Why don't Democrats give Trump the wall in exchange for something big?

I was thinking about this yesterday and apparently the Democrats have introduced a bill in the house that makes gerrymandering illegal, makes it a national holiday on election day, makes it illegal to donate large amounts of money without disclosing who gave the money, makes it illegal to wipe voter registrations and a few other things I have forgotten.

Now I read that there is zero chances of this bill even making it to the Senate but what if the Democrats went to Trump and said "we will give you the wall, all of it, we will give you all the money you need for it, we will even allow you to paint it gold and put your name on it, but in exchange we want this voting bill to get through. You agree to that, and you have a deal"

I mean, making gerrymandering illegal alone would help Democrats a lot, and while the Republicans would hate it, I think they could convince Trump to go for it since they could tell Trump "you know you are not getting elected again without that wall, this is your chance to get it built".

I mean, is there any reason why the Democrats would not do this, would not do something that would potentially help them a lot in the future, even if it does mean having to agree to Trump's wall?

The Democrats benefit from gerrymandering as well as the GOP. Same for soft money. Voting holiday? Interesting.. the problem with making a deal is that whatever you want if you are the Democrats, you have to 1) get it first because Trump can’t be trusted. 2} Make sure it is structurally unassailable by counter legislation or inactivity. Healthcare for example.

I could be wrong but couldn't you put the legislation in the same bill that funds the wall so both have to be done at the same time?

Also I agree Democrats benefit from gerrymandering too, but as a general rule the Republicans benefit more from it.

If you’re the Democrats, you wouldn’t want to put it in the same bill. You’d want your own moment in the sun.

Gerrymandering? Lets say you get rid of it; the blue states will still be blue, the red states will still be red, the House will probably not change all that much except you’d have more purples seats. Its not much of a political win for either party.

I see where you’re going though.
This is America, if you have kids you should take care of your kids.. where are the fathers? Why don’t you democrats start a go fund me for things you believe in like republicans have done to raise money? Start it up lol

'you democrats'. i am not a (D), so you fail right from the start. what are 'entitlements' in your view? SNAP? many elderly, vets, & active military receive food stamps. social security? medicare? people worked for & earned those benefits. housing & medicaid? lol.... of course children need to be taken care of by their parents. however safety nets are there for those who don't or can't. (R)s wanna overturn roe v wade, but will do nothing to help those once born. children shouldn't suffer. nor should the disabled.

but bigcorp should pay THEIR fair share, shouldn't they?
Big corps do, I hope the get another tax break so more poor people can work

thanx for proving to be just another poorly educated mook that trump loves long time.


the economy was much more prosperous when eisenhower was prez. wages were adequate enough for one paycheck to cover a mortgage & car & children. jobs are plentiful right now... but wages are still not caught up AND all those 'bonus' ' handed out last year? won't cover the increase in premiums.... & they not only have dried up, but most of the cash that bigcorp got went straight to stock buyback. in other words... not for workers, but for new lining for their pockets.

Yes poor people will struggle because most people live in big cities run by democrats who have made building codes only affordable for only the rich, the common jobs are now done by Latinos who do the job for far less because they live in a crowded house. Unions have destroyed private labor companies, and bidding in Boston only goes to the ones that can afford the new age building codes..
Not to mention what democrats have done to the American public education system...
I was thinking about this yesterday and apparently the Democrats have introduced a bill in the house that makes gerrymandering illegal, makes it a national holiday on election day, makes it illegal to donate large amounts of money without disclosing who gave the money, makes it illegal to wipe voter registrations and a few other things I have forgotten.

Now I read that there is zero chances of this bill even making it to the Senate but what if the Democrats went to Trump and said "we will give you the wall, all of it, we will give you all the money you need for it, we will even allow you to paint it gold and put your name on it, but in exchange we want this voting bill to get through. You agree to that, and you have a deal"

I mean, making gerrymandering illegal alone would help Democrats a lot, and while the Republicans would hate it, I think they could convince Trump to go for it since they could tell Trump "you know you are not getting elected again without that wall, this is your chance to get it built".

