

Naw, you bigots just want to make your bigotry mainstream. But after 16 years of war and thousands of dead, people aren't buying it anymore.
The Jewish state has nothing to do with this discussion other than the fact that Muslims share your maniacal hatred for it. Yours is much like sharing solidarity with kkk members who lynch blacks by blaming black people for the fact they are being persecuted.

Except Black people didn't travel half way around the world to take KKK guys stuff by force. Quite the reverse,t he KKK guys dragged them from Africa in chains, and then got upset they weren't property anymore and could vote.

The Zionists, on the other hand, stole land from people who had lived their for centuries. People who in some cases welcomed them when other people were killing them. Talk about no good deed going unpunished.

You repeat the catch phrases of the hard line Mullahs and claim to seek an honest discussion?

Naw, you bigots just want to make your bigotry mainstream. But after 16 years of war and thousands of dead, people aren't buying it anymore.

I'm a bigot because I support a small minority against the persecution of a large majority?

Just because you do not tell the truth when it comes to the creation of Israel does not make me the bigot here.
I'm a bigot because I support a small minority against the persecution of a large majority?

Just because you do not tell the truth when it comes to the creation of Israel does not make me the bigot here.

The only lie related to the creation of the Zionist Entity was "A land without a people for a people without a land."

This was a lie. There were people there. They had been there for centuries. The Zionists stole their land. And they are doing the exact same thing you would do under the same circumstances.
So much spinning for the worst excesses of Islam, as usual.
It is truly pointless trying to have an honest discussion with lefties where Islam is concerned.

All they know is what they are expected to defend, and they resort to any dishonest means towards that end. They claim that the cultural misogyny they support is actually religious freedom. They claim women being degraded is actually women's empowerment. They go on bizarre rants about Jews. They make dishonest comparisons to Christianity. They do everything they can to deny, obfuscate, and spin reality in order to parrot the politically correct mindless group think.

The only reason they say the things they say is that they see other ignorant radical leftists saying the same things. They do not want an honest discussion. They do not want to know anything about Islam. they do not operate according to principles and treat knowledge as a threat to their solidarity. They only know this one thing and that is to show their solidarity with Islam.
Yep, this thread is an example. DA JOOZ have nothing to do with this, but they're being used as leverage to deflect from the behaviors of the Regressive Left. To attack. To put you on the defensive. Because they realize that their solidarity with one religion is clear and obvious. The most regressive religion on the planet.

They'll clumsily and transparently pretend this is about fashion. FASHION. That's how deeply dishonest they are.

They can deflect and lie and attack all they want. And they will. It's all they have. They can own it.
So much spinning for the worst excesses of Islam, as usual.
It is truly pointless trying to have an honest discussion with lefties where Islam is concerned.

All they know is what they are expected to defend, and they resort to any dishonest means towards that end. They claim that the cultural misogyny they support is actually religious freedom. They claim women being degraded is actually women's empowerment. They go on bizarre rants about Jews. They make dishonest comparisons to Christianity. They do everything they can to deny, obfuscate, and spin reality in order to parrot the politically correct mindless group think.

The only reason they say the things they say is that they see other ignorant radical leftists saying the same things. They do not want an honest discussion. They do not want to know anything about Islam. they do not operate according to principles and treat knowledge as a threat to their solidarity. They only know this one thing and that is to show their solidarity with Islam.
Yep, this thread is an example. DA JOOZ have nothing to do with this, but they're being used as leverage to deflect from the behaviors of the Regressive Left. To attack. To put you on the defensive. Because they realize that their solidarity with one religion is clear and obvious. The most regressive religion on the planet.

They'll clumsily and transparently pretend this is about fashion. FASHION. That's how deeply dishonest they are.

They can deflect and lie and attack all they want. And they will. It's all they have. They can own it.
Guess what?

Nobody but Conservative bigots care if a woman chooses to wear a hijab
So much spinning for the worst excesses of Islam, as usual.
It is truly pointless trying to have an honest discussion with lefties where Islam is concerned.

All they know is what they are expected to defend, and they resort to any dishonest means towards that end. They claim that the cultural misogyny they support is actually religious freedom. They claim women being degraded is actually women's empowerment. They go on bizarre rants about Jews. They make dishonest comparisons to Christianity. They do everything they can to deny, obfuscate, and spin reality in order to parrot the politically correct mindless group think.

The only reason they say the things they say is that they see other ignorant radical leftists saying the same things. They do not want an honest discussion. They do not want to know anything about Islam. they do not operate according to principles and treat knowledge as a threat to their solidarity. They only know this one thing and that is to show their solidarity with Islam.
Yep, this thread is an example. DA JOOZ have nothing to do with this, but they're being used as leverage to deflect from the behaviors of the Regressive Left. To attack. To put you on the defensive. Because they realize that their solidarity with one religion is clear and obvious. The most regressive religion on the planet.

They'll clumsily and transparently pretend this is about fashion. FASHION. That's how deeply dishonest they are.

They can deflect and lie and attack all they want. And they will. It's all they have. They can own it.
Guess what?

Nobody but Conservative bigots care if a woman chooses to wear a hijab
Who has said there is something wrong with a woman choosing to wear a hijab?

Please point that out, and I will tell them that I disagree with them.
Nobody but Conservative bigots care if a woman chooses to wear a hijab
And by the way, there's yet another example of my point: Attacks to put others on the defensive and avoid the point. Which I made quite clear.

This is a constant.
So much spinning for the worst excesses of Islam, as usual.
It is truly pointless trying to have an honest discussion with lefties where Islam is concerned.

All they know is what they are expected to defend, and they resort to any dishonest means towards that end. They claim that the cultural misogyny they support is actually religious freedom. They claim women being degraded is actually women's empowerment. They go on bizarre rants about Jews. They make dishonest comparisons to Christianity. They do everything they can to deny, obfuscate, and spin reality in order to parrot the politically correct mindless group think.

The only reason they say the things they say is that they see other ignorant radical leftists saying the same things. They do not want an honest discussion. They do not want to know anything about Islam. they do not operate according to principles and treat knowledge as a threat to their solidarity. They only know this one thing and that is to show their solidarity with Islam.
Yep, this thread is an example. DA JOOZ have nothing to do with this, but they're being used as leverage to deflect from the behaviors of the Regressive Left. To attack. To put you on the defensive. Because they realize that their solidarity with one religion is clear and obvious. The most regressive religion on the planet.

They'll clumsily and transparently pretend this is about fashion. FASHION. That's how deeply dishonest they are.

They can deflect and lie and attack all they want. And they will. It's all they have. They can own it.
Guess what?

Nobody but Conservative bigots care if a woman chooses to wear a hijab
Who has said there is something wrong with a woman choosing to wear a hijab?

Please point that out, and I will tell them that I disagree with them.
I didn't write the OP
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