I mean, is there any reason why the Democrats would not do this, would not do something that would potentially help them a lot in the future, even if it does mean having to agree to Trump's wall?
Because Trump's "wall" of fear, bigotry and hate is a waste of money and resources that will do little to provide border security.
Where doesn’t wall work?? Come one At least be intellectual
'you democrats'. i am not a (D), so you fail right from the start. what are 'entitlements' in your view? SNAP? many elderly, vets, & active military receive food stamps. social security? medicare? people worked for & earned those benefits. housing & medicaid? lol.... of course children need to be taken care of by their parents. however safety nets are there for those who don't or can't. (R)s wanna overturn roe v wade, but will do nothing to help those once born. children shouldn't suffer. nor should the disabled.

but bigcorp should pay THEIR fair share, shouldn't they?
Big corps do, I hope the get another tax break so more poor people can work

thanx for proving to be just another poorly educated mook that trump loves long time.


the economy was much more prosperous when eisenhower was prez. wages were adequate enough for one paycheck to cover a mortgage & car & children. jobs are plentiful right now... but wages are still not caught up AND all those 'bonus' ' handed out last year? won't cover the increase in premiums.... & they not only have dried up, but most of the cash that bigcorp got went straight to stock buyback. in other words... not for workers, but for new lining for their pockets.

Yes poor people will struggle because most people live in big cities run by democrats who have made building codes only affordable for only the rich, the common jobs are now done by Latinos who do the job for far less because they live in a crowded house. Unions have destroyed private labor companies, and bidding in Boston only goes to the ones that can afford the new age building codes..
Not to mention what democrats have done to the American public education system...

oh holy cow....eisenhower was also pro union. & i'm guessing you are in full support of ben carson & betsy devoes too, aren'tcha basket dweller?
Big corps do, I hope the get another tax break so more poor people can work

thanx for proving to be just another poorly educated mook that trump loves long time.


the economy was much more prosperous when eisenhower was prez. wages were adequate enough for one paycheck to cover a mortgage & car & children. jobs are plentiful right now... but wages are still not caught up AND all those 'bonus' ' handed out last year? won't cover the increase in premiums.... & they not only have dried up, but most of the cash that bigcorp got went straight to stock buyback. in other words... not for workers, but for new lining for their pockets.

Yes poor people will struggle because most people live in big cities run by democrats who have made building codes only affordable for only the rich, the common jobs are now done by Latinos who do the job for far less because they live in a crowded house. Unions have destroyed private labor companies, and bidding in Boston only goes to the ones that can afford the new age building codes..
Not to mention what democrats have done to the American public education system...

oh holy cow....eisenhower was also pro union. & i'm guessing you are in full support of ben carson & betsy devoes too, aren'tcha basket dweller?

Are you aware of what welfare has done to the black community and a democrat run public education system? It’s destroyed two generations... just facts
I was thinking about this yesterday and apparently the Democrats have introduced a bill in the house that makes gerrymandering illegal, makes it a national holiday on election day, makes it illegal to donate large amounts of money without disclosing who gave the money, makes it illegal to wipe voter registrations and a few other things I have forgotten.

Now I read that there is zero chances of this bill even making it to the Senate but what if the Democrats went to Trump and said "we will give you the wall, all of it, we will give you all the money you need for it, we will even allow you to paint it gold and put your name on it, but in exchange we want this voting bill to get through. You agree to that, and you have a deal"

I mean, making gerrymandering illegal alone would help Democrats a lot, and while the Republicans would hate it, I think they could convince Trump to go for it since they could tell Trump "you know you are not getting elected again without that wall, this is your chance to get it built".

I mean, is there any reason why the Democrats would not do this, would not do something that would potentially help them a lot in the future, even if it does mean having to agree to Trump's wall?
The Democrats voted for this in 2007.

These same Democrats have been offered $800 Million to help alleviate the humanitarian crisis caused by illegals knowing they would not get in legally yet choosing to make the long, dangerous trek to our southern border with the intent to physically and illegally force their way into the United States.

--- Pelosi and Schumer responded by saying, 'No Deal. We will not give THIS PRESIDENT (nothing about the American people) a 'win'.'

These same Democrats have been offered to reinstate parts of a previous Obama program that allowed Guatemalan children to file for coming to the states legally (allowing them to have a foot-hold in the country their parents / family could then use to come here).

-- Pelosi and Schumer responded by saying, 'No deal. The President will get nothing he wants', refusing an offer that would benefit the United States and the foreigners they claim to care for so much.

These same Democrats have been offered a LEGAL, CONSTITUTIONAL 'Dream Act'.

-- The Democrats have rejected this deal as well, just as they rejected the 'Dream Act' deal earlier when the GOP offered to give them everything they asked for. Walking away from the deal exposed the fact that they really did not want a deal, did not want to solve an issue for Latinos, and instead just wanted to have the issue to use to emotionally manipulate Latinos into turning out at election time for them...causing many to walk away from the Democratic Party.

The day after it was announced that Donald Trump won the WH D-Schumer rushed to the microphone to announce to the world that the Democratic Party was 100% committed to Obstruction, to Resistance, and to Undermining any and all progress the President and GOP attempted to accomplish for the American people.

In the heat of the moment in the wake of a emotionally raw Presidential election defeat, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer were accidentally brutally honest and exposed who they and the Democratic party are - a radical far-left PARTY-Before-Country, self-serving, bitter, angry, hate-filled/driven traitors who vowed to do everything in their power to prevent the nation from seeing success under the governmental control of the Republican Congress and President.

And so far they have kept their word and continue to do so.....

The Democrats have demonstrated their idea of compromise is the GOP surrendering full control and decision-making of the federal government to them without getting anything in return. The Democrats do not want negotiation and compromise - they want a Socialist dictatorial regime in which their demands / will is IMPPOSED / accepted without compromise...

...and the Democrats are willing to stand with violent illegals, human traffickers, drug cartels, MS13 gangs, thieves, rapists, pedophiles, murderers - COP KILLERS, etc...in closing down the government to ensure our sovereignty is NOT ensured, to ensure our borders remain porous and open, to ensure illegal immigration continues, to continue to ensure illegal votes keep flowing in to help them regain and hold onto power - as we witnessed in Broward country last election, and to ensure the violent illegals and criminals flowing into the US and victimizing Americans can continue to do so while having the full protection of Democrat-run federal law-violating Sanctuary Cities!

No compromise. No other options! They demand this and reject anything but this, as has been proven and continues to be proven by this latest rejection of the deal offered.
That ship has sailed: in February Trump was offered $25 billion for his wall in exchange for path to citizenship for dreamers.
For me, DACA for the wall money seems a fair compromise.

Let's see who caves on what and by how much.

No, actually, it isn't. A wall is an immoral monument to racism and hate.

We can wait a few years for DACA.

Building a border wall is racist? Not with you there.

And you want to go and tell that to those people who patrol the borders? See how much they would like it if you took all the walls down because you thought they were an 'immoral monument to racism and hatred'?

My guess is they would not be too gaga about it.
right now the WIC (women, infants & children) program is being run on emergancy funds & will run out of cash in february. so much for protecting those innocent little babies. that is the (R) mantra- love the fetus....hate the child, cause once that umbiblical cord is cut - then they are all just welfare leeches.

SNAP will run out of funding in february as well. trump is gonna have a lot of hungry people that will be blaming him.
This is America, if you have kids you should take care of your kids.. where are the fathers? Why don’t you democrats start a go fund me for things you believe in like republicans have done to raise money? Start it up lol

'you democrats'. i am not a (D), so you fail right from the start. what are 'entitlements' in your view? SNAP? many elderly, vets, & active military receive food stamps. social security? medicare? people worked for & earned those benefits. housing & medicaid? lol.... of course children need to be taken care of by their parents. however safety nets are there for those who don't or can't. (R)s wanna overturn roe v wade, but will do nothing to help those once born. children shouldn't suffer. nor should the disabled.

but bigcorp should pay THEIR fair share, shouldn't they?
Big corps do, I hope the get another tax break so more poor people can work

thanx for proving to be just another poorly educated mook that trump loves long time.

Why can’t libs understand economics lol people with money create jobs, if you take their money they close up and no one works.. what don’t you understand?

Giving the wealthy more money does not create jobs
Increased demand for product and services created jobs
thanx for proving to be just another poorly educated mook that trump loves long time.


the economy was much more prosperous when eisenhower was prez. wages were adequate enough for one paycheck to cover a mortgage & car & children. jobs are plentiful right now... but wages are still not caught up AND all those 'bonus' ' handed out last year? won't cover the increase in premiums.... & they not only have dried up, but most of the cash that bigcorp got went straight to stock buyback. in other words... not for workers, but for new lining for their pockets.

Yes poor people will struggle because most people live in big cities run by democrats who have made building codes only affordable for only the rich, the common jobs are now done by Latinos who do the job for far less because they live in a crowded house. Unions have destroyed private labor companies, and bidding in Boston only goes to the ones that can afford the new age building codes..
Not to mention what democrats have done to the American public education system...

oh holy cow....eisenhower was also pro union. & i'm guessing you are in full support of ben carson & betsy devoes too, aren'tcha basket dweller?

Are you aware of what welfare has done to the black community and a democrat run public education system? It’s destroyed two generations... just facts

This is America, if you have kids you should take care of your kids.. where are the fathers? Why don’t you democrats start a go fund me for things you believe in like republicans have done to raise money? Start it up lol

'you democrats'. i am not a (D), so you fail right from the start. what are 'entitlements' in your view? SNAP? many elderly, vets, & active military receive food stamps. social security? medicare? people worked for & earned those benefits. housing & medicaid? lol.... of course children need to be taken care of by their parents. however safety nets are there for those who don't or can't. (R)s wanna overturn roe v wade, but will do nothing to help those once born. children shouldn't suffer. nor should the disabled.

but bigcorp should pay THEIR fair share, shouldn't they?
Big corps do, I hope the get another tax break so more poor people can work

thanx for proving to be just another poorly educated mook that trump loves long time.

Why can’t libs understand economics lol people with money create jobs, if you take their money they close up and no one works.. what don’t you understand?

Giving the wealthy more money does not create jobs
Increased demand for product and services created jobs

Lol yes new investment create new jobs expanding.. all of the above..

the economy was much more prosperous when eisenhower was prez. wages were adequate enough for one paycheck to cover a mortgage & car & children. jobs are plentiful right now... but wages are still not caught up AND all those 'bonus' ' handed out last year? won't cover the increase in premiums.... & they not only have dried up, but most of the cash that bigcorp got went straight to stock buyback. in other words... not for workers, but for new lining for their pockets.
Yes poor people will struggle because most people live in big cities run by democrats who have made building codes only affordable for only the rich, the common jobs are now done by Latinos who do the job for far less because they live in a crowded house. Unions have destroyed private labor companies, and bidding in Boston only goes to the ones that can afford the new age building codes..
Not to mention what democrats have done to the American public education system...

oh holy cow....eisenhower was also pro union. & i'm guessing you are in full support of ben carson & betsy devoes too, aren'tcha basket dweller?
Are you aware of what welfare has done to the black community and a democrat run public education system? It’s destroyed two generations... just facts
I see with my own eyes
the economy was much more prosperous when eisenhower was prez. wages were adequate enough for one paycheck to cover a mortgage & car & children. jobs are plentiful right now... but wages are still not caught up AND all those 'bonus' ' handed out last year? won't cover the increase in premiums.... & they not only have dried up, but most of the cash that bigcorp got went straight to stock buyback. in other words... not for workers, but for new lining for their pockets.
Yes poor people will struggle because most people live in big cities run by democrats who have made building codes only affordable for only the rich, the common jobs are now done by Latinos who do the job for far less because they live in a crowded house. Unions have destroyed private labor companies, and bidding in Boston only goes to the ones that can afford the new age building codes..
Not to mention what democrats have done to the American public education system...

oh holy cow....eisenhower was also pro union. & i'm guessing you are in full support of ben carson & betsy devoes too, aren'tcha basket dweller?
Are you aware of what welfare has done to the black community and a democrat run public education system? It’s destroyed two generations... just facts
I see with my own eyes

You believe the myth. Helping those who need help does not create poverty

Poor people have never done better with less assistance
Yes poor people will struggle because most people live in big cities run by democrats who have made building codes only affordable for only the rich, the common jobs are now done by Latinos who do the job for far less because they live in a crowded house. Unions have destroyed private labor companies, and bidding in Boston only goes to the ones that can afford the new age building codes..
Not to mention what democrats have done to the American public education system...

oh holy cow....eisenhower was also pro union. & i'm guessing you are in full support of ben carson & betsy devoes too, aren'tcha basket dweller?
Are you aware of what welfare has done to the black community and a democrat run public education system? It’s destroyed two generations... just facts
I see with my own eyes

You believe the myth. Helping those who need help does not create poverty

Poor people have never done better with less assistance
That’s a myth
I was thinking about this yesterday and apparently the Democrats have introduced a bill in the house that makes gerrymandering illegal, makes it a national holiday on election day, makes it illegal to donate large amounts of money without disclosing who gave the money, makes it illegal to wipe voter registrations and a few other things I have forgotten.

Now I read that there is zero chances of this bill even making it to the Senate but what if the Democrats went to Trump and said "we will give you the wall, all of it, we will give you all the money you need for it, we will even allow you to paint it gold and put your name on it, but in exchange we want this voting bill to get through. You agree to that, and you have a deal"

I mean, making gerrymandering illegal alone would help Democrats a lot, and while the Republicans would hate it, I think they could convince Trump to go for it since they could tell Trump "you know you are not getting elected again without that wall, this is your chance to get it built".

I mean, is there any reason why the Democrats would not do this, would not do something that would potentially help them a lot in the future, even if it does mean having to agree to Trump's wall?
Because Trump cannot be counted on to keep his word. He's reneged twice already on Wall funding. I'd say you can't run a republican govt without having compromise and credibility you keep your end of bargains ... but we seem to be living that out in real time.
thanx for proving to be just another poorly educated mook that trump loves long time.


the economy was much more prosperous when eisenhower was prez. wages were adequate enough for one paycheck to cover a mortgage & car & children. jobs are plentiful right now... but wages are still not caught up AND all those 'bonus' ' handed out last year? won't cover the increase in premiums.... & they not only have dried up, but most of the cash that bigcorp got went straight to stock buyback. in other words... not for workers, but for new lining for their pockets.

Yes poor people will struggle because most people live in big cities run by democrats who have made building codes only affordable for only the rich, the common jobs are now done by Latinos who do the job for far less because they live in a crowded house. Unions have destroyed private labor companies, and bidding in Boston only goes to the ones that can afford the new age building codes..
Not to mention what democrats have done to the American public education system...

oh holy cow....eisenhower was also pro union. & i'm guessing you are in full support of ben carson & betsy devoes too, aren'tcha basket dweller?

Are you aware of what welfare has done to the black community and a democrat run public education system? It’s destroyed two generations... just facts

If the wall won’t work why not give him the money and lock up 2020?

The wall would certainly help Trump with his 2020 election campaign, but making gerrymandering illegal and making it much easier to vote would really help the Democrats in 2020 as well. It would also keep on helping the Democrats well beyond 2020 as well.
Easier to vote? Why is it hard now?

Well for instance making the election a public holiday would make it much easier to vote, as would making it illegal to wipe voter registration roles as having to continually re-register to vote would turn a lot of people away.

ALso possibly creating more polling places, or increasing the amount of time people have to submit postal votes.

What holiday are we looking to give up to gain the election day holiday?
National security as a bargaining chip for something big? Thank God these idiots weren’t around in 42. What a disgrace.
If the wall won’t work why not give him the money and lock up 2020?

Because the American people can't afford it. Because there are so many real NEEDS in the country which are not being met to pay for a bloated military. And a penal system which is in the business of jailing young men of color in facilities which basically rent out their labour for cheap, and which these prisoners have no option of declining. This is slavery in modern day America, which everyone ignores.

Then there's the opiod crisis which is was neither started nor fueled by cheap drugs coming across the southern border, but which is being started and fueled by Big Pharma and their push to sell opiod painkillers.

I know of a couple who met in drug rehab - who have both lived clean and sober for 15 years, and who have both had serious pain issues in the past year due to a car accident, who have had to tell their physicians over and over that they will not take opoids because of past drug problems. Despite their past history and their ongoing refusals, their doctors are STILL continue to recommend opoids for this couple.

Nearly 100,000 people died last year because of opoid addiction, and still Big Pharma continues and unfettered push for doctors to prescribe these drugs. And now these Big Pharma vultures have jacked the price on the antidote to their poisons. This is a crime being committed in the open, and yet Trump focuses on drugs coming across the southern border.
National security as a bargaining chip for something big? Thank God these idiots weren’t around in 42. What a disgrace.

If there is a real national security crisis at the Southern Border, why is Trump shutting down the government. Shouldn't he keep the government open to deal with it?

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